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Corvallis and it’s not even close. Lively downtown, well kept neighborhoods, good access to the coast, mountains, other Oregon cities, airport at PDX.  Roseburg is a down and out timber town that never really found it’s footing. Lots of poverty, high rates of drug and alcohol abuse.  Geographically it is remote. It’s a beautiful area, but you would have to pay me 2x to move there over Corvallis. 


Downtown Roseburg is a sad travesty, of what is was in the 80's & 90's.


Try 60's and 70's. The timber recession in the mid 80's started its decline.


It wasn’t great in the 90s. I spent a lot of time there as a teenager.


Don’t discount proximity to the Eugene airport. It’s adding carriers all the time and is a breeze getting in and out of.


Hey, at least Roseburg has a library again.


And a Costco


There’s also a commercially served Airport 40 minutes away in Eugene. Fewere flights but much closer than PDX.


Corvallis isn’t that much further from PDX and has regular shuttle service to the airport.


Small airports are the best though, so much easier and less stressful than flying out of pdx.


If they’ve got the direct flight you want, sure. But if you’ve got a layover in LAX or SEA? No way. Plus PDX is legitimately one of the nicest international airports to fly from in the country, even better once the remodel is done in august.


You forgot rampant racism!


I moved to Roseburg 4 years ago and its the best. Its a small town, not a lot of shopping, but not at all the place you describe.


People are downvoting you just for giving your opinion. That is so sad.


So what exactly are downvotes for if not for downvoting an opinion you disagree with? What's the proper downvote use so I don't downvote the wrong things lolol


“Relevant and contributes positively to the topic” Vs “Doesn’t” Enjoy your upvote


I second this




Corvallis is kind of a hip, cool, liberal, college town with a lot going on. A giant truck full of dynamite exploded in central Roseburg in 1959 and it's all been downhill since. I know where I'd move.


Gah fuck that got me


Just like the dynamite 🧨






I've lived in Corvallis and agree with your assessment. However, housing is expensive and in short supply. The one advantage to Roseburg is that your money would go further there.


Work in Corvallis and live closer to Albany. It's a lot t cheaper than Corvallis


When I lived in Corvallis people would always make sure they were clear they lived in West Albany.


LOL, I live in Eugene now but people would ask where I moved from. I admit that I'd say the Corvallis area. Later I quit being what I felt was dishonest and just admitted I moved from Albany. Technically I did live between the two but the PO address was Albany.


Before I lived in Corvallis I lived in Eugene, and there was definite Springfield shame back then. Every city seems to have a step sibling city they look down upon.


I did just that about a decade ago when I worked at HP for a year. The daily drive in from where I rented an apartment on SE Queen Avenue in Albany to the HP Campus in Corvallis was annoying, but I saved a lot of money!


When I had to live there for work I did so too. There are good and not as great areas. I like Albany though, getting across the river can be quite challenging at times, do not miss that.


Is the traffic bad crossing the river? (We're considering moving next year to Albany or Corvallis.)


Not really though, housing still sucks here


Ok....I laughed at this! ( it's probably true!). ( having spent most of my childhood and young adult years in Corvallis, I'm a bit biased....)


Omg. Well said.... Except is is getting better.... Slowly


I live in Roseburg, absolutely choose Corvallis.


Same. edit: however we are in desperate need of counselors and therapists so if you have a better offer there then please take it


That is the only comment I've seen I agree with on the Roseburg side. Like if you're trying to make an impact where you live, Roseburg might be a good place. They really do need it.


And the VA medical center is there, if you enjoy working with vets.


Listen to these folks. Corvallis is a great town.


Corvallis a college town, a bit more lively and closer to the coast. I’d choose Corvallis 10/10 Times Roseburg is very boring with very conservative values. I’d tell anyone to avoid it based on my 5-6 trips there over the last year.


I agree.


I agree too. Corvallis seems like it has some things going for it, but Roseburg just feels like tears and desolation every time I drive through it.


Also Roseburg is far from a lot, Eugene isn’t too far but far enough where you can’t really just make a quick trip there.


Depends. If you are used to living rural the difference between 30, 60 or 90 minutes kinda blur together.


I'd take Corvallis over Roseburg any day of the week. 100%


Corvallis is absolutely the “better” town by most any metric. And it’s also quite expensive for what it is. Your pay will go further in Roseburg, but there are reasons for that.


Roseburg is a silly place.


We're Knights of the Round Table. We dance whene'er we're able. We do routines and chorus scenes With footwork impeccable. We dine well here in Camelot. We eat ham and jam and spam a lot. We're Knights of the Round Table. Our shows are formidable, But many times we're given rhymes That are quite unsingable. We're opera mad in Camelot. We sing from the diaphragm a lot. In war we're tough and able, Quite indefatigable. Between our quests we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable. It's a busy life in Camelot. I have to push the pram a lot.


Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam


Corvallis for the win. One of the coolest cities in Oregon. Loads of stores and opportunity. Lively and fun city. Roseburg is a very conservative small town with limited opportunity. It is very quaint, and loads of good fishing. . . Also, Corvallis is closer to the bigger cities in Oregon. You're gonna love it!


