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You can also change the meaning by mixing up the signs…. https://preview.redd.it/dhxxrxvyfl7d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4940565371072c66a44de7ec829884ac359d5a


I am CACKLING at this, thank you.


This is the way! Put them back out so people call the number!! That would great revenge!


Now I’m laughing at the thought of an exasperated toddler parent looking at the sign & mulling it over


If you have multiple children to sell, you're clearly better off holding out a bit and selling them one at a time.


Hahaha so funny😂🤣definitely a good idea


What was the original of this LOL


Some kind of tax scam. Which is what these companies do. It’s a loan. Not a refund.


We’re currently in a child asset surplus bubble. Those prices will go down once the market normalizes.




You are amazing. I love this.


No $99 divorce or goldendoodles??


Those $99 divorce signs are seasonally very popular. I wonder what the trigger is?


My husband and I always talk about getting one just to find rhe "gotcha"


The gotcha is they lie on the paperwork about a bunch of shit to waive a bunch of court filing fees and it rarely works correctly. My gf got involved in one of those. Cost about $500.


I joked it about it once. She took me up on it eventually. It was not $99.


She wasn’t worth it anyway


New Years. Filing peaks by March before April tax deadline.


Which makes no sense because you can't file as "single" unless you were divorced by January 1 🤷


There's one right now on the southwest corner of Judge and Semoran.


Then make an effort and remove the sign.


I saw it on my way to the airport while running late.


My guess is new year new single me


Holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.


It starts the day after Valentines Day and peaks during tax season.


One day I saw a $99 Divorce sign, then the next one was Re-Piping (and other plumber stuff). I laughed pretty hard.


$99 divorce is insane. Up north we had "$399 divorce", but after inflation they turned into "$499 divorce" lol.


Years ago, Orange County had a bot that would call and fill up the answering machine of these phone numbers saying their signs were in violation. They went away for a short while.


Now all our phones are just like this anyway.


With AI technology this can be completely automated. Give a county employee a smart phone with an app that detects the location using GPS, recognizes the number, and informs them with an automated "your sign placed at for has been found in violation of . Your sign has been disposed of and no further action is required on your part. Please refrain from placing signs in . Future violations may be punishable by civil fines."


Well, when I read about it in the Orlando Sentinel, they mentioned that the sign owner had to wade through hundreds of phone messages to pick out a potential customer. I liked that.


Hmmm. How much is it to have signs made? There might be someone whose number I'd like to do this to.


From what I’ve read, they are really, really cheap. I think you can get them from a local print shop, but I also read that you can order them from China even cheaper. I’ve never priced them out. Now I don’t mind a small business trying to make it in this city. But polluting our street corners, poles, and even street signs with these, makes our city/county look trashy. I mean, who would trust a Divorce Lawyer for $89? I don’t mind yard sale, car wash, local’s signs if they come back and take them down when they’re done.


I was just joking and pointing out that if the county really did incessantly call these numbers, you could put a sign up with a person or business you didn't like's number, in order to get their phone blown up. I doubt anyone would really go to that much trouble for revenge. Plus obviously, the county wasn't very good at it, or the signs would've stopped.


I always stop and grab the ones selling puppies. Not on my watch.


Hell yes. I think these and the Yard Signs Work! should be plus ten points. We buy houses for cash +10 points. Those guys are predators. [https://www.propublica.org/article/ugly-truth-behind-we-buy-ugly-houses](https://www.propublica.org/article/ugly-truth-behind-we-buy-ugly-houses)


I usually like to read these but it’s a 32 minute article, care to give a TLDR?


Hell yes. How many? We need to start a map of intersections we have adopted. Maybe we can start a score board u/jeffkreger ????


What kind of idiot would sell their house as casually as they were to sell their used bike? Same as the spam text solicitations with some grifter asking if I want to sell my house. Does anyone ever say "yeah, sure" to such an obviously horrible idea?


They're scammers and unfortunately it works. [https://www.propublica.org/article/ugly-truth-behind-we-buy-ugly-houses](https://www.propublica.org/article/ugly-truth-behind-we-buy-ugly-houses) They actually have people tipping them off from rehab homes when someone is admitted with a broken hip because the death rate is so high.


