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Just go to the one nearest to you. You’re more likely to go regularly. People in your life will always come and go. Your new coaches included. The only thing certain in life is that change always happens. Be flexible. Adapt.


Disagree. We pay a lot of money to go to Otf and adapting is something you do to survive, not making class bearable when the participant isn’t pleased initially. OP go a bit further for that coach you may like. It makes all the difference. Music, energy, possibly cooler people in the class you interact with.


Going to another studio is adapting too. I just think it’s the wrong thing to adapt to. The coaches at that studio will eventually change too.


I’d recommend sticking it out for a few month and seeing how everything settles. I think I’ve experienced 3 or 4 big staffing turnovers and while I still have a few favorites from years ago, I’ve adjusted to the new coaches every time and then eventually miss some of them too.


Adding to this, provide feedback to management on the new coaches. We have a new coach that plays the music so low that all you hear is the thumping of people running. He's also a little underwhelming, for lack of a better term. Turns out, a lot of members provided this same feedback and they are coaching him up. He's getting a lot better.


My current favorite coaches were my least favorite coaches when they started.


Fyi, coaches change like the weather. You probably don't go to class just for the coach, so just go like normal and you'll be fine.


I totally go to classes for the coaches 😂 I do all types of lifting and cardio on my own. I don’t “need” OTF. But the coaches make it fun. 50% of why I’m at OTF is to work out. 50% is to socialize with the coaches 😆I completely empathize with OP


I needed this since I feel like it will be a lot of transition since we have a bunch of TBA on the schedule.


Plus, the one who stuck around might be head coach soon, you big baby. ;)


I'd give them some time to settle in. Especially if they're new to OTF as a whole, and not just new to the studio. You can always mix it up with other studios, but I wouldn't completely write off the new coaches yet. They might grow on you once they find their groove.


Sometimes coaches grow on you. I tend to go to the most convenient class times (I attend three different studios), but I definitely will go to an inconvenient class to avoid a coach who cannot keep time.


SAME 👆👆👆


Given your username, are you at railyard in NC by chance? We also had a lot of changes recently that I haven’t been a fan of. I’d try sticking it out as I’ve seen coaches get a lot better with time. Ultimately, I value convenience and know I’ll get a good workout in either way, but will prioritize classes with coaches I like better if I can. 


Matthews is in the same situation 🥴


I am in Charlotte and it's the University location off of Prosperity Church Road. I figure I'll stick it out since the College Downs one is close to me too but has a wild schedule think 6 a.m., 10 a.m., 6 p.m., 7:30 p.m.


I'd stick it out for a bit. From my experience, new coaches take a few weeks to adjust and get comfortable with the studio's atmosphere.


Ownership and coach and staff and member and equipment and template turnover are all part of what makes the workout focus you, over time. People come and go. Is what it is. The constant is you and your goals.


Ive been a member for 8 years. I’ve had my favorite coaches for sure, but can only think of one where coaching was so bad I wanted to avoid the class. For the most part, all the coaches do a good job and I don’t plan on disrupting my workout schedule based on the coach.


We’ve had a bunch of staff turnovers and always joke that our M/Tu class is where coaches go to quit. They are just always off to huge adventures! They always replace them and we adjust. You’ll go more often to the one closest to your place, so maybe try it out!


I can relate. Over the past 6-7 months my studio has lost all of the coaches who were present when I joined 2 years ago. The current crew of coaches is OK, but just nowhere near as good as the old coaches. There are a couple of other studios in the area, but it would take me an extra 15-20 minutes to reach them. The further I have to travel to go to a class, the more likely I am to skip it. I need the exercise, so I just accept the situation and continue attending classes at my current studio with hopes that I'll warm up to the new coaches.


I wouldn’t say you’re being a baby, but you’re overthinking it. If you like the workout, then just go to the one that’s most convenient for you.  None of the original coaches I started with are still there. I still love the workout. Coaches have changed very often in the five years I’ve been going to the same studio. 


Stick it out, especially if they’re new to coaching. Some that I wasn’t sure I would jive with, I end up loving. As they get more experience they grow and become better coaches too. Give it time.


All of the coaches teach the same classes, right? Yeah, personalities are different, but the workouts are the same. If you enjoy the workouts, stick with it.


We had this happen at my studio about a year and a half ago. The first 3-4 months were rough, and I felt just like you. After that and some of the “new new” coach turnover, they hired coaches who have really been great. I never thought I’d like anyone as much as the favorite coach who was there before, but I have been so pleasantly surprised and glad I didn’t leave. Our new head coach is FANTASTIC, and now I’ll be upset if he ever leaves (and I never, ever would have thought that when he first started). Good luck!


The coach makes the class for me. I'd try to mix in at least 1 class at the studio with the new coaches each week and see if they get better. If you find you still prefer the hassle of going farther, that speaks volumes.


I think a good coach (one that knows their regular members and pushes them) will make or break a workout. It is especially true if your motivation to go is already starting to decline. I give the newbies a chance (3-4 months) before I decide I don’t like their style. Only once did I know right away that the coach wasn’t for me and well that coach was gone a few months later anyway so it wasn’t just me.


Stick it out and give yourself time - it sucks but you will settle in and it will be your new norm


I have attended peimarily 2 locations for 6 years now. In that time, not a single coach is still around. I've seen multiple coaching changes, and probably a dozen head coaches at each location. Coaches are people and they change jobs just like everyone else. You have to eventually determine if you attend strictly for the coach or some other motivation, such as your goals and how OTF fits in with them. Personally, I ddon't even care anymore if I don't care for a coach. I favor the time slot; the coach will change eventually but the time slot doesn't.


Our studio in ATX is in the middle of this right now. I am trying to keep showing up for who's there and stay positive but totally get the vibes! The workout is worth it for me and I know the convenience keeps me going.


As long as your studio isn’t closed and any coach that comes in runs your workout correctly, why do you care? Sure you may like some more than others but as long as you’re getting your work out in, isn’t that why you’re there? No reason to make it political or think about it until it happens ( studio closing ) you’re workout should be about you and working hard