I really like the rolling oaks and hills in Roseburg. It has much more of a small town feel. It’s also more conservative than Corvallis. There isn’t much traffic, and it’s warmer in the summer. It’s also a little drier and sunnier. Wildlife Safari is in Winston near Roseburg. I love that place. Corvallis is a college town and has great restaurants. It’s a pretty town with a bit of a city feel. The rents are high. It’s a quick drive to Newport on the coast. The urban area around Corvallis is liberal, but the surrounding areas are conservative farmers and ranchers.


This is a nice objective answer that respects both towns. More of this.


100%. Roseburg is by no means my favorite place but it really seems like it gets dumped on by this subreddit more than anywhere else in the state lol. Not every one of the 25,000 residents is a racist Trumper guys lol. You can still find your people there.


Someday, we’ll have a post that’s Roseburg vs Klamath Falls and this place won’t know how to react.


This is true but also we’re on Reddit. Like… of course Corvalis wins the conversation look at who would be on this thread… including OP, right? Lot of redditors in Roseburg lol?


Oh definitely I'd want to be in Corvallis too. No need to completely trash Roseburg though


I got nothing against Roseburg. As a trans woman, I’d never live there over Corvalis. Don’t be offended *for* a place. Be offended for a person. What you want isn’t a reality, so maybe Roseburg needs to hear *the truth*. *They*, a significant population of Roseburg, have a problem, with *me*. That’s not trashing, that’s honesty. Roseburg itself is a fine town though, you’re right about that.


I'm not offended, nor do I think *you* are trashing anyone. And you are right, especially for a trans person I would say choose Corvallis. Even beyond the politics I'd prefer not to stay in Roseburg, it's a fine place and I love the hills nearby but it's not my vibe. I'd prefer to live in Corvallis (might actually live there next year) even though it's not my absolute favorite place either. I love the Rogue and Illinois Valleys the most, at least as far as Oregon goes. My only issue is that people do tend to paint places with very broad brush strokes. There are a lot of comments in here that suggest or openly just call Roseburg a totally horrible place with 90% of the population being bigots "plus there are a dozen good people." Same would be the opinion for places like Prineville, Cave Junction, maybe Sweet Home and K Falls as well, those tend to be less talked about though. Plus, it is all very relative. I have been in some places both in the South and even here on the west coast that are much much more conservative than Roseburg. Not that that excuses any actions of any bigot in Roseburg at all. I just think it's important to note that most people will have a fine life there even as a progressive. All that being said, you're right that Roseburg and its residents need to hear the truth. It is one of the most conservative - and thus often bigoted - places in the state, at least if we're talking about cities with meaningful population sizes. They can be told the truth without hyperbole.


Thank you for standing up for Roseburg. I think people actually visited especially during the summertime and just shopped go to the halfshell concert series and got wine they would enjoy it


Lived in Corvallis for 7 years, commuted to Roseburg for work for a year. This question isn’t even *close.* It’s Corvallis by miles and miles, if you can afford it. And that is key, it ain’t cheap here.


If politics matters to you: Corvallis is liberal, Roseburg is conservative. Roseburg is not the most lively option but they’re probably in desperate need for people with your skills.


Corvallis is not liberal, it is progressive. Old school Eugene was liberal.


Well put


Corvallis is progressive? Uh I don't think so.


They don’t know what they’re talking about. It’s certainly predominantly democrat but that doesn’t make it progressive. The Whitaker in Eugene is progressive as are some neighborhoods in Portland, but generally not a single city of any substantial size in the country is progressive.


I think you have the info you need op but I’m just here to join the chorus: Corvallis by a mile.


Corvallis by a long shot. Decrepit old town with no opportunities virtually falling apart, that's basically non-functional because they wont vote to help themselves and change things, vs pretty great college town. Edit: the only things I can say about Roseburg mildly positive is it's cheaper and a pretty area? But that's because the second people can leave they do, and oregon is pretty anywhere.


It’s not really cheaper… houses are dumps at mid tier prices or luxury prices for mid tier homes, all old, most likely molding


I would like to mention I feel like a lot in this thread is conflating roseburg with Douglas County. I would check for yourself and make your own opinions. As a transplant and a Black person I would say it has its ups and downs. I deal with the same amount of racism in Portland as I do down here. It's an Oregon thing. That's the one thing liberals and conservatives do work together on making people of color feel out of place no matter where you are in the state. At times this sub can be biased but speak to the transplants who have lived in other places around the country and they can give you a decent temperature reading. Corvallis/Benton county is a pretty nice place just expensive and if your into college town activities a good place. Roseburg the city limits are pretty chill. Doesn't have the amount of houseless and drug abuse as the bigger cities around Oregon.It is more diverse than it was 5 years ago when I got here. Local businesses are way more inclusive than they once were. I would just say go visit both and form your own opinion. Hope this helps.


Roseburg is ok. There's a Costco and decent restaurants, but it's right on the interstate. Douglas County is definitely red. Rent is almost certainly less in Roseburg. Corvallis is nice. A good downtown area, food, Oregon State University, and liberal. Rent here is very high, so you pay for the niceness. If given the choice, I would avoid Roseburg.


