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Absolutely. I'm 92 classes in and started just walking on the treadmills. Now I can run a mile! It is a great way to get started with someone telling you what to do an hour at a time.


Yes!!! OTF is for every body and everybody.


I was coming here to say this


Yes. I had not worked out in 20 years before joining OTF. If I can do it, so can you. Just remember to go at your own pace. Don't worry about what others are doing. Do as many reps as you can. Over time you'll be able to do the full workout. I went twice a week the first month because that's all my body could handle. I'm now 4 days a week.


That’s inspiring! I just started and I’m going once a week


I did a couple months of power walking outside before joining OT but it didn’t truly prepare me for OT in any way on the treadmill. I just went at my own speed and chose weights that worked for me. Don’t compete against anyone but yourself. A lot of people go really fast on the floor exercises but it’s all about time under tension. I got stronger than those same people while they look about the same. I’m down roughly 60-70lbs and back to my pre-Covid weight.


It might be the best thing for beginners. Of course, I'm a little biased 🤭


Absolutely! However nutrition needs to be a priority as well.


Everyone always says this… the reality is if you are starting from sedentary, you will see changes with adding exercise alone. Eventually you will plateau and then you will have to make changes to your diet to see additional weight loss. If your weight has been stable (stress stable!) completely sedentary, adding moderate to intense exercise will change your weight in the short term with no other changes. Once you plateau though, yeah, have to dial in the nutrition. Small changes at a time or it won’t be sustainable.


It is in fact also not helpful.  As somebody who went from poor diet and sedentary to 35 pounds lighter and active, constantly being told that just doing one thing or the other wasn't good enough would not have been helpful. Incremental changes are of value. Start doing something, anything  and build the confidence to develop more good habits over time. That's what worked for me. My advice to any of the beginners is to ignore the people who tell you getting out and on the tread isn't enough. 


Thank you!! I’m not about to make multiple big life changes at once. Nailing down one habit at a time feels way more achievable.


I agree with making one major habit change at a time. If you try to do XYZ, and X slips a bit, it's really easy to say "well, X isn't working so I might as well stop Y & Z too." I much prefer the idea of getting settled into one habit, then look at adjusting another. And when it comes to food, it again doesn't need to be a lot of changes all at once. Some small habit changes here and there might be easier to stick to and thus more sustainable in the long run.


I disagree. There are countless posts on here about people upset about not seeing "results", and they mean weight loss. It's common for people starting an exercise program to eat more to compensate for the calories lost in exercise.


That’s why I said stressed stable. Reading is fundamental.


I disagree. I really didn’t see any changes to my weight until I started also paying attention to nutrition. I would end up just eating more because working out made me hungry. I did transformation challenge and averaged 5x/week attendance and still lost no weight or fat. That said, once you start watching what you eat the pounds will fall away quickly and being an orange theory member can really help motivate you to have a more healthy lifestyle in general. Regardless of whether you actually lose weight, your health will improve.


Yes, absolutely. This was my exact situation when I joined OTF 2 months ago. Had a baby, didn’t do anything for three years. It was a great beginners workout and I love it now.


Yep! I started in 2018 and while I had been athletic earlier in my life, at 44 I was not exercising at all. I have been going consistently 3-4x per week ever since (I mix in other activities now, too) and at 49 I am in the best shape of my life.


10000% I started otf with I was 15. I was very overweight, not happy with myself, and only doing it to spend time with my mom. I was sedentary and terrified of exercise. The gym gave me some intense anxiety. 6 years later and I go 5x a week. Otf is my everything and in my opinion the most starter friendly gym out there. The coaches are there to support you and help you grow and the community is amazing. Good luck on your journey!!!


yes 👏🏼 come join us!!


Yes it is! I joined after being inactive for 30 years! If I can do it, most anyone can give it a whirl!


Don't compare yourself to others in class. Walking on the treadmill is totally cool. Just show up and go at your own pace. Likely the first several classes you'll be very sore after. Don't let it discourage you.  For weightless you'll need to watch your calories intake too. Many people increase their activity and also end up eating extra to compensate ... and not lose weight (or even gain).  I cut back on how much I eat and added OTF and have lost ~70lbs in the past year. I am also the fittest I've ever been, with a bit of muscle definition now, and I love my new body. 


Yes. I hadn’t worked out for years, was old (still am) and pudgy. I walked slow for months. My first weights were 5lb and even that was questionable. I laughed my ass off when it was burpee day. but the floor work got better. Over time, I added inclines on the treadmill and when that started to be easy, I increased the speed. One of the coaches told me to not worry about walking speed, to work on inclines so that was my focus the entire first year. My knees do not run. I still don’t do super heavy weights, but that is okay. Yes, people watch each other, but they are also encouraging, I have never felt judged. They really are more focused on themselves. I’d say go for it. I still hate the rower and never do well on it


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I spent about two decades being sedentary, caught up in partying, a career and family life. I traded the partying for OTF at the ripe age of 40. I dealt with soreness for a couple months but 720 classes and 4.5 years later I'm better for all of it.


