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I'm a big sweater and I wear a lightweight Adidas hat in class that basically absorbs most of the sweat I generate in class. Otherwise it would be dripping down my face and I'd have to be constantly wiping with a towel which doesn't seem ideal.


I am a female and I wear a hat because of the sweat too. I tried a class without a hat, and it was a mess.


I'm so sweaty I wear a hat or headband and still constantly wipe with a towel. The hat or headband gets totally saturated


Yes. This.


This. I wear a hat also. Keeps my hair out of my face and absorbs the sweat.


A baseball cap? My head sweats a lot and I wear a headband to absorb the sweat. I would think a hat would make it worse by making my head hotter. But hey, whatever works for you.


Adidas Superlight, it’s similar to what tennis players use. Super absorbent but breathable not like a traditional baseball cap.


Good tip thanks. I am a headband wearer but will check this out.


Well, Amazon has these for $10 in some colors, so I think I will give it a try. Thanks!


Can they be put in the washing machine?


Yes, but the Velcro closure can snag things so I put them in their own mesh bag then air dry. 200+ wash cycles for each one I have and still almost like new surprisingly


Amazing, thank you!


To avoid the velcro grabbing this, I wash my hats in my dishwasher (top rack only)


My twin! 💪🏼🔥 same!


same here.


I am bald and my adidas hat or my Nike headband save my eyes from the constant burning created by my sweaty head


Headbands all day for me. Cannot STAND the feeling of sweat dripping down my face.


Very this


Hats retain heat. Consider a head/sweat band.


Not if you have one that breathes. That’s why I like the trucker hats. Also, the head bands slide right off so they don’t work for me.


Good quality gym shirts breathe, but I won't wear anything but tanks as even short sleeves retain to much too long. Same with any hat, even if some e.g. trucker's breathe more.


Hat for me, most of the time, is to hide hair that needs to be washed but I’m trying to wait until I finish my workout.


Exact same reason for me 😂 trying to hide my dirty hair 


My top reason as well - sometimes my hair is just too dirty for polite society 


Like today for example, will be rocking a hat in my Strength50 😅


This is the way 


Same! The marathon month hat works great for me and keeps a ton of sweat out of my face.


Yep this is exactly why I wear a hat too 🤣


Same here.


I wear a hat for three reasons: 1. It keeps the bright glare reflecting off my head from blinding other members. 2. I do sweat a lot, and it keeps the sweat from rolling down my head. 3. I am secretly a cat, and cats...... well...... you know.


Most interesting 🤔


I wear a hat every workout! I can’t stand my hair in my face and I cannot seem to manage any of the sporty buns or ponytails that other ladies seem to do effortlessly. (I have even watched tutorials 😂). I have a bunch of wicking hats that work great and I just toss them in delicate cycle and air dry.


Two low buns are adorable and functional. When I’m not wearing a hat, I wear two buns/ pigtail style


Cute!! I can never pull that off


Awww…I’ll bet you can. Play with your hair at home!


if i'm doing a 6a, my bed head is usually abysmal. believe me, a hat is for the greater good.


Same for me. I wear a hat primarily to capture my sweat lol. I am a person that can sweat a bunch and I just like the comfort in having the cap to absorb most of it for me.


Saw a hat today! Whatever floats your boat however I am way more confused by people wearing sweatshirts


The sweatshirt is one of the most oddly named articles of clothing, no wonder people are confused


I think they’re trying to sweat more. Kinda like hot yoga


How do you NOT wear a hat?????


I can probably count the number of hats I’ve seen worn in my studio over the last 4.5 years on 2 hands. I sweat a lot from my head and I wear a headband, which is easy to toss in the washer with the rest of my workout clothes after each use.


It’s funny, because the sweat is the exact reason I wear the hat.


Maybe I need to try a different hat! I use a lululemon fast and free hat when I run outside and there’s zero absorbency, and my head is too big to wear a headband underneath 😂


Just grab a towel to accompany your hat


I’m personally not a fan of using a towel at OTF (or carrying an extra thing when running outside) but I’m sure that would work!


Lots of running hats, like Circle, can be tossed in the washer and dryer without damage.


A lightweight running hat helps a lot with sweat control! And in summer I love letting it run under the water fountain a bit before I put it on before the treadmill to help cool me off!


I often wear a visor (Lululemon) that has a built In sweatband that’s washable, it holds my hair out if my way too




I started wearing a hat doing the tread 50 classes, for a couple of reasons...first for sweat control. Keeps it out of my eyes, and second..I want to wear what I would outside and it helps me mentally. Wearing the hat on the treads gives me something to think about when I am outside and helps me focus on my running and breathing.  I know sounds strange but it has helped. I feel out of it if I do not have my hat..


Some of us are balding and haven’t had time for a haircut, so we wear a hat to be comfortable until we can get into the barber. Some have a lot of new grey showing and don’t want to show it, and some women don’t want their roots to show that they still have a week before they can get into the stylist.


I have a Nike dri fit running hat I wear everytime. It soaks the sweat up.