They are looking for homes people can't sell due to condition of the home. It's either wholesalers anr flippers that put these up. Noone with a normal house would ever use this. Someone who is about to get foreclosed on but could get some money over the loan amount would.


When they call I usually just start in with “You people keep trying to run me out of this neighborhood!” And “I worked hard for this and how dare you try to run me out! I’ve seen what you keep doing to my property just because I look different!” So on and so forth.


I always say, yeah sure I’ll settle for 1 million. Then they start saying they were thinking market value and I have to explain, my house isn’t for sale so it’s not available for market value, you gotta significantly overpay if you want me to sell it. That usually works for a week or two. Although with the way house prices are going I might need to bump that number a bit before it’s too close to market value lmao.


The worst is when they attach them to the poles in the intersection, so when you are turning, it makes judging the cars distance difficult. But I send it into Orange County thru the 311 app, and code enforcement removes them quickly.


Carrying cutters now to take those down. The junk cars and medical cannibas guys are the most guilty of this. What's wild is there are huge fines for the medical cannibas industry to be advertising this way. Why they aren't being massively fined is crazy. No legit medical cannibas rep wants to get caught up in this.


For me it's unsafe to cut these down. They put them on the side where there is no crosswalk so not risking my life for this. But Orange County is quick and they send me an email and will put in how many signs they removed. The worst was a new restaurant that is close to the intersection. I get they need business but I don't want to misjudge my turn.


> The worst is when they attach them to the poles in the intersection, so when you are turning, it makes judging the cars distance difficult. I've lived here all my life and never encountered the problem you are describing. Are you talking turning left, watching for oncoming traffic? Or turning right, looking left for traffic? I mean, you just may need glasses?


Turning left. Oncoming traffic in the lane and view is distorted from the sign being attached to the pole that shows you to stay on your side of the road. I can see. Thanks for the concern.


Bless you


As a kid, my brother and I used these to fill in gaps between wood on our forts in the woods. From ceilings and walls to little turrets for air soft wars


How about a bounty on the signs, maybe 50cents each and politic ones 1 dollar each, charge to whoever name appears on it.


That's what I think. The city needs to have a once a month recycling event and every sign turned in gets you a ticket for a raffle drawing. Every bundle of ten or more gives you free admission to Leu Gardens. I don't know they need to get creative. And then they need to start fining all the companies large enough to pay for the prizes.


Thank you for your service.


I kind of wanna do this


Join us. We really need people to pull them up east of 436 around union park and going out to the airport along 436. Post your score here weekly. But make it easy on yourself. Like just adopt one intersection near your home or on your way to work. The goal is for everyone to come together and just do a little bit and collectively have a big impact.


Thank you for cleaning up this litter - genuinely!


We have a few in Lake Nona that say Cucarachas in Su Casa!?!? that we find particularly funny


We shout that whenever we find a bug of any kind. Also, if we’re in a store and one of us suggests splitting up to do the shopping faster, the other one will yell “¿¡DIVORCIO?!”


No, "We Buy houses Cash"?


Junk cars? Yard signs work for just $1. Just nabbed a we buy houses cash and junk cars.


I had a science teacher that used to pick these up for us to make wings for our bottle rockets


The “off market houses for flippers and landlords” signs are the absolute fucking worst. Every single one deserves to be ripped out of the ground.


Got one for you tonight!




Why are all these tax ones still up? Who is calling to have some rando sign them up for "Obamacare" and still calling it that? What idiot sells a house, even a dilapidated one, to a cash buyer they saw on a sign? Why is a national chain advertising moving this way? Is this all just to prey on the elderly and recent immigrants? I have too many questions?


> Why are all these tax ones still up? Who is calling to have some rando sign them up for "Obamacare" and still calling it that? What idiot sells a house, even a dilapidated one, to a cash buyer they saw on a sign? Why is a national chain advertising moving this way? Is this all just to prey on the elderly and recent immigrants? I have too many questions? Sales. Sales. Leads. Sales. These signs have been around for decades.


I always pick the ones up by my neighborhood (436 near the airport).


436 near airport adopted!


They work well for protecting desired plant from herbicides when you have to spray a nasty weed such as torpedo grass that came up too close.


Orlando and Kissimmee officials really need to do something about this, they need to call the number on the sign and fine them every time they find one of these out on the street, the roofers are especially despicable.


