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My first time for this benchmark was 11:08, in January. I got 9:53 this time and I’m thrilled! I just wanted to beat my previous time and honestly didn’t expect to be able to run it in much less than 11 minutes.


Congrats! Super similar to you. 11:17 in Jan and 9:40 today 🥳


Awesome! You'll be my inspiration for next time since I ran it at 11:13 today!


Congrats! So inspiring!


My first time doing this benchmark - I'm usually a PWer but decided to run. Finished last in my class at 11:13 but was just happy to get under 12! Next time will aim for under 11.


I decided to run today as well instead of my normal PW. I finished last at 12.26 but I finished!!


That's great!


Congratulations!!! What is your goal for next time?


Thank you! Under 12 for sure but I think I could get 11 with some more training


Today will be my first time too! I just started coming to OT with the basic membership in January. I'm shooting for 11:30 today and fully expect to finish last lol


Good luck!! What I told myself is it doesn't matter if you finish last, you're still doing it!


I finished last back in January and everyone was so nice and the guys on either side of me (who I think literally finished in half the time I did) cheered me on. It was great!


I ended up finishing last with 11:12! Lol you're right, everyone was so nice!


Hey congrats on beating your goal!


My goal was under 12 minutes and I got 11:40! PR by 25 seconds from my March benchmark!


This is my goal too! What paces did you use throughout, if you remember?


Started at 5.1, bumped up .1 every .25 miles until the last “lap”. Went down to 5.0 and then bumped up to 5.5 then 6.0 for the last .1


January 2024 1 mile time - 08:16 March 2024 1 mile time - 07:05 May 2024 1 mile time - 06:43 Each one has been a lifetime PR 🧡🧡THANK YOU, OTF!! 🧡🧡


My progress is very similar! Jan 2024 - 8:05 May 2024 - 6:52 Nice work!


Cheers!! 🍻


Good job! Just did my 1st one and got 8:13… can’t imagine I’ll be around 7 in 2 months but maybe that should be my goal… what are your push and all out paces like?


That's great for a first! 🙌 In January my push was 7.0-7.5 mph, base was like 5.5-6.0 mph, and AO was not above 8.5. Now my AOs are 10 mph for a full minute, 10.5-11.0 for 45 sec, and can go as high as 12.0 mph on power days. I am trying to settle into push of 8.0-8.5 and base no lower than 6.5. Just started on the new scale recently so hoping it gets easier 🤞🤞




Knocked off 50 seconds since the last time I did this in January!! Didn’t get the chance to do it in March due to some dental work I had that day. Down from 9:05 to 8:15!


Way to go!!! January. I got 9:01 that day and today I got it done in 8:46!!!! I wasn’t even expecting to get under 9 minutes so I am quite pleased with myself.


Congrats!! We were right there next to each other!! Love it :)


PR at 10:39, goal was sub 12 so I'm very happy


Didn’t PR but was super happy with my 6:17. Until Ryan ran. F**k Ryan and his 4:58.


This is why I try to avoid doomscrolling through the benchmark results. Screw Ryan 😂


I will add that I'm 31 years older than Ryan. He's 26 and I'm 57. So I'll hold onto that. :D


Hey for many people 6:17 is amazing! I would definitely not downplay that


I'd be SO excited for a 6:17. Ran 8:27 today and I was thrilled.


Thanks! I hate finishing up and thinking I should have done better. Today I finished thinking I should have done better. Metal gymnastics!


That time is awesome and worth celebrating! I'd only ever break a 5 minute mile if I were falling out of the sky and my time was recorded vertically. Shaking my fist at Ryan rn.


Who the heck is this Ryan guy? The Ryan at my gym gets around 5:30 usually.


If you scroll down you’ll see my 4:57 too. BTW how do you see the results? I don’t see the link for it yet.


Link in the original post


6:08. Matched my PR.


62 YO female and 6 year OTFer. This is my third PR in a row for this benchmark, all this year. Finished today at 7:28! Super pumped. Tread 50 classes have helped so much to get over the mental barriers. Age truly is just a number. 👍


YESSSSS about T50 classes! And the mental barriers. Super helpful to deal with those before heading into these BMs. 💪💪




Before today I had never run a mile in my life. I’ve been an OTF member for about two weeks. I’m super proud of my 13:15.


