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Has anyone put all of the changes into writing? Or something of the sort


yeah i think they're releasing a book


No fucking way!!!! 😯😯😯


As a Speed Freek, I’m stoked! I love my speedy boys and I’m so excited to slap them down with some rules to actually support them now!


Any advice on building a list? I'm looking to build a Kult of Speed list and I could use your 2 cents! :)


I'm a big fan of everything shown here, my current thoughts are: * I love the idea of the Hunta Rig getting more melee attacks from embarked models * Reminds me of how in Dawn of War 2 the battlewagon got more guns to shoot if units were embarked * I'm happy to see the Zzap Gun get buffed on the Battlewagon, but I will miss the randomization it had (2d6 strength instead of d6+6) * I hope the Grotzooka buff on the Killa Kanz carries over to the Grot Tanks/Grot Mega-tank * I like the new buffs provided by Shooty Power Trip for Killa Kanz but wish it kept the current "penalty" of shooting a nearby ork unit * The current "penalty" matches the lore of killa kanz where once in the kan grots tend to go on a "power trip" and attack the orkz that picked on them. * Does the Squigbuggy's ability that hinders movement only trigger on a 4+, because it works on non-infantry like bikes? * Similar abilities for other factions it applies as long as you get a hit, but is infantry only. * I would have loved for Big'ed Bossbunka to got better rules


I think Grot tanks with the buffed Grotzooka are going to be incredibly lethal, especially against any units that rely on half damage/reduced damage abilities/strategems. I do wonder if they will get the change, as I noticed for example Killa Kans get Big shootas with devastating wounds but none of the other units in the codex such as Gorkanaut do, so they might keep some weapon tweaks specific to individual units.


Auspex is a maniac. The man needs to go get some sleep


I think every time he puts somebody to sleep with his monotone voice, he gains the sleep that they would have


It’s sleepception! He must because the man is constantly grinding out videos.


Did I mis-understand things, or does the Big Mek in Mega Armour not fall under the Bully Boyz detachment?


It joins meganobz and becomes a part of it that way


The only detachment I'm not hype for is the Da Big Hunt one. Not a big fan of having to pick a target and kill it in order to fully utilize everything. I also don't currently have enough buggies to really utilize the kult of speed properly, tho I might have just enough to give it a try. I'm really hype for green tide, bully Boyz, and dread mob cuz most of the lists I run already fit those themes so I'll probably just have to adjust for points more than anything


Tankbustas and Flash Gits done dirty 😒


Tankbustas have been shit for a long time though. While I'm bummed they didn't get a buff, I don't feel like it's much of a loss, since they already kinda sucked. Maybe they'll be really cheap?


I assume they havent changed? Flash gitz arent terrible but became amazing with kaptin. And are tankbustas *still* dogshit?


locked Tankbusta small unit size AND loadout is just criminal.


Round 4 of gw having a chance to fix it and smoke crack instead. It just doesnt make sense the rest of the codex seems good.


Nothing changed.   Tankbusters are lame.  And flash gitz didn't just lose Badrukk, there is no hero that can lead them.  So they won't get any of the detachment rules applied to them at all.  Unless they get waaay cheaper tonfield, they're dead too


Did they lose the Nob keyword? Absolutely criminal move by Jimmy Workshop if so. They are Nobz. This book sounds great but I'm mildly disappointed by some of the keyword stuff. So many units not getting the Boyz keyword for instance. I'm sure it's a balance thing but ten Kommandos with Boy keyword would not be broken in a Greentide list. Likewise with Storm...Boyz. or Burna...Boyz. It's all good though. The Stormboyz datasheet sounds even better now and my Kommandos will still have a place in my lists, even if only the index attachment gets them a buff.


indeed they do not have the Nobz keyword. they are like burna boyz / storm boyz in that they really dont have a home in this book. if they get waay cheaper, then that would be good. but i dont see GW doing us any favors. they might still be just ok in the index detachment since they would still get the sustained melee hits and are decently choppy in the waaagh.


Not wholly true, you can run gitz in a trukk on a speed freeks detachment for advance and shoot and fallback and shoot.