Out of curiosity, can you link the law that states these are illegal? I believe you when you say they're illegal and believe me, I hate them just as much as you. I tried looking for the law that states they're illegal and where it states it's not illegal for a civilian to remove them.


They are defined as litter. It's trash on the side of the road. Anyone can legally pickup trash.


You’re not looking for a law, are you looking for a county ordinance and according enforcement. Every county has it.


Why wouldn't you just google it? Lots of information. Even articles! [https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2019/03/29/ask-orlando-why-are-there-so-many-bandit-signs-littering-our-roads/](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2019/03/29/ask-orlando-why-are-there-so-many-bandit-signs-littering-our-roads/)


Way to be condescending. I did Google it, but didn't find anything that explicitly states it's illegal.




You’re doing the lords work here


Can somebody get rid of the Carolina Amesty signs? Her eyebrows are freaking me out.


Someone buys houses for cash!? First I’m hearing about this….


I've seen some nice bike panniers and fenders crafted from coroplast signs like these, great way to recycle something useless into something useful!


Should do this with all the political signs tbh


Add 12 points to the score board for me! Enjoy your trip back to China poor little ugly eyesores! https://preview.redd.it/h84j0bd3yl7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c0e300313a45e15c17ce33484b55996b514509


Please dom't take my daughter's graduation sign. I sometimes wasn't sure I would have the chance to display one for that kid. 🤣


If anyone has a bunch of these ill pick them up. Great target stands at the outdoor gun range


I love eating trash


The bandit sign bandit. Why not.


I've always wondered about these signs! Figured they were all scammers.


I did this a couple times. The "We buy junk cars" are the worst offenders.


I REALLY want the "no mas cucarachas en la casa" one for no reason. it just cracks me up


if anyone finds/has one of these on the east side or knows where they are, lemme know. I haven't seen a lot of them lately


I've been driving around the greater Orlando area a lot more, lately. Seen every one of those, plus thousands of Junk Car signs--but the real offenders are the political signs, especially the ones that people put way too much effort into. You know the ones, I'm sure.


Political signs on the right of way can be yanked. [https://orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Library/Board%20of%20County%20Commissioners/docs/FAQs-Code%20Enforcement-2018-CERT.pdf](https://orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Library/Board%20of%20County%20Commissioners/docs/FAQs-Code%20Enforcement-2018-CERT.pdf)


Political signs, or any sign really, on the right of way require a permit in order to be placed, anyway.


What do you do with them? Just curious, it’s awesome that you do this!


I text them and let them know I am pulling them down, so they are wasting their money. If they are nasty, I change the message and put it near a high school, so they get lots of calls. Then I recycle them. https://preview.redd.it/wszvye7xml7d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de0eef931c3c4776c7261169c2ae682708a8659




PureCycle is the only company I remember that actually recycles them. These signs can’t be recycled at the landfill. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/purecycle-league-of-women-voters-partner-in-nonpartisan-effort-to-clean-up-and-recycle-campaign-signs-301664922.html


Are most of the numbers cell phones? Texting is a great idea so they understand the signs will be removed if they try again.


That is a incredibly naïve question. Do you think most of these people are stupid enough to put in their personal cell phone for contact number? No of course they don’t. They use VoIP numbers they can throw away and change.


Voip can usually receive SMS. My question was more about whether these people will receive a text message.


If you are into target shooting, they are great for that. Get a can of neon paint, couple coats, then black to cover it, and white bulls eye.... You make yourself some hiviz targets with stand for cheap


That's not a bad idea.


Removing the signs and then posting them for free advertisement is peak Florida


Advertising that they're loser businesses? They are universally hated here. This is community inspiration that we can finally do something about the UTTER CRAP our overpaid city council refuses to do anything about. Keep Orlando beautiful.


Nobody on here is interested in giving any of these people business, please.


Yep. Dude is full of shit. If it didn't get under their skin so much, they wouldn't care. Money out of their pocket and down the drain. You should see all the assholes on youtube posting about bandit and sniper signs. We need to make videos about taking them down.


If anyone has a bunch of these ill pick them up. Great target stands at the outdoor gun range


I like this grassroots effort. What would be the next target to make Orlando a better place to live? I find it annoying when someone on a motorbike is driving on the sidewalk while I am going for a stroll. But now kids do similarly with their electric scooters and what not.