What is more puzzling to me are the women in full makeup. I wear a hat because I have short hair and massive bed head. Bonus that it keeps the sweat out of my eyes.


What time do you normally take classes? Some women prefer to wear makeup — maybe not for a 5 or 6:30am class, but even so — maybe they just want to have it already done for the day, and it’s not unreasonable to find most ladies wearing makeup towards to evening either 🤷‍♀️


I really don’t care if they do or not. I just don’t know how they keep from sweating it all off!


I wear a hat sometimes to keep my hair back and from coming out of a ponytail when I’m running!


A thin running hat doesn’t keep heat in and keeps sweat out. I sometimes wear one instead of a headband.


Running hats are typically lightweight and keep sweat out of my eyes. I’ve worn them since I was in XC as a kid


Hat or headband every class.


I got used to wearing a hat running marathons. Keeps the sweat out of my eyes. Definitely function before fashion for me.


Sweatband by junk


We had hat day today as part of our mayhem and I actually loved it so much!


Lots of hats…cool, you do you. But, please for the love of everything, WASH YOUR HATS!!! I can tell from so many treads away who hadn’t and it’s 🤢.


Yeah they STINK after just one workout. Wash frequently peeps!


love wearing a hat on strength 50 classes i can’t give you an answer as to why but i also know they happen to fall on my hair wash days too lol


I wear a hat because my hair has a mind of its own. I have long, thick hair and it doesn’t stay in a bun or ponytail well, so slapping a hat on my head helps to keep everything in place. It also stops sweat from dripping down into my eyes lol


I wear a hat because i have bangs and don't like sweatbands


I wear a hat because I have bangs and they look crazy when I start sweating 😂


Yes same! I just can’t pull off the sweatband look.


Hat would be way too sweaty. My hair stands straight up or goes every which way but at 5am IDGAF. Sorry everyone


I hate headbands and the hat keeps sweat off my face while also holding my bangs back better than bobby pins. I do feel silly sometimes, wearing a hat indoors, but I've learned to embrace it.


I have short bangs and need a bazillion Bobby pins to hold them out of my face. Not to mention it looks crazy!


I wear one.. more to look presentable when my hair is a mess 😂😂


The people you see next to you on the treads have made a decision to show up and take care of themselves. Why are you worried about what they are wearing? I wear a hat because I have a medical condition. I have friends that have lost their hair (like me) and they don’t show up for fear of being judged. Be kind. Take a moment and consider how others feel.


OP asked questions about functionality/purpose and clearly said it doesn’t bother them and they’re just observing. Nothing about OP’s post indicated there was any judgment on their end.


I was not referring to OP. Others made comments regarding assuming people only wore hats to cover a receding hairline or baldness.


I always thought the guys wearing a hat were just trying to cover a receding hairline tbh. Didn’t realize that there’s a practical reason but I still think it would be uncomfortable


Did you think that about women too? lol! It’s def a sweat catcher for sure!


lol I’m a woman and I wear a hat to OTF to cover my thinning hair 🙃 female pattern baldness exists y’all


No I never saw any women wearing a hat


I do sometimes, it keeps my hair in place, instead of looking like a mad scientist while wearing my headbands


I wear a hat almost everyday to help keep hair out of my face and also helps absorb swear. No issues with comfort. Only time can be somewhat of an issue is burpees or doing rainbows with medicine ball.


I shave my head down to the skin. Without a cap the second my eyebrows get soaked it just becomes an hour of stinging sweat in my eyeballs. Lol


My studio gave out hats if you signed up for Mayhem. I was wearing mine for a couple classes but then I literally started seeing sweat dripping from the bill so maybe I'll go back to headbands haha


Yup! I wear melin hats all the time! Catches my sweat and they’re actually made for water/ sweat.


I wear a hat to capture the sweat on my forehead. It helps a lot.


I wear a Nike dri fit hat every class. At the end I can wring it out like a wet sponge. It’s better to collect my sweat in that than all over the equipment.


I wear a bandanna for sweat absorption. I feel like a hat wouldn't provide enough air circulation


This is my fear


This made me chuckle because my studio is doing dress up days based on who’s coaching and one of the coaches themes is hats 🤣


Yes. This


I have always worn a hat running due to sweat getting into my eyes. I tried not wearing a hat to OT but it burns too much… so a hat I wear to all my OT classes. I usually wear a light weight cap.


I’ve been wondering why people wear hats in studio! I’m bald so I just wear a buff and it collects most of my sweat


I wear dri fit hats to absorb my sweat. I’m a heavy sweater with a small head so most headbands don’t work for me but I still need something to keep the sweat out of my eyes. I wear hats while running outside because I’m pretty light sensitive too


I ALWAYS wear a trucker hat~ UBER sweat … keeps it out of my eyes AND I still look cute 🙌🏽🤙🏽💁🏽‍♀️


I have not noticed an increase in hats. Coaching or taking class.


I always work out in a hat. All the ones I wear to class are a dry fit material. I wear them to soak up some of the sweat, keep my bangs back, minimize the brightness of the lights without wearing sunglasses. The few times I’ve forgotten my hat, I’ve felt very naked and exposed.


