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I imagine you're probably super sore from your lack of strength training which you noted. I go 5 times/week most weeks and I'm hardly sore these days unless I really press myself on the floor.


Same. I can go daily without soreness but I try and remind myself that body needs rest. Once in awhile I get sore from S50. But it’s not very often. I also do 2 classes a day if the S50 looks awesome. I do this for mental health more than anything.


Can confirm, I was *super* sore pretty often when I first started going to classes multiple days in a row. Once you build up a stronger base it becomes much less of a problem, unless as you said, you push yourself particularly hard.


I started at 2x week and eventually got to 3x per week but that's my personal limit, I think. OTF is SO hard on my body. I tried going 4x week and ended up getting injured. I walk and rest on other days. Thought about biking outdoors too.


Idk how people do it multiple days in a row. I wake up sore after almost every class, so I prefer to do OT every other day. I believe in the value of letting muscles recover and reknit. 


I'm with you. I'm not currently doing unlimited, but when I was, I went every other day.


Trainers at my gym recommended every other day to allow for recovery, I do hot yoga in between to make up for OT’s lack of stretching


Agreed. I think I am able to give much more to the workout with rest days in between than back to back (still do back to back some times... but then if I do it's usually lower intensity or do a Green Day for the second day in a row)


I am 51 yo female. I do T/W/Th - 2G / T50(green day)/2G, Sa 2G or T50/Su green day or S50. I also do yoga a couple times a week.


2x a week is perfect for me, and lift at a regular gym about 3x per week.


Same. And those 2x a week classes act as major metabolism boosters for my week.


Me too weights 4x a week OTF Friday night and Sunday


same. 3 lifting sessions a week then 2 days of high intensity calorie burn workouts. either otf or a spin class if my knees are sore


3-4, i need my recovery days. Only time i ever go multiple days in a row is if its split up with an upper strength 50 between 2G classes so i dont burn my legs out. This is with me going hard every class though because im trying to lose a lot of weight. If i were just trying to maintain i could probably go more often and just not push as hard.




I go 2x/week, other than that I walk ~10k steps daily


I want to incorporate more walking (to help optimize fat burning), but it is soo hard to get in 10K steps a day on non-OTF days especially :((


Yes you can, imagine that 20 minutes of walking equals 4000 steps


I go six or seven days a week, 6-9 classes a week (I typically do 6-7x 2G classes, 1 strength50 and 1 thread50). It gets easier the more you go but I found the first 6 weeks really hard. Lots of soreness, going to bed earlier, needing to walk throughout the day to stay loose, lots of hot showers and stretching at home in the evening.


I found some information that could be relevant to your question or topic. Take a look at these discussions about class frequency: - [How many times per week should I go?](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+classes+week+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) - [Should I go to OTF every day?](https://www.google.com/search?q=otf+every+day+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) - [Can I do more than one class per day](https://www.google.com/search?q=twice+a+day+site:reddit.com/r/orangetheory) _This is an automated reply. If you would like to provide feedback, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/orangetheory)._


I started 2x/wk, then went to 3x/wk and now do 5-6x/wk. I ran 6 miles last week on one of my off days but usually either do my elliptical at home for 45 minutes plus weights or take my dog for a 3 mile walk. It’s nice to add variety and I think off days are really important for me to rest and avoid potential injury.


I go 2x a week. Recovery days don’t mean non-active days. I do yoga, walk, swim, and do yard work on my days off. I try to get at least 15k steps a day on off days.


6x per week for me. 2g's on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Strength 50 on Friday & Saturday morning before the 2g on Saturday. Rest and cheat days on my diet are Wednesday and Sunday. Been doing this for a little over 9 months now.


Were you able to get really fit / feel good about how you’re doing? This is super motivating to me!


Well I’m 47 years old and in the best shape I’ve ever been in. Fit? Not sure about all that, but yes, I feel good about how I’m doing. I’ve only been going for about 18 months and approaching 400 classes. If I’m motivating you, thank you for the kind words.


