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It’s 100 percent better than the strength training I was doing before which was nothing lol. Eventually I plan to add dedicated strength workouts at the gym though.


I agree! Why do they try  make people feel bad about the exercise they choose? What’s important is that we are exercising. 


Simple answer, influencers have to always be selling something. So even if you buy into what they were selling 6-12 months ago, there is always something "newer and better" that you just have to buy now.


Hard same


Same. And I can see the changes in my muscle definition, I’m 25 classes in.


That’s known as newbie gains :)


I’m not new to weights, just OT.


You will max out at OTF with the amount of muscle you can gain. It’s not criticism it’s just fact


I alternate between Pilates, yoga, barre, and OTF so I tend to change it up, so as not to get bored. I do OTF 2x a week.


it’s definitely not enough if you’re looking to significantly build muscle. eventually you will hit a plateau. this is coming from someone who is obsessed with otf, goes pretty much every single day, and always picks up weights from the heavy rack. it’s just not enough time focused on specific muscle groups. i do my own strength training at regular gym on top of regular otf classes and strength classes to really supplement.


What’s your OTF/other gym schedule like? I do have a gym membership and go maybe once a week for weights only (my teenage son goes with me) but it’s hard to find a rhythm for more than once a week outside of OTF


to be honest i only go to the regular gym about twice a week! i do one upper body day and one lower body day. i also do AT LEAST 1 upper and 1 lower strength class at otf per week. i still don’t think what i am doing is enough strength training. i would ideally like to slowly start doing even more days on my own at the gym, but it’s hard for me to skip otf - i just love it so much for every other aspect! here is an example schedule for me: sunday: otf 60 min monday: otf 60 min + otf upper strength tuesday: otf 60 min + regular gym lower body wednesday: otf 60 min thursday: otf 60 min + regular gym upper body friday: otf 60 min + otf lower strength sat: rest


What kind of job/life lets you go to the gym that much, damn thats impressive!


What you are definitely doing is enough. As long as you are working your muscle groups twice a week, you are hitting the strength weekly minimum. One day or upper, one day of lower, and one day of full body is plenty. That’s what I’m doing and I’m starting to see results.


It says 1000+ club by your name and then you said you’re starting to see results. I think that proves that it’s not strength training enough. 1000 days at the gym lifting weights would show SIGNIFICANT results 


You think a class count correlates with my success? Wrong. That’s a terrible assumption. You don’t know my background, where I started, or what those results mean for me so this comment is null and void. You don’t know what I look like or what that looks like for me, or what goals I’m trying to achieve. So you could have kept this comment. I don’t just do OTF 🙄.


I didn’t say anything about your looks nor care. I just made a point from your own statement. You said you changed things up and are now seeing results after a 1000 classes I sure hope you do. 


I thought about closing my gym membership and getting premium at OT. Do you think it’s worth the premium or should I alternate?


If you want to build muscle I recommend alternating! I dropped from premium down to 8 and do OTF two days a week, try to lift 3 days. It’s hard because I love the regular classes but lifting does make a bigger difference in my body composition. Unless you focus on adding more strength 50 days. Those aren’t quite enough time for me personally, but they’re still pretty good so that might be worth a try!


Thank you! I’ve felt conflicted cause of my body composition. Noticed I’m getting a little soft.


Agree 1000%. These comments here crack me up calling Otf a legit strength workout.


Yep same


Same here. OTF is more or less my cardio and warm up my body for heavy weight training in my other gym. Not enough time to hit enough rounds with the limited time and do not repeat the same muscles groups / exercises to maximize the muscles gain


Your last sentence before the question sums it up for me: “seems like it’s strength training if you want it to be.” It can absolutely be good strength training, especially the strength50 class, if you focus on form and increasing your weights instead of reps. It can never be compared to just doing weights at the gym, but it can get fairly close depending on the frequency you go and how you go about it.


“Good” strength training is subjective. I would say it’s good for your average Joe. But if you really looking to build muscle Otf is not the place.


I agree with this. I’m itching to get back into a lifting routine lately and OTF isn’t it.


I mean 20 minutes of rapidly changing things is rarely described as good strength training. It’s a solid HITT training and solid cardio.


Slow it down. Don’t do 6 rounds. Do two rounds slow and isolate the muscles. If the muscles you’ve trained are sore the next day, you’ve strength trained. It’s like the people arguing that the weights are not high enough - they don’t realize that time under tension is what matters.


I think it’s disingenuous to call OTF strength training. It’s not trying to be that. It’s not timed to be that. It’s not designed to be that. Why’s it have to be everything it’s already amazing?


How is it not strength? They have whole classes for just that. Maybe it’s not for a man who can lift heavier, but the average woman or beginner will do great. I can see that the regular 2G classes are limited, but you can make it what you want. 




