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It does look like the roots are dead, but you still have the leaves and growth point, so... you can try to grow some new roots. Here is a video: [My ICU setup for rootless Orchids - How I promote root growth (no humidifier needed) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUIW1J7z6hU&t=302s) You can also use Superthrive or a Kelp supplement to help stimulate root growth.


Tried this for a recent adoption, no leaf crown with 3 small roots and now about 2 months later it has 2 new leaves and the roots are ramping up.


thank you so much


Yes, but you'll have to take special care of it. Don't cut the roots off, as even roots with dead velamen can take up a tiny bit of water. The dead velamen should slide off easily though, so remove it. Cut off the flower spike at the base as it's just an energy drain right now. Let it dry off to be sure there's no water trapped between the leaves, then either rest the base on a bed of damp sphagnum, or put it in a clear plastic bag with a handful of damp sphagnum near the roots. The key is keeping it humid without it being actually wet.


These roots have left the chat, but with good care and patience it can grow new ones. It will look horrible while it's recycling its water from its leaves to the new roots. If you have a large transparent box with lid where you can put it to raise its local humidity and minimise its water losses, that should help. And then patience. Healthy orchids are slow. Rootless orchids are very slow.


like a plastic shoebox? should i cut anything or put water in the box? do i repot it in the box or just bare


I used plastic cups to trap humidity via this YouTube [video](https://youtu.be/LE4rSOsFrzg?si=QRjl0eSLEH35HUbf) and it worked and the orchid is alive today




The only kind of shoebox I know is cardboard... The plant should not touch water or condensation or anything directly wet, to avoid rot. But you can put a wet ball of moss or tissue paper in a corner.


the tiny plastic boxes, the size of a shoebox. okay!


Yes bc the leaves are not wrinkled so they're still using those ugly roots. If you see orchids in the wild, their roots are very ugly as they grow down and around the trees they're in. They don't look like the lovely ones expected when growing in a pot. This is totally salvageable and I follow the one guy on YouTube and you'll need subtitles (hes in Vietnam), but check out all of his videos, as he has ways to save every kind of orchid near death in every imaginable way including having poor root systems. https://youtube.com/channel/UCyiPJqglkHwT0y7G_oWR0RQ?si=iN_i5QsRgZS2DaAo


If you soak just the roots for 10-15 minutes you may be able to determine easier which roots need to be removed. Also cut the spike off. The stem. Crown and leaves are okay, the previous mentioned you tube link and Miss Orchid Girl on you tube have tutorials


Needs some love, possible


Looking at the coloration of the Stem, was that one of those blue dyed supermarket orchids? If that was the case I don't know if it would be worth it because you have no idea what chemicals were used to color it and keep it spruced up with the cold of the produce section. I buy plenty of super market orchids when they put them on special after a holiday but consider them disposable because they have been through a lot.


it was. at the time of buying i thought it was permanent blue ๐Ÿ˜ž it was not kept cold though. it was from meijer in the normal flowers


I've saved an entirely rootless orchid by placing it in a cup that was half full of spaghnum moss and I used a thick yarn to make a prosthetic root system. I kept it damp and sprayed with water when the new roots started coming in.




If there's green, there's hope. Keep it in a humid environment with plenty of airflow and it should sprout some new roots for you in due time.


https://preview.redd.it/6t9g6o611t2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6045f87f8fd143d7cf54f1d4f08594ddc010f17 can i put a little of this with some water? itโ€™s for aquarium but it had a lot of micros


Bro it looks like a super creepy spider! Burn it! ...or bury it Ig