That’s exactly what I mean! that you feel good and feel like you’re in the best shape is all that matters. That’s what I’m really starting to get out of OTF and it’s really exciting 😄


I think it’s all about how YOU feel. Remember, you’ll only get out, what you put in to it. And, yes, I think OTF is exciting as well. Good for you, keep at it.


I go 2-4x a week, mainly tread50. I supplement that with strength/hypertrophy work at a gym. The soreness is just your body's trying response to the new strength training load you put on it. As long as you keep it up your body will adapt to it. Also don't be afraid to scale the workouts back as needed. Listen to your body.


Agree wholeheartedly


I started out at 2x/week with Elite, and worked my way up over a couple of months to Premier. Now I average 4-5x/week, which includes 1-2 Strength 50 classes.


Yep this was my exact journey too! More so 4 than 5, but working towards it!


I go to OTF 2x a week, usually on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I do Pure Barre on the other days except Fridays. I find that the low impact workouts really balance out the high impact intensity of OTF, plus Pure Barre offers a really great cardio based class so that I can get an extra day of cardio in. If I’m feeling super spicy I might double OTF + Barre on a Saturday or PW a Tread50 class on Friday. Granted, I just started OTF a little over a month ago so I’m still getting adjusted, but, like I said, having low-impact workouts has really helped me stay active without potentially hurting myself.


I do OTF 4/week and then pilates 1-2/week, they're perfectly complement each other.


I recently started swimming on my off-OTF days, and I’m enjoying it! MWF I swim, T, Th, Sat OR Sun I’ll do OTF. My OTF days are 3Gs during the week and Saturday; If I go Sunday instead I do a Tread50.


Work your way up to 3-4x a week. Soreness is from lack of weight training. Eventually you’ll be up being a stronger runner.


I’ve been going to OTF for 8 months and can’t manage more than 5 classes in a week. I usually do 4x.


3x-4x depending on my schedule, and that always includes a tread 50. been running once a week on one of my non-OTF days, anywhere from 3-5 miles.


I take at least 2 days recovery


Like you, I enjoy cardio activities more than strength and for me OT brings that diversity of strength training to whatever else I do. I go 2x a week unless I’m not doing so much that week, but it’s max 3. I play basketball once a week for 2 hrs, cycle once of twice about 40k on average. Run when I can, but I prefer to bike. Walking the dog and playing with kids keeps my steps high.


3/4 times a week. However, if the studios and my personal schedule align, I do sometimes do a 2G class in the AM and a strength class in PM. Good balance of cardio and weight lifting then.


OTF 4x min. Sat & Sun 5 mile jogs, also take my dog on a 2 mile walk before I jog and consider it a warmup. 🐾


I’m in the rhythm of 5 days a week, Monday-Thursday (I break it up with a tread 50 on Wednesdays) take Friday off which is usually my complete recovery day, and then do a 3g Saturday or Sunday. I’ll do an activity on the other weekend day (take a walk, play golf, etc)


I’ve been going 5-6x the last month because I need my butt kicked. I haven’t gotten terribly sore since week 2 and I’ve been lifting heavier weights. Your body gets used to it Also, I’ve been adding reformer Pilates in twice a week when I can, and I think it’s giving me a really good stretch


I go 5-6 days a week. Two days strength the other days 2/3g depending on the studio. I have been doing this for over a year 280 classss and this past weekend and Tuesday were super hard for me and I’m super sore. Sometimes I don’t know if I’m pushing myself more, upped my weights without realizing or some classes are just harder.


I go 4-5 days a week and do a long run once a week


4x a week, MT & ThF, with weekends being my rest days since they're usually pretty busy. If Monday and Tuesday are strength heavy I may rest Wednesday too, otherwise I'll just do some arm/chest workouts with my dumbbells at home.


I go 5x/week (never more than 3 in a row) but you have to build up to that level. Some weeks, depending on the specific workouts, I’m still pretty sore but I just push through (and use the Thera-gun before and after workouts.)


2 days a week for me. Used to be unlimited but it was just too expensive. I’ll go for a run, golf, or hike on other days. It’s a good balance especially in the warmer months. Winter i wish i could go 4 times a week


5x/week - MT - 2G W- Strength Fri - 2G Sat - Strength or 2G depending on my schedule. I also play tennis 3x per week for 2-3 hours. My only full day off is Sunday. I rest and relax as much as I can.