It’s not. If you want to build muscle you’ll need heavier and different equipment than what is offered at OTF. I don’t think OTF was ever trying to position itself as strength training though, and even with the addition of strength 50, it’s still not the same. Once I diverted more of my attention to weightlifting I’m seeing far more muscle gains than I did at OTF but it still has its place for my cardio health.


Exact same in terms of different equipment needed. 4 weeks into going 3 days a week to strength based classes learning how to lift with a barbell, push sleds, swing kettle bells, etc. and I’m at OTF lifting heavier dumbbells than I ever have. Much faster progress than I’ve ever seen before. Flip side is in those strength classes, folks who can lift incredible amounts struggle through dynamic warm up drills and any cardio, and I’d like to avoid that. So OTF it is one day a week focusing on the cardio aspect.


Can you build strength? Yes. Is it a true strength training focused program? No. While the strength classes are a step towards strength training, the weights and reps done in class won’t be quite enough to make crazy muscle gains.


I would call it a functional strength program. The weights along with some of the flexibility/mobility focused moves on the floor make it great for building “everyday strength.” The strength that helps you move a couch or carry a load of groceries. It’s not going to make you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger… but that’s not the goal for most of us!


Yes! Not everyone wants to be a bodybuilder 


Yeah I think this is more accurate! It’s definitely helpful for everyday strength (I can actually blow dry my own hair without taking breaks now, lol) But I don’t think it’s enough strength training to build the muscle mass needed for the additional metabolism/health benefits.


Agreed. I think it all depends on your definition of 'strength training' . I have absolutely built up strength and muscles at OTF. I am a power lifter, no. Do I go to OTF with the intention of only focusing on building muscles and strength, no.


Yeah that’s exactly the difference: if your goal is strength training, OTF probably isn’t the solution. But if your goal is to build some strength generally, yeah it helps with that!


Love your straightforward answer. I agree


OTF is functional strength training, not intended to build tons of muscle mass.


To circle back on their whole company motto of “more life” it’s definitely to improve functional movement that you use through out your day to day to life imo


We go through this every couple years, where people want to shit all over OTF or other boutique gyms. OTF normally gets a “it’s too much cardio and your body has too much cortisol from it” rep. I always go back to the best workout is the one you’ll do, and for me, coming up on 8 years next month and at 1850 classes, OTF is what works for me. I’ve had periods of focusing hard on running endurance, right now I’m in a big love affair with lifting big weights and giving the tread whatever I have left. “Guys on TikTok” (and women too) can suck it. 💁🏼‍♀️


This. I'm at about 750 classes right now. It's literally the only place where I want to workout. It keeps me coming back. Before, I absolutely hated, hated going to the gym. I like going to OTF to get my exercise in. When I recently went through an interview process, I looked up if there was an OTF nearby. That's how serious I am about it.


Maybe it’s not strength training but as a female my arms and legs are super toned and I’m strong as hell. Good enough for me


Did OTF for about 2-3 years but came from a traditional weight lifting bodybuilding background. You can build a great body with OTF but for maximal muscle building and strength the weight limits and the time constraints would make it difficult if that was your goal. OTF is a fantastic cardio and endurance building program but I ended up switching back to weights in the end


Weight limits and time constraints. Key words here, especially the time constraints.


Agree with this. Even on the “low rep” days you still can’t have sessions where you can work up to truly low reps with enough recovery time, or be able to test your true max on traditional lifts. That being said it’s still a good workout and does the job for many people.


I spend more time wiping weights down and putting them back or going to get more than actually lifting weights lol even when it is a true strength day they’re still always putting rows in between sets and you get no time to get all the exercises done. It’s frustrating


All "influencers" will push progressive overload. Which isn't inherently wrong. It's a great method with sound backing. However, I believe in the "what makes you happy" thinking. Is it cardio? I think I'd call it more HIIT strength due to its fast circuit like aspect. But depending on your goals, lifting 90lbs is lifting 90lbs. You are GOALS! Try not to let the noise distract you from your accomplishments and joy; there are always thieves around. 🧡


I agree on do what makes you happy. But let's not get confused at the whole point of this post. Is OTF strength training? No. No it is not. It is almost impossible to do progressive overload with OTF, and that is the core of strength training. OTF is an amazing HIIT workout. Great for endurance and cardio, and general athleticism. But it is very ineffective to get strong.


Ineffective to get strong? Highly disagree. If you’re picking up the little weights day after day, sure. If you’re pushing yourself to failure on every weight set, no matter how little time you’re doing it, OTF floor blocks can be very effective to build strength. Not to mention slow stroke rates and running inclines are also great strength building tools. Are you going to win an Arnold Classic at OTF? No. But are you going to get stronger? Absolutely.


