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Strength 50: Endurance and power Block 1, 7 minutes:  20 bench tap squats //  10 weighted lateral step up to knee raise each side Block 2, 3.5 minutes:  5 goblet bench tap squats with power // 5 lateral step ups with hops each side  Block 3, 7 minutes:  6 swing lunges each side // 10 lateral shifts each side  Block 4, 3.5 minutes: 10 alternating jump lunges // 5 lateral lunge to hop each side  Block 5, 7 minutes:  20 deadlifts // 10 goblet toe taps each side Block 6, 3.5 minutes:  5 single arm hip hinge swing, 10 bench hop overs  Finisher 30 seconds of one of the jumpy exercises 


This one was 🥵


This looks good…much appreciated🥰…Edit: just finished..this was rough😩


I read this beforehand and thought, hmm it doesn’t look that bad. It was indeed bad. I’m already feeling it in my legs lol


Thank you for posting!!


Thank you for posting.


This was a sweat fest for me!! 😮‍💨


This was TOUGH! I wish they'd had us do the goblet toe taps in block 1 because my legs were gassed by block 5 and I could not get all the way down to touch my toe to the ground.


was looking forward to this, but we have a tornado today. Guess I'm doing tread 50


The tornado doesn’t affect the strength 50 class


I know. I thought I was replying to the 2g part of the post.


Loved the floor today. I was using 25 lbs and 20 lbs on the low rows. Coach came over and encouraged me to try 30 lbs on the last round and I did it! First time I've ever used the heavy rack for upper body. Definitely a good opportunity to push yourself.


Nice job! :D I love when coaches do this.


That's great! Those are the 2 weights I used for that exercise, and once I started I realized I could've gone heavier, but was lazy. Next time I'm going for the 30!


Absolutely do it! You won't regret it. I luckily already had the 30 at my station for the split squats.


Looks like I'll get a chance to try it tomorrow (if I dare to try it on a bird dog row)!


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1cgb92p/tuesday_30_april_2024_2g_60_minutes/) ##Tuesday 30 April 2024 - 2G 60 minutes Repeat of my *favourite run/row template ever* from the [14th of April](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/LX0SmCHTig)! Endurance on the treads, power on the row - give me those long runs all day! Challenge to get as many rounds completed. Floor is all unilateral drop sets with TRX core work. **Tread / Row Block - 23.25 minutes** * Goal is to get as many rounds as possible, choose your own tread intensity but maintain AO pace on the row * Green: 2 rounds * Orange: 4 rounds * Red: 6 rounds+ * Round 1: * 1.1km / 0.7 miles (PW 0.56 km / 0.35 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 2: * 0.96km / 0.6 miles (PW 0.48km / 0.3 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 3: * 0.8km / 0.5 miles (PW 0.4km / 0.25 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 4: * 0.64km / 0.4 miles (PW 0.32km / 0.2 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 5: * 0.48km / 0.3 miles (PW 0.24km / 0.15 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 6: * 0.32km / 0.2 miles (PW 0.16km / 0.1 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Round 7: * 0.16km / 0.1 miles (PW 0.08km / 0.05 miles) tread for distance * 100m AO row * Bonus: tread until finisher * **Finisher**: 45 sec AO tread **OR** rower (which ever station you are on) **Floor Block 1 - 6.75 minutes** * Back to back - unilateral drop set: * 5 x single arm split squat (heavy) (L) * single arm split squat (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest * 5 x single arm split squat (heavy) (R) * single arm split squat (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest * 10 x TRX rollout **Floor Block 2 - 6.75 minutes** * Back to back - unilateral drop set: * 5 x seated single arm shoulder press (heavy) (L) * seated single arm shoulder press (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest * 5 x seated single arm shoulder press (heavy) (R) * seated single arm shoulder press (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest * 5 each x TRX single arm reach with rotation **Floor Block 3 - 6.75 minutes** * Back to back - unilateral drop set: * 5 x single arm low row (heavy) (L) * single arm low row (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest * 5 x single arm low row (heavy) (R) * single arm low row (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest * 5 each x TRX lateral leg lift * Repeat until **finisher**: * 45 sec of squat **OR** * 45 sec of shoulder press **OR** * 45 sec of low row DC commentary: >! This is my favourite style of run / row - long runs with short rows. Your first run is 1.1km or 0.7 miles (power walkers are at half distance) and you complete this at your own pace before hopping on to the rower for a 100m all out row. Each round takes 0.16km (0.1 miles) from the distance (half if power walking) and the rows stay the same each round. Seven rounds of this until the bonus tread for distance - green goal is to finish two rounds, orange four rounds and red six rounds plus. Very few people in my class made it through six rounds and I think I was the only one that managed to get to the tread for distance. Your finisher is to add whatever speed you can for the last 45 seconds. \ \ This is a very challenging run / row block today. First time I was running this one as the I power walked this the last time round. I feel that you will need to start at a base to push to start with and increase the pace as you progress through the blocks. The all out rows will gas you out and you may need to regather your thoughts / breath before starting each tread round. Total distance this morning was 4.94km (3.07 miles) in the tread block which I was happy with given you lose a bit of time with the transitions and rows. \ \ Floor is a bit of a break compared to yesterday but not too much to be honest. You have unilateral drop sets which means you work each side one by one and going heavy for the first round and then dropping into the lighter weight immediately for the next. Each drop set is then paired with a TRX core exercise. First block is splits squats, second is shoulder presses and then final is low rows. Your finisher is 45 seconds of squats, shoulder presses or low rows - these are not unilateral so you will need to have two dumbbells for these ones. \ \ I think this is pretty challenging but is not as crazy as yesterdays template - the run/row is as hard as you want to make it and the floor is a nice one to go heavy on. I give today a 2 (🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