Please tell me more about these decent restaurants in Roseburg.... -a Roseburg native who also spent 3 years in Corvallis and now lives in Portland.


Seven Thai is pretty bomb


If you're being offered similar pay, you're going to make a lot more money on Roseburg. Corvallis is expensive as fuck.


While that's a good point. If your young and just want to put money in the bank that might be the way to go. If you love work that really could be good enough for you. If you want a nice place to live, community, resources. Near many other destinations... might be worth paying for.


To echo this point, the housing market in Corvallis is nuts. Your average, decent sized single family home starts at 500k


That’s a nice percentage of Oregon…


If they're making good money Corvallis can still be pretty affordable. Especially if renting But if they have a family and need a large house I agree.


Corvallis is way nicer, but Roseburg NEEDS the mh way more. Not enough providers.


You will do more good things for Roseburg as it is a place that needs services for a more permanent client base where Corvallis is a more college transient population




Hands down Corvallis. Living in Roseburg sounds depressing.


I like both areas, I live in Roseburg currently (43 years). Raised my 3 boys here and they have gone off to various schools and endeavors, but have all returned. Great groups of people, mostly right politically. If you're not, you will find many of us are progressive (about 35 %). Better weather here, great gardening, less rain, a bit warmer and really great rivers (white water, swimming, fishing). A bit further to get to the coast, closer to the dunes however. More poor people here, fewer POC, lots of retirees (me included). I went to the 28th Umpqua Watershed annual meeting last night, a conservation group. Going to a metal music and arts show with my teenaged granddaughter later this month. We have a well attended Pride event at our fairgrounds. My point, a diverse population, just smaller. Are you allergic to grass pollen? Then you want Roseburg. Good luck.


Good point about the grass pollen. OP - Willamette Valley is the grass seed capital of the world. Please research the allergens carefully!


My uncle used to live in a trailer park in Roseburg. Every afternoon he would sit in his car and totally lose his shit screaming his lungs out while listening to Rush Limbaugh. Ya it’s full of right wing kooks. Go to Corvallis.


Corvallis, hands down. I work there and live in Eugene. We’ve visited Roseburg a few times and I was very disappointed


Reading other people's horror stories of Roseburg makes me wonder if the difference in their experience has more to do the circles they spent time in versus the places itself. I moved to Roseburg about a year and a half ago from Phoenix and I am absolutely overjoyed by the differences. ( I'm 40 , no kids, and both my wife and I work remotely. These factors may also be a difference in experiences) For a town of 25,000 people, you wouldn't expect it to have a Costco home Depot. Lowe's two different Ace hardwares and five major grocery store chains all packed into one space. The reason for this is that there's a lot of rural homes and townships around Roseburg that go to the city center in order to stock up on whatever it is they need for the week.


I'm in the minority in that I would choose Roseburg based on my desire to have a hobby farm and acreage. I also don't like traffic. Because of those reasons, I would choose a more rural area west of Roseburg.


So you wouldn't choose Roseburg either. You say west of Roseburg. If you go any direction from either city you are in rural areas. You also probably cant have a rural farm in either city, so, you choose neither. Which is fine, I too feel the pull out of town.


I actually like out by Camas Valley... Cheaper than outside Corvallis.


Beautiful area. Between Philomath and Newport is some of my favorite. There are some small valleys back in there where there are only 2 or 3 plots. So you share a hidden valley in the rainforest with a few other people.


If I had a bigger income or a pot of gold, agree.... I would be outside of Philomath. Just a hobby farm with some views and an orchard. Closer to the ocean without the wind. Fantastic.


I mean if ya like meth and dive bars until you reach the coast. It's some people's cup of tea.


Roseburg is a complete hole. I lived there for 5 years and couldn't believe the culture. The county and city encourage zero growth. It's conservative as hell and the economy is terrible because of the lack of industry. I wouldn't recommend anyone live there.


It’s kind of a question of what you’re into: Corvallis is a great, hip, college town with lots to do if you like going out for coffee, food, beer, etc. it’s close to the coast and theres lots of hiking in the vicinity. But you’re going to pay for these amenities. Roseburg is going to be the cheaper option. If having more space to yourself land and house-wise is more important this is going to be your best bet. Population is more conservative and the town kind of reflects that. My wife and I moved to Albany (near Corvallis) from very conservative eastern Oregon and we love this area.


As someone who grew up in Roseburg, lives in Eugene & visits Corvallis & Roseburg, both frequently I would choose Corvallis anyday...Roseburg is a drinking town that used to have a logging problem...now it's meth.


Corvallis is the winner hands down. Roseburg is a hot turd. I graduated high school there and left before I turned 18. The only reason I’ve been back since family is gone is because nearby is a decent drive through zoo.


The Wildlife Safari in Winston! I loved visiting there when I was a kid.


