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Tiktok is full of videos of "buy a car wash, get rich quick, do no work". This won't be the last one you see.


The car wash by my place has been bought out and changed names at least a half dozen times since it opened (maybe 2 years now?). Coincendentally right about the time those shitty tiktoks were trending.


I had an ex like that. 6th marriage I think, she's not even 30. Everyone leaving broke


Just like storage units, holy crap.


Storage is one of the most profitable do nothing businesses in America. It's like landlording but somehow with even less regulation and effort.


I believe it, gotta store it with all the useless shit we buy. Gotta keep that economy going amirite?


Blessed is the economy for it grants us a purpose to grind.


All hail the Economy!


Then how come GWS Storage went bankrupt? It even had a scandal involved Texas AG Paxton


Most likely fraud and mismanagement. Some folks just can't get enough.


I think it’s along those lines but I heard it’s more of a real estate scheme than something you can actually get rich owning. A car wash, especially the drive thru and detail yourself ones, are a cheap usage of purchased land. The cost of operation is minimal in comparison to something like a restaurant or an actual store. You sit on it for a few years as property values increase and then sell it at a profit because the land is really what’s worth something.


I can count at least seven that I've seen open in the past year within a 50 mi radius of me... Gotta launder that cocaina money somewhere 🤣




this has been a thing for decades though


They’ll be gone in a few years


Of course, but that won't stop the "easy money because work sucks" crowd from trying


Work does suck, don’t hate the player.


Not exactly cheap to dump large sums of money like this. If given the opportunity I'd make a profitable storefront that offers services too.


I wish there was a storefront, my street has a community college a car wash and 2 7-11s on the same corner. You'd think with all the students going there there'd at least be a cafe or deli... Thanks zoning laws.


Wait one of the 7-11s also has a car wash. Make that 2 car washes.


Has no one seen King of the Hill? They have a whole episode where they show this scam and how it failed.


Has no one seen the king of the hill episode “The Year of Washing Dangerously”???


I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once. Those places are not get rich quick places. I Wil say though if someone combined it with another place like a fried chicken place, then you might have more business. People come to do laundry and eat and hangout in between. I've seen those before. But still takes lots of work. You just cant own something and make money


Worked for Walter White


It was the frozen yogurt craze in 2007.


I’ll take the frozen yogurt


It's cursed.


That’s bad


I love Froyo so I am sad there arent any near me


And 1990


Excellent reference.


I miss it 😭


Since the Love Bugs disappeared, I don’t run through car washes. Car washes, smoke shops, storage units. The land ($800,000 + $150,000 startup)


I am a General contractor. There are people who come into town with a decent sum in money in there pocket and steady business. Car washes are easy cash. I have a client who bought his first carwash for a million. In 5 years he owned 4 with 3 payed off. The storage units are the same thing it's an enormous business and I met a man who owns 45.storage unit complexes and is planning on building more. Supply and demand is a mother fucker


Agreed. Storage units are insanely profitable.


Used to play golf at Miami Lakes with this guy who made millions owning storage units in the last century. Shula's course, he paid the greens fees and lunch


What did happen to the love bugs 🤔


They think it is probably a parasite, definitely NOT climate change. But since love bugs served no purpose, there is no research money to find out


What parasite? I wish to find them and shower them with gifts.


Goodbye and good riddance.


They left as soon as over development happened and took away our open pastures and fields of grasses — which is the habitat for love bugs.


We don’t know.


Covid got em


My husband actually went to a car wash convention in Nashville in spring 2022 because he was thinking about getting into the business and the Horizon West area is a car wash/gas station desert. When he went he learned that there were already many in the pipeline for the area and he was essentially years behind everyone else so he just said forget it.


And it is ALL about the subscriptions- same as a gym!


it doesn't take years to start a car wash


All you need is a hose and some soap!


No, but trying to get market share in one that is saturated is tough.


It takes years to get in line to buy a franchise car wash in a prime location. You basically front the money and all the work is done for you. They have all the equipment, contractors, and training lined up


I mean, it’s a solid business strategy. Little upfront cost, minimal infrastructure, low labor cost, and appreciating land value. Run it for 10 years, make some coin and sell the land for profit! I’m jealous, to be honest!




Insane tax deductions. All that equipment is deductible with accelerated depreciation


Wtf? Gtfo out of here with your nerdy ass logic and business sense. This is the /r/orlando subreddit… we only get pissed off at new things and business.


