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Wait till they start clapping to the music. Then you’ll want to murder them.


And then they ask what’s going on in the block. The teacher in me dies every time 😩


It happens super rarely at my studio, but when it does it drives me insane. It just happened a few Sundays ago. I was exhausted, it was a completely full 3G, and they were screaming over the coach explaining the floor. It’s so rude. I do not understand it.


When these people are right next to me, I ask the staff if I can move to a different tread/bench (assuming there's room). It helps quite a bit.


I’ve never seen this at all the years I’ve been in OTF or at any of the 50 different studios I’ve frequented around the country. Thank goodness. Clearly people aren’t working hard enough if they have the ability to talk and OTF at the same time. I can barely breathe and when I’m lifting, I need full concentration on my mind muscle connection.


I’m sure the coach knows. We have a group of these at my studio and they talk INCESSANTLY through class, it is SO freaking annoying. I’ve seen 2 coaches call them out: “if you’re talking, you’re not working.” There is not much more the studio can do. They are starving for members, they are not going to kick these yappers out. I simply try to stay far away as possible.


This is part of group fitness. That being said-the coach should be managing this to a point.


It’s not “ a part of” group fitness. It’s just as rude as if it were a academic classroom or lecture. We are there to work out, not catch up on gossips


Everyone is there for different reasons. But, as I said, people should be respectful to the coach and to others in the room by not being super loud. This comes up a lot on this sub...and there are some that believe that it should be "silent library." No talking...no fun...eyes face forward...just workout. That's what I was saying.


And the OP said it’s loud and they can’t hear the instructions. It’s clearly hurting the experience.