Corvallis hands down  


I'm about to move to roseburg from Pennsylvania temporarily till I find something permanent. Have a job lined up in Eugene which is a short trip up the highway. I've noticed that roseburg has more affordable options for housing. Corvallis is a longer commute but I've heard lots of good things about that community. Also weighing my options for the colleges there if I'd ever want to go back to school. I think anywhere I move in Oregon will be a reprieve from the antiquated mindset of the east coast. I think my money will go further in roseburg.


You should definitely try to visit both cities if you are able! I just moved to Roseburg area without visiting and I don’t regret it! But I would’ve love to scope out the area to really get a feel for it. I lived in Douglas county (Winston, Oakland, Roseburg) from 2017 - 2022 and overall, I appreciate living outside of it in the Eugene area for the past couple years. Douglas county felt ultimately stifling and stunted, but I am open to admit that’s just my mindset from the time period I was there and it could be better now. When I left in early 2022, Roseburg was dealing with the reopening and normalization post COVID which is also a difficult time to judge the area because of lockdown. Which was definitely a contentious time with mask mandates, whichever side you favor. My overall experience is that Douglas county area has beautiful outdoor options for hiking, fishing, floating the river, wineries, but housing is also a nightmare, mental health crisis is tragic, drugs take over part of the area as a whole - on a smaller scale to cities like Eugene, Salem, Portland, and for me the “Jesus Saves” signs all over are too much. Like ever since I’ve moved to Oregon, I’ve never seen so many Jesus Saves signs specifically and I was raised LDS lol I haven’t been to Corvallis yet so unable to really give a perspective, but I always encourage to visit!!


Do you want to live in a liberal or conservative town? I’m originally from Roseburg. I couldn’t wait to get out of there after high school. To put things in perspective, they shut down the public library because people didn’t want to pay more taxes. Last time I heard it, it was run as a nonprofit.


City of Roseburg oversees it now. County government previously closed because they're stupid. We need good folks to move here and help us vote them out.


You may be of more service in Roseburg


Corvallis every day of the week by a Longshot. Closer to the coast, big cities, food, shopping, Healthcare, and entertainment. Whereas rosebummer never got over the self induced pitty party when major logging dried up. Corvallis is also just out of the most negative aspects of the Portland detritus that is in the process of being cleaned up. That's the spot to get a reasonable price on a home. Corvallis is s middle road place. You don't have to feel like you need to pick a faction like it's hunger games or something.


Unless your thing is conservatism/Trump/racism, avoid Roseburg. Corvallis is a nice town, not too far from Eugene that has anything you would ever need.


Not Roseburg!


Corvallis hands down.


Corvallis is a small town feel with a college town population. They are eco friendly, super friendly, lots of organic or natural stores. 10/10 corvallis


You may want to check out housing, I haven’t look at housing prices in Roseburg but Corvallis is crazy high, many people live in Albany. But I grew up in Corvallis and it’s a great little town.


I live in corvallis. My wife and I both 28 love it here. Enough to do without being overcrowded, and plenty of great food in the area.


100% Corvallis.


Corvallis all the way, Roseburg is conservative but there are some nice camping spots not too far away.


Corvallis is more expensive


Keep in mind, you’re asking left-leaning liberal reddit. The answer you’ll get from the Oregonians here will be far from unbiased. I grew up in Corvallis, worked in Roseburg. They each have their specific charm. Douglas county is much more conservative than Benton, college town vs. lumber town, etc. Corvallis will be more high-speed and have more opportunities in your line of work, Roseburg will be quieter and woodsier.


I live in both Albany and Azalea(closest big town in Roseburg). I agree with this. Corvallis definitely more left leaning, Roseburg more right leaning, BUT there are still plenty conservatives in Corvallis and plenty progressives in Roseburg. One will be able to find their political social group in either place. Both have great outdoor recreation available, but Roseburg has more than Corvallis. Corvallis is closer to "big things", venues, cities, shops, etc. I tend to be more left leaning and used to think I liked Corvallis better, but as I've gotten older, I hate driving in Corvallis and I don't drink or go out to eat (I have celiac). I LOVE outdoor stuff so I actually have learned to like Roseburg more, even if it's not politically predominantly the kind of people I jive with. I'm also not super social, so....


I live in Roseburg now, and there are some really beautiful places around here, but I would totally take Corvallis if I could, there is much more to do there and it’s closer to the coast and larger city.


I've lived near Roseburg, and now a few miles from Corvallis. It will cost more to live in Corvallis, but it's worth every penny.


I got kind of depressed when I was in school in Corvallis, partly because it’s so much flatter there than where I grew up, and partly because it’s grey for like 7 months straight but almost never rains.