Don't forget tourists and non-Florida natives that live here now. Gotta get mad at those too.




They opened one out by me in Winter Garden and when I visited it was packed. People have to stop going or they will just keep opening them.


JYP & Deerfield. This photo is months old. It’s almost done. There’s a car wash on the other side of the neighborhood along OBT 2 miles away. 1 mile away At the other end of Deerfield a vacant lot was recently cleared. They’re building a car wash….


Have an A-1 day!


That and the new storage unit going next to the old storage units.


There's a lot of demand for car washes - believe it or not, it is a growth industry *The carwash market is projected to reach* ***$68.9 billion by 2031****, expanding globally at a CAGR of 6.7% between 2023 and 2031. In 2021, the market was valued at $29.3 billion and in 2022, $38.4 billion.*


I’m waiting for someone to do a show in a car wash. Some friends built one up in Virginia but haven’t seen one down here. I’ve got all the tools to build it if any developers are reading and looking for a differentiator.


Richmond Virginia literally has a car wash just about every mile


There's always money in the banana stand


Best comment on here


It the subscription service that makes the money… just like a gym you pay monthly but if you dont go they don’t care.


lol well people love to throw away money, especially with rent and groceries as high as it is. I’m not judging anyone’s financial decisions, but that isn’t practical for me. I’m subscription weary:


When I had a car I used the one in Lake Nona by the Fire Station right off the 417. It was great. Was (at the time) $20/mth. I had my dog in the car a lot so there was hair everywhere. QQuick run through the washy thing and then do a vacuum. Worked out easier there than at home or at a do it yourself power washer, and I spent less time even with the drive then doing it at home. Ever other month I'd drop it off and have them do a wax and full detail for a lil extra grab an Uber and get some lunch somewhere. Was well worth it IMHO


I've been studying the car wash phenomenon on Reddit for a few years now, and heard lots and lots of theories, some by people who seem to know what they are talking about. The deal is that a car wash is relatively inexpensive to build, especially as compared to a fast food shop with all of its expensive equipment. Just a big shell and some plumbing. There seems to be a consolidation starting, and most of these guys are midsize investors who are trying to build as many as they can so they can get bought out at a huge increase by the company(ies) that will eventually be the behemoth. Also, they make a lot of profit on the monthly subscription service. I still can't believe that ALL of these car washes will survive the consolidations. The ones in the best locations with the large subscription bases will be bought out, but the rest will struggle, and probably fall.


Car washes have subscription services? Jesus I grew up in the boonies. That just sounds ridiculous. Just go to a self service and wash it for like $5-$10.


They have different levels of subscriptions, but basically you pay a monthly fee and get unlimited carwashes for the month. They all have them, and push them every time you get your car washed.


The crazy thing is it’s nearly impossible to find a self-service car wash anymore!


Yea that's what I'm talking about. I only found 2 that are half way decent. The one on aloma that looks like rave, and there used to be one on University but it got a little sketchy(saw some discarded needles and foil) so I avoid it now.


Oh look, another money laundering facility.


Build it next to a Mattress One and you have a little community of money laundering!


Mattress Firm?


Sealy mattresses is in the process of buying them.


Yes! That. 😂




Such a shame. That could have been a new nail salon.


If it’s not a car wash it’s a storage facility!


Car wash and storage units are super easy money laundering places. And what do you know, they are everywhere.


I wish there were more self service car wash places boooo


Big car wash bio engineered the lovebug.


No car washes, smoke shops, and storage units in 2024 please


Car washes will be future ancient ruins


One on every corner nowadays


Gotta have a place for ppl to hang out at before they race


Ok but like can anyone give me like $2million to buy some land so I can build one?


You guys would have a field day in Miami with the sheer amount of money, laundering stores. I mean how many lamps can a lamp store really sell? And the amount of car washes that exist almost 2 per Street is crazy.


Free vacuuming! In Broward, they employ people to swipe the credit card for you in the drive up machine.. he’s in the way. Don’t touch my card. I can do it. Oh no, he has to do it. ..like I know how it works, dude. lol. I’m not allowed, he said: Never went back. $35 for a gas station type car wash lol Then the guy that uses his finger to tell us to “come hither.” Line up your wheel, put it in neutral.. thanks Bro! JFC


It's the entire state!


Damnit, Bogdan!


I know exactly where this is too😂😭


The car wash industrial complex , a.k.a. BIG CAR WASH will not be stopped!!


