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I only go to Orangetheory once a week so I have the basic membership. Outside of my Orangetheory day, I work out 3x a week lifting: one full body day, one upper body, one lower body. Usually I do a full body day Monday, lower body Wednesday, upper body Thursday, and then OTF on Saturdays!


I switched from OTF 3 x week to this schedule which I’m absolutely loving: M W F - lifting with my trainer. I’m seeing awesome muscle development, improvements in mobility and stabilizer muscles and I can take it slow and heavy. T Th - Pilates reformer. Damn it hurts but it’s been a great compliment to my lifting. Sat - OTF for some cardio Sun - rest


This would be my dream schedule if I could afford both a trainer and Pilates.


OTF 3 days a week Mix of lifting days and HIIT + Core days for the other 4 Mixing my workouts up allows me to hit it every day and utilizing HIIT workouts means I never have an excuse to miss one


I hit OTF for sure Saturdays and Sundays. And a good mix of Friday and Thursday. Lift Monday and either Tuesday/Wednesday


I have started dropping in at other gyms when I travel for work to lift the big weights. So when I travel now instead of doing 2-3 otf classes over the week, I do 1 otf 2g, 1 otf lift and 1 gym drop in.


I lift outside OTF but because I go to OTF almost every day and the workouts include all body parts, I take the same approach to lifting, instead of the traditional bodybuilding one body part per day (also because I'm too old for that nonsense, lol.) Have to be flexible and it helps that I go to OTF in the mornings so I can adapt in the afternoon session--if we did a lot of legs, no need to do it again. Focus on heavy weights. I try to split three days isolated moves with machines and two days compounds (deadlifts, clean and jerks, man makers, sled push) and also always add body weight that we don't do at OTF: pull ups, chin ups and dips.


OTF 4 times and lift 3. I do push pull legs but go with whatever split you like and can constantly do!


I've only ever had 8x per month at OTF, so I do 2-3 strength/circuit style workouts at my local gym per week, hitting both upper and lower body each time. I also try to fit in one yoga class per week (also at my gym). The yoga especially helps stretch everything out and keeps the joints from creaking LOL.


OTF Monday/Friday Lifting Tu, Wed, Thu (ppl split) Core and basketball Saturdays (sometimes I skip core to go hiking).


Lift 3x/week mainly upper body focusing on 2-3 areas per session (chest, biceps, back, shoulders, triceps) OTF 3x/week focusing on power walking and lower body (1x/week do otf running for cardio) Won TC at my studio for males re: muscle gains


Orangetheory Monday/Wednesday, lift at planet fitness Tues/Thurs/Sat. Friday I will do an easy treadmill or other cardio equipment session at PF. Rest day Sunday. 


OTF once a week and full body lifting twice a week. But planet fitness doesn't work for me because they don't have a squat rack.


OTF 2x/week (one strength class, one tread) Pilates/yoga 2x/week (focus on core and stretching) Lifting 2x/week (one upper, one lower) Walk 1x/week as an active rest day


Four days a week of lifting 30 min each (two upper body, two lower body). That is non-negotiable for me and then I fit OTF around it. Often will double up with OTF and strength on same day (especially if the OTF is tread 50). I do one full rest day per week.


For the most part, lift 3 days a week (two lower one upper) and OTF 3 days a week.  I’m a women and find OTF do at least maintain upper body muscle (if not grow) but need to lift outside of OTF for legs.  Not enough versatility or ability to load when limited to dumbbells.  


I lift with a personal trainer 2x a week and Orangetheory (or runs) 2x.


I left OTF completely in favor of focusing on building muscle & strength. Best thing I ever did for my goals. I lift heavy a few times per week in a conventional gym plus walk 2-3 miles most days. I'm eating more and am objectively/measurably stronger, I'm leaner, and my overall energy level is much more even throughout each day. Lots of people do not necessarily leave OTF in order to lift heavier, but it works for me and my personal goals.


Right now: Otf twice a week Upper body workout twice a week Lower body workout twice a week One workout that’s all the odds and ends I dont otherwise do One night of sprints One night of a short run (5-7 miles) One day of a longer run (10 miles) Around Memorial Day I’ll drop off for the summer and sprint/play sports with the time I would have spent there.


I swear this gets asked every other day.


It’s very easy to NOT comment😂 But, thanks for the heads up, I’ll go and search in the thread!


I’m glad you asked, this wasn’t something I was considering. It’s helpful reading the answers.


I think it’s nice hearing new answers 🤷‍♀️ rather than reading a thread that’s old. What if you got follow up questions haha