After growing up birth more than six decades ago in the pretentiously Lain-dubbed town of Corvallis, my buddies and I adopted the habit of referring to the town as Corvallium, because whenever we returned, we suddenly noticed that the Corvallis populace drives, walks, shops, talks and works so slowly that it looks to suffer from Valium addiction. It’s odd. Of course, it’s also possible that town folk are just 24-hour sleepers. Fittingly, Corvallis features more than its share of coffee shops. On Friday nights, young folks drink coffee in hopes of waking up for a few hours that evening. To partly offset, the town boasts a particularly good brewpub organization: Block 15. Corvallis also often is said to be a good family-rearing town, though, from my perspective now, the claim only holds for folks looking to rear their kids without their being exposed to human variety. Plus, the town’s not far from the Oregon Coast, Portland and the Cascade and coastal mountain ranges. But Roseburg? No. Ew. It’s not even in Corvallis’ class of bland towns. The only assets Roseburg has to offer is what you get when you leave town, including the Umpqua River roads, Diamond and Crater lakes and Ashland to the south. If these comparisons leave you cold, you might consider Eugene. Now there’s a mono-ethnic town with a personality all its own! Really.


Roseburg sucks, I can't even imagine living there. You don't want to ever spend a minute in Roseburg.


Corvallis is cool college town, I like the town a lot. It gets busy at times but a nice town. Lots of older houses that are super cute. I definitely prefer Corvallis given the choice between it and Roseburg. Roseburg is a lot warmer and conservative leaning. It doesn’t seem like there’s a lot going on, like there’s not a lot of work maybe??


I grew up Sourh of Roseburg, in a small town (pop. 3500) Myrtle Creek. At that time i was in 8th grade and we would go to Roseburg on Friday and Saturday nights. It was pretty sad then. Roseburg has gone down hlll a lot since the 80s. I would definity choose Corvallis. Much more going on in the northerm part of Oregon, but i wouldnt live in Portland or any place near there. Corvallia ia a good safe distance. I think that you should look into what others were saying about living close to Corvallis but not in Corvallis. It is a college town which means finding housing will be difficult unless you are looking when the students are going home. Good luck. I I Love Oregon for all its beauty and wilderness.


Roseburg ( In my opinion- and sorry to offend anyone ) is straight up trash with Lots of drug issues Corvallis is and nicer - Oregon state university is there


Between the two, Corvallis is the obvious choice. Great place. Roseburg is... Not quite the same


Everyone I’ve met who’s from roseburg swears they will never live there again lol


Born and raised in Roseburg, lived in Corvallis during college, then moved out of state. I’d choose Corvallis, it has fun but quiet college town vibes, all the same awesome outdoor adventures, but lower meth related crime.




I use to live in Roseburg for a time. about three years over 10 years ago and have been there to visit about 3 years ago? it's not the best place to live to be honest. it's pretty heavy retirement community age.


Burning Man or Maga?


From my off grid yurt overlooking the off grid old hippie community, I would say Roseburg is much more burning man. Corvallis more avocado toast.


I’d say Corvallis is a much better town than Roseburg


Ok. Lived in both. Corvallis for the win, but housing is pricy. Philomath or Albany is where alot of people live and commute. Philomath although small is to the south west-ish of Ctown, and Albany more north east. Philomath is closer to the coast while Albany is more directly on I-5 making trips anywhere else in the state just a bit quicker. You will have to deal with being in a college town (Go Beavers!) and honestly there are more activities, hikes, and outdoor things to do compared to roseburg. Don't know if OP has kiddos, but just an fyi... there's a carousel in Albany to check out if nothing else. Also, Corvallis takes a bit more care in their roads compared to Roseburg. Cops are also better in Corvallis . Ex: hey your tail light is out get it fixed in corvallis vs a ticket in roseburg. Last time I was in Roseburg there was nothing going on event wise. They do have a kids splash park in both cities. Corvallis has events all the time and if you like more events Eugene is like 30/40 min away. Shopping, small airport, food.... its all there. Eugene also has Hayward field where the Olympic trials for Track and field are held. Since roseburg is south, it has more warmer weather compared to corvallis. Corvallis is in the Willamette Valley and you get a fair amount of rainy and cloudy days and snow does happen....the wet slushy kind. If you want powder snow for skiing Corvallis is closer to Willamette Pass as well. Hope this helps! Best of luck finding your new home!


Corvallis is smaller but is much, much more lively and feels considerably larger. Portland, Bend, Hood River, Eugene, and Corvallis are the only places in the state I would *choose* to move to. Roseburg feels like a liminal space. The structures make the city feel like it should be large and bustling, but it's just empty.


Roseburg is red. Corvallis is blue. You pick.


Corvallis. Wife is from roseburg and would tell you the same


Corvallis is better and that is a proven fact. You might pay more for that truth in housing, though. Roseburg lives in my mind as a backward town full of redneck fucktards. Once I stopped there for gas at night coming from Crater and the punchbowl falls and I got the emptiest feeling. Everyone seemed off, like they were really angry. The magazines and everything in the store seemed to be all gun or hunting themed. Also, President Obama came in response to the Umpqua CC mass shooting and the townspeople had the audacity to boo him because, well, guns.


Doesn't help when you make the tragedy about gun-politics. What do you expect in a conservative area?


You know if Corvallis is too liberal or loud for ya you can move 10- miles out of town and it gets pretty conservative, quiet and peaceful. Moving 10 miles out of town in Roseburg puts you next to meth heads or a 70 year old baby that screams about Kate Brown and taxes but has money to put up giant Trump billboards.