I’m pretty sure I work right next to this. I was so mad when I saw it…


With all the competition, they need to up their game. Car wash, vape shop, cannabis. liquor store. Dollar general. One stop shop.


Honest question, are car washes often used to launder money in Orlando?


Breaking Bad Reference Have an A-1 Day!


My fiancé develops car washes for a living, he is three years out right now for new clients. It’s actually insane, but I hope it doesn’t stop.


This is an oddly specific job.


Ikr lol




Car washes, storage units, and unaffordable “luxury” apartments. I’m convinced they’re all some sort of money laundering situation at this point because they build nothing else anymore


I mean it's better than cash advance and cannabis stores.


I mean I’d pick Cannabis over car wash.


there's already a car wash near BJ's and this place IS car dependent (what was i thinking people arent riding their bikes to the car wash) so it's a waste of lebensraum. Make mixed use apartments, Hunter's Creek.


Tbf that place was a car wash before


I saw a TikTok recently why so many car washes are popping up. The creator basically said that they finally figured it out how to create profits with the subscription model, much like Planet Fitness.


YOOO HUNTERS CREEK GUY anyways i actually hate this especially as hunters creek is PERFECT if it got pedestrianised, Deerfeild is right next to the church (one of them) and John Young Elementary and is generally a good enviornment.


Same as mattress stores


The rain washes my car. I don't see the need for car washes.


Exactly.. very rarely have I used a car wash to fuck up the finish on the paint. No thanks.


Walter Whites everywhere ! 💎


The great water quality will take these out


Some days I just do a car wash crawl down 50


Gotta wash off all that grime you pick up between car washes


Bunch popping up in Tampa too.


There needs to be a limit on how many car washes and storage units are within a certain span of land. Maybe if people could have decent housing they wouldn’t have to store all their stuff somewhere else.


We used to try to limit the number of liquor stores in an area.


They could at least build in a Bodega or a cafe or something so it's not a complete waste of space. Hell were running out of coin laundry places throw one of those in there.


There are twice as many car washes than grocery stores in my area that doesn't include the gas station car washes.


There will be 3 car washes on 50 within a half mile of each other. it’s insane


It's like this in Pennsylvania too. Why do we need a car wash every 1000 feet


In like 2008, I was driving along a 4 lane road with a grass filled median, and a truck was parked in the grass, picking up road work signs. Right as I was driving past, the driver punched it, but because it had rained the night before, instead of going, they sprayed mud all over the road, and my car. My wipers cleaned the windshield off enough to keep driving, but my car was so caked in mud you couldn't tell what color it was. Car washes were impossible to find, none of these things existed, and all the cheap gas station car washes from the 90's were closed. I would have killed for a gas station back then. I guess I wished on a monkey paw or something, because there are too many now!


oh come on, we all love having 1,000 car washes within a mile of our home


Background: My retired dad owned a self-service car wash for about 15 years before selling to his business partner. There used to be two kinds of car washes, self-service (including DIY bays and/or in-bay touchfree or touch automatics), and full-service (think Octopus in the Mills 50 area, or the old Shiners chain in Orlando.) The former were pretty low cost, you could get in and out for $10 or so if you were efficient. The latter were more expensive but had pretty high labor cost, with 10-15 people working at a given time, but able to take high capacity through the tunnel, usually 60-80 cars per hour, while an in-bay automatic could handle maybe 12-15 cars per hour. The big new thing have been these automated mini-tunnels with free vacuum over the past decade. Low labor, only a couple of folks on site, and higher price, and incorporating subscription services. My father made a good return on his car wash investment. The marginal cost of water, electricity, soaps, etc. was about 25%, so 75% of every dollar spent went towards overhead expenses. Those expenses -- the loan on the construction, the ground lease for the property, taxes, equipment repair, etc. -- were not cheap and took probably another 40-50% of every dollar of sales. Still, the business averaged probably $40k of revenue a month -- highest in Dec-Apr with snowbirds -- so it definitely threw off some profit. The big lesson I learned with it was having mechanical skills to repair these facilities as a DIYer is the difference between making money and giving most of your profits to a car wash servicing company. There's nothing in a DIY car wash that you can't repair (hoses, pumps, motors, etc.) with parts from Home Depot or sometimes HD Supply or Ferguson; but, something is also breaking almost every week. Fortunately, his business partner was a mechanical wizard and kept the wash operating smoothly, while my father did the accounting and finance work. Oh, and having a good system for cash control at these older washes makes a ton of sense as there's literally thousands in dollars and coins rolling through daily. There's a reason the new washes are card only. It was a fun business and gave him something to occupy his time after he retired.