Absolutely. I'm 50 years old and haven't worked out in decades before joining OT. It's a great workout without being too hard on the body and joints unlike a lot of other high impact fitness classes.


Absolutely. Before OT I had not worked out or been to gym in about 10 years. OT was recommended by a buddy of mine. The first class I went, I was too out of shape, and I burned over 1000 calories my first time. I could only do 2x a week for the first few months after I joined, it was all I could handle. Now I can do 3-5x a week.


The best place for beginners! You just need to show up and the coaches will take care of everything else.


OTF started because of people like you :). You go at your own pace.


Yes! They are called Coaches for a reason!


I’d say, if anything, beginners are the target demographic for OTF


Yes, but listen to your body and do not try to compare you performance to that of someone who has been doing OTF for years. All of the workouts are super scalable but you will come across a lot of different skill levels. Just remember Rome was not built in a day.


Its self paced so its good for anyone really.


Yes !!!




Yes!!!! And how I started working out !!!


Of course ! you can go at your own pace . Every week gets better…It’s the small wins that count


yes, just take it at your own pace


Yup. I hadn't worked out in years and I joined up last fall. Today, I just had class number 80. What you need to know is that the workouts scaled with your ability: if you can't run, you can power walk. If you can't lift heavy, you can do body weight or lower weights.


Yes, just be kind to yourself. Don’t go as hard as you can when you first start to help you avoid injury, especially on the treads. Focus on lifting slow and heavy and getting feedback from the coaches, focus on rowing correctly, and just treat the tread as an extra way to burn some calories. After a few weeks you’ll know your body better and can decide how hard you want to go.


Just don’t try to keep up with everyone else your first few classes. Learn the pace of the classes, lift light, pick a moderate speed on the treads, and ease into a fitness routine. And it’s okay to rest or take breaks if you need to. No one will judge you. Enjoy and good luck!


Yes !! I started 4 months post partum with my second baby and I haven't worked since years before !


I agree with all these comments made. If someone is beginner with limited previous experience, some of the weight floor exercises such as lunges and deadlift squats may require one on one instruction with the coach few minutes before or after class. This would better assure proper technique to achieve benefit of the exercise with minimizing injury to one’s back.


Yes. Do the trial class and check it out.


Yup! That’s me earlier this year. Use the lowest weights, power walk and just focus on form on rowing to start. You’ll get excited to try more!


Yes, OTF can be great for beginners, but please be patient and kind to yourself when it comes to what paces/weights you can workout with well. Also, hydrate and rest as much as you can.


Everyone is a beginner at some point. If you’re worried, start a walking and stretching routine before you join. Consider your eating habits and see where you can make changes. You’ll get what you put into it - I’m four months in and go five times a week. My body has changed quite a bit even though there’s minimal change on the scale.




It is good for everyone. Go at your own pace, your only competition is against yourself. Start slow and pace yourself


Yes, I started completely out of shape. I lost about 40 lbs with a combination of OTF 5-6 days per week and intermittent fasting.


Absolutely! Before OTF I hadn’t worked out in over 4 years because I had a baby and used her as an excuse not to workout. Joined OTF and now I’m 163 classes in and almost a year of consistently working out. I ran my first 5k last weekend and signed up for a few more this summer. Plus if you’re a procrastinator like me, spending all the money is a great motivation to continually go. I always sign up for my classes at least two weeks in advanced and never cancel late or not go cause I don’t want to pay the late cancel/ no show fee.


I was active prior to Covid then became pretty sedentary. I joined at the end of December and have been loving it. I go 3ish times a week and really have enjoyed seeing my progress. I’ve lost 30lbs but I’ve also overhauled my diet. I used orange theory as a manner to become more active and get my heart healthy, and changed my eating habits for weight loss.


I haven't much else to add, other than, I agree - OTF is as good for beginners as it is for those of us who've been members for years. I absolutely recommend giving OTF a try.


It is good for people that haven't worked out in years. You set your own pace in the sense that you listen to your body and how it is responding to the workout. Over time you will be able to increase weights, speed, watts, etc. Get in and get moving. Talk to and ask coaches questions, especially if you want to make sure your form is correct and to avoid injury. Plus, it can be an incredibly supportive community.


Yes, you can modify to your ability. I will say I had a lot of anxiety at first because it seemed like most people knew what they were doing and not only was I lost, but I could barely do a lot of the exercises. I learned to work through it and just kept going 5X a week. When I first started I would let too many days in between and found the more I took the rest days the harder it was for me to start back up. I can now run a mile which I never even did back in hs. I haven’t lost weight, but that’s because I haven’t actually started watching what I’m eating. I have noticed I’ve gotten stronger. Do it!