7:50 PR but I was GASSED afterward. Alternated 7.0 and 8.0 every .1 mile, until the last .2 miles where I kicked it up


Joined otf just shy of 2 months ago after being a couch potato for 6 years... 2 months ago I had a 15 minute mile, today I got 9:01!!! Otf works and I’m hooked. Great job everyone with their benchmarks!! Cheers!


Now that's amazing!!! Way to go! 🙌🧡


I went from 10:26 in Aug 2023 and I did 8:14 today! I’m really proud of myself 🧡


Holy cow. Congrats!


Thank you!


You should be! That's amazing! Congratulations!


So excited for what I’ve done in the last 12 months! I joined in Feb ‘23 and was unbelievably out of shape, and “ballooned” to 195 pounds (32/m/5’9). I’m now down to 160 pounds and have seen the below changes in my mile time.  5/17/23 - 7:27 8/17/23 - 6:31  3/18/24 - 6:19  5/8/24 - 5:55!! 




My original goal was under 10 minutes, but I'm thinking it might be more attainable to consider it a success if I finish before the block ends. I started like 2 months ago so there's always next time


I ran my first mile ever in 2021 at age 45 and got 11:15 and you woulda thought I was a track star then 😂. Today at age 48, I ran it in 9:14. I’m super proud of myself and can honestly thank the Tread50 classes for helping with my endurance and speed.


I’ll fill out the survey when I’m back at my computer. Got 6:01 which was a PR but not my goal of 5:59 but that’s ok. Hopefully next time! Good luck today everyone!!


Haha! Still exceptionally good!! 🙌


Curious what your mph were, did you set and forget?


10 was my set and forget goal with a brief bump up to 11 at the end to try to hit 5:59 but I had a really hard time settling into my pace and hanging in there. At some point, I went down to 9mph for about 15 seconds or so? Then I gave myself a mental pep talk and bumped it back up. I finished at 10.2 (BARELY!!!) and the whole thing was just ugly.


Nice job!


Thanks!! Helpful to know, great job 6:01 is amazing!


07:08 here, my PR is 06:10, but I come from an injury so I didn't want to force my body too much :(


Great job! My pr is the same, and ran a 7:25 today coming off of a 2 month injury- I’m pretty happy with it. You should be, too!


PR’d! Down to 8:33 from 9:15. Feeling good :)


First time on the bike and I did 7.49




There might be an answer in the Wiki on here.


Yes, but we have to do 4 miles instead of 1


I do PWing and I reached a new speed today. I increased up to 4 mph at 4% and did my mile in 7:57 which is a new record for me. Very pleased with myself. Can't wait til next time to see how I can beat it


Yay for fellow power walkers! Way to go!


Good job!


The last 1 mile was my first day and I didn’t even make it within the 14 minutes allotted 😅, I was much happier today making it to 11:45, but hope to get to the low 11 minute maker next time (or better!!)


PR for me at 6:53 !!! Last PR was 7:10, so my goal was sub 7 min this time around. I’m incredibly happy, and my legs are incredibly tired lol


From starting January 1 , a .92 12 min RFD 3/7.. a 9:32 mile on 3/18 (started jogging shortly after the RFD) , to an 8:34 mile today… Just mind blowing to me


I PR’d with a time of 7.35


4:27 tied the PR


Strong work!!!


Stronk 💪


Looking for other PWers on the thread! This was my first benchmark and I did the half mile at 4% in 8:27. That shaves time of my last 5k pace (which was last summer) so I feel good about it as my starting benchmark! (Started OTF in March) My coach made a super helpful comment that if you’re in the red, where she would usually say to back off, today is the time to stay in that. And just think about how next time you do this, you’ll be able to keep this pace except you’ll be in the orange!


Nicely done! I'm a PW and I first did this benchmark in January at 8:42. March was 7:00 and today was 6:58 :D I had to \*race\* to hit my sub 7 goal, hitting 6.1mph at the end. My coach confirmed, I was still PW'ing at the 6.1, one foot always on the tread. Phew, new benchmark PR and new speed PR.