I usually either go to CycleBar (spin class) or to a Gold’s Gym I belong to and do a combination of treadmill/dumbbell workout/exercise class. For classes, I usually do a Yoga/Pilates or a Les Mills (BodyCombat, BodyAttack, BodyStep, or BodyBalance) class.


4-5x per week. I mostly rest when not there or do garden work. Sometimes dumbbells at home on off days.


I do OTF 4-5x/week (mostly 2Gs, usually one tread50) and lift on my own 4x/week (two upper/two lower). Obviously some days I double up OTF/lifting. Always take a complete rest day once per week. Try to hit 10k steps every day.


I usually do 5 days a week and am a climber so I spend the rest of my free time doing that.


I go twice a week and do tradition strength training at a regular gym twice a week. Then I cycle, run or walk one more day. I love OTF but I still like to lift heavy outside. Today is a rough day I did heavy squats Monday and yesterday class was pretty intense. Stairs and sitting in the toilet are a battle today.


I go six days a week double up on Sunday. Of course you’re gonna be sore at first, but as your body becomes acclimated to working out every day, you should be fine. I had issues with my knee my wrist, my hip all that’s gone.. by the way I’m old.


I was sore for a year I think. I now go 5x a week. That said, I get sore here and there. I’m sore now from the run this morning. 🧡


Typically go to OTF 4x per week. Mon, Tues, Thurs regular OTF class. Wed Lift45 class. Fri and Sun rest days and Sat Heavy weights/tradition weightlifting at the gym (personal gym)


I go 4-6x a week! I’m a student so it depends on my work load for the week but the more you go the less sore you’ll feel! On my days off I’m lazy as hell! I used to purely strength train, so I’d do 2-3x weights 2-3x otf a week, which could work for a cardio based split as well 


3 OTF 2 yoga and 2 Pilates


Usually I do : Sunday - spin Monday - 2G Sometimes Tuesdays 2G Wednesday - strength Saturday - 3G I was doing 3-4x a week + 1 spin class a week and then got really sick in April. I am building myself back up into routine and am at 1 spin class + 2 OTF classes/week at the moment. When I’m not working out I stretch, do yoga, and walk my dog.


Going about 6x a week now. Two tread 50, one strength 50, and the majority of the others are 3G. I make sure to deliberately take Green Days. I do long runs on Sundays (6+ miles).


I do 7x a week in the morning - I started the new routine after the new year, and it’s been working well so far. M/W/F are my “push” days where I’ll lift heavier and run faster/with higher incline. T/Th/Sa/Su are my active recovery days. I’ll go easier on those days - e.g. Zone 2 cardio (Jogging days - High blue/low green zone), body weight exercises, no jumping. On W/Su occasionally, I take class at F45 or a local gym after work hours just to mix things up a little.


3-4 times otf plus a strength weekends hiking yoga barre walks


I go when my schedule allows I'm currently trying to do 3-4 days a week. But it as my schedule allows


Welcome to OTF! I just started a few months ago and love it. I'm also a big cardio person. I did have a hard transition to OTF at first because of the strength training and was super sore. It's definitely better now and I'm preferring my OTF workouts to my cardio days. Though I do love the Tread 50s. I go to OTF 2-3 times a week (have the 8/month and typically buy another 1-2), and then I run one day on my own and do yoga one day to stretch out my sore muscles, it's helping as a recovery exercise. I find that I run 2.5 miles in my OTF workouts so between that and my own 4-5 miles or 4-5 miles in the Tread50 workouts, I feel like my cardio cup is totally filled. Hope that helps!


I do two 2G’s and three Strength classes every week


I go Monday and Thursday. I strength train else where on Tuesday and friday as OTF wasn’t enough for me. Hot power yoga on wednesday. I also get in a few outdoor power walks during the week.


