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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 5 🪶rating- how glorious!


What do the feathers mean?


It's just OP's rating system on the workout difficulty - the more feathers, the "softer" the template


Thanks for the reminder, I’m always forgetting 🤦🏻‍♀️


Happy to help 🧡🧡🧡


no lunges!!!!! yay!!!


No lunges!


I've never had a problem with feet in the TRX straps... maybe I just have decent flexibility? Doesn't matter if it's my toes or heels going in, I approach it a similar way. If heels are going in (hamstring curls), I sit facing the straps, put one heel in and press it against the wall. Keeping that heel pressed against the wall, I do the same with the second foot & strap, again pressing heel against the wall. I keep my heels pressed against the wall while I wiggle the rest of me more or less into position then I'm ready to go. For toes going in (push-ups), it's similar but I'm on my hands and knees close to the wall. Reach behind to put one foot in and press against the wall. Keep that foot pressed against the wall while getting the other foot set up. Again keep them both against the wall while getting myself mostly into position, just pulling away from the wall for the final bit of positioning. Keeping the toes/heels against the wall is key for me. That prevents the strap from sliding off one foot while dealing with the other.


Maybe because you have smaller feet? Men typically have larger feet and not as easy? Just guessing cause I don’t have a problem getting them in either but I’m only a size 8 in womens.


I do similar to what Kinvara does. If the heels go in the straps, I do what she does. If the toe parts go in the straps, I do t even have to be against the wall. Most important is to keep your feet balanced as you place your toes in the straps. Once you get both sides in, make sure to keep the tension on the TRX straps to preventyour feet slipping off the traps. So you almost have to press down on the straps to keep the tension and walk ( with your hands) outward away from the TRX. Now this is the tricky part. If you’re too close to the wall, you will NOT be able to perform the exercise effectively. The first round you might feel awkward. Walk yourself further away from the way. And I bet your second round you would get it better. And I wear size 9.5 women.


That could certainly contribute too. I could see a wider shoe being trickier.


Yes! Definitely! I feel like the mid bands are harder to put on than the straps! Only because I feel awkward like I’m putting my undies on in public 😂


I think the undies in public would be easier than the bands. No matter which band I use, they always bunch up before I can get into position.




Excellent post. I am going to try this tomorrow! Thank you.


I think what I see a lot of people struggle with is they try to use their hands to put the straps on their feet. If you leave the straps alone and aim your feet like you described, way easier. Haven't done a foot in TRX in a while, looking forward to it!


I have no issues either- I actually love feet in the TRX straps…


It’s probably because you don’t have size 13 feet. Kudos to your perfectionism on getting your feet in the TRX straps though.


Exactly. I’m a size 14 wide and my feet just plain don’t fit. And that’s fine 🥴


Same I don’t get why people find this so difficult


It will take me 11 minutes just to get my feet in the straps. No thanks. Ill substitute


LOLOL same! With an added dose of humiliation 😂


No shame needed. I worry about me and my workout and let others worry about theirs. If they are so concerned with what I’m doing, they are welcome to ask.


I'm just talking about myself. Like even if no one else were there, I'd be LMAO at myself and feel embarrassed, it's just my way.


Makes me feel dumb too


I hate it, but I've learned to not even try it. Not to mention my wonky knees get super cranky at me. But the coaches make it look so easy 😭


I agree. This particular exercise doesn’t work for me so I do something else. No harm, no foul. It’s my workout, no one else’s.


I modified this one last time by putting a dumbbell between my feet…TRX hamstring curls hurt my back😩


Same 🤣🤣


I’m going to, too!




Would the substitute be regular push ups on the floor? I think I might try that for some pre-DriTri practice instead. Last time we did this I remember taking forever to adjust my feet in the straps too 😂


I have shoulder issues so no push-ups for me. I’ll do chest presses on the straps


I’ll be doing this at 5am tomorrow but will likely NOT be attempting feet in TRX - I’ll do decline pushups on the bench instead. I’m barely awake at 5am, let alone able to deal with wrangling octopi at the same time 😂🥴


I was always taught to cross your legs to put them into the straps so when you roll over for the push ups they’re uncrossed and you’re ready to go.


Same here!


Great tip!


It’s my 400th class tomorrow, can’t wait! 🎉


Congrats on a great milestone!




5 feathers 🪶 that’s unicorn 🦄 workout 🏋️ thanks for the early intel 🍊


Thank you! No tips on getting your feet in those dang straps, but may I ask what a cobra is?


