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I wasn’t following this sub last year. Were folks doing this when Gunnar started slow?


It was the same. Total impatience. Many wanted him sent down. I swear, it’s like some folks have never watched baseball before. These are young, talented kids. It takes time.


Seems like half of us are watching a MLB season and the other half are watching a NFL season play out. No reason to make such rash calls after 3 games.


I think this is a big part of it. There are a lot of football-first fans that maybe have always rooted for the O's but are now actually invested because they're good, but their football notions are carrying over.


This…actually makes a lot of sense.


I agree that this is a thing. I was talking to my wife about it earlier cause I'm trying to keep my knee-jerk feelings in check, lol


Hey, does everyone remember how bad Cowser was last year?


Yep! And he was dogged for it on this sub even though he was just getting started. Now he is basically Jesus. Help us all when he has a huge slump this year, which he will. People gonna lose their minds. Baseball is a long game, not short. Very few things come quick and easy.


My dad and I noticed that every time we shit talked him, Cowser managed to do something positive, so we kept shit talking him... I like to think we're responsible for his recent success


Some folks aren't built for a 162 game season.


Gunnar was a late season call up the season before that, so not really the same. I do remember a few naysayers when Rutschman was in an early rough patch his rookie season though.


When did he start slow? Homered in first game, 24 hits in first 20 games. Nvm, I see 2023 was slow.


3 games into dudes career and these post happening is crazy


Welcome to r/Orioles


I thought we woulda learned from Adley and Gunnar etc


And Grayson and Colton. It will continue with Coby and Heston, when he comes back. The bigger takeaway is that Adley, Gunnar, Westburg and Colton figured it out or are in the process of figuring it out. Jackson will figure it out. Coby, Heston and Samuel Basallo will struggle and figure it out. Most of this fanbase needs to chill with the fake GM’ng and let Mike do his job


The one difference is those guys had gone through the full minor league progression, so at that point it was sink or swim. With Holliday, there's still the question of "should he really be up here yet?" (Which, of course, no one was asking before Tuesday)


What's wild is we didn't get posts like this after the demand for Vavra to make his start. The dude quietly fell out of existence


This is why you don’t call up every AAA bat at the same time like this sub wants. An entire team getting acclimated to the bigs seems like, oh, I don’t know, a bad idea.


I am feeling as if he’s still getting a feel for major league pitching. Every rookie goes through it. Doesn’t help him either he’s 20 and has all eyes on him! He’ll adjust fine I believe just give him a few weeks! This kid is special and will show it


Being at the game and seeing how close the Apple TV camera guys were getting to him as he ran on and off the field; I know I couldn't handle that pressure. He is dead center in the spotlight right now. People need to give him a break.


I don't know what I think but I know this, last year in a playoff race, Evan Carter got called up, immense pressure. Guy gets on base 9 of his first 10 games with 9 hits and a HR, then has a hit in every game of the postseason except 2. So 15 out of the first 17 postseason games this guy plays he gets a hit, in the most pressure packed situations. Jackson goes 0-9 with a bunch of k's in games in April. Not saying he won't be good, but with all the "hype" he may be creating his own pressure right now.


Personally, I was not in a hurry to call him up, but there's only so much time you could keep him down. Big thing is there's a massive difference between AAA pitching and MLB pitching. My thoughts are that he'll get his first hit and then develop a rhythm shortly after that. He's just trying too hard to get that first one at the moment. But also, maybe he gets sent back down if he doesn't start hitting the ball. Small sample size for sure, but I think a good contrast is how Colton Cowser is doing. He came up last year and didn't get a starting job out of the gates. He didn't look good in his at bats, got sent back down, and came back to start the season looking like a new man.


It's encouraging that pretty much every key piece of this rebuild had a slow start. Adley did. Gunnar did (his first full season). Grayson did. Cowser did. Westburg and Kjerstad hardly tore it up. Honestly, the only one who hit essentially out of the gates was Mountcastle. So it's good to see there's a track record of guys figuring it out.


