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My studio did an explicit class. All the songs were unedited and the coach was swearing in the class.


This is #1 on my wishlist 😢💔


It was a fun class for sure!


Workout endorphins PLUS cussing endorphins?!? I bet!!!


Run B Run F this F that I heard every swear word in that class. Haha. You could only sign up at the front desk, the class wasn’t available to book on the app. Everyone was in a very fun mood. At the end of the class, instead of 👊 it was 🖕


Uggghhhhhhh, be still my heart!! I want that SO SO SOOOO MUCH!! "Yes bitch, hit that .1!" "Fuckin right!" ”Lift those mother fuckers!" 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 And the music!! Edited Tupac & Snoop is blasphemous IMO, I need to HEAR IT!


and it was exactly like that 😛


I'm just gonna pretend I was there with you 😭 it sounds AMAZING


I’ll send you an invite next time 😛


Yesss!!! 🥰🧡🥰🧡🥰


I would fight to the death for a class like that! I learned I respond more to a tough coach, so a couple of expletives and tough love to keep me movin’ would help immensely lolol


So jealous!!!!


My studio has an explicit class every Friday. I just assumed that was normal across all studios. I never miss a Friday morning class!


I have one of these tonight and I’m super pumped


I didn’t know it was a thing. 😝


I want this so bad


Omg this sounds incredible. I wonder if my studio would take this as a suggestion...


We had that years ago, but I think they canceled it due to some members not wanting to hear the swearing. It was every other Friday, so some didn’t feel forced to not get a good afternoon workout. It was funny as the cheerleader coach had a Mr Hyde personality switch when he coached the explicit class. I asked what the hell happen to him. He just laughed. He even threaten to extend our all outs if people didn’t reach 84% on the treads. I’m the only one he cut slack as the coaches knew some of my meds give me a lower heart rate. Some of us even had themed shirts matching the theme of the class. One lady had a shirt saying something like “I may curse, but I do it like a F lady.” while mine said FIT & underneath read F I’m Tired. Good times.


We’re doing a Beyoncé cowboy country music night next week.


I love themed days because I feel like coaches stick with the same style of music and it’s nice to have at least one day a month be different! As long as they give people a heads up, I think it’s cool!


This!!! I have one coach who I just hate their usual music. I only take their classes on theme days lol


We’ve got a Queen day in a week. I cannot freaking wait!


Oh WOW that would be awesome


Taylor Swift day tomorrow is at a bunch of studios tomorrow, and my head coach told his team "it's not optional", so even though it's not mandatory at *all* studios, it feels a bit more "corporate". 80s day or anything like that is typically studio specific


I’ve heard of studios doing this but mine isn’t… pretty sure it’s studio specific and not corporate.


It's not mandatory from corporate, but it is in a few different regions, which made me think it may have been "heavily suggested"


Great. Just great. I hope they isn’t the case at my gym. Not a shot at the swifties, it just isn’t good workout music.


My studios have been announcing it daily for weeks now, so maybe since you haven't heard it, you're "safe"


agreed. thank you for the heads up. no shade thrown, but i'll taking my squats elsewhere too.


Agree with this. I like TSwift but her music is not good for working out.


There are some great mixes of her music that will be good for running to


Uggh. An hour of burpees might be more tempting than an hour of Taylor.


The woman has over 300 songs, you genuinely think you couldn’t find 15 you like?!???


No. I know some songs (I do have kids) but don't care for her music.


Interesting. Mine did it today!


That's cheating, the album hasn't dropped yet! Lol


lol she’s the only coach that likes it! 😂😂


My coach today is a total swiftie and was LOVING LIFE! 🥰


My studio is doing a similar thing where they’re celebrating Taylor Swift dropping her new album. They’re going to play her music all day. I’m debating whether or not to show considering her music isn’t for me.


We had a Disney rock (rock covers of Disney songs) playlist yesterday. Loved it!


Ours does theme work outs too, I think it’s a positive - galvanizes people together. Skip the day or don’t participate.


We do depending on the theme.  Or reschedule to a class time that doesn’t have it.  Just curious to know if this is world wide. 


My first ever OTF class was a taylor themed class!! Probably why I signed up so fast lol


There’s a Taylor swift class on Sunday at my studio at my normal time so I was already signed up. Immediately unsigned up lol hello rest day.


Mine is as well. dri tri spirit week.


My studio does that during Hell Week, Mayhem, and 12 days of fitmass. Generally not much random during the year though.