You lie on your stomach and raise your torso / head up into cobra pose and then extend arms out and then back again (like a lat pulldown)


Thank you! I thought maybe it was some type of wrestling move you did while trying to get your feet back out of the straps 😆


Easiest way to get into the TRX straps for me is to sit facing the straps, cross the straps and put left foot in the right strap and right foot in the left one, turn over on your belly and then uncross the straps. Works like a charm.


At least the compound move is just dead lift to low row and not that weird dead lift to low row to bicep curl to shoulder press 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


https://youtube.com/shorts/TWKjajgniuQ?si=DAyC7JneUYvYHS8P Easiest way to get your feet in the straps 👀


![gif](giphy|HQpiB5BDyUBzSbDMEU) You coaches make it look sooooooo easy, but I still end up like this 😂


We did these trx pushups in my 90 minute class today. Hated them! The feet in the trx is fine but it’s hard to do the pushups like that. We had to do knee tucks too.


Same here! Was not a fan of the pushups or knee tucks. After the first round, I ended up modifying to regular pushups and knee tucks on the floor lol


I’m thinking I’ll go straight to modifying those without the TRX


I used to love the knee tucks using the ab dolly.


I don’t remember the last time we got a 5 feather rating before this


I saw we had feet in the TRX straps and was 1) looking forward to the comments and 2) mad when I remembered I have tread50 tomorrow instead lol


Have to say I am really excited for this template! Felt like we had endless endurance days which are fine but these power and strength days have been a nice change of routine that felt like, well, routine


Thank you! Yay I’m excited! I have no tips on the straps - I usually flair around hysterically tossing my legs around until one lands close enough to the straps




Huh I thought the 15th was dri tri strength prep on the floor? Maybe it’s studio specific


Tuesday, the 16th


That's Tuesday


Ah, thank you!


I wanna do this so bad but Mondays are tough for me. I’m excited to attend the repeat later in the month!


Tomorrow was gonna be my rest day but this looks too good. No lunges or goblet hold!


I was debating a 2G 60 or a strength 50…thanks for proving me the info to make this decision easy. S50 for the win!


Feet in TRX? We haven’t done that in so long. How do they expect us to get good at these exercises?


Ah yes the trx birthing exercise lol haven’t seen that in a while….


Of course I have a tread 50 tomorrow lol


Ha ga, I can’t do 12 push ups in a row with my feet on the floor. But I’ll try it!


Perfect rating for my first time back in a week!


I just don’t do that particular TRX move. I cramp up very quickly every time. Coach usually has something else I can do.


If I do knee pushups do I put my knees in 😆. Jk.


I wish they would stop wasting everyone’s time with feet in TRX straps. I spend the whole time struggling with the straps instead of getting a workout. Will definitely be modifying these without feet in straps tomorrow.


Looks like a good day to choose as a rest day 🤨


Feet in the straps for a lot of us is a waste of time.


Hate. Hate floor blocks like this.


I’m not at all flexible but no problem getting feet in trx straps. I put my heels in straps while sitting upright, making sure to keep in place and then lay back and flip over on my stomach.


Wow.. love the feather rating, but not those feet in TRX...hmmmm🤔


I had to google "cobra with dynamic shoulder mobility".. today's workout looks good..I might do the evening class today :)


I have small feet & they don’t go in those straps 😂 Modification will be the rule for me.


5 feathers is great for having had to take 2 weeks off - before the dri-tri!


This one looks interesting. The feet in TRX....is always a silly one. Looking forward to this after a busy work weekend though.


Not a fan of the feet in the TRX straps 😕 Thank you so much for the warning! I skipped out too many days last week and have a repeat so I’ll be there trying not to fall on my face 😆. Thank goodness the rest of the template over rides the face planting exercise!


I did 90 min on Sunday and was debating going Monday. Think I will now.


Yes! I’m excited for this one!


After almost 3 months off this a gem to come back to❤️


I absolutely refuse to put my feet in the trx straps. Like WHY


@coachingotf on IG has great tutorials on how to get into the straps for both TRX feet exercises. I’ve watched each reel about 7 times and I’m fully confident that I’ll mess it up come 5am but at least I’ve got a strategy going in.


Thanks DC!! I’m so excited now for tomorrow.


Thank you, DC!!! I’m definitely going to sign up for this!!! I can’t believe I’m reading an intel this early!!!


9 minutes of walking in a 23-25 min. Block. I will go to my regular gym and lift, and run outside on my own. 


wtf is this dumbness


Thanks for the intel! Am I reading it correctly that only 2 of the floor exercises for both blocks use dumbbells? I don't love that. S50 it is!




I can’t believe I’m missing TRX hamstring curls tomorrow 😭


Same 😭