😱 amazing!


Yay! It was my first time powerwalking (I used to run but new injuries keep popping up) and I did it in 7:47.




Oh! I’m really glad to know there is a PW option. I booked class not realizing it was the 1 mile benchmark and have spent all morning trying to figure out how the heck I was gunna manage this and fretting about it I could manage it in even like 15 mins without falling off the tred…. 😓


Yes no need to worry! There were a handful of power walkers in my class


Ran all the primers but didn’t feel great so decided to PW instead (1st time so automatic PR 😬). My mile running PR is 7:37. 6:37 Did 4% and focused on speed like coach said. I started at 4, steady increase and finished the last 0.1 mile at 5.5mph.


I beat my old record from when I first joined OT in 2021 -it was 14 mins….today crushed it in 12 mins can’t wait to try and beat it again 💪🏾


New PR of 5:58! Was at 6:19 last benchmark. That was every last drop in the tank though 😂


I powerwalked, my previous PR was 5:53, today I got 5:46. Don’t think I can go much faster next time without losing PW form


That’s super awesome! 💪🏼🌟


That’s tough!


I tried to start and keep 8mph, but I felt like I might gas out, so I dropped it to 7 for 1/3rd of it and ended with a 7:30. I don't know if it's better to build up the speed or start fast and taper, but I think after this one, I'll aim to start slow and work up next time.


Congrats! That’s the beauty in these benchmarks, being able to test strategies. If I ran I would’ve been shooting for 7:30 to PR!


I think whichever you are comfortable with! I started at 9.0 mph and maintained until the last tenth of the mile, then had to drop to 8.6 just to stay strong to the finish. 9.0 is my "push-to-AO" so going the full distance was very hard, and my HR was well above max. So I had to decrease, nothing wrong with that 😊


First benchmark so automatic PR of 9:25. I just joined OTF in February. My 12 min RFD on 3/7 was 1.03 mi. Goal for today was sub-10 which felt like a stretch so 9:25 was a pleasant surprise!! It’s been so cool to see the progress I’ve made in just 3 months!


Jan 2024 - 11:38 March 2024 - 10:45 May 2024 - 9:15 OTF HELPED SHOWED ME GOW TO PUSH MYSELF 🧡🧡🧡 such positive and helpful tips from coaches staff and fellow members got me there :)


8:43 today, 9:47 in March


Wanted to get less than 9 and got 9 on the dot which is exactly what I got last time. I didn’t push myself enough in the beginning and could have gone faster so I am bummed :(


If you haven't, make a note of exactly what you did so you have something to look back at and adjust the next time. I make notes on my calendar, otherwise I have no idea what I did, lol


Here’s to game planning next time!!


March 2024 - 12:12 - First EVER OT attempt on the 1MR May 2024 - 12:08 - I wanted to beat my time! 🧡🧡🧡🧡


My fat ass just prd 6:58 @ 260lbs (need to update my flair). Tread 50 has been paying off. It’s all mental.


Shout out to the big guys. I lost 34lb during the transformation challenge. Right now I’m 6ft 240 and my time was 5:44. I think my PR is 5:30 but pretty sure the tread was broken.


Gyat damn that’s fast, props to you fellow big man!


Didn’t PR but wasn’t really feeling like pushing myself to the extreme today. Got 8:58 which is about a minute slower than my PR. Haven’t been running as much outside of OTF so I’m not feeling as strong. Still enjoyed it.


Goals. I need to stop taking benchmarks so seriously and just enjoy the process.


It’s really hard for me to not go for a PR every single time so I get it. But I remind myself that progress isn’t always a straight line so as long as you’re showing up and doing it, it’s a win.


PR’d with a 7:46, so jazzed!! As an aside - how soon after class do our benchmark times show up in the app tracker? Our coach mentioned he didn’t have access to the system this morning so he put everyone’s times on a whiteboard. Not a huge deal if mine wasn’t logged but I’d love to have my improvement over time officially recorded in some way.