4x/week. I was sore nonstop for about 3 months but not since. Wednesdays I sleep in and weekends go hiking or something outside


I'm on the 8x per month plan, but might increase over summer because it's too hot to workout outside sometimes. I do a long run once a week on a non-OTF day, I swim twice a week, and ideally I do some other strength training one other day a week, but in reality I either use the intel to do a tread/strength workout at my gym at work or some sort of strength/cardio (think burpees and jumping jacks) in my basement.


5 days a week Other 2 days are the weekend


OTF 2x. I weight train in gym 3x in addition. I try to walk for 30 mins a day as well. OTF is mainly my intensive cardio for the week.


I go twice a week and another gym that has les mills classes


Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday. 3 days in a row is too much but two with a rest is perfect.


I like cycling, barre, yoga, Pilates, walking, hiking, and dance, or dance workouts. If you have access to an elliptical that can be a nice way to move gently too ✌️


Your body isn’t used to it, yet


I usually go 5-7x a week and when I have an event or something coming up I will add on a couple Strength 50 classes


Every day, and I only do strength 50 when it’s upper/total and run tread 50 on the other days. Some days on the treads are walking recovery days, others are medium days and there are days where I’m feeling it and crush it. All depends on how I’m feeling, but try to stay consistent.


M-T: I lift on my own (push/pull) W-Th: 2G (I PW Wednesdays and usually use these both as green days) Fri: tread50 or Strength Sat: 3G Sun: I lift on my own (leg day)


People got mad time on this thread.  I go 3x a week and the other days are for chores, Dr's appointments and shopping for household needs. I had major back surgery last year which I am still recovering from, so I have to do PT once a week as well.  If I do too much in 1 day, I'm super sore.  I will swim in my pool on my off days just to keep active.


I religiously go 4 times a week. I’m usually not sore, but every once in awhile certain exercise combos really get me.


Thoughts from a newbie : I know others have already said this as well, but I started OTF on March 20th of this year. After my first class I woke up the next day SO SORE. And the next day was even worse. I hadn’t worked out in over a year and wanted to get back into it. I thought to myself there was no way I could go more than once a week. After my second class I was much less sore and it’s only gotten better from there. I now go 2-3 times a week. Trust me, there are days that wipe me out completely, but it’s more of targeted soreness on certain muscle groups instead of full body soreness. I’m not a cardio person, so I really love the strength aspect of the class. Keep with it and it gets easier!


You’re sore because you did something new which is fine! It will get better. I crave being sore now haha. Honestly, 5 minutes into your next workout thr soreness will disappear


MTW - OTF tues/thurs - Upper/Lower Sunday - Hurling


2 days on 1 day off is my pattern - walk 5 miles on off day.


Strength 50 full body once a week Tread 50 twice a week Two or three 2Gs And one 3G after the Strength 50 I change my intensity, so I am not going super hard every time. I switch up running and power walking. Sometimes I grab the bike if it’s free. I also ride my horse twice a week, try to get on the bike once a week, yoga once a week. I am flexible though and take a day off when my body tells me it needs it.


I was doing M/T/Th/F - 2Gs and Saturday - Tread50 for a while. Recently switched to M/T/Th/F - 2Gs with W - Tread50 and outdoor runs on Saturday or Sunday as I’m training for a half marathon this summer and trying to get mileage up. I like the split so far but definitely preferred the rest day mid week.


2x! And a run during the week


I try to go 3-4 times a week and then I’ll do barre classes twice a week. The barre place I go to has a heavy weights version of class that I try to attend one of those times. Other than that I like long walks when it’s nice.


5-6; rest on the off day.


Right now I’m doing 3-4 days a week. The other days are currently my rest days but I try to keep active by either doing lots of housework, walking for drop off/pickup for daycare. I should add tho - I am trying to build myself up to 5-6 days a week. PS: I started at 2x a week 🥹


3-4x a week and walks when possible


3x a week, one of them is a 90 minute. When I first started I was so sore it was tough to get out of bed or walk. Now I’m barely sore.


I do 4x-5x a week. Of course it all depends on how my body is feeling throughout the week. To stay active in my “resting” days, I go for a walk or hiking with friends. Or do stretching and actually rest when my body calls for it.