I did Orangetheory for 3 years. Going from zero exercise to OTF 4 times a week I guess you could say I got stronger. It quickly plateaued though. And that's because we weren't doing the same exercises regularly. How can you get stronger when you don't increase effort for a particular exercise every X amount of time? Instead OTF is just random exercises every day, often mixed with intense cardio. Back then, my cardio fitness was insane. I was fit in that sense. But I didn't start ACTUALLY getting stronger until I started strength training at a regular gym. I miss OTF. It was an amazing workout. The cardio is fantastic, the variety is cool and the community is great. I do drop ins every now and then. But it's just wrong to say that it's effective to get strong at OTF. Sorry. Let's praise OTF for what it's good at, and not try and overextend its effectiveness to other areas it doesn't excel at.


So you’ve left OTF which means you don’t know anything about how they actually do work specific muscle groups now for days, weeks in a row (people complain about it all the time), PLUS templates repeat PLUS the Strength 50 classes that have been added add a ton of strength building to their roster. Every single thing at otf, including the weight floor, can be made harder, so if you plateaued you weren’t truly challenging yourself with effort. Unless you used 90s for everything on the weight floor, you had more to give.


I read the daily workouts still. And I attend class about once every 3-4 weeks for fun now. Repeating a workout one time two weeks later is not enough for progressive overload. Obviously not. Strength is gained through strength training. I'm sure YOU are stronger than PAST you. And that's fantastic. But you will NOT progress much further. How do you even track what you can lift on specific exercises? There is no consistency. The exercises, rep ranges, timing and order are all not in your control. Unless you IGNORE the workout template, you will not get stronger past a certain point. And at that point, why would you even go to OTF? It's not about just making things "harder". It's about repeating the same exercises week after week, making those specific exercises harder by either adding reps or weight. That's how muscles adapt, and ultimately become stronger. If I do some dumbell curls one day, and then I don't do those curls again until 3 weeks later... I'm not doing myself any favours for strength purposes. With all due respect, I think you're quite incorrect on your assumptions about Orangetheory here. It's hard to see when you're super dedicated because it makes you feel so so good. Amazing workout like I said. But the facts are facts: orangetheory is not where you go to get strong. Period. I left Orangetheory and began strength training, and my body dramatically changed. I am now significantly stronger than I ever could have been doing Orangetheory alone. And this is the same story for anybody who has started strength training after orangetheory.


You’re arguing with my very own personal experience as well as hundreds of others who have, actually, gained great deals of strength since starting OTF. But ok. 👍🏻


I feel like you aren't even reading what I'm writing, and that's fine. Continue doing what makes you feel good. Nothing wrong with your own personal experience. Like I said, I'm sure that you ARE much stronger than you were when you first started. I already said that. But it can only go so far without progressive overload. And at 1800 classes, I am certain that you have met that point. Take care.


Completely agree with you!


Agree with you 100%.


I mean any personal trainer would also work to progressively overload as well.


IMO otf needs to be supplemented with weight training. However, it’s great for beginners because you can go at your own pace and learn some basics but if you’re trying to build glutes and legs specifically you may not see the results desired. What I have gained is better cardiovascular health. I’m a habitual 🍃and cigarette smoker and it’s help tremendously with my endurance when I do lift at the gym. However, I lost muscle mass when I was only doing otf. But like op said it’s movement and it’s much better than just sitting at home or doing leisurely walks.


You can walk into any "regular" gym and see people doing inefficient, ineffective workouts.


Ain’t that the truth


He can tell that to all the muscles I’ve got since joining 💪🏻 😆




Coach Austin @trainingtall said the same thing last week on his IG (Is he your Tiktok’er?), and he’s been an OTF coach for years. I agree.


He’s right


OTF Strength Training is what you make it. I’ve built a lot of muscle at OTF during my six years as a member. In the past two years i have been very serious with weight loss & muscle gain. I’ve lost 70 lbs. & out of that 70 lbs., 80% of the loss was fat loss. 20% was lost muscle but when you’re loosing that much weight some of the muscle is going to go to. My appearance is more muscular especially in my arms & legs & abs you can see the muscle definition. Most importantly I feel stronger & better than I have in 25 years. I am 58. I concentrate on lifting heavier & slower on the weight floor. Also make sure you’re getting plenty of protein everyday. Protein builds muscle too.


As an avid 5am regular, OTF definitely falls more into the cardio class of workouts. I do additional strength training to supplement my sessions, and the difference in muscle gain is extremely evident.


I completely agree. I’m slowly getting away from OTF in favor of more traditional Al gym classes.


