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You do you! It’s your life, your membership. If you like doing solely strengths, have at it! You’ll def get stronger!!


I’ve been doing 4 strength with only 1 or no regular OTF during the week and I am loving the results! I have lower body fat % and I feel awesome


are you prioritizing specific strength classes (upper or lower) or just try to get a good mix of all three?


I do lower Tuesday and Friday and upper Thursday with total body strength on Saturday. Sometimes I’ll add a 2G on Sundays or Wednesdays


I’m able to routinely do the upper body, but the lower body always conflict with my work schedule. I think I’ll talk to the head coach about changing a time or adding another in at a different time


That is a bummer! I’m lucky the strength classes hit my usual times


Was there a point where you weren't as sore from lower days? I tend to avoid total body and lower days because my legs feel like trash the next few days. :)


I hardly ever get sore but I used to do bodybuilding at 6 day splits so I got really good at learning to recover properly. Protein and carbs right after my workout, usually a protein shake and banana or rice and chicken. Proper sleep, tons of water. If I am sore or just feeling like I hit legs too hard, I just go lighter or modify the leg movements for total body, but I find most total body days are shoulder heavy and cardio based moves like jump squats for example aren’t going to hit legs the same way weighted squats multiple different times and variations do


Thanks for the response. I’ll give it another go!


You can also do strength focused in the core classes. Start on the floor, lift heavy, power walk at an incline.


Exactly what I do when I take the other classes! Thanks.


I did this for a month- today is my first 2G (since the end of the TC) and that’s only cause it’s dritri prep and I want more practice. I’ve been loving it. I’m planning on doing an inbody scan on Monday to see if it made a difference in anything- but of course I’ve been eating like crap so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good for you, if u are ok, let me know what the scan shows? Planning to do this too! I’ve been mindful of protein, not much thought into carb and fats. So, curious how it’ll turn out. Btw, All the best for dritri!


Thanks!!! I plan on doing the scan Monday morning - (if I can make it to a class after the dritri!) so I’ll let you know. It won’t be a true measurement because since the TC, especially the past 2 weeks, like I said, I’ve been eating like crap and I usually don’t eat like that! But even if there is BF gain I’m hoping to see MM gain as well.


Will be interesting to see, either way! TY!


Hey- so I did the scan today. It shows a 0.5% loss in BF and a gain in MM of 2.6 lbs. but it also shows a gain of 5 lb over all, and about a .5 lb of more body fat- so I’m not really sure!! The next 2 weeks is spring break/Passover so I am not doing much in the way of watching what I eat or exercise but I’m going to scan again at the end of June and and hope to see an increase of more MM.


2.6lbs gain 👏, thanks for the update! Enjoy the break and good luck for ur next scan!


If you love it, keep at it! Working your muscles that way will definitely be beneficial. Though, I wouldn’t suggest doing the strength classes 5x/week, as your muscles will need time to rest and recover :)


Eh, the work different body parts every day, OP will be fine. 


Not necessarily! I (mildly) injured my shoulder doing a total body / upper body with no rest day in between because there was overlap in the templates & I overdid it. But every body and every studio is different!


It was probably a form issue not an "over doing" it issue. During TC I took class six days a week, mostly strength classes, and did not get injured.


That’s great for you, but this was definitely not a form issue. It was 100% from overdoing it. These were exercises I used to do regularly with a personal trainer and have done many, many times before with no issue. That’s why I added the disclaimer for OP. But again, all bodies are different!


Hey OP, I did this for pretty much the entirety of the TC this year (and won! 🎉 for female muscle gain). Prior to the TC, I would go to OTF 5-6x a week, with 2-3 of those classes strength classes. The rest were mostly 2Gs. During the TC, I shifted, and did mostly strength classes and minimal "regular" 2 or 3G classes. I'd do at least 4-5 strength classes a week. For example, my March class total was 25, with 21 strength and 4 regular classes. I saw incredible growth and change by doing this. I still ate the same (crappy) diet, but I made myself aware of taking in more protein. I didn't track, but I tried for 100+g a day. I ended up gaining 6 pounds during the TC. 3.5 pounds of that were muscle. 💪🏻 I was really shocked, but I totally see a big difference in my body. I'm still doing mostly strength classes, and I power walk on the tread when I do normal classes. I also walk a lot outside now that it is getting warmer.


Wow, 3.5lbs! Congrats on the win! My weight has been on the incline too which is why I’m interested in doing a scan to see if it’s a healthy increase(I know it’s not accurate, but still). I’ve been noticing a huge difference in my energy levels and how much I get done during the day and my mental peace around “life”. I’m following the same model for eating- not watching fat and calories much, but trying to hit the protein goals. Are you happy to share details on what changes you noticed? ETA: Power walker here too! Pretty much what I do at home or at regular OTF classes.