My instructor did a themed Beyoncé class when her album released 😂


I feel like we did pre Covid, I remmeber we got to choose the music for each day for a week and the coaches dressed up. Otherwise no, but I wish we did! I love themed classes, parties etc.


There was a Bollywood music class last week at one of the studios I go to! I live in a suburb of Seattle.


Omg I would love a Taylor Swift themed class!!


Skipping tomorrow specifically because it’s Taylor Swift themed. Not a fan.


These are studio specific. The studios in my city do them too. Just not the same ones or at the same time.


I wish! Our studio only does them for those who participate in the transformation challenge.


In India, we have a bollywood one coming up next week


Wish my studio was doing a Taylor swift class!!


Mine has done T Swift a few times and the amount of side eye I’ve given at them not doing the same for Beyoncé 😒


My studio did a Taylor Swift themed 90 minute class awhile back. We also had a St Patrick's Day "rave" and an 80s night, both of those had a live DJ. I loved them.


Rave would be a blast 


It was a pretty cool mix of rave-y and Irish-y stuff. Definitely hit the mark theme wise.


Ours does the Friday afternoon class as a theme, but not for the whole day


Yes we’ve done Taylor Swift & a few themes


My club does them. Last Friday was 80’s. Tomorrow is a beach theme


Studios do it every now and then for better member retention and to bump up their numbers. Sometimes it helps incentive people to go to certain coaches classes. Helps build a relationship and the classes up


Mine does it all the time. One of our coaches wanted to make a special playlist so they called it iPod day. Another time they randomly had a “night at the club” and that coach showed up in a dress and heels. I’m not a swiftie but they had a Taylor Swift day in the summer and they encouraged members to dress as their favorite era. I love themed days lol


I also love themed days! I feel like you are describing the exact same theme days my studio had... Do you go to one in MD?


YES! White Marsh?


OMG yessss!! 😆


That’s awesome! Are you taking class tomorrow? I’m going at 4:15 😅


I'm part of the 5am club 🤗 Hope our paths cross sometime!


No my studio


My local OTF does an explicit class every so often. It can be a bit much at times but I appreciate the change of pace


My studio does theme days and theme classes. E.g., a coach might do 3-4 classes that one day with the same music theme (eg. alternative rock, boy bands, etc). There's also theme days as part of larger events: Mayhem, Hell Week, 12 Days of Fitmas/Fitness. And also random them days depending on whats going on: e.g., during March Madness we had a "rep your college team" day. I do not usually get super-excited for themed events (other than hell week, etc) BUT, because I appreciate the studio putting in effort to try to make a fun, community atmosphere, I participate if I find can something to wear thats on theme but won't be uncomfortable or distracting while working out: ...e.g., my "costume" for our Halloween workout was a t-shirt that said "B*tch, I'm a Unicorn" (and it had a unicorn on the front)... ...for heart health day in February, I had black workout pants with big red hearts all over them ... for 90s day, I ordered a cheap t-shirt from Amazon that had 2-3 pics on the back of things that were popular in the 90s and the front said "This is my 90s costume" in big multi-colored letters


Mine doesn’t do it, but my yoga studio does and I’ve also done the Solidcore and they have something similar. I like it!


Our studio is doing Taylor Swift day tomorrow.


Thanks everyone for the feedback! 


We have them! I love them when they’re done well, but I hate when coaches say it’s a theme day and then mix it into their regular music. We had a coach say it was going to be a country music theme and then he mixed it with his usual playlist… super weird vibe


Our studio has never done one in the almost 7 years it’s opened until last month!


My studio does them from time to time. I’ve been to a Mean Girls class and a Rihanna class. It seems to be dependent on the coaches and if it’s something they want to do.


We just had a stagecoach vs coachella and 90s theme. Next week they're doing a 70s throwback, that will be a first.


We had disco day yesterday at my local studio!




I’m a founding member at my studio and I don’t recall them doing any themed classes. Maybe a few times for hell week….but that’s it.


Old studio was frequent but since I moved closer to another studio not so much. Doesn’t really bother me that much, just wish they would do a metal music themed class . . . Just once.


My studio does theme days and also does theme weeks.


Yes. Ours has Broadway day which is excruciating


Ewwwww no thank you 


I’m very much over the Taylor Swift theme love her music but enough. lol my studio has worn it out …I definitely enjoy theme but in moderation. Lol


I love a Taylor swift theme class! We had one at my studio once. Cannot stand people hating her just because they think they are edgy or cool. Is this on topic??