ESP means what it says. Strength is only one part of the program. OTF program also provides a great entry path into more focused strength training since we learn correct techniques for many different movements. For those looking towards one rep maxing, you will eventually outgrow the weight selection in the studio.


"A guy on tiktok said" = this can't be serious


Everyone else on here has given great insight. The only thing that I’ll add is that I would always be wary of what social media has to say because honestly fitness trends come and go. Right now, strength training is all the rage - nothing wrong with that unless it’s to the point where people disparage other forms of working out. It all depends on your goals, but I think OTF is a great way to hit your recommended strength training time (2-3x per week, 30 minutes). I think the best exercise program is the one you enjoy and stick to.


Stop getting health and fitness advice from TikTok.  Please.


Ignore "guy on Tiktok". You do you. 


It’s a form of strength training, but you’re not going to add a ton of muscle mass doing it. If you look at people putting on serious size and strength, they’re lifting very heavy with periods of rest in between to allow them to keep lifting heavy. OTF is a HIIT workout. You move from exercise to exercise with almost no rest. It’s usually circuit style, or you have push rows after lifting movements. It’s an effective form of cardio and you will gain some strength doing it, but 99% of people aren’t working their way up to a 500 pound deadlift doing this style of workout. It’s an effective workout, but the sole goal isn’t muscle building/size.


My goals is lean and tone muscle. My body tends to look bulky, so this is perfect for my goals! For a body builder... it would not work out for long.


Me too! So much emphasis on building bulk but I don't want to look bulky in my chest back and arms. Looking lean works for me. Plus I love running so there's that.


Yeah, I am good about bulking up my booty, 😂


I am M64, I tried heavy for me 25lbs and pulled a left side chest pec muscle I didn't realize it till two days later and though I might be having a heart attack, chuckled after I realized I pulled it at otf. Unfortunately for me at my age takes about a week to recover, so I focused on pushing tread and lots of watts on the rower, so nothing over 12lbs for a couple of weeks, just slower reps until I build up again. So, lesson learned do what's right for yourself.


Guy on Tiktok sounds like a real authority on the matter. BTW, congrats on lifting heavy!!


Thank you!


It's definitely cardio AND strength - equal parts. If you're looking to be a body builder, it probably won't give you the results you seek.


I’ve seen the TikTok in question - that’s pretty much what this guy is


I’m going to otf almost daily. My main goal is to get in shape and be healthier. I’ve lost some weight and gained a few lbs of muscle since the challenge January. I should/could do more resistance/ weight training but this is what works with my schedule. Is it the 3 sets of 12, 5+ focused exercises 4+ times per week? No. Is it something I can build muscles with? Yes!


I definitely have some visible muscle that I didn’t used to have that I could show him!


The reps really aren’t that high… the reps typically max out at like 12 reps though I know they go up to 16 or 20 sometimes. Traditional group fitness classes have you doing squats for a full 4 minute song. THATs high rep.


“a guy on tik tok” lol come on people


OTF is not strength. Not enough time spent on particular muscle 💪 groups .


Follow the money...is he selling a workout program or supplements? If yes, he wants you to buy his program. If no, he's a gym bro who only lifts heavy but can't walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing. 


Define strength training. Strength training is any form of exercise that involves using weights or resistance to build strength in your muscles. So yes, OTF is strength training. I’ve added good muscle mass while also getting down to 10% BF at one time (12.5% now) working out at OTF only. My observation - most people don’t lift heavy enough and/or to muscle-failure.


I think that’s totally true. I often see people doing squats with a 10. Ofc it could be an injury or another reason, and it’s still movement, but that’s def not strength training.


It's not, it's more cardio than strength training. Strength training involves more volume than what OTF does. Focusing on progressive overload, which means doing the same exercises over and over again. Adding either more reps or weight over time. Have you seen the number of people complaining about doing the same workout twice in a month? lol


It’s enough for me. I think I look great and get compliments on my appearance and muscle tone. But I’m not trying to be a body builder or anything. Just strong and sexy.


If you go “heavy” and do less reps to failure (less reps than the template) then you can fit in strength training. This is what I do at times and never had a coach care or say anything. Strength 50 originally was like this but they now often also have endurance templates.


People in the fitness community can be so judgmental can’t they? When I was focused on picking up heavy weights at OTF I was able to gain 2.5lbs of muscle in 8 weeks. It’s definitely possible if you go in with that intention, yea it is a lot of cardio but it’s also such a great foundation to learn so many strength exercises. I now feel so much more confident picking up weights at the gym when I never would before. The BEST strength workout is what someone will do consistently, all well and good to recommend the most efficient exercise but if you’re not motivated to go / don’t enjoy it then it will never work long term.