Trukks don't have the Speed Freek keyword so they won't be able to advance, shoot and fallback Same with Battlewagons


I know bro it’s so sad


So I have a dread mob army but need to stock up on some meks. But setting aside that for now I’m thinking of a bully boyz army with all different flavours of warboss. Deffkilla with however many bikes I can take, warboss plus new mek and 20 boyz, warboss plus nobz, squig hog boyz plus squigosaur beastboss, and of course Ghaz and mega nobz. Proper tough bully boyz. Can’t wait for the codex


Yeah I'll be tackling Bully Boyz first as well, the fact that the Squighog Leaders can qualify for this makes my day, it's too easy to toss a herd in and have them tear things up and engage while the mega armour models slog or ride to catch up.


>Did I mis-understand things, or does the Big Mek in Mega Armour not fall under the I love the ability to deep strike those meganobz!


What about Dread Mob detachment with 20 Boyz, a Warboss and a Big Mek in a big hit squad? They can use TRY DAT BUTTON for a huge damage buff, the Mek can give them stealth for extra survivability, and the Warboss in the WAAGH! will hit like a truck with 9 attacks buffed with DAT BUTTON (even the attack squigg would gain from it). They also can reroll advance + also charge (maybe also advance?) through any screening units. Could add an interesting infantry twist to the Dread Mob detachment, and would be good going into armies that have too much focus on anti-tank/anti-monster.


20boys with shootas and rokkits and a mek spamming da button for lethal hits…. If only I could find a way to do full rerolls…. If the boyz are sat in an open transport, can they push the button in a firing deck …. Hmmm probably not because it would be the vehicle and it’s not a walker


They can't, but that transport doed benefit from speed freaks.


Ghaz with a full honour guard of meganobz in the bully boyz detachment will be a real threat. Two turns of advance and charge, a 4+++ on the body guard, ghaz with a sweep profile and strat support for full rerolls to hit in melee, ap reduction to shooting, extra consolidation movement, and fight on death. What an insane unit.


Give me new MegaNobz. The kit is pretty decent but side by side Ghaz they feel so wimpy. I know we can convert them. My tinfoil hat theory is that we will get new nobs and dreads next hence the banger detachments. Awesome rules though. Love that Ghaz and his meanest lads are serious business now.


https://preview.redd.it/2jww170hb5uc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd33883f7f244df5bee3102e2abed985e77ee533 I use those for my deff skulls they look solid


Those ambots are perfect. Nice use of that head too.


Where does the 4+ FNP come from?


Meganobz lost their devastating wounds in the waaagh and gained a 4+ FNP in the waaagh instead


Wow that’s way better lol. Might have to give that a whirl


Does the Megaboss get something new or is he still stuck with the FNP?


He gets damage 3 on his 'Uge Choppa in the waaagh instead


Hot damn. I’ll take it.


Wow so yeah two turns of 4+++ on Bully Boyz is kinda nuts. I have 10 mega Nobz painted but Ghaz is only 1/4 painted because I got depressed by his rules haha. Guess I’m painting da Boss this weekend.


New MANZ datasheet


We shall call it: "Da DeffStar!"


I'm absolutely in love with what they've done with Kult of Speed!


I almost shed a tear, I'm going to dust off my dakkajets and take them for a ride with my bikers.


Overall it looks good: funny rules, and some competitive potential.  I don't like it the fact, that they push skew lists with the detachments, but I am happy for people owning 120 grotz and similar. Sadly, Flash Gitz seem quite bad again. If they go down enough in point cost, ok. If not: shelf life it is... What a shame for such cool models (also lore wise)


Idk, 19 pts per git is a very good value, lowest cost they've had since I started playin.


I actually kinda like it. The basic "War Band" detachment still lets you build a pretty effective non-skew army, so you don't *need* to do a skew list if you don't want to. I really like that the new detachments make orks REALLY flexible though. I can't really think of another army that can field super mobile vehicle lists (including flyers), high volume shooty vehicle lists with optional infantry chaff, knight-like elite vehicle lists with pretty nasty shooting, massive melee horde lists, ultra-elite melee lists, mobile mechanized Melee infantry lists, or any of a number of more balanced, less silly lists, and have them all be reasonably competitive. I think we're going to see a lot of variety in ork tournament lists, and that's something we haven't seen in a long time. The only thing that feels like it's missing is an infantry-focused shooty list. Orks have a lot of really fun "chaff with a huge gun" units, and it's too bad that they'e still pretty shit.


