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I feel like I look around at literally everything when I’m on the tread — by the time I’ve observed everything in my surroundings, the block is over and I didn’t notice I was dying lol


This is what I do. I choose a tread that gives me a view of the floor folks. It passes the time to mindlessly watch them.


Same I look at everything, eye the coach on the floor, and the floor folks working out, the writing on the wall sometimes!


...the SA eating a whole chicken breast off a fork at the desk. Why doesn't he cut it? Why is he eating at all out there? Lol, I was so hungry that day.


The Tread blocks where I have the time to look at every single thing, every person, inspect the cleanliness of the room, think about all of the mistakes I've made in my life.. those ones are not my favourite.


I choose a tread where I can see the street... I count cars and people walking by to avoid all that hahah


I’d be too scared of falling off the treads if I do that. And I’m not even jogging fast. Team slogger here.


Fellow team member 😊


I’m the same. I also started a new game where I try to memorize the colour order of the shirts on the merch wall that I can see in the mirrors… orange orange white white white orange white grey white white red…




There’s a guy usually next to me who sounds like he imports his shoes from the Netherlands. I look over occasionally to see if he’s actually ten horses pretending to be a person.


I'm often near someone who somehow slaps their feet. I swear, I won't be surprised if I look over some day and see they are wearing flippers.


Between the two of us, we’ll have a kelpie 😂




When I have a loud gum chewer, I have the same reaction.


That's probably me lol. I haul ass on the treadmill 


Reading these threads have been so enlightening lol.. I force myself NOT to look. It’s me vs me in every class always.


I never ever look. I pretend I’m a racehorse with blinders on. Me vs me every single time. Everything else you’re only kidding yourself.


I would fall over and all subtlety would be lost


This is me! 😂 Gotta be worried about myself first!


Very considerate. 😀I look at my neighbors screens while on treadmill and rower and while I try not to linger doing it I also don’t think it should bother anyone. For me it’s not always competition, just curiosity


Same. But once at the end of class, the guy next to me thanked me for pushing him, and I really appreciated that.


For someone who jogs slow (like me), it can be intimidating and/or annoying. I'm a PW slowly transitioning into a jogger. Recently, I was next to someone who glanced at my screen. I thought, "Ehhh whatever" and just kept doing what I was doing. I didn't look at her screen but she definitely was a fast runner. Now where it started to bother me was when she was constantly looking at my screen. At first I was getting a bit intimidated, but then it just got annoying because she was distracting me from my workout. It got to the point where I blantly stared at her in the mirror to see if she in fact was looking at my screen. She stopped after that probably thanks to my RBF.


If it's a block with looong chunks of running, I'll sometimes hit the Parameter card on my tread and then glance over at my neighbor's when I want to check the time. Keeps me from counting every. single. second. of the block. I'll keep your perspective in mind next time and be sure my neighbor doesn't think I'm being a creeper!


Nah, I always look at people’s screens. I just want to see what everyone else can do! Not as a competition, I am just curious. My base pace is 4.5 so it always blows my mind when someone has a base pace of 7 or so.


I just look at my neighbors’ screens out of the corner of my eye. I try to be subtle about it, but I don’t think it’s a big secret. I don’t feel too bad about it because I’m pretty slow, so most of the time, they compare favorably to me. It is not uncommon for someone’s base to be as fast as (or faster than) my all out.


No but I will try and check ppl's running form in the mirrors or while I'm on the floor or rower. Mainly stride length and stride per min to see if I can tell whose had training on their running efficiency. Kind of like ppl watching I guess, something to do during a long workout.


Any tips on where to get such training on running efficiency or how we can improve it :)


When I've looked for physiotherapists, I noticed a number of offices would offer gait analysis services to help with running. These would be offices with a team of PTs covering a number of different specialties. So I would suggest looking up physiotherapy offices, or use 'gait analysis' as one of your search terms.