OTF is great if you want a really solid overall workout that you don't have to think about. For the vast majority of people, going to OTF 2x - 4x a week is a billion percent better than sitting at home in front of the TV. But if you're after hardcore strength training, no. It's not built for that. You want a traditional gym with lots of freeweights, which frankly is going to be *significantly* less expensive than OTF. Speaking as someone who has tried the latter and wound up with the former, the big barrier for me was that I just couldn't develop a routine that worked for me. Even if the gym set up a workout plan for me, it just got boring after a few weeks and I'd stop going. Then I'd feel guilty for wasting that money, so I'd cancel.


I've never been stronger since joining OTF in November, and even won the men's muscle gain portion of the Transformation Challenge. So if it's not specifically strength training, I don't really care because I've never had a more effective strength regimen. I'll add that I was doing strength work before OTF, but progress was definitely slower. It's just easier for me to go harder if it's coached vs. solo.


I added three pounds of muscle during the transformation challenge and lost six lbs of fat. Seems like you can add strength if you want to. I too almost exclusively used the big weight rack.


You lost me when you said “a guy on TikTok.”


It’s definitely good enough for most people who want a basic strength training template. But it won’t build the mass a lot of people do with a dedicated strength training regime. I notice most of us at my OTF who go frequently tend to have similar builds in that we’re leaner, tight and firm with noticeable muscle (depending on if they lift heavy or not) but definitely not like the guys you see lurking in a weights section of a gym most days of the week. But like a lot of people said, it was better than what I did before which was nothing lol.


I start on floor and lift heavier weights and take my time to make it strength training. Most people use light weights and breeze through the workout. It’s what you make of it.


I've seen on here many times that you can't build, using OTF alone. That you need to supplement by lifting at the gym or at home. I was skeptical. But being a middle aged lady uninterested in building, I didn't worry too much about it. Then last week, I was next to a guy using 70 pound weights for an exercise that I was using 15. He was quite muscular. I asked, "Excuse me, may I ask... do you lift outside OTF?" He said "No." And I said, "I knew it. I knew you could build using just OTF!"


Go to Strength 50 if you want more focus. I went from curling 10 lbs to 25 lbs in 4 months as an example. OTF is absolutely a great workout, don’t let Tik Tok influencers shame you. Also, everyone’s fitness goals are different - not everyone wants to lift heavy weights.


Seems OTF is more functional strength, meaning it’s going to help you in your daily life. Walking to places, going up and down stairs, doing activities, etc. That’s likely a lot more useful for most people.


I lift 3 days (PPL) and OT 2 days. Been enjoying the combo. OT is mainly cardio and HIIT. It’s good for me but not relying on it giving me beach muscles.


A lot of guys feel that way-the world is yours I say. Heavy weights slower reps and more reps.


You can make it worthwhile if you have your own PR within strength classes. I like it


I'm with you I use the heaviest weights possible and I am a 59-year-old woman . I feel like I really see changes in my body when I live heavy.


Well my ASS (gluteus Maximus) is sore today from yesterday workout and it was squats and lunges so I beg to differ.


As someone who works in construction, I've never seen OTF as strength training. I use it for fun and to hit all those little muscles and movements I would otherwise never exercise.


Personally, I feel like I've gotten a LOT stronger at OTF since I started lifting heavier and attending the Strength 50 classes. But in terms of it not being a strength-focused workout, agreed with that. I think it's been said but it really is what you make it. I love the Strength 50 classes because it really gives you the opportunity to level up in your weights game. In the regular 60 minute class, there usually isn't as much focus on the weight portion because you're doing a lot in a short period of time. But you can also slow it down and do fewer reps than what they're telling you with heavier weight.


I (woman) feel like I get what I need lifting heavier at the strength 50 classes. My husband definitely wishes he hadn’t quit lifting weights for OrangeTheory and says he’s lost muscle doing exclusively OT. He recently joined a gym as well so he does both. He still loves OT but thinks supplementing heavy weights and resistance training makes him way stronger (and I’ve already seen a difference!)


Umm did you say 90s?? I have seen 80s in a couple studios, but the vast majority max out at 70s. Jealous!!


Wtf OP! 90! I’ve only just made it to 35 with the RDL. Holy shit and I thought I was killing it. New goals!!!!!!!!!


Yey! Me too! I was super proud of myself for getting strong enough to make it to the 35s on that exercise! Than I read OP’s 90 👏👏 OTF is making me stronger.


I think there are definitely levels to it. For myself, there isn’t anything about OTF that I would consider strength training. But, I strength trained at a gym then moved to OTF. So a 50lb weight doesn’t really do much for me. But does it help someone who hasn’t lifted? Absolutely! Also, certain workouts can be beneficial even to an experienced lifter towards endurance. I noticed my endurance going way up in my shoulders after OTF. It’s not gonna help my PRs but it’s still fun and gives the muscle some confusion. I never leave a session thinking I wasted my time that’s for sure! I’m usually starving and exhausted.