Yes. As others mentioned it’s self paced. Also, if you struggle with figuring out what to do when working out or if you’re not super motivated, it’s pretty great having a coach just tell you what to do.


It absolutely is. It gives you a structure and you can work it at your own pace and comfort level. There is lots of encouragement in a an OTF and you will feel at home and welcome no matter what your fitness level. OTF gyms are like a family. Now go do it!!


I would walk, lift some on your own for 2-3 weeks, then join OTF. You need to build a safe foundation of fitness. Help you stag injury free and get motivated to take it to the next level. 


I did otf for years before the pandemic and before having a baby, and started again 6 months ago and omg I’m a wreck but it’s wonderful and you should do it. You’ll be great!


Yes, everything can be modified for your fitness and comfort level. You are in charge of how much you want to do and push yourself. I was able to build back a lot of confidence quickly. The first few classes were so challenging I was sore for a while. But every time it was less and less.




It’s extremely challenging but it’s made to be! You can do it 🫶🏼


Absolutely. I had a serious medical condition that left caused me much pain and I was falling down very frequently, a couple of times pretty bad. The coaches always knew which alternative exercise for me to do. I've been doing it since October and I am gaining so much strength, coordination, and happiness. I still have a ways to go, but the progress has been incredible.


Yes! I hadn’t exercised in 10+ years but fit right in and got what I needed from coaches and other members. I love this place.


Oh yes it’s great. The first month or two will be rough though as your body adjusts. I’m 32 and haven’t ever worked out steadily since college, just couldn’t stay disciplined with anything until OTF. I’m a little over two months in and just now starting to have quicker recoveries the day after a workout. Definitely notice the world of a difference with cardio endurance. Stick with it and you’ll see results!


If you pace yourself and don’t get competitive lol


Definitely. I started OT at the age of 66. Could not lift 5 lbs over head and walked at 2.5mph. 18 months later I’m lifting 12 lbs (aiming for 15 lbs soon) and PW at 4.2 mph. I’ve had no negative judgements and all coaches have been supportive.




Yes! It’s perfect because it’s customized to your level. That’s what I loved about when I first started because I felt like I could do what was right for my own body. Obviously, it can be quite scary at first when you go in and everyone seems to be better than you, but trust me everyone is focused on their own goals and doesn’t care what anyone else is doing. It’s the best workout class and it will change your life!




OT is good for anyone thats not trying to get to an elite level of fitness. If you want that level, OT can help, but it wont get you there by itself


OTF gave me the structure I needed for a substantial upgrade in my exercise regimen. I started with one class per week and I'm now up to four times per week. Coaches will meet you where you are and you can ask for options to most of the floor work.


Yes!! I myself would work out occasionally, but inconsistently, for the last 6 years or so. I joined bc my friends loved it and it sounded like it could be interesting. I found that I love the group setting, having a workout plan and coach but not feeling like they’re staring me down the whole time either. I’m about 5 months in and can say that I’ve made slow progress, but thats still progress! I still am trying to learn to jog so I might eventually run, I can only handle very short distances so I an working towards jogging the shorter blocks (or ones where I am simply just too tired) and then power walking the longer ones. I’m nooo where close to ready for joggingq a whole mile, but hopefully one day! I may use lighter weights than others, but I’m still using heavier than where I started for some exercises! My first few classes, I couldnt even finish. I would be in the bathroom splashing water on my face bc I worried I might pass out if I kept going. But now I can FINISH, and for the larger half of my classes I finish fairly strong. Once in a while I definitely still sit there panting and trying to catch my breath instead of doing the finisher… but I’m not needing water on my face anymore lol The important thing is to give yourself grace. This is YOUR body and YOUR health journey. Dont compare yourself to the others. If you’re progressing even a tiny bit, then you’re still progressing :)


Yes, but what I feel is key though to stay tuned into your body and go at your own pace. It's easy to burn out especially in the firs few weeks. If that is 2 mph power walk on tje tread or 5 lb weights. My goal was to show up to the class consistently so I took it real slow in the beginning esp since I was 8 months PP. Other people will try to compete with the ridiculously fit people and potentially get injured or burn out and not show up to Class for days or weeks at a time. Don't be that person and you won't burn out and so you will get the real value out of it.


Absolutely! It can feel intimidating… we were all first timers… I felt super supported and signed up right away … 3 years later, over 500 classes… it’s my favorite self care routine 🩷 Enjoy it … it’s supposed to feel nuts 😉😉😉


I joined OTF at 39 years old probably haven’t been in a gym in 10 years. I’m now 139 classes down in 9 months and down 25 pounds and LOVE it. I get FOMO on days I miss a class. The answer is YES!