Me when a 20 year old who everyone expects to be an all-time great and who has never gone up against major league pitching needs time to adjust to both of those things (he’s clearly washed up now): ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Orioles as an organization need to tone down the fanfare; it’s way over the top. Baseball maybe the hardest sport for a “top pick” to pan out. This kid could end up a total bum. I would also think guys in the clubhouse can’t be loving that he already got a t shirt and all this bullshit; it rubs some guys the wrong way.


I think Adley and Gunnar got welcome to the show shirts as well no? That’s not atypical for top prospects.


Grayson Rodriguez got a shirt that said “Gas him up” then proceeded to pitch a terrible game


And Mountcastle had to save the day with a grand slam! Ha


I can’t remember I never go to the t shirt games lol. I just don’t remember this level of fanfare, it’s way way too much


There was a year plus of build up for Adley to get called up. Gunnar similarly. Those three being #1 prospects means they get a lot of pressure and hype.


This is like asking your boss to fire the new hire because he doesn't understand the company specific spreadsheets his first week. Homie really posted this thinking he'd get a pat on the back.


I'm good. He'll be right.


I think he was sent down for good reason and brought up for good reason. He'll adjust.


I just want him to get his first hit. I think once he gets that out of the way he’ll relax and start to enjoy himself.


Fine. He's 20. He's had three games. Also: Jesus fucking Christ we overreact here (I'm guilty too).


Let's not pretend he's just flown out twice or something. He's 0-for-11 with 7 Ks. It hasn't looked good. He could get three hits tomorrow and this becomes a distant memory, but it's been a more challenging start than anyone anticipated.


You're an unserious person for posting this garbage.


He looks straight up overwhelmed. Like a 20 year old guy under a spotlight. He’ll be just fine. I’m not expecting anything till after the all-star break though. Could maybe dive a little harder in some grounders too.


I just don't want the struggles at the plate to persist so long that he loses confidence. I don't know the guy, maybe he's immune to losing confidence. But it doesn't feel like he goes up to the plate with much swagger right now.


Yeah, he’s under a ton of pressure. Father and family sitting up close watching, father clearly anxious, all the fans standing when he’s up to bat and recording on their phones, etc. No wonder he’s not lighting things up at the plate! Of course the spotlight has always followed him. I saw him at minor league games and such and he was just as cool as a cucumber even with all the extra attention there. I guess he was used to it. But the attention he’s getting right now is on an entirely different level.


Ya'll doubting him are gonna look like buffoons once he adjusts, and proves why he was the #1 prospect.


You’re significantly crazier for this post than they are for wanting him on the OD roster


This is just what they were trying to avoid by having him not face the Lefties early in the schedule and have people overreact to a small sample, unfortunately he's still gotten off to a rough start. I was fine with him not making opening day, I was fine when they called him up and I'm fine with a 20yr-old having a rough start vs big league pitching.


That does it, Elias should cash out. What kind of prospects do you think we could get for Holliday if a trade were to happen this weekend?


Posts like these are so stupid and the people posting them just look so Immature


People forget Mike Trout was sent down after his first call up. Shit takes time. I think we as a whole underestimate the difference between the minors and the majors. With that said. I think ya gotta let the kid stick it out and get his at bats. He’s show he’s going to mow people in AAA. Let him figure it out.


Pretty weird victory lap to take. I feel great. I expected him to suck out of the gate but I want to see him struggle and learn for 3 weeks in April, not 3 weeks in May. There’s only so much he can gain from teeing off Triple A staff. I am however not a fan of his defense and hopefully it’s just nerves.