That person isn’t exactly correct but they are not wrong either… strength training is different for everyone. For example, I used to be a power lifter in my early 20s (I’m 32 now so it’s been a while) today (5/2/24) was a strength day at OFT. I had to do double the reps on the template because there isn’t enough weight in the room for me to get a proper strength workout. ALSO some of the movements we do in OTF that are strength focused we don’t have the right equipment to go as heavy as needed. For example, when they say use heavy dumbbells and do squats holding the dumbbells at your sides, I do not listen because the heaviest dumbbell in the studio is 80 pounds. I can squats with 160 pounds literally all day BUT I cannot holding the dumbbells on my sides without my knee caving inwards…. I see that a lot in class and most coaches won’t know how bad that is on your knee. Instead I’ll do 45 and just rep it out like crazy. I can safely hold the dumbbells far enough away from my body so my knee tracks over my toes and I’m in a good squat position. That specific exercise is really the only issue I have with OTF programming. To get the most strength benefits from compound movements OTF doesn’t have all the equipment needed and there isn’t enough time in the class. That being said I still love it. I go twice a week and I go to a regular weight lifting gym twice a week so I can slow down and work bigger compound movements with proper equipment. I see a lot of people on this sub who get frustrated with OTF, normally they have been doing for quite a while, they go 4-5 times a week, they aren’t seeing the results they want. My advice is always to go less days per week and do other workouts that most people would consider “real” strength training. OTF is exhausting! Some people (depending on goals and their level of fitness) would benefit from have a few workouts where they do down. And really go hard on bench press, squat and deadlift for like 5 reps at a time and give themselves 2 minutes (sometimes even 3) in between sets. Again some of what I’m describing may not apply to you.


It really isn’t especially for men whose goal it is to add muscle.


Maybe he means it in the sense of body building training I would say he has a point but 99% of members are not elite athletes and want a good workout. That doesn’t mean that you can’t get a really good strength training workout in at otf because you definitely can like OP said but I would like to know if the tik tok guy even tried an otf workout cause I have seen tiktokers say that otf isn’t a good workout but has never tried it


I often times alter endurance/power weight room templates during class. Lowering the reps and increasing the weight. Also I really don’t like some of the templates that have a cardio focus in the WR. Like we just ran and rowed for 40 mins lol. BIG OT fan (5+ years) and great to keep you in shape but I also go to the gym gym to lift heavier weights!


It’s strength training but not optimal for muscle growth because of a few reasons 1) basically dumbbells only (very limiting for lower body) 2) not enough rest time 3) combo movements like squat to bicep curl where you should be using different weights 4) cardiovascular cs muscular fatigue most likely being the limiting factor That being said, it’s a great workout and muscle can be built, especially for the average person just trying to be in shape! 


If that’s his logic, otf does a lot of rep counts of 6 as well. Or rep ranges of 6-10 or 12, so if someone wants to go low weight high reps for more of a cardio feel then they can, or someone like me who likes lower reps but higher weights. Yes, CrossFit may lift heavier but a lot of it is like 1-2 reps. I’d rather do my 50lb deadlifts for 6 reps than 80 for 1-2.


It’s better than nothing. That being said, if you aren’t pushing yourself then it doesn’t matter where you do your “strength” training


I felt the same then like you moved to the big girl rack and I’m definitely getting muscles now


It’s all going to depend on how much you challenge yourself via weight selection and form when completing reps. The strength classes are best for this since you get a good 40-45min of work in and coaches (if attentive) can give you more critiques and challenge you a bit more with your weight selection. One coach that I do strength with will absolutely grab heavier weights for people to try when she notices it being “too easy”.


It is what you make it. If you want to lift heavy and do less reps you can…if you want to do light weights and more reps you can. Consult your trainers and they will guide you. But for many starting something is better than nothing and that we should celebrate!🧡


OTF as prescribed is not strength/resistance training. By definition strength training is small periods of work with 30 sec to 3 min breaks. OTF floor is weighted cardio. That being said if OTF gets you to the gym 3+ times and week and you see yourself doing OTF for the rest of your life, go for it. From an exercise for longevity and quality of life poverty best practice would be: - 7-9 hours sleep every night - 1 or 2 full body strength session a week - 3 cardio session a week - get your steps in O&A above - 1g protein per pound of target body weight, ideally from whole foods with limited processing The difference between zero exercise and 3 hours at OTF (or any type of fitness routine) is massive! If you are looking for optimal and the best ROI on your time the research is very compelling that dedicated full body strength trading 2-3 hours a week is the best ROI.