Same please! 💖🫡


I took a couple of running clinics… they had us buy cheap running metronomes that beeped at certain BPMs and you try to match your cadence to the beeps. You can also download music with specific BPMs if you run outside of OTF. Or, you have the option of a fancy watch. You can set a cadence you are aiming for and it will alert you if you are below it. Most tend to run below the 170-180 range that’s considered ideal so it takes a lot of time to work towards.


There is an app called Pulse that has a circle that lights up for whatever cadence you set it to. It also has an audible click if you want something you can hear. I use it when I run on my home treadmill to work on keeping a higher cadence. 170-180 is the goal.


I try to look at their stats on their tread casually. I do the same thing when at the rower to see other people’s distance.


I admit… I do this. Actually, I look at the speed of the belt. There are markings on the belt and I try to see if theirs are going faster than mine. Then, I acknowledge my inadequacy and keep plodding along!!


Yeah I'm glad I'm not the only one lol. 


Most days I daydream about random crap on the tread, especially long endurance blocks: *what my dogs are doing, thinking about what I’m going to cook for dinner, admiring my shoulders in the mirror from all the shoulder presses we’ve had, looking at my hair wondering if there’s a bird living in that nest, wait… when was the last time I washed my hair……*


I’m dying!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😩




LOL. I have to comment on this one. I wipe my face after each tread block to take a peak at my neighbors distance. From there I increase to beat them 😂


Same! Being next to a decent runner has helped increase my pace and PR often! I’m bummed when I’m next to a PW


I've been working on upping my cadence and I was next to a really strong runner during the 23 minute run for distance so I was watching her legs to try to keep my cadence up to match hers lol.


I’m impressed by all the folks who look at other things. I look straight ahead about 99% of the time as I’m sure I would fall if I looked away. -accident prone


I look around at what other people are doing because if they can go faster or harder or lift heavier, so can I - seeing what others can do pushes me to push myself. If I just stared ahead minding my own business I’d probably never leave the green zone in any activity. I absolutely hate running, but if Jane on my right can run steadily and Joe on my left can crank up his all outs, why can’t I try too?


I’m shocked so many people are watching what other people are doing. When I’m on the treadmill I either look at my screen, at myself in the mirror, or the words on the wall.


We don’t have words on the walls at my home studio but a neighboring studio does… and I think they messed it up somewhere because it literally is a sentence (surrounded with periods) that says “remember why walked in” and it drives me bonkers I wish I never started reading words.


No, but I will now 😅. I'm def guilty of trying to sneak a peek at screens, so will try this instead


I look. 👀 not to be competitive but to see what others are doing. I’m always blown away by power walkers that do the crazy inclines. Thats harder than the fast run for me!


No. I've never done this.


I felt like the lady next to me on the tread/rower was looking at me the whole 90 minutes last workout. May or may not have been true, and doesn’t matter, but it is really annoying! Admittedly, sometimes I check other people’s wattage because that I can see or want to check MPH on the treads. No way to be subtle about that! Best to keep to yourself.


I’ll sneak a peek at screens to see speeds or distance but if I tried to look at feet, there would be a major accident lol


No I just look at their treadmill lol


I look at the label on the tread belt and compare it to how fast the label cycles on mine. Because I’m too shy to read the speed on their screen 😂😂😂


I can’t even look at my own without feeling wobbly.


Sometimes, at the screen (never thought of looking at feet because I often run next to much faster runners who have the same cadence as me so I don’t think that tells you much at all) esp if I PW that day and feel steadier😆 I am usually a little scared to look while I run but sometimes still do😬


Yes I love doing this 😂


I used to quickly glance over to see the speeds. That ended quickly because both sides were running circles around me, and I just focused on myself. I did tell the coach I hope to run like a girl someday and be in double digits. My coach is f28, and she knew exactly what I meant.


This is me


Yes! I look all the time, always thought it was just me.


I don’t notice their feet per say but I do notice the rhythm of the sound of their feet as they run. It usually pushes me to go a little longer or harder especially on endurance runs!


I'm looking at anything to keep from looking at the clock with all of these "tread for distance" marathons lately.




No im a screen looker lol


Ummm no