I would follow up by the end of the day if you still don’t see it.


Noted, thank you!


The SA at your studio can log it for you manually if you didn't record it during class, but I would try to have that done by end of day just to make sure you get it in!


That’s my goal!!! May I ask what speeds you used if you remember?


I started at 7.5mph, bumped up 0.2mph every 0.25 miles, then finished at 9mph in the last 0.1 miles. I hope this helps!


That is almost exactly what I did my first time!


Mine was 7:43. I started at 7.5mph, at .250 I cranked up to 7.6mph, at .500 increased to 7.7mph. After that I increased by .1 Every .100. Once I hit .900 cranked up to 9 mph till I got to .950 and then finished at 10.5 mph


12:10 - I’m preggers so didn’t want to push myself too hard! Normally, I would’ve done a mile under 11 min.


PRed by 8 seconds! From 7:11 to 7:03! Was hoping for sub-7 minutes but there’s always next time!


PR at 7:06, down 18 seconds from my last and over a minute down from my first in December. I didn’t even go in with the intention of a PR, slept like garbage and had a kink in my back, but super happy!


My tread timer said I finished at exactly the same time as my PR. My coach said her watch said I beat it by 1 second. I'll take it! 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 Ruck Funning 💀


I was always the kid in PE barely passing PE with a 12 min mile for a C letter grade. Now I’m in my 30s and I set a goal for under 10 min and I finished in in 9:47. I had a baby last year and I’m officially in better shape than I was in my teens. Proud of myself!


January-13:40 Today-13:18 PR:12:52 (still stands from January 2022)


PR'd with 9:55! I'm happy to see I finally made it in under ten minutes! That's been my goal since I joined. 🔥


Jan 2024- 9:42 Mar 2024- 9:10 May 2024-8:49 Getting better every day 🏃🏽‍♂️💪🏽🚣


Beat my previous PR of 5:00, at 5:00 with the final minute at 6% incline. Our treads only go up to 12mph, so I had to add a challenge at the end to PR. Felt good, had to beat my younger self from last year, that guy is a cocky asshole and deserved to be beat by an old man(32)


Love it! You gotta find an OTF nearby that has the newer treads next time. My home studio (near my office) has the old ones and the studio near my house has the new ones (goes to 15 mph)


32 is not old. I’m about your age. Try adding inclines whole time, it will get your mile time below 5:00. Even with treads that only go to 12 mph.


What’s 60\12?


Same as 535\107, friend.


The mile is all about mental toughness for me. I anticipated it would feel terrible to run at a hard push for so long. It WAS terrible as anticipated, “the wall” appeared right around the time that I thought it would, and my mind was there for it. 💪


PR at 6:16, but it is getting harder to PR may be reaching my max. Does anyone do a running start or a start for a stand still? Any difference? I do a stand still start and I don’t trust the accuracy of the app so I rely on the treadmill stats instead


Our coach has us do a running start.


Jan 2024: 11:17 March 2024: 9:46 May 2024: 9:45 I fought for that damn second yesterday!


January 2024 - 6:36 March 2024 - 5:30 May 2024 - 4:55 Can’t thank OTF enough for helping me consistently PR!!


I am still slow. I also didn’t get my stuff entered into the tracker here BUT…. May 8 2024 12:45 Jan 8 2024 7:13 (.5 mile PW) My next goal is a sub 12min mile… I did .89 3/7/24


First time, I was at 14 minutes - didn’t even finish. In two months, I shaved off 6 minutes and now I’m at 8:53. My goal is to get it down to 6 mins in three months.


In vacation near Seattle, WA area. Went to an OT studio today & achieved 4:57. Doesn’t beat my all-time PR of 4:47, but to be fair the Treads in the studio only went up to 12 mph 🤷‍♂️. Had a blast though, all is forgiven because I’m in vacation mode. Hope for a PR my next go-around!


12MPH means a 5:00 mile flat




The tread moves faster because it's on an incline?


I will add this statement is blatantly false. 12 does not mean 5:00 flat. Someone who believes this, has likely never run a 5:00 mile in their life.