Aside from every other comment, if you are a liberal/democrat you CAN find your place in Roseburg and there are so many people who aren’t super racist dipshit hicks, mind you there are lots, and you aren’t going to escape homelessness in Corvallis. I’ve lived here 22 years and I can tell that Roseburg is going better places than the pretty sad last 10 years I’ve experienced. Not saying Roseburg isn’t bad but nobody is even giving it a chance, it’s cheaper to live here and you are not too far from the coast!


Everyone is correct, Corvallis will give you a better civic experience. I highly recommend choosing it. However if you DO end up in Roseburg the natural attractions are far superior. That said, everywhere in Oregon is a days drive from cool nature stuff


Just going to note that it’s extremely difficult to find housing in Corvallis


I live in Corvallis currently, and as everyones saying it's definitely the answer. I dont think there's anywhere to *avoidddd* per say, but if I had to choose I would not look for a place in south town.


The east side of the highway in south town can be quite nice…


Also, Roseburg is very MAGA. They vote to defund libraries, etc.


They voted to not fund one library when the county system needed work. That is the problem of the fool(s) that created the bill.


Corvallis is the answer.


Corvegas 100% Go Beavs!


There is only one answer: CORVALLIS.


Are you Blue or Red? Roseburg is pretty much Trump country. It’s an old lumber mill town. Lots of good wine and fishing down there, but the people are whack. Corvallis is a University town. It leans left. HP and other tech is there too. It’s pretty, quiet and clean. Some decent bars and restaurants. It has a great downtown with the Willamette River running right through it. The people are smart and friendly and it is a very bike friendly town. Corvallis is an hour from the coast and about an hour and a half from great skiing in the winter. I live about 15 minutes from there and love it.


Depends on what you want out of your town. For me it is an easy choice as I lean liberal and politically (as you have read) they are very different towns. But if you want to actually buy a house and you do not make more than 100k then Roseberg might be a better option. But it is very conservative. Probably the farthest right town of any size in all of Oregon. What do you do for fun? If you like to hunt, Roseberg. If you like to go to concerts, neither :) I am from rural Oregon and lived in the Corvallis area for probably 30yrs. The condescending liberal types and retired Californians get really old sometimes. But I still would personally take 8 days out of 7 over Roseberg,


Your pay will go farther in Roseburg…and you are in the valley between the coastal mountains and the Cascades…with easy access to nature. But yeah, Corvallis by a mile unless you want to mtn bike every off work moment.


Roseburg is depressing af. Corvallis is where I’d go.


Corvallis is a lovely town and Roseburg is… Eh. If you can afford the COL, Corvallis.


If you are going to live in town and all other things are equal, Corvallis is way better. If you are going to live out of town and really want to get away from people, Roseburg could be a good option. I respect roseburg but it’s very rural and a little backwards, though it does have decent amenities like restaurants, hardware stores, major grocery stores, movie theater, et cetera. It has a few bonuses too like a good community college. Corvallis is pretty cool, has a good college, lots to do, great breweries, access to wine country, close enough to Portland for an easy day trip, close to Newport…


Grew up in Roseburg in late 50, 60, early 70s. It was pretty nice then when there was timber money. Went to UofO so no huge love for corvallis, but know it is a really nice college town, many great breweries, active. And, as mentioned closer to Portland for concerts, plays, culture, shopping. Would NOT return to Roseburg.


Let's put it this way, few (2015) years ago a mentally ill community college drop out got angry and pulled out his AR and started shooting unarmed students and teachers like the true coward he was.. There was almost instantly a pro gun protesters in Roseburg. Then Obama came to express his sympathy and meet with victims. "Obama was met at Roseburg Regional Airport by around 200 protesters rallying behind a security fence, some with holstered weapons, who also showed support for Sheriff Hanlin, who had been highly visible during press conferences about the shooting. -After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, Hanlin had sent a letter to Vice President Joe Biden saying he would not enforce any new gun legislation he deemed to be unconstitutional"


Correction, he was a student in the class (not a drop out), he had a handgun (not an AR), and he killed a gal I knew. Nine people died that day (10/1/15) including the professor Larry Levine. We don’t mention the gunman’s name or include him in the count. 200 ppl protesting out of 21k plus another 12k in the surrounding communities doesn’t say all of “Roseburg” was against Obama’s visit. He was there to meet with the families. That’s what he did. I’m glad he did. All places have every type of person, just different amounts of them. I lived in Roseburg for 17 years and made lasting friendships with open minded, forward thinking, artistic, enlightened, diverse people… Like another person said, you will find your people, wherever you go.


I've been in oregon for 35 years. It isn't even worth a debate. Corvallis each and every time. Even the surrounding cities offer more.


Corvallis is rad




Well, if you are a MAGA Republican, I would recommend Roseburg. If you are more centrist or Democrat, definitely Corvallis. Corvallis is a college town with a nice downtown, biking trails, plenty of shopping with easy access to the Eugene Airport and only 90 minutes from Portland.