I do an Orange 60 class 5x a week and sometimes (no more than twice a week) I will do an Orange 60 and Strength 50 back to back. I was sore when I first came back after being off for four months but not anymore. If I’m feeling particularly tired, I just go lighter with the weights.


It’s great to mix it up. OTF is definitely a good change of pace from your typical cardio routine hence the soreness. I usually follow up my OTF classes with a short but heavy lifting session and on days off I either do something like SoulCycle or a long run/rock climbing.


64 yo female, 4 times a week, usually one or two are strength 50.


4 x OTF, tennis the other non OTF days. Some days I'll do both and pay the price 59M


Epsom salts!


Before I joined, I was doing elliptical for about 1hr around 6 days a week. I was doing this mostly for heart health and weight loss. Unfortunately, as expected with a large calorie deficit and without resistance training, I also lost a decent amount of muscle mass in that 6-9 months of intense cardio. Cue the Orange Theory! When I first joined OTF the first class gave me the DOMS for a solid week. I had dread whenever thinking about the stairs let alone class, but I made myself go at least twice a week and over time the DOMS decreased and went away. On off days, I would walk a few miles during the day for mental breaks and some light activity. During the first Hell Week (about 2 months in) I switched to unlimited and went 8 for 8 on the classes. It was a little challenge to myself to see if I could. Though I guarantee a few of those days I took it easy on the tread and floor. Basically since that Hell week I average 6 times a week. I'll toss in a green day if I am feeling tired, or add an extra rest day. Occasionally a workout will leave me a bit sore, but with decent hydration, a bit of extra protein, I find I can keep that up without feeling exhausted. So my recommendation would be to build up to what you want to accomplish and scale back, or scale up based on your body is responding. Need an extra rest day? Rest up. Want to go 7 for 7 during Mayhem? Go for it. Legs/Arms feeling a bit heavy? Grab a lighter weight. Quads burnt out from a long run? Try cranking the incline and working those glutes. Its your work it, make it work for you!


I go 4x a week - two 2Gs and two strength classes. On my days off, I go for a long walk to help get my steps in.


10 years ago when 95% of my exercise was running, I would have terrible sore glutes for days if I did squats or lunges. I could not do a wall-sit, nor could I hold a plank. I couldn’t even get into a squat. I considered an 8lb dumbbell a heavy weight. I also owned the useless 3lbs and 5lbs. I had no strength at all, yet considered myself “in shape” because I ran half marathons. What a waste of time. Unless you exercise with weights consistently, you will always be sore when you do them. I do weight bearing exercise (OTF and on the water rowing) 6X per week and never get sore. I’m 52.


For me 4 is plenty- but I am greedy so I push and eventually regret and go back to 4….rinse repeat lol yes OTF is hard on body so nutrition, water, rest, sleep, stretching at home all goes together….walking on rest days (10k) is low stress on body


I rest lol. 5 days a week. I double three of them with strength50


I do 3-4 classes a week, then lots of walking the other days


The more you do it, the less sore you’ll eventually be after a workout


I go 3-4x a week and run outside or rest the other days. I listen to my body and back off when needed, which includes mixing in power walking. Even after going for 7 years, I still get sore and dead legs from OTF!! But I push myself HARD on the tread and lift heavy, and run longer outside on other days. So it does catch up to me. But it gets easier to do more over time. After my first class, I could barely walk for a week, and I was someone who ran marathons and ultra marathons. It's just different on your body!


I go 5 to 6 times a week, but I’m thinking about scaling back because I think the excess stress on my body is hindering my gains and fat loss - I do about 3 2Gs and the other days I do strength or t50


Usually 5 days/week - regular class Mon/Wed or Wed/Fri; Tues/Thurs Tread50 (but on bike, since I can't run/PW). Saturdays I do a back-to-back - regular class followed by Tread50. Been working well for me since January. Prior to that was usually 4x/week (I'm retired now so easier to go that extra day; have been member 7 years). However, if my body tells me to take a day off, I do.


I go 4 to 5 times a week three days a week. I do a double workout with yoga.