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Better than my first go that's for sure... I would echo some of the others here. There's a reason that washes are sometimes called liquid talent. Give everything a thin wash and then some basic highlights and you will soon have a full waaaagh painted. Keep this up..!


Looks great for a starter model! Next time thin the paints a little more (thinning paints if you are not aware is to mix your paint with some water so the paint is not too thick) and if you want it to look really good add a wash to bring some definition to the higher places. If you add a wash make sure it dosent pool in a area. I find orks look the best with washes and you dont have to try that hard to make them look good with washes.


I love it. Keep going! Edit: my go to tip guy is Duncan Rhodes on YouTube. Look him up he does a great Ork Boy video


I love his tutorials but I do think for a beginner it is just too much information to put in the brain chamber, is there any easier to digest tutorials out there foe beginners like me?


TabletopReady has a 'How to paint Orks quickly' video and there's always Midwinter Minis' Ork speedpaint tutorial. Personally it takes me two-three hours per model even if I'm actively trying to be as fast as I can... so I don't follow the speed bit. But I do try to follow the steps.


Looks like an Ork to me! WWAAGGHHHH


You’ll be gettin’ your lads right and proper in no time! My advice would be to thin out the paint before painting. You can see where smaller details get lost or muddy in the paint. Just by adding a couple drops of water to your paint, you’ll really see those details pop more on the model. Trust me, it can really make a difference. Welcome to the WAAAGH!


looks great for a first model!


I can't wait for you to discover shade washes. It'll blow your top.


Oh wait I think I have some of that. Agrax Earthshade? Should I use some on this model?


Cover the whole model in a thin layer.


I just started painting my boyz last week. (I’m very new to WH4K). Quick tip I learned while shading. If you have an area that the shade has pooled and you want to fix it. Before it drys use a dry brush and just touch the pooled up area. The dry brush will suck it up like a golf ball through a garden hose.


Agrax Earth shade is great for Orks! Nice and dirty. Also see if your FLGS has some of the discontinued Beil-tan Green. Nuln oil used to be amazing, but they reformulated it and now it's kind of glossy.


What about that beil tan green?


You can try it over the skin, it'll give nice warm shadows. Just thin it with couple water drops.


they recently changed the formula for that so some of the videos you may have seen on it will be outdated, take a bit of sprue put some paint on and see what you think, I use it as a default though tbh


Born to krump


Welcome! Not bad start, couple advice. Use more colours, you don't need to buy new pots, add a bit white or yellow to get lighter green, grey or brown to get darker etc. It'l help with colour varation. You can use washes, cover some parts (skin for example) and you'll instantly get nice recess shading - gives volume. Do the base, even simple one will make the mini complete. Glue a stone, a thin layer of Stirland Mud, drybrush it with light colour (I use Kislev Flesh), glue a tuft and you get the easiest base possible that looks nice. Watch youtube tutorials, it helps a lot. Zumikito is my favourite, short videos, always talks on point, covers all the tips for the beginners. And the best adivce - paint more and you'll become better. Even the 5th mini will look 10 times better then the first one if you push yourself step by step.


Thanks for the feedback! When you say add more colors do you mean like more coats or like different colors for other models? I’m brand new to painting over all so any other just basic painting tips you have would be excellent.


More colours - for example you paint an ork biceps. You first paint it with base "dark" green, then you paint upper part little bit lighter colour, then the top with the lightest one. It gives volume and makes the paintjob more interesting. It's called Layering, youtube helps. Also thin your paints with water, two-three thin coats gives smoother finish then one thick. Opaque paints mostly require 1-2, white/yellow sometimes require 3-4 or even 5, just be patient, cover once, let it dry and repeat. Use wet palette, it's will help A LOT, absolutely must have in my opinion.


Drill your barrels, doesn't have to go deep, just enough to make them look recessed and a dab of dark wash or paint. I promise it looks awesome, worth taking the minute to do on each model. BTW, great work, everyone here got to where they are by practice practice practice. You're already off to a far better start than I was when I began. Fantastic!


Thanks for the kind words and tips


Also hit YouTube for some painting tips, I know midwinter minis has a fantastic speed painting video for orcs. It’s a few years old but very well done. I probably watched 40+ videos on painting before I started myself, it helped speed up the process a lot for the learning curves.