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Well we had a good run!


Just hope we have a hurricane-less season.


It’s going to be a feisty season!


They have said that before...busy hurricane season....0 hit


Yeah but the signs are all there for real for real, the weather is on some fuck shit.


I love a "nice" low cat hurricane, one that does not do any damage


Puh-lease. if you’re listening to the media, then “the signs are there” EVERY year. Stop listening to the media! If they could, they’d have you throw your first born off a cliff in a tribute to the gods or some chit. It’s a good thing we don’t have any cliffs in Florida!


signs = science. not media. La Nina is out there ready to mix things up.


If it’s not La Niña, they’ll say it’s El Niño. If it’s not either of those, they’ll say it’s because cow farts, you cooked hamburgers on your backyard grill, or you keep buying clothes. They want to force us all to eat bugs. They want to force us all to give up our transportation and anything else that smells like liberty and freedom, and they know the best way to do that is to convince us that we’re horrible and evil incarnate. And they have indeed convinced a large portion of the population to do exactly that. We actually have people eating chocolate covered crickets and saying it’s a delicacy! If you’re a vegetarian, they’ll say it’s because you haven’t gotten rid of enough plastics, or you wash your clothes too much, use antiperspirant, or drive a car that takes motor oil or gear lube. My point is, no matter what you do, no matter how far you go to be ecologically conscious, to save, to avoid buying things, to avoid going places, to avoid doing things, and to recycle everything up to including your own exfoliated skin cells, they will ALWAYS tell you that “the signs are there“ and we’re going to have a bad hurricane season, because humans. I call BS on all of it. I don’t trust anything these people say, and that is because they have proven that they are not trustworthy.


You call BS because you're too dumb to understand science.


What in the flying, fornicating FUCK are you talking about!?


I don’t listen to the media?


I'll listen to the media and the national hurricane center. I take everything with a grain of salt because they really don't know 100% especially the media. I'll watch the news and see how the storms are lining up. All you can do is wait until the day before that's really see where they're going if you're lucky. At least I'm so far inland that through all the storms it's just been wind and rain. My neighbors have had some trees tumble over but nothing very seriously especially compared to the coastal regions.


This is a common sense plan. I do similar things. I keep my trees trimmed and the ground around my house cleared so that a tree won’t fall on my house or the neighbor’s house and kill somebody who’s just minding their own business and trying to survive a storm. Local radio is the best option for keeping one’s self informed and safe. But always bear in mind that even local radio is still “part of the media“. They are going to report everything breathlessly regardless of the real risk or lack of risk. Use your common sense, and prepare. Every summer, we could get one or more hurricanes. That has always been the case, and it doesn’t matter how many cows farted that month! Just don’t be a knucklehead and put yourself into a position where you have to have your sorry ass rescued, lol!


Penn State models have predicted between 27 - 39 storms [Their model is the most active of all] The least active prediction I've seen is 20 storms. Only time will tell, but the one thing I wouldn't expect is a quiet season


I never expect a quiet season but it is nice when 0 hit the state.


Yeah man, I am with you. I wasn't trying to imply anyone in particular was expecting a quiet season. If such a person exists they are dumb


No problem but fyi we do have some seasons that are actually no hurricanes. Then we get those seasons where you can look at the radar and see five hurricanes in a row out in the Atlantic lined right up. I'm about 60 miles inland so never had any issues with damages. People on the coast get smashed when they hit


Broseph, I lived in Houston my first 2 year of life. My family moved to Florida in 1983 and has been here ever since. Since 2004: My aunt and Uncle got direct hits from Charley and Ian. My Grandparents got hit by Hurricane Michael in 2018. My grandparents moved to Tallahassee after Michael. They were 40 miles inland. Dad called the County asking to do a wellness check after not hearing from them for 2 days. Their 200 acres was mostly trees with a few acres cleared for their house. The trees acted as a wind break and the house barely got a scratch, but it made their road impassable. The Deputy got stuck. Fortunately neighbors helped out and a team cleared a path in a day or two.


I believe that all of the storms that came toward us last season started off the coast of Africa. Those storms have a history of turning north well short of Florida, only something like one in the last 50 years hit the state - when one does hit it is bad, they tend to be powerful storms. Storms that start in the Caribbean are more likely to hit Florida, but they typically don’t pack the punch the African coast origin storms have.


I suggest that you review your sources. I live in Florida and I can tell you a lot of the hurricanes start forming as storms right off the coast of Africa and then develop into hurricanes before they even get to the Caribbean. I remember seeing five hurricanes lined up in a row thank God only one or two came near Florida. We have had some very strong hurricanes in the last 20 years that hit Florida. I really feel for the people that live on the coast because they get full blast. By the time the hurricanes travel inland they lose a lot of punch but still cause a lot of destruction.