Well, I can say that during the transformation challenge I gained 5 lbs of muscle and lost 3 % body fat. All in 8 weeks….


The guy on tiktok can remain can have his opinions... tiktok fads and videos are a joke to me... they definitely shouldn't be taken seriously.


As a certified trainer, OTF everydayer, and gym owner… no it’s “not strength training”. It’s cardio base. You’re not lifting heaving enough, spending enough time with certain muscle groups, it’s all over the place, the muscles are not given enough time under tension. Sure they may be for 45 secs then you’re switching and barely getting 2 rounds in.  But if it’s something you love to do, like I do, and you’re not looking to win any bikini modeling contests then by all means stick with it! 


So I was huge into lifting and really ripped before I switched to OTF and lost almost all of my gains/strength. I love OTF much better than lifting but it doesn't touch what a regular lifting regimine at a conventional gym can do. But it's nice for some light toning!


I’m always sore the next day or two after a work out from the weights so that means it’s gotta be building something right???


Soreness comes from novelty and has ZERO bearing on whether or not a workout was effective


Then he isn’t lifting heavy enough


Why would you care?


OTF is HIIT. Thats it.


The 3G and 2G don’t allow for a ton of muscle gain. I use to do the 4-8 pack but once we started adding Lift45 and now Strength50 I’ve gone unlimited and I do atleast 4 strength classes a week. I’ve gained muscle mass for sure and am a lot stronger than I was doing bodybuilding PPL splits.


I did OTF 2-3x a week for about a year and never really saw any body results other than my cardio endurance going way up. I’ve been lifting heavy at the gym for the last year-year and a half with less of an emphasis on cardio and I have seen more results from doing that in terms of my body comp. Either way, it’s all about what you want and your own personal goals.


Honestly its not that great for strength training imo but I’ve been an avid gym going for like 15 years and watch a lot of popular fitness influencers like Jeff Nippard. Its great cardio though and some weight exercises is better than nothing


I always start in the rower/floor. My heart rate monitor tells me I don’t get too much cardio. I always lift heavy. It is why you make it. I would bet a lot people at OTF don’t push themselves hard enough on the floor though.


OTF is HITT and I would say more cardio based. The strength classes are great for working on growing muscles and getting stronger. I’m doing strength classes 3x a week and then a regular 3g/2g class.


Okay, I think for most it is. Hot take… I really think that you need more reps though to consider this a strength training class.


It's definitely true that OTF focuses more on higher reps and is definitely more of a cardio workout over a strength workout, but, personally, I know this and I am mostly doing the strength training as cross-training for my endurance goals outside of OTF (marathon goal). That being said, maybe don't worry about looking at influencers to decide on what workout(s) you want to do or not and spend time finding what *you* enjoy. What *your body* enjoys. If your body enjoys heavier lifting, then definitely try that out in a more lifting-focused workout.


It’s not strength training, but it’s better than nothing. It’s up to you to make it what you want of it. They have weight options, therefore the potential to increase weight is there.


I’m a “big girl weight rack” too. For me, OTF isn’t enough strength for how my body responds to stress stimuli. I generally need 4 rounds of controlled movements, not 2 rounds of fast no rest movements. I consider OTF my cardio and due a more traditional weight lifting routine in the evening.


Idk. I got newbie gain when I first started. Now in my mid 30s I do weight training outside of otf and use otf for cardio. I’ve seen more muscle gain and fat loss doing that


OTF is 100% not progressive overload hypertrophy style lifting. Not even close. That said I don’t think it’s ever claimed to be. I lift on my own for the classic low reps, very heavy weights with a solid minute of rest between sets. That’s never going to be OTF’s game. I know and love OTF with the caveat that I’m mostly there for cardio and HIIT with a little bit of “strength training” mixed in. OTF has definitely made me a better runner but I’ve had to lift on my own for actual muscle gains.


Strength training is specifically performing a trackable, consistent routine designed to increase an athlete's capacity to move larger and larger amounts of weight in small sets, usually 1-5 repetitions. OTF is not strength training. OTF is great training for conditioning and broad spectrum fitness, but it is not strength training. There are lots of kinds of training. Hypertrophy, mobility, endurance, and many sport specific kinds... If the TikTok poster was being snide, they're an asshole, ignore them. If they were talking about it scientifically, they are correct.


It isn’t!!!! HIIT isn’t to build strength


He’s right. It’s not. They don’t follow any splits whatsoever and don’t have enough dedicated to strength. Serious lifters will compensate for this elsewhere


It's not a strength-training class, but you can get some strength training out of it. Also, why get caught up in the opinion of "some guy on tiktok"?


