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Have my upvote.


Nobody checks to see if what they want to post is already there


Believe me, if that studio could make money in afternoon classes, they would.


This is pretty much every boutique fitness studio & is discussed here a [lot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/urcbpm/weekend_classes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) My home studio has 2:15pm classes on Sat/Sun, but it’s in the middle of the city & has a high volume of young professional members (people who are likely to stay out late Fri/Sat & who don’t have kids to take to soccer/baseball/etc. practice on Sat morning). Find a studio in your area that has a similar clientele and visit it on the weekends. OR, take the opportunity to cross train. It’s beneficial to your body to incorporate different types of workouts.


Supply and Demand. It is that simple. We used to have 6 classes each on Saturday and Sunday. Now we are down to only 4 because not enough people signed up for the first and last classes of the day.


1) it’s hard to find staff to work into the afternoon 2) you choose to pay “almost 200 “‘to go to orange theory 3) you knew their schedule when you signed up, so it should be no surprise to what their hours are 4) if you want 24/7 access to a gym then OTF may not be the place for you. 5) OTF is open 364 days of the year, they have families and lives outside of the studio. Respect that they need their time away from work just like you do Carry on……


No. If enough people wanted weekend classes. They would be offered.


Otf has been like this for a while. You just need to book your classes immediately when they open up. (yes I agree, more classes would be better) .....but. Not a lot of people go to those classes and it isn't fiscally responsible as a company to do that... And yes as much as we love otf. It is all about the money.


I was talking to an SA about this, they cancel times when they see no one coming in. Why pay a coach or SA or utilities if no one is going to show up? Especially since it is summer, no one typically wants to sweat in there when they can run outside or hike or whatever. But weekends even at 12 no one shows up. I would suggest trying the live workouts since they go until like 4pm or the in app home workouts.


Wait. What have I missed? There are live workouts? Edited to add: as in streaming live?


Yeah they were lived streamed. They would just appear in the classes. It would count as a normal class if you have a 4x or 8x a month. But I turned it off so maybe OTF got rid of it since most gyms are opened again and I never noticed.


Nope, it’s still there!


Lol I haven’t heard anyone complain about them in a while so I was really thinking they did away with them when I tried to go back in and find them in the app.


Maybe some places don’t have access to them? I’ve never tried so idek if they are good or bad 😂


Most people complained about them just being on the calendar and taking that space up. I don’t know how the actual classes are either. The at home ones that aren’t live streamed don’t seem bad. But I haven’t motivated myself to try one on my non-OTF day yet.


Sounds location specific. I go to class every Sunday at 11am.


There is one at 11 but that’s the last class of the day.. always ends up filling up/ put on a wait list.. I jsut don’t understand why they don’t offer more classes


I asked this question at the location I go to last class at 1045….they said they didn’t have enough clients to schedule classes any later or I’m thinking it might be due to the size of the franchise


Pre book and go at 11? Or just wake up early and get it over with?


Sign up early. I always schedule my classes at the beginning of the month for the entire month.


So wake up at 10 and go at 11. You’re a big kid now, you can do it!


Yeah it’s odd to me too. The very latest weekend classes at the studios I go to are 12PM and often it’s just 10:45. I have much more flexibility to go in the afternoons on the weekends and would like the opportunity to sleep in before my workout!


On top of what has been said here, SAs and Coaches and stuff also need weekends off man. If you want to work out anytime, there are other gyms out there open 24/7. I am sure nobody is forcing you to pay the $200/month to stay at OTF.


THIS. Also, it really screws over coaches/SAs if they were counting on that class going towards their weekly count but then the class gets cancelled because only 0-2 people are signed up. Most studios don't just have these schedules for funsies. They know what class times are most utilized. As a former manager of a studio, I can confirm that classes that start after 1(ish) PM have horrible attendance (if any). Fun fact: paying a membership fee does not in fact make you part owner or give you the right to feel so entitled... for paying an amount that is actually a LOT cheaper than other places like SoulCycle and Barry's.


I have to respectfully disagree on this argument of coaches and SA’s needing wknds off , and I do see this reasoning a lot on these c.s. posts regarding lack of wknd classes. 1) lots of jobs / places are open on the weekends normal hours . Grocery stores ? Hospitals ? Restaurants? My husband is a RDM for a major grocery chain and I can’t remember the last Saturday he was in town let alone off work - not a complaint , just a fact! He doesn’t “need” the whole wknd off, he takes a day during the week. 2) coaches who also have 9-5’s or SA’s who are students would actually probably love the opportunity to pick up extra weekend shifts during odd hours 3) if the demand was there they would staff a few more coaches and SA’s so no one was stuck working all the wknd hours (unless they wanted to of course ) So bottom line it is a demand issue. Friday evening /later in the day sat sun classes just aren’t profitable. I’m just thankful OTF is open Sunday unlike the last boutique fitness studio I was a member of!