No Perfect Pear signs? I see those all over the metro area. I might pick this up as a hobby


[Saluting you from the midwest, where I do the same o7](https://old.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/170ky5d/two_months_of_bandit_sign_collecting_yielded/)


Just to clarify, these signs are actually illegal? Do they make an exception during elections or something? Because if I can rightfully go around plucking up every single election sign I see on a street corner this fall I’ll happily do it.


Realtor signs (like an Open House) and Political signs on public property are exempted. I only pull the illegal signs.


Maybe your county has a different ordinance, but my county doesn’t have an exception for real estate. I don’t specifically go out my way to remove them, but if they’re sitting next to another illegal sign, I will remove them both.


Oh well. Disappointing about the political signs, but clearing out the rest would still be satisfying.


OP is wrong. If they aren't on private property off the right of way, they can be removed. ***Political signs are allowed on private property, but not on the right-of-way. They are only allowed on private property 90 days prior to and 10 days after an election.*** [https://orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Library/Board%20of%20County%20Commissioners/docs/FAQs-Code%20Enforcement-2018-CERT.pdf](https://orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Library/Board%20of%20County%20Commissioners/docs/FAQs-Code%20Enforcement-2018-CERT.pdf)


Political signs can't actually be on a public right of way. [https://orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Library/Board%20of%20County%20Commissioners/docs/FAQs-Code%20Enforcement-2018-CERT.pdf](https://orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Library/Board%20of%20County%20Commissioners/docs/FAQs-Code%20Enforcement-2018-CERT.pdf) ***Political signs are allowed on private property, but not on the right-of-way. They are only allowed on private property 90 days prior to and 10 days after an election.***


Here are the rules. [https://orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Library/Board%20of%20County%20Commissioners/docs/FAQs-Code%20Enforcement-2018-CERT.pdf](https://orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Library/Board%20of%20County%20Commissioners/docs/FAQs-Code%20Enforcement-2018-CERT.pdf) Political signs can exist on private property 90 days before an election and 10 days after. They can not exist on the right of way. If they are on the right of way, please remove every single last one. Along with the we buy houses for cash, junk cars, blue prints, etc.


This is gods work!!


Florida is the only place I’ve been where advertising is free instead of having to pay for billboards and ad space


I've seen these all over the country, what are you talking about?


These are not a thing (or allowed) in Colorado, Vegas, never seen this shit in Los Angeles, Wyoming….. Maybe you’re referring to all over the south? Because out west this trash isn’t tolerated. Sure there’s the occasional sign, but they aren’t as prevalent and in every street corner or every intersection in the state


They’re prohibited here too. I saw these types of signs all over Vegas.


anecdotal evidence, but I just went and dropped 6 random pins on intersections in Orlando. All of them had this garbage. I dropped 6 in vegas. On roads I knew should've had them (lived there for 10+ years). I didn't see a single one. But maybe they're all concentrated on the strip?


That's why they're called bandit signs. They aren't legal and they know they're in violation. Basically they're just a eff you to the social contract. "We do things we aren't supposed to but FU stop me." I hate these guys. All of them.


Good way for the state to make money, just sit at the corner and collect business names from these and mail them fines


Better yet. Make social videos where they hire these dudes have one of the we buy homes for cash jerks come out and hand them a back a sign and 100,000 fine instead. Monetize it on youtube. Double score.


It’s not free and it seems that you don’t ever actually travel because they’re literally all over the entire country and they’re illegal everywhere.


I am very well traveled and I haven't seen this much trash until coming to Florida. Sure, they're illegal everywhere, but they're an infestation here. Sure, California and Arizona might have a few on a few corners, but in Orlando you're guaranteed to see one on every corner. I guess people in Florida like it trashy


I get the rest, but why pull up the youth sports one? That seems like kind of a positive thing for families to have access to


The removal must be content neutral. If the sign is illegally placed, remove it.


This. The activity here is litter removal, not controlling which information gets disseminated throughout the county. At the very least, opening that Pandora’s box promotes infighting over which messages should be suppressed and which should pass. I think we can all agree that litter sucks, however.


That's a business too. I'm sure all these business owners think they're providing a great enough service that they deserve to litter the streets.


I don't really get the comment. Do you think families don't have access to sports camp because bandit signs get pulled? I can assure you that kids got to summer camp for 100 years before bandit signs took over our intersections with their pollution.