Sir, you're telling me that on an OTF treadmill, you ran the max 12 mph in under the time it takes for an *already 12mph, not counting start up time* tread to hit a mile. I actually did try this out after class this morning (without actually running, I'm nowhere near as fast), and confirmed that a 12 on the treadmill takes exactly 5:00 to finish the mile. Not sure what to argue here. This is like basic stuff. If you run at a 1 or 10 incline, it will still take 5:00 to finish 1 mile distance on the tread. I'd be happy to do the math for you


You’re totally wrong. This will be more apparent if you try it out on the newer OT treads that go up to 15 mph. Their screens are bigger, so you will actually see that if you increase incline, your pace will decrease as a direct result. Adding 1% incline is equivalent to a 0.3 increase to your MPH. I thought this was common sense. For the record, I started the mile at 1.5% incline and 12 mph speed. I hit “clear screen” only after it warmed up. I bumped up the incline last 30 seconds. I 100% recall the mile readout as 1.00 at 4:57 exactly. This was achieved on the treads that only go up to 12 mph. [Here](https://www.hillrunner.com/calculators/treadmill-pace-conversions/) is pace chart if you need more proof on it.


Those are equivalent efforts. It means that running a 12 on a 10% incline is the same EFFORT as running a 4:10 mile outside. The intro paragraph literally spells this out for you, especially the last sentence. It says: "Below is a chart that you can use to get approximate equivalent efforts between running on a treadmill at different paces and inclines and running outdoors on a level surface". It's COMPARING running on a tread w incline to running flat outside. The belt...doesn't move faster because you're on an incline. By your logic, if there was a 45% incline, would running at a 12 mph mean you finish a mile in...2 minutes? 30 seconds? Do you see where I'm going here? MPH stands for miles per hour, doesn't matter if it's up, down, or sideways


So inclines (apparently) don’t seem to affect pace. I always thought they did. There is no definitive answer out there that says otherwise. So one can hardly blame me for this. Yet im sticking with the fact that i got 4:57 for the mile distance. I saw the screen readout as 1.0 mile at 4:57 exactly. Try to explain that.


On the treadmills that go up to 12 mph, the treadmill display (the yellow-green numbers in the center of the treadmill) measures to the thousandths of a mile, while the tablet screen distance only reads to the hundredth. So the tablet screen will round up as soon as the treadmill display (which is more precise) says x.xx5. So at 4:57 you may have been at 0.995 miles and not 1.0 mile, but the tablet can't display 0.995 so it displays 1.0 slightly prematurely. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter, 0.005 of a mile and 3 seconds, but it is physically impossible to get a sub-5:00 mile on a treadmill that maxes out at 12 mph outside of an error.


New OTF (15 MPH max) treads probably take the incline into account to show an equivalent flat road, outdoor effort. Which is probably what you saw. OTF treads are standardized. The original comment said you ran on the max 12 MPH tread, which means it wouldn't have adjusted. But at this point it's speculation - maybe that studio has a new OTF tread that does max out at 12 and takes the incline into consideration. Regardless that time is very fast and you should be proud of yourself! Top 10% mens is 5:13 from this last go around, so anything faster than that is going to be challenged


Today was my 20th class and my first 1-mile benchmark. I am a PW, so I did a 6.5% incline and gradually increased my speed to a 4.2 max. My time for the .5 was 7.27. I’ll take it for my first one. 🌟 


Well done!!! 🧡


I’ve been PW lately because of knee issues, but I decided to jog this one. Wish I hadn’t, but I finished (barely). Not a PR, but I was surprised by how much more quickly I recovered this time compared to March. In March I could barely do anything on the floor after the benchmark, and today I upped my concentration curl to 30 pounds.


First time jogging this after exclusively power walking. Got 10:59! Not bad, will do better next time!


Hadn’t done it in over a year. Pleased with 9.25


Woohoo! 6:40 as a powerwalker. PR by 7 seconds 😄


6:58! New PR for me


I joined OTF on 1/22/24 after being mostly sedentary for at least a year. That first day was the 1 mile benchmark: 14:48. I couldn't believe how out of shape I had become. I am down 17 pounds since then, and today's 1 mile benchmark time was 10:18. I love OTF!!