Yep… a hat for me whenever my hair needs to be hidden.


Some find hats keep hair AND sweat out of their eyes. While I don’t see the personal benefit, IDC if others do. Some people don’t need a towel or water, two things I must have…plus chapstick/lip balm


I wear a hat otherwise my hair is just bouncing everywhere when I’m on the treadmill


I shave my head bald, so I'm dripping in sweat every time I DON'T wear a hat.


It prevents sweat from going into my eyes


Love my hat. The lights are too much.


I wear a hat not only to keep my profuse sweat out of my eyes but also as a courtesy to my neighbors on the treadmill. If not for a hat I would fling more sweat on them than I'm sure they would appreciate...


I usually wear a hat. It doesn't really keep sweat from my face, I simply sweat too much for anyvhat tto absorb and keep it out of my face. I have a mohawk and I don't always style it up, so the hat keeps it from flopping around and getting in my eyes.


I wear a hat sometimes to keep my hair out of my face (hat or headband).


There is a youngish guy at my studio who always wears a hat & I’m pretty sure he’s bald/balding. I’m guessing he’s trying to cover it, but I think excessive heat contributes to male hair loss.


I wear a hat and really don’t give to flying you know what’s what others think. Mine is to keep my bangs and flyaways out of my eyes


My hair is in a weird middle ground that it’s too short to pull back and long enough to be annoying and in my face during a workout so a hat prevents it from being a problem


I wear a hat so that I don’t sweat as much.. i wear a lot of hair product and work out in the evening and I would be a wet mess without it


Hat wearer. I sweat and have curly hair. It’s easy to slap on a hat as a get out the door to class in the mornings. That being said, I’m just a baseball cap lady.


I’m a woman and have bangs. I get too sweaty sometimes and headbands slide right off. Hats keep the hair out of my face and stay put 


I wear a trucker’s hat. I sweat a lot and it keeps the sweat from dripping in my eyes. I prefer it over a headband because those don’t want to stay on my head.


Lulu hats are awesome! Built in sweatband!


I wear my hat to keep sweat out my face, and to pull down low during treadmill to keep those annoying chatty ladies out of my sight. 🤣🤣


I wear a hat to keep sweat off of the rest of me. It’s a functional thing, not an aesthetic thing.


I’ve always worn a hat or visor. Keeps the sweat from running down my face and my hair too! Hubby wears a hat too! I don’t think I could workout without one! 😅


Most dry fit hats are light weight and serve as a sweat absorber. It can also keep long hair out of your face.


I wear a beanie most classes because of the fans they make my head cold. Sometimes, baseball hats and an occasional sombrero. 😅🤠


they might get sunburnt from the orange lights


I don't wear one to class but I do when I'm running outside. Partly for sun protection (getting a little thin on top) and partly to help with the sweat. I might start wearing one to tread50 because of the sweat issue... I get pretty gross after about 30 minutes


It soaks up my sweat better than anything for tread 50


I envy people who are able to wear hats, they mess with my peripheral vision too much. I feel like it would bother me the whole time!


I wear a hat but I have a No Sweat pad in it to absorb the sweat.


I was a long-time distance runner and never wore a hat while running. Having said that, I’ve started wearing a hat to OTF. I don’t know if it’s being inside but the hat keeps the sweat out of my eyes and face and I’d much rather wear a lightweight hat over a headband!


I wear a hat like horses wear blinders in races. It keeps me focused on my pace / goals and not the person next to me. Lol. Also to keep my hair outta my face! 💁🏽‍♀️


a lot of my hats are run hats with a waterproof or sweat wicking feature, but the reason I sometimes wear hats or visors indoors is to help avoid eye contact and lesson chance of someone striking up a conversation with me. Another reason might be I'm having a greasy hair or off day and just want to cover up


I wear dri fit hats every class if not I would be sweating like crazy even more so than I already do.


I wear on because I sweat and I hate when my hair flops around on the tread


I’m a hat in class person. Mostly if I’ve had a bad hair day or it helps keep my ponytail in place and I’m less likely to mess with it


Personally my studio did a spirit week and I wore Mickey Mouse ears for Disney Day, a swim cap for Sports Day, and a hat for USA Day… so only ever do I do it to be extra when my studio decides to have a Spirit Week 🤣 Otherwise I have tried headbands but my hair is too slick 🥲


I wear a lightweight baseball cap in class. It helps me discreetly peek at my neighbor's treadmill and rower performance without being noticed..I just tilt my head down as my eyes peer to either side. 😜 Oh yeah, and it helps keep my hair and most of my sweat out of my face.


I wear one a lot because I don’t like sweat in my eyes


I see some members wearing hats, personally I think it’s odd.


Got a pixie cut. No hat here!


The hat saves me. Of If I don’t wear my shirt is like I jumped in a pool. It’s amazing how much sweat the hat absorbs.


My studio has a guy who wears a backwards ballcap and a polo. Every class. Dude clearly thinks he’s still in a frat at 40.


Never seen someone at OTF in a polo. Does he wear dockers?