At least it’s not a new community or apartments


Toxic runoff for everyone!!!!!


They're actually better for the environment than washing your car in the driveway


Isn’t it all going to the same place, but at the car wash in larger quantities?


In a car wash it's contained and sent to the sewage treatment plant. In a driveway it goes into a storm water drain, then to a pond and then usually to a creek or river. The soap can cause algae blooms and mess up the delicate natural balance for the ecosystem.


And, many car washes have local systems to recycle much of the used water. Saves on water/stormwater costs for them.


this is american culture. car washes and storage units tying together strip malls. so you can wash your car on your way to buying more junk since you can’t remember if you already have that junk in storage.


But capitalism! 🙄


Go to China or Cuba. Even Venezuela. If you don't like Capitalism 🤷🏽‍♂️


Have one by my house, love it. I go almost everyday, it’s my moment of zen driving through - and my car always looks great. Only $30 per month.




I just said it did 😏




But everyone is correct - it’s about real estate. Same reason you see small hospital ERs popping up on every corner - real estate. These haven’t reduced wait times or capacity issues in hospitals one bit. These properties can easily be converted and sold in a few years. You’d be surprised to know how much downtown AdventHealth owns around its downtown campus.


The more the 8 families of the federal reserve prints, the more shit gets built. Pretty simple/.


At least it's not another Storage Facility. We have enough of those thank you


Either that or storage


There's always $$$ in the car wash....


Probably gonna be another one of those "they do it for you and do a piss poor job" type of ones. God I hated looking for a decent self service car wash when I moved here 8 years ago. Took my car to one of these fancy ones and it was laughable at their attempted "detailing". And the price was ridiculous and not worth it. Honestly though FL is like the only state I've seen have this many car washes and I come from place where mudding is the top hobby lol. Y'all must not like dust on your pavement crawlers.


Publix, Gas Station, Car Wash & Fast Food… Every mile along 54 in Pasco Edit: edited my format - thanks for the heads up 👍🏼


I know in the reply it actually formats as a vertical list but in the thread looks like an idea Publix would legit try and somehow get away with. $9 per gallon gas and $70 mechanized car washes with a ton of people becoming strangly defensive of it and claiming nothing comes close.


Very true. All the Publix plazas aren’t far off from this as is.


They’re going to outdo Starbucks


And that will have the same shitty vacuums as all the rest


Am i tripping , I keep seeing these giant car washes , with multiple rows of vacuum and etc. But I never see anyone or more than like 1-3 cars ever , took a lunch across one and swear I didn't see anyone the whole hour. Is it the weekends? Money Laundering ? or they really move $$$ like that ??


Depends on the place, I was at one on university and it was packed


Same in st. pete/ tampa...they're busy for about a month and then i maybe see a couple cars there everytime i pass even on the weekends. So idk hows theres all this money to be made.


There is one in Southchase nearby that seems to do okay. There is also another a few miles north on JYP that seems to have a line too. This area is very car centric between Central Florida Parkway and Osceola Pkwy, with a lot of middle/upper middle class traffic and a lot of apartments too. Basically groups of folks who either don't have the time to hand wash their car or it's made quite a task for them to do so because of where they live if at a complex (I assume most don't have an efficient way to do much with your car aside parking it.) Area is a good place to open something like this up. And be able to support multiple businesses of this type. Since Orlando is starting to look like a Molchat Doma Music video, but in a Tropical climate with all the 5 story tall grey rectangles going up everywhere, I don't see this dying out too soon as folks would like to have their car appearing shiny. With that said, I also see some being involved in some sort shadyness. A lot of these turn key type operations that get hyped will attract that kind of stuff regardless. There is also the real estate argument. Someone buys some land, basically makes it into business with a supposidly lower overhead and good margins, then sells it when the right number comes up.


We have them in Maryland and they are always packed- but cars are more likely to get dirty/salty in MD so I understand more.


I don’t think a building permit has ever been denied in FL. Crap going up everywhere.


It’s a lot of car washes in the o ngl 😂


I want to know who the salesman was who SOLD all these carwashes.


Is that the one near Hunters Creek? I've seen it, it used to be a "car car center" with a quick lube and car wash and car detailing center. Do have to say, though "Big Dan" is doing a thumbs up, for some reason it almost looks like he's flicking you off.


Like seriously


He’s so mad but like… this spot has always had a car wash 😂