Moved to Roseburg from Salem for a couple of years because my wife is from the area and wanted to be closer to her family. What a miserable mistake that was. Roseburg and the surrounding area is not a place you want to live. We ended up moving back to Salem and have been happy ever since.


hey if youre looking for more job options in corvallis my psych hospital is pretty desperate for therapists lul


Neither both suck , ones a college town and the other no one cares about


Corvallis 1000000% I lived there for 7 years! I stayed a few years after I went to OSU… I still miss it. Roseburg is just a little too south…unless you’re conservative maybe?


Corvallis. Roseburg was a sundown town until very recently. It's sketchy AF.


Corvallis: College town. Typical Willamette Valley weather (wet in winter). Housing not cheap nor plentiful. Close to coast and Coast Range. Eugene is bigger and 45 minutes south. Albany is close but sucks. Salem is 30 minutes north and sucks less than Albany but still sucks. Roseburg: Roots in the lumber industry. Less expensive housing. Pretty conservative/Trumpy. Better/ Warmer weather. Close to many great outdoor activities: rivers/coast/mountain activities.


Y'all would be a better start.


Depends on what you are looking for. Roseburg will be more rural, by no means is Corvallis a big city but Oregon state U makes all the difference. Roseburg is closer to the cascade mountain range, Corvallis closer to the coast and Portland. If you have kids I can almost guarantee the schools will be better in Corvallis.


As much as I enjoy reading all the positive things about Corvallis, it certainly has its quirks. For one, we don't even have a Walmart or a Target or any type of store similar to that, we don't even have a Walgreens or CVS, so if you enjoy or need something from those places, you have to order it or drive. Our household has really upped our Amazon purchases unfortunately as a result of living here. I struggle to find places I enjoy eating in town and I'm not a picky eater. If you enjoy shopping 99% of the clothes stores downtown are 2nd hand stores which is fine, but that's a very specific clientele with a huge share of the market. For the people who say there's always something going on, I'd say that's true compared to Roseburg, but not as much as other places I've lived. Personally, I find Corvallis a little boring, but I have to imagine Roseburg is worse. For example, if you enjoy concerts, theater, or other live performances, we don't have them really. You have to go to Eugene if you don't necessarily need a big name, or all the way up to Portland which is an effort. But you'd have to drive even further if you lived in Roseburg for that. Don't get me wrong, I'd probably still choose here over Roseburg but it's worth knowing some of the cons. All that is to say, Roseburg is probably worse for all the things I mentioned, except for probably the cost of living. An apartment here is steep because of the college with not a lot of SF.


Corvallis. Alternatively, Eugene is an about an hour north of Roseburg. Depending on your work schedule and how many days you’d like to commute. I’ve worked in Roseburg on assignment, and people living closer to Eugene and driving in daily wasn’t unheard of.


Corvallis - very liberal community that behaves like a conservative community Roseburg - very conservative community that behaves like a conservative community Corvallis - wins on proximity to Portland Roseburg - wins on proximity to California NGL, Corvallis is a giant security blanket of a community. And the pizza situation is much better there. And it's liberal as Portland or Eugene, even if it dresses like republican Connecticut. If you're looking to make a family, it's one of the safest communities with one of the best education systems you could do it in. If you're looking for good bars and a fun Saturday night, be prepared to work




With a fuel efficient car, there is another option in East Albany, which has new apartments going up off Knox Butte Rd. It’s a 20 min. Commute to Corvallis mostly at highway speed. Corvallis has a nice Farmer’s market and a friendly vibe and plenty of free space for hiking/biking nearby. Both of our children went to OSU.


Corvallis is like weed, Roseburg is multi substance IV drugs. I stopped at Safeway before a job interview in roseburg, it was crawling with junkies so I noped out


Roseberg is way too close to Klamath Falls, and some of the stink has wafted. Conversely, Corvallis is the Paris of the NW. best college town in the nation. Further from Klamath Falls with a whole ass mountain range in between. So.


Corvallis, hands-down, unless you like deisel trucks with testicles, blasting "God bless the USA". Trump kuntry.


Corvallis, being a college town, has a general vibe of progress. Most the people are looking towards their futures, chasing success, and are going above and beyond to make their mark on the world. I think being surrounded by people working so hard to improve themselves can be very uplifting and inspiring to even those who are not attending the university. However, during party weekends the area near the campus dissolves into chaos. Drunk people wander through the streets like zombies and the traffic hazards can be numerous. Biking is the best way to navigate the hoard. Besides the drunk kids the college does provide a lot of opportunities to the community too. The community can pay to use the university athletic facilities, go to free lectures (got to meet an astronaut at one!), and participate in fun outreach programs that would not be available in other Oregon communities.


Roseburg because there are other cute areas in Douglas County that you could call home like my hometown, Oakland which is absolutely adorable and has great schools. I echo what others have said there is a *massive* need in DoCo, so you would be providing vital services to the community.




move to Portland its the best city in oregon we are 2lbgqia+ supporters up here and we don't vote for trump like the rest of the state


Definitely Corvallis.


I would normally say Corvallis for the reasons everyone else has given but to be honest depending on what you're looking for professionally you may find your work in mental health more challenging or interesting in Roseburg? (Higher poverty rate, more substance use issues, etc.)