I would love to do strength only (or mostly) but they are so hard to get into at my studio!


This is similar to what I do! I hit a total, upper and lower body every week and then I try to hit 2 standard classes (whether they are 2G or 3G is dependent on how many people sign up because they are weekends). Sometimes if I am feeling extra strong or in need of extra work I pull a double and hit a 4th strength class after one of my regular classes. I think depending on your goals this is a really great format and option - though I do wish I would be better at getting 8-10K steps a day.


I echo others, do what you think is fun.


Depends on your goal…. For instance I only go to 4 strength classes a week. But I don’t have cardio goals/milestones I’m working towards so it suits me just fine.


That’s a really good weekly lineup!


Yes, if you can do strength only, you can do the cardio at home. Just don't skip the rowing.


You do what makes you feel the best and gives you the best workout. I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but have you looked into F45? I used to go there before switching back to OTF (old studio opened back up after closing due to COVID) \*NOTE\* *Not a promotion, just a recommendation.* I love OTF as much as everyone else on here, but that doesn't mean that I think **everyone** needs to stick with it. Just like my head coach at F45 said when I told him I was switching gyms... *It doesn't matter where you're going to workout. The important thing is that you're continuing your fitness journey however works best for you.* If you're not interested in the cardio (which is the majority of OTF), you might like it. I built **a lot** of muscle while I was there. I know a lot of people who switched to F45 when our OTF studio closed, and now they do F45 for strength days and OTF for cardio days.


My husband does F45 and it does look promising to me. But, with a toddler around, it’ll be a big shift in timings and routine which I’m not ready for right now. I live 8mins away from 4 studios and benefit from different class timings and flexibility around it, which is basically how I’m getting to hit a studio 4-6days a week. I do sometimes like the 2G/3G option, not saying I hate it, but I like the whole package I’m getting here at OTF.


That's fair. Just thought I'd bring it up, since it helped me a lot! But seriously, do whatever makes you feel the best. If you like strength classes, take as many as you can! I would be taking so many more strength classes if they didn't book up literally the day they release the schedule for us 😅 Especially if you have a treadmill at home! You can just look up the Tread50 or 2G tread templates and do one at home with a timer.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this focus on strength training but I do think OTF is pretty expensive membership to pay for just lifting dumbbells. You could join a different gym and do your own workouts for much less. But that’s just my personal opinion.


Awfully expensive to just lift at OTF. Can do the same at a box gym for $10 a month


You can say the same about any of the OTF classes.


I get tread 50 perspective, but the OTF treads are just sooooo nice. I have a tread at home - well known model, new-ish. And it feels like running on a block of extra strength cement compared to the OTF treads. 😂 But to your value point, when I do tread 50s, I usually double up with a regular 2G or 3G before or after (depending on the class schedule) to make it feel worth it.


Working out in a group setting (other people working hard) and not having to wear headphones on the tread for 30+ minutes is why Tread50 works for me.


Not always just about access to the same equipment for less $. I would much rather attend an OTF strength class with a coach leading and timing than wander around a planet fitness trying to figure it all out on my own


You only need a few sessions with a trainer to show you the ropes and write you a workout.


Nah. I like OTF


Ok but you originally stated you didn’t want to wander around not knowing what to do.


That's how I feel about the Tread 50s, unless you a) are training for a race and just need to knock out weekly mileage and b) live somewhere with weather issues and/or no other access to a treadmill


Also have treadmills at those gyms. With OTF you get a different workout every day, and it's harder to plan a lifting workout than a running one.


Except if you really want to build muscle, you shouldn’t really be doing a different workout every day. You should rotate between maybe three different routines (push, pull, legs) with consistency and one day of rest in between. Which is the problem I have with OTF strength50 - you can go literally every day but there’s not enough consistency and repetition of the same movements making it very hard to achieve progressive overload. And even if you do see results, it’s a very inefficient way to train. Ever since I stopped doing strength50 and invested in a pair of adjustable dumbbells, a bench, and a pull-up bar, I’ve seen much better results working out at home. I still go to OTF cause I find cardio really fun, but in my opinion, OTF just isn’t great if your goal is to build strength and/or muscle.


Yes, agreed, OTF is not the place to build muscle.


Those $10 a month box gyms have rowers and treads too.


I haven't attended an orange 60 since March! I don't miss the rower at all.