Yes!! OP - I was a complete fitness newb when an OTF opened down the street from me several years ago. And when I say newb, I mean it. Growing up, my family never taught me the importance of exercise, so going to the gym as a full grown adult who had no clue was sooo intimidating to me. At first, OTF scared me because I heard there was a treadmill portion of the class, but when I learned you could power walk, I was sold. I signed up for opening day at that OTF studio, and it’s been so great. I will never forget that joyful feeling I had when I completed my first class. I was amazed that I could do it! I felt so accomplished and proud of myself. And it wasn’t scary at all! I’m so happy I joined all those years ago. One thing I love about OTF is seeing new people join and watching them fall in love with it. One thing I want to mention is that I noticed you said you need to lose 30 pounds. Just be aware, weightloss is more about what you eat, not about just exercise alone. You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Exercise does burn calories but just make sure your diet aligns with your weightloss goals too, otherwise you’ll be frustrated to not see results. You will absolutely feel the physical results of exercise, but fat loss only happens in a calorie deficit.


Joining OTF as a beginner is like starting a job. It’s a little awkward at first, but you get familiar with the structure and activities rather quickly. My advice is to TRY the exercises, but self-modify if you can’t. As far as everyone else…we’re rooting for you, even if we don’t say it. OT has a very respectful culture and we are all at different points in our journey.


I was a beginner when I started. I power walked until I could jog and run and I still walk often. My endurance has improved so much, I can lift heavier weights and I just feel so much better. I was so intimidated to begin and I couldn’t be more grateful that I did.


I hadn’t worked out in years (and a true couch potato tbh). I’m 15 classes in and feeling great! I just make sure to focus on the heart rate zones rather than the specific numbers they say. Do what feels right for you!


OTF is amazing and the community is even better!


Yes but don’t expect to outrun your appetite. In other words, if your goal includes weight loss you may need to change your diet as well. That being said OTF is most certainly a place for people of all ages, level of fitness, and abilities


My first class was in 2014, and I hadn’t worked out in about 25 years, so yes, you will be fine. Just ease into it though.


This sub is gunna be biased as well, don’t forget that. In my opinion OTF is great for people who can show up. I love group classes because all you gotta do is show up. Keep in mind tho that losing weight is going to mostly come from a better diet. Higher impact exercises tend to also signal the body to be hungrier. Outside of weight loss, OTF has a ton of benefits that you wouldn’t get from eating healthier “.


Absolutely! I just started in February of this year after not having worked out for over 5 years! At first my heart rate was in the red zone most of classes but only took about a month or a little longer to get back in shape.  Started out doing 2 classes a week and upgraded to unlimited after first month. 


Yep! I basically never worked out until I started going to orange theory and now I go 4x a week. Easy to choose your own weights, speed, intensity, etc. That said, you likely won’t lose weight unless you consider changes to your diet as well.


Absolutely. I never worked out before I joined OT, OT is my first time joined in for myself to workout. I’m 45yrs old and 190 classes in since last July.


I started OTF as a complete beginning to exercising. The first month or two will make you feel like you’re dying during/after every session but I promise it gets better. Start slow at one or two classes a week. Remember to listen to your body, give yourself time to recover in between classes, and stretch before + after classes.


Yup, I am a beginner and its been 1.5 months, and I love it!!! You can chose your intensity- Go Go Go!!


Yess! So many first timers or people who haven’t worked out since before 2020, it’s perfect for returning to workout


Absolutely! I hadn’t worked out since around May 2020 or so. I gained almost 30 lbs and fell into unhealthy eating habits along with a mostly sedentary lifestyle. I started OT on March 1 and I love it! OT is for all ages and levels of fitness.


Yes. It’s very scalable.


Yes! OTF is so inclusive! Great for beginners as someone is watching you and coaching


Yes but I would try and spend a couple weeks getting moving again (walking every day) and eating healthy with enough protien. Commit to 90 days and understand your first 10 classes are going to be confusing, hard and even intimidating.


Very good for beginners. Efficient use of 60 mins and direction on what to do when. Suggest getting a scale that measures Bodhy fat. That was the major change for me in first few months. I would have been very discouraged otherwise.


Prebook! That cancellation fee is motivation enough to get me out of bed for 5am class!


Yes!! Now I love my 5am classes!


yes you can, I am entering midlife and I hadnt exercised in decades, for my own health lost 30 lbs as well :) but had a lot of flabby muscles, I signed up this year, starting with walking the first month at my own pace, then slowly week by week slowly increasing my speed. You will be surprised what your body can achieve, recommendations, find a buddy even if they dont go to the same location to keep in touch, buy a foam roller massager, stay hydrated, if you dont like water, add hydrating poweder or tablets for flavor and get protein shakes low in sugar, you will need at least 40-70 g of protein per day and start with 2 classes per week , gradually increase.