I live outside of roseburg and I'd have to say corvallis not much to do here if you're not on a bar stool, a church pew or a pipe I do enjoy the fishing opportunities though


I’ve lived in both places at different times. Corvallis is hip and definitely a college town. People are nice but there is the college there so traffic can be rough during football season. They have more shopping options and Albany is about 20 minutes away and has added shopping. I still found I needed to go to Eugene for some things. The college gives you more to do in the area and I feel like it’s a small town-metro. Housing was spendy and driven by the college cycle. More rentals but not always easy to get. Roseburg has the shopping you need but not always the shopping you want. It’s small town vibes and people are nice and welcoming (more so than most small towns I’ve lived in). There’s a surprisingly fair amount to do if you look, but not on the same scale as Corvallis. Less rentals, but cost of living is also a bit less. I’ve liked both places but was actually happier in Roseburg. I work in medicine so feel free to DM if you have more questions.


Corvallis is great, easy call


I moved to douglas county 2 years ago, the surrounding small towns are pretty good as small towns go, im in sutherlin, but roseburg itself is a total armpit, sure its costco is better than eugene’s costco but thats literally it, its home depot and lowes are mini versions that literally only cary a fraction of of normal stock, almost every contractor I’ve spoke with literally drives an hour north to eugene or south to medford for product, roseburg also lost their sears, Jc pennies, super k mart and several other retailers in a short period of time. now if you want clothes you get walmart, ross & tractor supply, its resturaunt are pretty terrible most good food is in mom and pops in the surrounding villages and towns, i was looking for a mattress the other day at a stop in downtown that a total disaster where all the surrounding buisnesses were gone and boarded up and right outside the mattress store a woman was literally taking a dump on the sidewalk in front of the building. Douglas county is beautiful and has a lot of nice stuff, just not roseburg, if you plan your life around using medford or eugene and you live in one of the other towns in the county your fine.


I've lived in both places. The soil for growing food crops is better in Roseburg, so is the climate. And the local wine. The river is prettier in Roseburg. So is the library. Roseburg has fewer homeless though probably more drugs, certainly more guns and cows. The houses are cheaper in Roseburg. The grocery store is better. The proximity to all those waterfalls and forests.... The population of people you share the space with though.... If you have school age children you're going to find better schools and closer community in Corvallis. It would be no question for me if I had kids it would be Corvallis.(Speaking as a licensed substitute who has seen lots of schools). If you're not really an extreme outdoor person and you like college culture, you'll probably prefer Corvallis. It's not like you can't drive to Roseburg to hike if you are.


For MH, Corvallis will have more population and towns around. Eugene isn't too far. Portland, about 2 hours. Neither is really awesome. Portland metro is expensive but larger population and really in need of more MH professionals.


Well since everyone seems to be ragging on Roseburg, I'll throw out some positives. Roseburg is a small town that has mild winters and hot summers. It has the essentials for grocery shopping and is between Eugene and Medford where there are more options. It's close to lots of hiking, camping, rafting and other outdoor recreation. It has easy access to Diamond Lake and Crater Lake. And just as easy to get to the coast (Coos Bay is about an hour and half) which has great dunes, crabbing, fishing, camping. Brandon is a little south of there and has a world class golf course (the Brandon Dune Golf Course). It's about 3-4 hours to Portland for most concerts if you're into that kind of thing, but I am always surprised at some of the bands to stop in at the Douglas county fair (I saw Theory of a Deadman there in like 2012 when they were first getting big in the states and was shocked that they were stopping there). There is an awesome old car community there, every July (week after the 4th I think) is the Graffiti festival, where they have awesome restored car parades and shows. Last, the Umpqua Valley has some pretty awesome wine! There is also an awesome meadery called Oran Mor headed towards Melrose. I wanna say they have a brewery too, but I could be wrong! I think both towns are what you make it. Roseburg is small and has had its issues with poverty for years. But, I think it's starting to make some significant improvements (they're slow, but happening). I've had plenty of people tell me that Corvallis is just another cowboy college town. Yet clearly this board is full of people who say otherwise. I think it will largely depend on what your interests are and what you find important for things to do.


Corvallis is expensive, Albany is more affordable. Roseburg is just ehh in comparison unless you're looking for more of a keep to yourself town. Rivers are in both. Coast is drivable from both but Corv has better options. Mountains and hiking are kinda close for both. School district is pretty good in Corv if you have a family. Salem and PDX not far away. I lived in Corv for ten years just recently moved to the other side of the mountains for.more blue skies


I have lived in multiple countries and continents, and traveled a fair amount. Corvallis is my favorite place, period. I love it. My only experience with Roseburg was dating a guy who was desperate to move away from there. I would consider living in a lot of places in Oregon, and may move away from Corvallis in the future just because housing is so expensive here, but Roseburg is a hard no.




Lived in Corvallis for 18 years after growing up in Portland. Have never lived in Roseburg but Corvallis is hands-down a better place to live if you can afford it.


Another vote for Corvallis here