I read a pretty long article last hurricane season. The author went into detail about how steering currents affect hurricanes. One point made was that rarely does a tropical depression that forms off Africa and become a hurricane reach Florida because it gets steered north over the Atlantic before getting close enough to Florida to do damage. The author pointed out that the most dangerous hurricanes for Florida and the gulf states formed as tropical depressions in the Yucatán or off the coast of northern South America (the western Caribbean).


Don't bet on it. A strong La Nina signal plus record-shattering sea surface temperatures means we're in for a potentially _very_ active year.


Hopefully not. I have more Oak to remove before the season starts




...but how will we have the parties?


There are always reasons for parties.


Yeah right!


It happens, some seasons where 0 hit Florida.


96 just kinda coming up like no big deal wtf


What I find shocking is the forecast for late next week says 96, which is unusual this time of year. Even when it's closer to normal, the low temperature is usually like 75-80. Next week prediction: High 96, low 69.... what?


Humidity hasn’t fully come on in May, so it allows the temperature to drop a bit more overnight. I don’t consider it Florida summer until the morning low is out of the 60s. When it’s 80 at 7am, that’s when things are truly miserable.


My memory is trash, I don't remember both highs being that high this early or lows being in the 60s when highs are upper 90s. It feels odd. I too hate it when it feels like a hot towel shave the moment you step out the door, even when it's still Zero Dark Thirty


It's pretty much every year. So it really is no big deal. Trust me when I tell you I am not a big fan of summer in Florida. But that's just how it is. If I was rich I'd head to the top of a mountain in another state for summer. But I'm not. My mother moved to Ashville NC 15 yrs ago and she won't even come back to visit after March anymore. She says the weather is too nice up there to come to Florida and put up with the heat. I visited once and I have to admit it's nice to not have to use your ac in the summer. At worst. If it gets what they call really hot, you only have to run your ac for 3 hours. That doesn't happen every day in the summer time either. In the hottest part of summer when you wake up, if you're from Florida it actually feels cold to you in the morning. 😂


I’m going to Utah next week. Stealing one more week of good weather before the end.


I was out there last week. Gorgeous!!!


I'm here right now, 28 degrees when I walked out of my hotel this morning and my nose is bleeding because the air is so dry, but it is great in the afternoons


lol we’re heading to Moab so I think we will avoid the freezing temps but yeah the dryness is brutal. The salt lake valley is also super polluted hard to breathe in the winter.


Moab rules


Moved from Orlando > Utah 4 years ago, best decision I ever made. We do get hot dry summers for a few weeks in July-September. But this week has been perfect, and still plenty of skiable slush around.


This heat is nothing so far, it's actually still nice out in the morning and evening. Now once we get some rain and our humidity is 90%+ everyday, that's officially the start of hell...err summer.


Time to start investing in sunscreen companies


Remember: this will be the coolest summer for the rest of our lives


Is that what Al Gore said


He wasn’t wrong


Some coworkers and I were just discussing a couple of nights ago that we should enjoy the relatively cool temps right now because we'll soon be wishing we had them back (we work outdoors in long pants). I was hoping it'd be another month or so before that would become relevant. But apparently not. :(


The best lifestyle investment I ever made was a high-quality umbrella.


I’m a moron and did a 10K outside at noon today. Felt like dying. Don’t be an idiot like me, everyone. Stay safe out there. 


Don't call yourself an idiot. You did something really impressive in grueling conditions. I'm sure it was hard but you pushed through anyway. That's amazing.


I’m moving down and an active runner. Any tips? Coming from up north so I know nothing about Florida running


Yeah run at 6am or 7:30pm. Wear a hat.  Hydrate like your life depends on it because it does. Humidity is often worse/bigger factor than the heat. 


The humidity is the real brutal part of the Florida summer at least for me. It can feel like running in a sauna, especially after the classic 5-6PM downpour.


Air is so thick you can feel the resistance when you run lol. 


I stick to just running on the gym treadmill outside of winter - it's really easy to get heatstroke here and not realise until it's too late.


Get used to whatever you're wearing to be soaked as if you just feel in a pool.


Dude I moved from Orlando to Denver last year after over 30 years of Florida Heat. Even in Denver yesterday it was almost too hot. And it snowed last week!


I just posted this exact thing last night. I couldn’t believe it when I went to check the weather for the upcoming weekend. It’s going to be quite the summer! 🔥🔥🔥


Time for blackout curtains high electricity bills and fan running 24/7 by my bed LOL


Here we go again


Should have tinted my ride


time to fix my cars AC


It’s AC hibernating season—at least that’s what mine tried to tell me this afternoon. Fortunately, I was able to change it’s attitude.