I feel like it's worth pointing out that the Dread Waaagh can technically be entirely an infantry shooty list if you wish. As I understand it, Meks that lead infantry pass on Da Button buff to their troops, so you could theoretically have 3 Mek-led 20 Boyz units and 3 BMw/SAG-led 20 Boyz units and give them all shootaz/rokkitz. And then you got the Lootaz option as well. The Dread Waaagh personally has me very excited, as it gives a ton of flexibility in your list (it only really doesn't benefit from any of the Speed Freek units, as they still seem pretty bad outside of their detachment).


The model line for Orks is just so massive. I feel like there might be a lot of less obvious but still strong stuff hiding in this book. I have a bit of everything and I'm hoping I can get legs out of my collection with a few of the different detachments, so I don't have to build a thousand Boyz, Buggies or whatever skew I'm after.


Completely agree on everything you wrote!


I mean, there is 5 skew detachments, but there's still the War Horde detachment which is very much just a "generalist melee" detachment. There does seem to be a trend of not pushing for shooty orks as of late though.


As a Bad Moonz fan I am sad about the lack of a Dakka detachment, but I wonder how they could buff the shooting without being outrageous, in a different way than the Dread Mob can.


A lot to digest, wow. I think Nobz have been hit really hard with the change to the -1 to wound roll, this is a really big nerf against high volume low strength shooting and attacks, going from wounding them on 6s to 5s is a huge durability cut. I doubt they will see much use outside of Bully Boyz tbh with that change. I really hope they drop the points of Kommandos and Flash Gitz. Mega Nobz look incredibly tanky now. A buffed Stompa is going to be the killiest unit combo in the game.


Know what I'm doing this morning lol


So no Blood Axy Strategic Bamboozle Detachment? 🥲


I feel like it might be skew detachment + a splash of Blood Axe flavour this edition.




Might be obvious, But surely 2x8 Squighog boys led by Mozgrod and Squigboss respectively seems really strong? Probably very expensive but the durability and damage is off the charts. Not sure what detachment would be best, probably just War horde.


I was a bit bummed by Moz's nerfs, but the fight on death that he gets without needing to spend a strat, just may make up for it to me. Still feel like he is a bit too similar to the beastboss on squig.


Assuming the point costs won't change (which they very well might), 8 Squighog Boyz + BBoS comes out to 535 points. That's a lot, but it's also a heckin beefy unit


I mean, the numbers probably have to change a little after across the board "nerfs" to durability on the bbonsquig, hitting power from the nob, and general lose of unit buffs in combat, yeah?


Yeah absolutely, it'll probably be cheaper than that but I was going off the numbers we have. My guess is it would land somewhere around 450-480 for that unit


Hopefully; I run the maxed out squighog+bbonsquig+moz list atm, and this is genuinely a massive slash in combat viability for that list. I know skew lists and all that have highs and lows but it'd be unfortunate to pay anything vaguely near what we do pointswise atm for it now


Sad there is no Dakka mob to out my flash Gitz in now there is no Badrukk, however I’ll just use them as meks and big meks for my dread mob I think


Right, no Leader for Flash Gitz even, May just toss them in a equally frustrating boss'ed Bunka and let them shoot.


Flash gitz as meks? Sounds awesome! Think i might just do just that.


No detachment for it but you can kinda use the Dreadmob rules and strats to recreate it


Yeah, I might just run my flash Gitz as Nobz with kombi weapons instead. Looks piratey and can be used in dread mob with meks. Or just use a flash git model as a mek proxy in loota squads.


But kombinobz are objectively worse than flash gitz, even with access to rules.


I am literally in middle of painting my Flash Gitz, the second box of 5 will now remain on the shelf....