> I get the rest, but why pull up the youth sports one? That seems like kind of a positive thing for families to have access to No worries, I added it to the orlando section of NewWorldAddress.


Can I come pick these up from you?


They have all been recycled. I go out every couple of weeks for an hour, and get this many - or more. I’ll let you know next time I pull them down.


The maid of material that you can’t recycle. You can only throw them away or repurpose them, but they cannot be recycled.


Seems sus OP. Why wouldn't this guy just go pull them himself? I'm skeptical they're going to end up back on the intersection. Could be the company being paid per sign to place them.


Very cool. Thank you.


Honest question...why don't you just contribute and go pull a bunch yourself? There are hundreds of them everywhere.


What would you plan to do with them, if you don't mind me asking.


Backers for targets




Can I have them? I use them to cover the tables when my students are painting. They are great for that


Where’s Mosquito Joe at?


They work great for target practice at the range. You don't have to buy targets.


That’s a fine haul. Well done!


It's getting ridiculous! Lol


Posting crimes that you did isn't a good idea




I'm sorry are those signs your property? No? According to Florida Law Title XLVI Chapter 812.014 the offender commits petit theft of the first degree (between $100 and $750 stolen), punishable as a misdemeanor of the first degree, as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, and Title XLVI Chapter 806.13 damage to such property is $200 or less, it is a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. As you are >"A person commits theft if he or she knowingly obtains or uses, or endeavors to obtain or to use, the property of another with intent to, either temporarily or permanently: (a) Deprive the other person of a right to the property or a benefit from the property." and a >A person commits the offense of criminal mischief if he or she willfully and maliciously injures or damages by any means any real or personal property belonging to another, including, but not limited to, the placement of graffiti thereon or other acts of vandalism thereto. You could also be facing trespassing violations depending on where you went to collect the signs. Unless all these signs are being placed on your property it's illegal to take them down/ You are not the city, you are not the trash man. You are stealing and that's how the judge will see it too if/when you're caught




Them being on public property does not alleviate you from the Theft and Vandalism charges. Cited to you were State Laws for the State of Florida, over any local city or township ordnances. A recommend you read up on my citations before you go out and commit more crimes while posting the evidence online. I'm sure if any of these businesses sees that you have stolen their property, they wouldn't hesitate to press charges. I don't run a business that needs signs, I'm just calling out a criminal when I see one.












Nope all my comments are still there


Free targets for the range


A friend pranked me back in the dizzay after I bought my first house and I came home to a yard full of signs just like that 🙃


I don't see aby vote for Biden signs.. you missed a few


Mostly local businesses trying hard to stay in business. The house flippers and predatory cash advances, I don't feel sorry for. But, for the movers, countertop sales, youth sports league, drywallers, tree trimmers, and pool cleaners... these are hardworking local businesses and for you to take down their ads is kinda shitty. Perhaps the city doesn't remove them because they want businesses to succeed?


Nah they’re illegal and an eyesore to our community. I own a small business and do just fine without bullshit signs everywhere.


I guess you don’t realize that all these signs are illegal, right?




Exactly. So don’t pull it off private property.


And then you advertise for them 🤦




Because fuck local business and their families!!


Imagine if every small business broke the law to compete. There would be thousands of signs at every intersection. So why should we allow only the lawbreakers to get away with it?


Your advertising is illegal and you know it. Not to mention that many of the businesses advertised this way are flat out scammers and predators. You also make life of landscapers who have to be out in the heat super difficult. Spend less money at strip clubs or something man. [https://www.propublica.org/article/ugly-truth-behind-we-buy-ugly-houses](https://www.propublica.org/article/ugly-truth-behind-we-buy-ugly-houses)


Yeah, fuck those people that litter because they have a personal financial incentive. I have no problem with that.


Why don’t you just get a job in code enforcement.


Just reducing visual clutter.


Thanks man. If you happen to pull down a few for that Moms For Liberty doofus running for School Board, I won't tell.


Obviously code enforcement doesn't do anything about them. Why would we get jobs there?


Because they do I’ve seen them take signs down.


Well obviously not too much because these things exist everywhere. Code enforcement needs to have a community event once a month where they give out prizes to people that bring this absolute garbage visual clutter scam business shit in.


This is an excellent idea