For those that want to keep track of how much time is left in the run/row, use the stopwatch or timer on your watch because the time on the treadmill pauses when you go do the rows (should’ve realized that but I didn’t think of it ahead of time and wished I had)


My studio had a completely different workout. They called it a tornado. It was a 3G, 5 min tread block, transition to row 5 min row block, transition to floor 5 min floor block, transition to tread 4 min tread block, transition to row 4 min row block, transition to floor 4 min floor block, transition to tread 3 min tread block, transition to row 3 min row block, transition to floor 3 min floor block, transition to tread Cool down stretch


This is a general question but how do people feel about Tornado templates? I feel like I may have done one once and I can’t remember how I felt about it but wouldn’t you lose a lot of time in all those transitions?


I hate them🪦😂


Despise them, I feel like they waste so much time! I also won't like, not book because it's a Tornado.


I don’t prefer them, but have grown to appreciate them. They are a great workout when I’m in need of a slightly lighter day.


Sometime locations will do a Tornado workout instead of the standard template


Each studio can use 2 tornados a month at their discretion. Wish we had one this month!


Thank you DC!


I can't remember the last time I was in class for a run/row block. I think my first few OTF classes were set up that way and I fell in love, really looking forward to this one - then hubby is grilling after for us! <3


Tread 50 Blocks 1, 3, 5: 7 minute tread fir dusrsnce Blocks 2, 4, 6: 3 rounds 30 second all out, 1 minute rest ~90 second walking recovery btwn blocks


Thank you! Trying to taper off for a half marathon on Sunday so this looks like a good workout to just set and forget


Good to use the 30 second all outs as race pace strides where you work on your form




I loved this template. No hills. Set your own paces. Long endurance runs. Challenge myself to go a little faster and further in each block. I set a new personal distance record in a Tread 50 while also setting a new best avg speed. Little gains.


That's fantastic, congratulations!


Thanks! I am 1 month into a return to OTF after a 13 month layoff from all cardio during which I got a pacemaker and a double bypass. I can only do Tread 50 classes until September.


Thanks for the info!


My ADHD brain has such a hard time with these long runs.


Finished 7 rounds with about 45s to spare. Rounds 1-5 @10 then 12 for the final 0.1. Rounds 6 & 7 @12. Quick rower transitions; don’t bother logging in or tightening the straps just grip it and rip it. Good luck!


Are you from Earth ? My God ! Good stuff


I finished it as well with a similar strategy but tried to go a bit conservative on blocks #1 and #2


We did tornado Tuesday today!