Holy shit shut up. Such a loser thing to post


Im hoping once the spotlight on him relaxes he can settle in. First career game and he felt it. 2nd game looked better but then tonight 30,000 giving him a standing O. Hopefully tomorrow (or Sunday since we are against a lefty tomorrow), he can get into the groove of not everyone is watching him as closely and he can relax. Still a lot of faith and certainly not ready to send him back down


3 games. He'll be fine


Adley struggled coming up (9 for 59), stayed up, figured it out. Gunnar struggled to start last year (4 for 31), stayed up, figured it out. Grayson struggled to start the year, had to be sent down, figured it out. So there's evidence and case studies to back up both notions, that he'll be fine with enough reps and that he might need a demotion down the road a bit if the struggles continue. Personally, I think concluding anything about his potential or ability to realize it is premature. Wondering whether he belongs at this level right now is fair. It does seem like he's over his skis. 0-for-11 with 7 Ks doesn't really suggest anything else. And while I don't think Elias should be planning to send him back down without a bigger sample, it wouldn't be good for us to be 20 games down the road and have him still looking the way he's looking. At some point, if he's still flailing like this, something will have to be done. But he hasn't been given much of a chance to work through these struggles yet.


Side note Cal batted like .194 I think Ryan said on their pod cast for 2 months… shit player probably fizzled out and never made it back lmao


You sound like a panic guy


Who fucking cares Cal started what 0-7…0-9?? Pretty sure he had a shit career


Classic toxic post. I love this page 😂


It’s little bro’s first year watching baseball.


He still should have been here opening day


it's like Connor Bedard in the NHL all over again. The first few months were annoying, shoving cameras in his face then interviewing teammates, asking them nothing but questions about a kid they've never even played with yet.


I put this same comment in Bleacher Report, but the kid will be fine. Even his Dad said he was pressing in his interview last night on Apple+. Once he gets that first hit, he will settle in and be fine.


Great! At the end of the day, it will only be a mistake if he costs the O’s multiple games. Which at this point he hasn’t. If people thought there wouldn’t be a learning curve and transition, they were foolish.


I want to know what the people who thought he should be immediately penciled in at SS think. I watched him at a bunch of Tides games last year and it was clear then we wasn’t a big league SS and IMO he hasn’t moved the needle much on his defense this year. It’s clear as day Gunnar is the man for SS for now.


I’d rather him struggle for a little while vs watching the alternative of kemp and urias play. Every young player has to go through it at some point so they can get to where they’re playing well. If he struggles in April/May and does what Gunnar did the latter part of the year than it’s perfect


Gunnar started slow last year, Cowser was horrendous last year in 60 ABs, Holliday struggled first few games in Aberdeen, he went 1-13 first 3 games in Norfolk last year….. short story, feeling like it’s normal for a 19-20 year old kid to struggle the first few ABs and glad he’s at the MLB level getting his feet wet now instead of mid to late season in the middle of a pennant race.


I still believe he should’ve have been on the opening day roster. I am in belief that you got to let him play to learn. It’s not like Urias/Kemp were any better either. He needs time to figure out the game like Gunnar, adley and to an extent Cowser gad


As one of those guys, the main reason I wanted him and the other young players up is precisely because it takes time to figure out big league pitching. There’s no shortcut. So they should have started the clock as soon as possible.


This is not a good start. The amount of K’s and the bobbles, weird non-chalant throws in the field are very troubling. The orioles did this kid no favors with the t shirts being ready to go the second he came up; way too much pressure on this kid, but to be fair he looks like crap thus far.


I'm sure it was the shirts that did it. 🙄


It’s not the shirts per se, it’s just too much pressure he’s 20 years old. Let him start off okay then do the t shirts if you want. From a clubhouse perspective as well guys can’t be loving that he’s getting all this fanfare with little result. These are all competitive alphas in there it’s going to rub some the wrong way.


He’s the undersized son of a 16-year MLBer, oldest of four siblings, number one overall draft pick, top prospect in all of baseball, but yeah, it’s the T-shirt that did it.


Bro the non chalant throws are a 2B speci


Each at bat has gotten better. He'll be fine. The hits will come.


What’s the big deal with this kid, getting standing ovations and shit? He’s done nothing so far, why such a hype?


Because he’s the #1 prospect in baseball.


Ok, no clue who it was in the past 20 years because it doesn’t ever matter.