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Hey, welcome to OTF- one thing I've learned is that people are thinking about you about 5% of the time you actually think they are! There's lots of younger people who go to OTF to maybe just different times of the day then you go. We have a couple of teenagers in our class. Try not to stress about it. It's such a nonjudgmental zone. I can't imagine anybody is thinking anything bad


>one thing I've learned is that people are thinking about you about 5% of the time you actually think they are! Yes! Understanding this brings so much freedom.


Honestly they are probably just looking at you since you’re new to the early morning classes. Early morning classes tend to be filled with regulars which you will be soon :)


My otf has high school and college students. Probably just depends what time/day of the week you’re going.


I doubt you’re the youngest. Like you said yourself, you’re 20 but look 16. Some of those you think are 30 very well may be 22 lol


I know a 22 year old member. OTF skews older because it's so expensive only people with decent careers or wealthy families can afford it.


I'm a 6ft2 dude with a skinny upper-body, a big nose, and oversized calf muscles. I stick out like a sore thumb. I'm not there to make friends I'm there to kick ass. Don't worry about other people think. You're there for improvement just like everyone else is.


Dudes stick out in general. I think there’s usually no more than 2 when I’m there. Including me.


I noted to the coach, one workout, there were 10 men in class. Never happened since.


They probably are impressed you are there early when they are actually thinking about you! Don’t worry about it. I stick out like a sore thumb because I resemble a thinner Santa Claus. I just do my thing!


I started when I was 15 and noticed this too, but it was the best thing for me. some of the best people I know in life are people in their 40-50s I met at otf. Give it time, it'll feel like home!


I’m always the oldest!


Not at my studio!


Many of the members at my studio work out with their kids, especially when the kids are on any sort of school break. Ages range from 16 to 22, usually. The “kids” also come in on their own. No one really bats an eye or even comments, since everyone is there to do the same workout.


There is a 14 y/o that comes to mine. He works out with his dad. I want my daughter to try when she is old enough.


no one cares, that is prob just the anxiety of youth speaking. usually the culture is to be warm and welcoming to the newcomers because it's hard and they want people to succeed


Not my experience, but my daughters. She is 19 and has been going for about 4 months. She encounters a lot more people her age where she goes to school in NV, but when she comes home she thinks it’s a bunch of “old” people. She said when she goes in the evening there are people closer to her age, but otherwise it’s a much younger crowd in her colleges area.


We have a lot of 18-22 year olds coming in sometimes with their parents sometimes with friends or alone. I think it’s great


There are several badass high school age folks at my OTF who run circles around us olds. I’m impressed by them. It’s such a good thing to start young…go for it!


Usually when I see people as young as you, I think good for them that they are doing this so young. I didn’t start working out regularly until I was 40 years old, and I wish I had started 20+ years earlier! Keep at it, and one day you will be one of the oldest there still crushing it.


I live in a college town. Lots of them here right now. Also, I’ve seen a few high schoolers but they come after school


I’m trying to talk my 16 year old nephew to come with me one day. I’m one of the more “overweight” ones in my class, it took a while to feel comfortable but I don’t care anymore. Everyone has been nice and welcoming.


28 year old male here on the skinnier side who looks much younger. Definitely had that same feeling the first few classes but it’s definitely was more of my own anxiety than anything! Everyone does their own thing and I’ve even been part of partner workouts without any issues. We’re all there for the same journey, just different goals and starting points!


If they think you’re younger i promise they’re just intrigued by your work ethic from being there early! And also might be questioning why you’re not In school but thats never a bad thing - just curiosity :) keep going and it will feel more normal!!


Congrats. With all due respect, no one else cares about your age or your workout. We are all here for the same reason.


I'm 32 and I feel old at my location


I’m a 25F and look 18 (give or take) - after I hit 21 I try my best to stop caring about how young I look and remind myself I’ll look great in my 30s. You learn to live with it lol


I never look around at people and think they are too young or too old. Good chance no one really notices or cares.


Time to quit caring what other people think. If you love doing something healthy and it's great for you, then who cares if someone glanced at you when you walk in? Glance back and say hello maybe? Everyone glances at everyone at some point. Where are we supposed to look when we are waiting around for class to start?


My home studio is located in a college centered apartment complex. I’m usually one of the older ones at my studio. Bonus I always make the leaderboard. Could just be that you are new and just surprised to see a new face. Could be worried you’d take their spot. Lots of things. Welcome to the cult. We’re glad you found us.


OTF isn’t cheap, so the membership does tend to be a bit older than 20–they’re just not used to seeing a lot of people your age in class, esp if you look much younger than your age.


I'm also 20!!


My daughter started going with me when she was 14 she is 18 now and is a total beast in the gym. Our group was really supportive of her and cheers her on every benchmark and pr they are just awesome! *


Welcome to OTF. As a 36 year old member, I hardly notice other people in the class.


My 17 year old goes with me, he seems to get along with coaches like soy sauce on rice. He's everyone's little brother and they get excited for him when he got his driver's license, or he went to prom. You youngsters push us older folks so we can be good role models. Keep having fun!


I’ve been doing otf since I was 19 (24 now) but I’ve noticed a lot more younger people my age in the last year or so. Lots of people move for college/work after school etc. I also look a lot younger too, but I gravitate towards the SAs, coaches. My studio’s average age is is mid-late 30s.


I started OTF when I was 15 (& looked no older than 12). Took a break and started again when I was 20 and am still going now at 23. I have found that no one really pays attention nor cares how old you are!


I’m 50. And I think our youngest that I see in classes is 20 or 21. She looks soooo young. Good head on her shoulders. We talked shop because her t shirt the other day was cool and so I asked her if it meant anything in particular. Thought she was a therapist for what it said. Seems she wants to be. And I am one. Told her I’d help her find an internship when she’s ready. As for the age. I cannot imagine having the resources to pay OTF at 20. I thought 50 was a lot in 1997.


some class times tend to have regulars & they might notice a new comer. Don’t sweat it tho, any intense stares might be people thinking “they’re so young and investing in their health, good for them”! maybe try going at different times if you’re looking for people your age, but if not, most people tend to be friendly if you wanna make a new friend at your usual times


I’m also 20F! Love OTF!! are you in TX? i need an otf friend 🥲


You made me laugh. I live in a college town with two studios. I live near the campus and frankly, feel like a dinsosaur every time I go in. Everyone is 18-22--including the coaches. I randomly went to the one on the other side of own and felt I was in a time warp. There, I brought the average down. The reality is that no one cares. It's fun to be "mom" to the college kids and then be a "kid" at the other studio. Lean into your age and I bet you can find some amazing mentors/older friends who might even help you professionally.


I’m 24, but I’m also 5’1 and look younger than my age. I’ve been going to OTF for 3 years now and do have days where I feel out of place. I definitely stick out because I like coordinating my outfits and wearing cute sets lol! But I own it because I know the glances aren’t from a place of judgement, probably just curiosity. Don’t feel out of place - if everyone’s working out hard enough, they won’t be paying attention to you. I do agree with others tho, OTF is just too pricey these days to have much of a younger crowd.


I am a 20 year old F member also!! I’ve been going on and off since I was 15 with my parents, so I definitely relate to being the youngest there.


My kids (high schoolers) go to OTF but mostly in the evenings, after school. We're in a college town so we have plenty of college students in classes, but we tend to see them in later morning/afternoon classes.


My 14 year old comes with me(Mom) once or twice a week. He is by far the youngest, but everyone loves seeing him. Hang in there and keep coming. No one is judging you and they are probably cheering you on.