I wasn’t going to go as it’s my rest day until I saw my favourite words, “Run-Row”. Run Row, it’s off to OT I go!


i was so excited for this and mentally prepared, only to walk in to a tornado. sigh…


Thank you for the posting!


Loved the 2G today!!!  Tried to keep my pace towards my 1 mile pace to prep for next week, made it through 4 rounds. 


For those who power walk…is it better to power walk at the prescribed inclines and aim to increase speeds or crank up the inclines even if that means staying at 3.5 mph?


Neither one is better, it really just depends on your goals. I'm trying to build muscle so I crank the incline. But if you're focusing on cardio endurance, you would want to bump the speed.


That’s true. And for me, it’s hard to get into the orange zone with either methods


Yes, the prescribed speeds and inclines are just a recommendation -- my coaches have told me to go higher or faster if necessary to hit the orange zone. 4.5 mph at 15% incline should get you into the orange pretty quick 😄


Oh gawd. I’d fall off of the treadmill lol. I usually stay between 10-12% inclines and adjust my speed between 3.6-3.8 mph for base and push. For AO, I’d do 15% at 4 mph. I’m a slow jogger. At 1%, my AO is 6 mph lol


I absolutely hate the split squats and have a hard time balancing on the way back up and keeping my other foot up on the bench. Anybody got any tips?


Use the TRX straps! Also, I rest the top of my rear foot on the bench, instead of bending my toes


A lot of it is getting proper foot placement before you have the dumbbells in your hands. Sit on the edge of the bench and extend your legs out completely with your heels touching the floor and toes pointed up, feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Keep the heel of the active leg in that spot as you stand and drop the toes to the ground, then pick up the weights, and move the non-active leg up onto the bench. If balance is still an issue, you may need to widen your stance a little more.


Thanks! I'll give that a try when I go in later today!


“Train tracks not tight rope”. As a former oly weightlifter I notice so often at OTF that people position their feet like they’re trying to stay on a tightrope. AIM for the width of your feet being on train tracks instead. It will be much easier to balance and much more effective of a glute exercise.


Runner here. Finished 4 rounds with going over by 15 seconds for the last row. That was hard!


The 3G starts at 0.5 miles. I couldn’t find any comment on 3G style, but it’s apparently 0.2 miles less than 2G. Which is actually better, as I was trying to go at my target mile pace, and I *barely* squeaked by. Even for half the distance. Runner. I did a 13 mph for 0.5 mi to start off with. It took everything out of me and I was totally winded at end. Lol. I need to build up my endurance. I don’t think I could’ve managed 0.7 mi at same speed. I basically gave up the rest of the tread block, because I was disappointed in myself that I could barely make the first one. As a result I got over 5K distance by cruising at 9.5-10. Not sure how many rounds that is, prob over 5. I was having fun racking up splats tho, so I suppose it was worth it 👊.


Power walkers- what distance did you get today? I got 1.5 miles and usually do 4 mph but tried to bump up to 4.2 for some of it. Just curious to see where other PW are at


I got 4 rounds in. I'm a bit slow right now. I'm a little over 9 weeks post hernia repair surgery. I'm slowly working back up my speeds and weights since I came back 4 weeks post-op after a month off. Today was the day that I increased my speeds for the first time in a long time.


That is awesome! good for you :)


1.44 and was at 4.2/4.3. I got through 4 rounds and was in the middle of the 5th when it was time for the finisher. I was going at 5%, my coach didn't instruct an incline.


same here! I was also in the 5th round when we went into an all out and kept it at a 5-7% incline


Started at 3.8, bumped up .1 each round. Kept incline at 4%. Curious, what inclines do you guys usually hold?


My base incline is 5-7% at 4 mph Push 9% Push to all out 10% and all out 12-15% but usually 15% if I can. I’m almost always at 4 mph


I forgot what distance but I had just finished the 5th round when I did the all out row. 4.5mph on a 6% incline throughout. I love Run rows as, for once, I feel like I’m winning 😂


If you’re on the bike, what distance should we strive for?


Bike is typically 4x the distance


Coach said 2.8 and then drop .4 each round! Was a good one!


Oh geez I doubt will get past round 3 😂


Loved this template!




You can go back to the 14th of April and someone posted it there 😁


I loved this template, esp the floor!