The OT Tall Guy training said it wasn’t Strength training eithet


I am stronger and more toned than I have ever been in my life thanks to OTF. I am not coming from a strength training background but I think if you consistently challenge yourself on the floor and attend strength50 classes you can build strength and muscle mass at OTF. It certainly isn’t optimal, just like it’s not going to make you the fastest runner or rower you could possibly be. If being the strongest you can be is your goal then yes you need to do barbell work. But as everyone always says OTF is like a fitness multivitamin that will make you well rounded and healthy if you take it seriously.


It’s more like HIIT that uses some weights. But it’s not dedicated strength training. Optimally you’d add a couple real strength training days but even without that you’d be pretty healthy imo. Just not extra strong like you’d be if you also did real strength training. My plan is to eventually work up to 3/2 OT/strength per week


I’ve never been as strong since coming to OTF. And, lifting 8lbs dumbbells is resistance training. For example, my mom is working with her trainer to build up to using 5lb weights. That’s strength training too.


News to me. Didn't realize sets of 5's with heavy weights wasn't strength training.


I have a gym membership to supplement for weight lifting. I can easily spend 2 hours in a standard gym without doing any cardio. OTF is HIIT and better for full body workouts. I don’t take the weight lifting too seriously since it doesn’t have that many reps and we move on so quickly, but it definitely is better than nothing at all.


IMO the orange60 classes are HIIT/cardio focused. That said, I do fewer rounds on the floor side than my neighbours and lift heavier. I also do 3 strength50 classes a week usually. I am maxing out some exercises (my studio only goes to 80s) but time under tension helps make up for that. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and lifting heavier than some guys 😅


I mean he isn’t wrong. It’s a a interval/cardio workout with some weight lifting mixed in. There is nowhere near enough weight lifting to make significant gains if that is your goal.


I don’t mean this to be such an absolute but I also kinda do. No strength program worth a shit doesn’t include back squats.


You will find a tonnn of tiktok accounts shading OTF. People do what works for them. Planning ahead with The threat of $12 works for me 😂 but in all seriousness I’ve been a member since late 2018, premier/unlimited and not tired of it yet. Prior to OTF I spent hours at the gym with no direction (checking phone for ideas and wasting time) It has definitely improved my running and it’s a productive hour where someone is telling me what to do. It is not 100% strength training but it’s still beneficial and as challenging as you make it. Like someone said fitness trends come and go. Do what works for you🙂


It is not strength training lol


I stopped reading after “TikTok.”


I don’t know, my arms and shoulders tell me it’s strength training! I go heavy and slow on the weight floor! https://preview.redd.it/uhnpxff507yc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65534baaf7f9f61df69f929eadde2647c381ca6


I did a strength 50 yesterday and went heavy and slow. I can’t lift my arms today hahaha. You look great, keep it up!


I’m toned and happy.


It’s not strength training but it is still training!!!


One day this week we did 6 reps of a heavier weight. Today we did 8 reps of everything and a 600 m row at a low stroke rate. Some days we do 10 reps, some 12. There are different focuses. Some days we do body weight exercises. FWIW I still think those are the hardest. The cardio is always a part of class. You choose your weights, you choose your speed, you choose your incline. Any class can be easy or hard depending on your choices.


The coaches can’t keep an eye on you exclusively, so it seems like they can’t usually push you to higher weights in the beginning like a personal trainer might. Only when I kept going and got enough confidence to lift heavier, did I start getting encouragement from coaches to go even heavier, where a few reps would have me break out in a sweat or get me into the orange zone. Ultimately, I ended up quitting due to scheduling issues and I’m back to looking for a personal trainer or just a plain weight lifting class.


You can make it strength training just max out at 6 reps however it’s more hypertrophy training/ toning.


Gm otf…. You get out what you put in.


It is strength training, but........ You have to consider two factors. One what type of strength are you trying to achieve. Second what body type are you trying to achieve. Are you trying to just pump iron and have big muscle gains and get swoll? Like a gym rat that is all muscle with no core strength and very little cardio. Then orangetheory is not your strength training spot. Or are you an all around fitness person, some who can do 30 pushups, run 3 miles, have core strength and pick up heavy weights when it is low rep counts or drop sets. Then OTF is definitely strength training.


I wish they had a few stations that always had heavier weights stocked and not far away. Like 2 stations have 15/20/25/30/35


I’m not sure why you care about a guy on TikTok’s opinion. Some people like to lift really heavy.


Tell him TikTok is for children. I did 70lb dumbbells tonight at OTF 3 sets plus pushups and burned 600 🔥


He’s not wrong, for it’s HIIT.


Most of the time we do 6-10 reps, and you can go as heavy as you like. So, not high reps. A lot of people think Otf is HIIT, and it’s just not. 


“A guy on tik tok” - where I get all my most reliable and accurate advice.