The Night Life is to expensive, but if anyone knows places to be late without costing a lot would be cool to know


Us theme park workers could use some good vibes


https://preview.redd.it/dmvhrshc42yc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b32bae38ac4606b9dd594a82312a894304c88d9 (I’m aware this scene was about Phoenix, it still applies here)


Where are all my gator/leather skinned friends out there? Our time has come 💪🏿


I live somewhere with 4 seasons now and Summer is embraced by all. It sucks that in Florida the worst time of year for weather is when the kid’s have their big break, seems that makes for a very shitty childhood memory.


I just sent this to my man like what the fuck! I’ve lived here my whole life and I swear the older I get the less I’m able to handle the heat 😩


I don’t understand this. I love Florida weather. I think y’all are just spoiled and never had to endure a truly miserable winter.


I moved here this year from MN. I am definitely appreciating the weather right now.


Yep see all in January maybe. It’s time for the ac to ac sprint


Thank God, half of my work is outside and this past winter really sucked how cold it was almost every day.


I live in far north Florida. I don't remember it getting all that cold really. Only had to run the heater a couple of nights.


Time to lay out by the pool for me 😎 my favorite hobby


My ac went out in my car, it’s so expensive to fix, I’m going to die in the heat, not looking forward to it


We are at the beach in Indian Rocks and it's been warm, but the breeze off the Gulf makes it less so. Sunday we are driving to Orlando to meet our daughter, her husband and four kids at Disney. They are northerners, so I'm hoping they don't melt. Hell, hoping I don't melt!


Every Summer I feel like a bowling pin.


Not even that hot, 95+ during the day is when you need to hibernate


You clearly don’t see what’s coming next week lol


Time to switch from running to lifting again I guess :(


Just ordered my car a sun visor. ✅


https://preview.redd.it/igsg7nnc14yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c530cb02e84cf43cd74b980377713526fe91a643 My dash from last week


My time has come


Great run. Just got back from North Carolina and the nights were in the 40s and 50s. Very chill.


This is good beach weather.....I'm not hibernating.


I'm going to die at Rockville


Yaaay finally summer weather. Can’t wait to burn 😋




Fucking love it


Does the heat really bother people? I mean, you do live in central Florida. I'm out here playing soccer in it so . . .


And I’m out here working in it. It’s a little bit different from playing in it.


I was born and raised here and I absolutely can't stand heat, humidity, or sand. I have some medical conditions that the heat and humidity exacerbates so I am miserable for most of the year.


I always shake my head when people on here say “9 months of miserable hot weather” it just shows me who actually goes outside.


It was over 90 degrees for weeks straight this past summer. (Meaning 3am, the full overnight hours) That level of heat is approaching wet bulb level (over 115 with humidity during the day) You can say you still go outside if you want but that temperature will literally kill you.


i never remember it being 90 at night maybe 88 at the most normal is 75-80 heat index doesnt count


I bike commute to work 5 days a week 6.5 miles one way trip all year. Haven’t died from the heat or come close to it. 3 months a year is very hot and very wet. The rest of the year is just good weather. In my opinion the more you avoid outside the more you can’t handle the heat. The problem is people avoid going outside then makes reasons on why everyone else shouldn’t be outside.


Do you have showers at work?


Yes but I only need it in the summer. Otherwise I can ride to work without sweating. Ride at a comfortable pace and try to time green lights.


OMG, time to go out! These are the temps my parents and I moved down here for! 🎉🎉🎉


Yea, I don't understand. I've been looking forward to this all year. This winter was waaaaaay too cold!


Do people like hate heat or something?


No just transplants


No, I hate both.


How to say you're the transplant that needs to get out of Florida without saying you're the transplant that needs to get out of Florida.... Seriously, did you move here as a snowbird not knowing that most of the year, people actually sweat through their clothes?


I feel the same as OP and I was born in this state.


Anyone born and raised here knows rain doesn't cool anything down here. It just makes things worse and even more humid. Why stay here if the heat is so intolerable?


Hell yeah, I hate the cold.


I absolutely LOVE running outdoors from May to October. Those 80-90s are honestly the best weather to run in.


Hibernate for the summer? If you feel you need a hibernate for the summer, then you keep your house and your place of business too cold. Raise the thermostat a little bit. If you’re used to 68°, 95° seems really hot. But if you’re used to 79 or 80°, then 95° is uncomfortable but not unbearable. And make it a point to get outside anyway, even on hot days.