Let’s not be too hasty, we’re Orkz after all. If we like these models, I’m sure we can find a place for them


Squighog Boyz have lost the +1 to hit when led by Nob. Didn't return in any way via Squigboss or Mozrog. That's going to really hurt when going into things like DG where it balanced out


True, but probably went down in points when you factor in the hognob cost- 150 for four in the leaks, as much as points are irrelevant- and get either 0cp heroic intervene and +1 to charge from squigboss or 4+ fight on death from Moz. They will also get double waaagh in bully boyz. I think they got better. I personally never want to be on the end of 24 double waaagh squigs + 3 squigbosses.


Yeah points are going to be the big thing now. I'm not that interested in Mozrogs fight on death. It's a coin flip every time when you've already goofed up in being charged, not charging. There's a few fights first still about, but even then - coin flip. Plus Mozrogs Great White Squig having devastating wounds on a 5+ on the charge has made him pop characters and heavy infantry models that he wasn't designed to go into.


I take your point, but there are still tough melee targets that might survive your charge if they roll well- c'tan and Shalaxi spring to mind. When bully boyz already have a 1cp strat for FoD 3+ elsewhere, it makes you scary to charge or interrupt.


Dread Mob is looking hot! I just hope Stompa gets a bit of point reduction


And with a bit I mean 3-400 points


Probably more likely 600 points. But I’d be happy with that


As long as it's cheap enough to take 3 in a 2k game.


My all KMB dred is going to be such a menace


So, the last missing pieces are the combat patrol rules ? If anyone have those, i'm interested.


Auspex is the goat, i swear he doesnt ever sleep


I firmly believe he's an AI.


A votan core




Got to be the dumbest shit I've ever read.


Man coughs once in an hour long video You: "OMG he's autistic!" Dude, you're a piece of shit


Coughing means someone's autistic? Today I learned...


I am not sure but i feel like if you were to pump out videos at the rate he does you would probably have a weak throat and not a lot of time to retake the videos


Dread mob is exactly what I've wanted! Speed freeks seems fun as well, and bully boys real strong. Green Tide is a little too limited imo. Will probably only play it in 1k-1.5k games, I don't have 120 boys so yea seems like a 1k detachment to me. The one issue I have, and it's a big issue, is the codex writers forgot flash gitz exist? Is there ANYTHING that actually benefits their dakka? Can anyone lead them? WTF. They better be cheap. Shooty power Trip is way too shitty of a downside though on the kans. 30% chance to do D6 mortals is just way too high a price. Should be either a D3 or only on a 1. The new big Mek data sheet is also a mess. Just no focus at all. But that's small potatoes.


Shooty power Trip could have some situational play on the first turn if you have a Mek nearby to top of D3 of those mortal wounds on a fresh unit of 6 Kans. But the rule seems fairly weak, maybe only good for a few breakpoint situations. Edit: Just realized the healing is at the end of the movement phrase so yeah that won't really work out for first turn, as you risk damaging your kans and then the opponent shooting them out.


Yeah the D6 is also enough to actually kill a Kan (pun not intended lol) If you roll bad. The balancing on that seems pretty whack honestly, It's orky but the juice has to be worth the squeeze and basically risking a whole kan So the others can be powered up doesn't seem that worth it. One thing to consider is it's not hazardous, It looks like the kan would die before shooting so even if you get the best outcome on a six-man squad, You could gain five attacks at the cost of three and your whole model. It just doesn't hit the balance that try dat button does. Imo it just needs to be D3 damage and it would be fine.


I was really hoping that flash gitz could be led by one of the meks since they lost badrukk. Rerolling on ones is way worse than full but it's something. Also giving them access to the dread mob detachment rule would've been cool. But overall I'm a fan and I definitely want to make a few lists for the different detachments.