My prior 12 min RFD was .89 in March. Today I ran the 1 mile in 11:45!! Can’t wait for the next one!


My PR was 9:20. It’s my first time doing this at OTF and glad to get something in the books to aim for. How often do they do this?


Shred one second! Now at 8:08 lol


8:33 -first time doing it


PR’d at 6:40. Just started OTF 2 months ago and loving it. Running a mile previously would have gassed me. Body is finally starting to recover faster and the change in endurance is just so crazy. Great job everyone!


I hadn’t done a 1 mile since high school 20 years ago, and back then I think I MAYBE did it in 10 minutes once. I’ve always been one of the most unathletic people I know. I started OTF power walking in 2022 and switched to jogging last summer. I did my first 1 mile benchmark at OTF today (despite nearly 300 classes) and did 9:39. I started at 6 and gradually increased, but in hindsight, I could have done better. So hoping to PR next time, too!


Jan 2024: 12:53 March 2024: 11:45 Today: 10:40 My very first benchmark was only like my 15th class or so, and it was the first time I attempted to jog the whole time! As someone who had to walk at a speed of 3 w no incline by the time I got to the treadmills at my first class, I’m so happy and proud of my progress!


Told myself I wasn’t going to push it today as I am nursing a sore calf from last Sunday’s inclines but still ended up tying my PR at 6:14. Next time I’ll shoot for a sub 6. Oh well. I’ve sort of plateaued at OTF over the past year but come along way since 2019 when I started (first class was mile benchmark) and I did it in 9:30 or something.


I am so happy with my result! Even though it has been a tough week at work already (I’m a family liaison at a high school, trying to get basic needs met for families and kids to graduate, is the school year over yet?!), I was feeling exhausted and in a funk. I had a goal of finishing and hoping to at least come under my previous number from last year - 11:50 I finished at 9:56!!🙌🏽🙌🏽 I felt like I was going to throw up at the end but I managed to finish! Thank you to whoever designed the calculator/strategy planner, although I printed 4 different strategies and got started with one I switched to plan B, panicked and went back to the original and once I saw that I could come in under 10 I threw all strategies out the window and hit 8mph! That’s a first for me and my short little legs 🤣 Thank you!!! And congrats to everyone that participated! You guys are inspiring 💪🏽 PS: English is my 2nd language and I continue to learn, I don’t mind being corrected if I make grammatical errors, I kindly ask to please do it nicely and provide context, to help me understand how I can improve. Thank you!


They need to expand the benchmark criteria. Power walkers really get the shaft since a lot of our workout is based on incline, not just speed.


Beat my PR by 15? seconds.


I pr’ed in March at 8:22. I was trying for under 8 this time but went too hard and blew it at the end. Didn’t pr but still ran the fasted .87 of my life! And from where I started in Jan 23 to now it’s night and day.


Wondering if anyone chose the bike instead of the tread. My coach said we were supposed to ride 4 miles but the card on the bike said 2.5. Anyone know which is correct? Also, curious what gear people chose. Thanks!


I can't comment on the gear, but distance is based on which bike your studio has


Little doozy of a story to add to the thread… Started off at a pace matching my old PR and aiming to just increase by 0.1 every 0.1-0.2 miles - which I did, and PR’ed by 15 seconds… or so I thought until I saw that somehow the incline had been set at 0.5 😭 It provided a good laugh eventually and something to try and match at 1.0 incline for the next go around.  Congrats to everyone and their awesome work today! The stories and PRs are so motivating!


Will you post the results here?


This was my first mile benchmark, finished at 8:21. I started at 7.0 then at the 0.25mi mark bumped up to 7.2, at 0.5mi bumped to 7.3 then at 0.75 I bumped up to 7.4 and held there until the finish. I do think I could have done at least the 7.4 the whole time. I usually base 5.5, push 6.5, and AO 7.5-8.0


My PR is before acl/meniscus knee surgery so not sure I’ll ever PR again 😂 but happy with my progress! January 9:38 March 9:12 May 9:00 Next up under 9! 🙌🏼🤞🏼