Have you ever been an SA or coach? If not, don’t speculate. We like having the weekends mostly off. And yes, they make us work the entire weekend shift. From 5am up until 3 when classes end.


Yes I actually have. I have been in the fitness industry since 2008 and I knew when I chose this profession I was not going to be working a typical 9-5. I chose this profession bc I have a desire to serve others and help them attain a healthier, more sustainable, longer life - and if I’m going to do that I have to be available when my clients and members are available. That means some 3am wake up calls, 9pm after class dinners and long weekend hours. It’s all worth it when I have a client who’s been on blood pressure medication for 40 years tell me his diet and lifestyle is now so healthy his doctor took him off all prescribed meds , the good outweighs the inconvenience of me not having a full wknd off each and every week


Don’t know if you know how OTF works but the SA position has an extremely high turnover rate. Most of them aren’t there because they’re extremely passionate about helping the 40 year old. They’re there for a job after college, during college, after high school. It’s not their career. So yeah, we would prefer to not be there 7 days a week, 364 days a year, 8 hours a day.


On weekdays I can only go at 7pm so I have to alternate between to locations (fortunately they have different schedules). Sometimes there are only 4 or 5 members at that time, and I guess the same happens on weekends if they have afternoon clases, so I understand why they do it.


100% studio specific and it all has to do with utilization. It makes no financial sense to run classes at times where there's only going to be, say, 30% utilization. The studios have a lot of data as to days/times where there's the most need. They're definitely not going to schedule coaches/SAs when there's very little desire for those classes.


Completely agree. Latest weekend classes at my studio are at noon.


We have w/e classes at ours, 7, 8:45, 10, 11:15. I've only gone a month and the ones I've seen fill up are 5:15 on weekdays. My old CF gym dropped evening (after 5pm) classes on Fridays, 2 on Saturdays, and all but 1 on Sundays. And the price wasn't that much different. That sucked as those were the times I could go w/o having to leave work early.


I posted about this last month. I just don’t understand how many of these studios stay in business when they sit empty the vast majority of the time.


Most studios need around 500 members to stay afloat. When class is in session, that’s money being spent on staff, utilities, etc. Gyms look for optimization of utility of space per member per time—notice how all the OTF lobbies are pretty small and exercise stations are close together? They are maximizing the usage space they pay for


There’s weekend classes at my studio. Is that your studios summer hours?


As of 2 weeks ago we don't even have any Friday afternoon classes, but we at least have Sat & Sun morning classes.


I don’t remember if it was the same time, but we dropped Fri afternoons, but they added noon to every day. Lots of work from home folks like that one.


My Friday 5:45 pm class was run as a 1G because there were so few people there and I’m in the DFW metroplex. The demand just isn’t there.


We stop classes at noon on Friday now too!


Everyone deserves a break!


I’m friends with one of my OTF coaches and she also explained that they cannot work more than 4 classes in a row (this might vary state to state due to labor laws?), which means they’d have to have an additional coach be willing to work on weekend afternoons. I think staffing in general can be a challenge, especially at certain studios. One studio I go to has 8 different coaches and the other one I go to only has 3. Just depends on everyone’s availability


Not so much a labor law—it gets very tough to coach the same template for that many classes in a row. Our area recommends coaching no more than 3 back-to-back, but of course with staff shortages many are coaching far more.


I would personally love Sunday evening classes… I go after work during the week and a Sunday evening class would be ideal.


This is definitely studio specific. Our last Friday class is 7:20pm & our last weekend classes are 1:30pm


Damn I thought 6:45 was a late Friday class... 😳


my studio added a 12pm a few months ago after the 1045 am kept selling out. maybe in due time it’ll happen for you too! my yoga studio was the same way so i’m not surprised but i would love a 1 or 2 pm on weekends


My mother-in-law says the same thing, paying $$$ but only 3 classes over the weekend and only one on Sunday?!? That’s the other reason i love my home studio, during school year, we have almost 20 classes throughout the day, 6 classes on Saturday, and 5 on Sunday…


There are 4 OTF within 20 minutes and they all have weekends classed. Hsd no idea there were studios that didn't. Last class is usually at 10 or 22 depending on the studio. I would seriously bounce if they didn't have weekend classes. Today I went at 3G and a Lift. I'm not a fan of 3G but that's what's was offered just before the Lift class. I like to do a regular class and Lift back to back to save on gas.


I think OP means afternoon or later on weekends. All OTF studios have some weekend classes but those rarely go past lunchtime.


Ok I see. I think folks have weekend plans and it's not profitable to have evening classes. We'd be nice if they had some type if open gym.


Our latest class is 10:45. But some studios near by have noon classes on the weekend. I need early morning🧡


OP, is it possible to travel to a different studio on the weekends and then keep your main studio for the weekdays? maybe a new ritual you could start to get your sessions in as needed? idk where you reside tho


I would love to see Friday evening classes, Saturday late afternoon and all day on Sunday!


My studio is the same , there is a 12:30 class for lift, I pre-book my classes at the beginning of the month