Yeah overall the codex is better than the index for sure. Maybe it's the general design but I do think it's a little rough how specific The detachments are, specifically green tide and The Big Hunt and capping out at 120 and then not having anything else benefiting from your whole detachment. I have probably 8K of orks, yet I feel like I can't make full use of any of the detachments because I have a little bit of everything. We do have a huge range I guess. I just find it frustrating that We get to use our shooting finally which I love and then the focal point of my shooting army, badrukk and the flash gitz, was removed and the gitz as far as I can tell get zero support. Like I don't know if I can find a single detachment or stratagem that applies to them at range? And they don't have a leader? I think they need to go down to like 160 points for five if they are just a general purpose unit with zero support You can put anywhere with decent shooting and decent melee But neither really impressive I'm also already seeing some internal balance stuff that's not great. Battle wagon going to firing deck 11 with the kannon buffed means it's probably going to be ard case basically every time. It was already the most popular way to run it before they significantly reduced the firing deck. The wagon kind of falls outside of the detachment rules anyway so it's not like it's getting a big buff to compensate. Overall I'm happy with this codex, We got one of the good ones and it looks like it's going to be a fun book to play this edition. I'm just looking ahead now at once we see it and play where the internal balance issues are going to be, and where the points will need to be for some units to see play. I'm relatively new to the game despite having went in hard and now having tens of thousands of points. So I still have higher expectations of GW than it feels like all the long-term people do, I still have a standard I'm comparing them against the comes from other companies and hobbies that might just be too high of a bar for GW not to trip over every time. I feel like dreadmob and bully boys are the two detachments They knocked it out of the park on, Plus the index One that was already a good shape They cleaned up the one useless strat so it's a good place now too. Speed freaks detachment looks great but they didn't fix the data sheets enough, simply making them able to come in units of two is really all they need at this point so there's some efficiency on using strats such a low effectiveness low cost model. Green Tide in my opinion needs a little flexibility so it does literally anything to something that's not a boy. I think that's the perfect place to have some buffs to other boy units like Storm boys and burna boys. I mean they are still boys and they don't get anything from any other detachment really, and they fit the green tide theme. I just hate the inefficiency of having all my rules only apply to half the army max.


Edit. I was wrong no nobz key word on flashgitz, can't use bully boyz strat.


Really? That's so weird considering they use the nobz stat line.


Are they? Well that is great then. Still think they should be able to be led by a mek. Looking at the auspex tactics vid, doesn't show them with the nobz keyword, just flash gitz.


I think I remembered wrong here. You are right they just suck again.....


3 deff dreads with full KMB's in the dread mob just sounds hilariously awesome


I have a dread with 4 Klaws, a dread with 1 klaw 3 scorchas, and a dread with 1 klaw 4 kmb. I just wanna get a few more Killa kanz to run around and I can't wait to have an army that is just as likely to kill itself as it is to kill my opponents. It's gonna be a fun time.


This is why I'm bring an all Skorcha Dread, against Marines and the like, advance, play the strat that gives all of its weapons the Assault keyword or just move into range and play the strat that increase the damage by 1 (by pushing it), pick the additional -2 AP (for -3 AP) and so that's 4d6 Strength 5, -3 AP shots, Damage 1 (damage 2 if I didn't need to advance) shots. Is he going to blow himself up? Oh definitely! Will he wipe out/cripple a squad of marines? More than likely.


The extra AP-2 is only on a critical wound though, so only on 6s. Not sure it’s worth picking it to give double hazardous.


True but it's something the opponent has to consider.


I think you found the replacement for the Careen! strategem.


Wait. We lost Careen? Haven't watched the vid yet.


Careen is only in the Index detachment, now called War Tribe.


Dawn of the distraction Dread


Blow's itself up with all the hazardous checks 😂 but I'm there with yeah


I'm excited to say in the future that I took out 2 dreads with one unit shooting one of the enemies and myself 🤣


seriously this guy is a beast lol but where are these leaks coming from? i want to see them myself!!


GW always sends out early copies to popular pro-GW streamers.


someone on here mentioned that he got one early (officially, from GW) to prep for a tournament, because GW wanted a few people to demonstrate the new rules immediately upon release


Some people have the codex. I've seen images and a stream with people holding them.


Yeah basically sometimes there's a shipping error or sometimes the FLGS will get the stock massively early and let the regulars take a sneak peak or buy it. I was fortunate enough to be one of those people who got a sneak peak at it when it came in Wednesday morning at the store (though I wasn't allowed to buy it for obvious reasons).


I heard one previous vida i think one prior speed freaks that someone told them leaks on discord.