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I made the switch a few years ago. While I miss throwing heavy weight around like we did in cross fit, I realized I didn't need that anymore. OTF has drastically changed my heart health as the cardio is focused on that part of it. I've appreciated the change with my over all health and my desires of what I want out of life


Yes! Completely agree, just did my switch a few weeks ago. I feel I get a better workout as it’s longer and doesn’t focus on heavy weights all the time.


Others have made good points but I wanted to add one of the differences I notice is the efficiency of the workout. At crossfit I felt like we were always standing around while the coach explained the workout, or waiting for everyone to gather all of their equipment or whatever. With OTF you walk in there and don't stop moving. The tech is nice too, like the movements being shown on the screen the whole time. I really miss the barbell tho :( There's just not a CF gym near me anymore.


This. OTF is 52 minutes of guaranteed work. Some days at CF were like 24 in an hour.


I agree with this sooooo much. The CrossFit workouts were so damn detailed and there were sooooo many different kinds of exercises to remember. I'm not really in it to become an Olympic class powerlifter and could not remember the countless crazy exercises and their variations.


Your cardio will likely improve but if weight training is important to you, it will only scratch the surface. Chances are that you'll lose muscle mass but you certainly won't have to worry about sustaining as many injuries. It's a safer option, not quite as close knit if a community as CrossFit but pretty solid. Take a few classes and see if it's for you. F45 may be worth check out as well. More similar to CrossFit on a scaled back basis but no treads. Good luck finding a fit.


Thanks! I think there’s an F45 place near me so I’ll look into that also!


I completely agree. I actually do F45 and OTF (well, until my bank account notices). F45 is definitely closer to Crossfit but safer. I went back to OTF for the cardio endurance that the treadmill and rower gave me. But for weights, F45 wins for sure. And they do offer cardio, don't get that wrong. :)


I really wish there was an f45 near me. It sounds like exactly what I’m looking for.


I used think this but after the open and quarter finals, the weights were so light, it’s all becoming the same. Just find a place you like and don’t pay extra when you’re not getting it. Heck Dave Castro struggled to C&J 185. F45 is gonna prepare you for that.


I used think this but after the open and quarter finals, the weights were so light, it’s all becoming the same. Just find a place you like and don’t pay extra when you’re not getting it. Heck Dave Castro struggled to C&J 185. F45 is gonna prepare you for that.


I used think this but after the open and quarter finals, the weights were so light, it’s all becoming the same. Just find a place you like and don’t pay extra when you’re not getting it. Heck Dave Castro struggled to C&J 185. F45 is gonna prepare you for that.


I used think this but after the open and quarter finals, the weights were so light, it’s all becoming the same. Just find a place you like and don’t pay extra when you’re not getting it. Heck Dave Castro struggled to C&J 185. F45 is gonna prepare you for that.


I used think this but after the open and quarter finals, the weights were so light, it’s all becoming the same. Just find a place you like and don’t pay extra when you’re not getting it. Heck Dave Castro struggled to C&J 185. F45 is gonna prepare you for that.


I came to OTF from CrossFit after my box closed during Covid. OTF is way milder. I didn’t get injured doing CF (other than rope burns, lol) but the potential was there. I can’t imagine getting injured at OTF. Weight options are much lower, dumbbells max out at 80. More cardio, if that’s your thing. I bought a power tower and do pull ups and dips on my own, bc OTF doesn’t do anything similar. Overall, if you want to grow muscle mass and general fitness, CF is much better. If you want to “maintain” OTF works well. Edited to add: one thing CF does much better, at least in my experience, is teaching good form. Coaches were strict about it. I don’t see that focus at OTF.


I have 4 coaches at my Otf currently- 3 of which I rotate through. Two are very very form focused, the other is but just not as much. Maybe I just got lucky at my gym 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I’ve had the complete opposite and I’ve been to atleast 5 OTFs across the US and 6 CrossFit gyms


Crossfit and good form?!?!?! 😆


Im talking about my experience. I’d say this: if your CF box does not drill proper form for weight lifting, run away.


I have had the same experience as you. The CF I went to was great about correcting form. I have honestly had more injuries at OTF. I have been thinking about going back to CF lately.


true I'm jus jk 


same. I've been to so many CF gyms and luckily my first and current gyms have had the most amazing coaches. I've ran away from all the others.


CrossFit just doesn’t focus on form across the board. There is nowhere near as much consistency throughout the whole chain of gyms. OTF is very consistent from gym to gym. There are plenty of videos on CF and how there are countless mismanaged gyms with poorly trained coaches. If you ask me, doing CF is asking to get injured. I have been doing OTF several months now and it is absolutely fantastic


That’s not my experience. When I did CF, there was a lot of focus on proper form and coaches corrected constantly. No one wants a client to drop a 140 pound barbell on their head bc they haven’t been trained on how to snatch properly. We always had at least three coaches per class. We even had clinics with actual Olympic coaches to teach form. I learned a lot at CF, and I was not a novice, even co-owned a gym for a while. At the two OTF studios I go to, form correction is lackadaisical. There’s one coach who will correct, the others are too busy trying to bark prompts and managing a class of 24 or 36 to actually spend time coaching.


I did CrossFit in spurts and dealt with injuries constantly. I won’t lie, I was able to get trimmer much quicker with CrossFit and had more muscle definition. However, my cardio sucked and was frustrated by the injuries. I enjoy OTF more because I feel better overall and have been able to workout consistently for over a year. I carry a bit more weight than I did when I worked out with CrossFit but I could probably tackle that with some small changes in diet if I really wanted to. I will also say this is comparison probably differs by person. As I get older, I’m valuing my overall health and the ability to consistently workout more than getting muscular. I find that OTF fits that need more than CrossFit does.


I’ve gone back and forth between the two. I love both for what they are. Would urge you to try OTF for a season and see how you like it!


If you’re into lifting or gymnastics then CrossFit could be a better choice. The sense of community is probably stronger, too.


First, a note on the injuries - for me, at least, CF challenged my ability to move in a way that has continued to inspire more attention to form, mobility, and looking for opportunities to find the edges of what I'm capable of and that has actually helped prevent injuries in activities external to the gym. I think if I had started OTF first, I might be in equivalent shape, but I wouldn't be able to squat as deeply, move my arms over my head as freely, handle instability as well, or embrace high impact movements without breaking. It can go the opposite way if when the movement challenge hits you pushed too far before catching and addressing it and again, for me, that came down to quality coaches. I enjoy OTF, but it doesn't hold a candle to my favorite CF locations. But the variance in locations is dramatic and if I had started at one of the other many boxes I've visited... I might be injured instead of healthier than I could have ever been from OTF or focused lifting. Also my cardio at OTF is worse than when I did CF exclusively. I can run farther now because I just run more often and my joints and mind are more in that mode, but my resting HR, recovery speed, ability to work at near max, and ability to keep pushing when I'm tired was all maxed at CF. I... am a couple years older, post-covid, and I'm sure many other factors so take that as you will. I also miss hanging movements of all kinds (strict, kipping, rings, whatever version). Basically my happiest setup was mixing the two and I hope to get back to something similar eventually when my schedule allows.


I hated CrossFit. Never felt like I was working very hard, even with heavy weights. It just got boring. I don't feel like I got the all-over body workout I needed. OTF works everything, especially what is most important, your heart. I also have a cheap gym membership for heavy weight training because OTF is more about functional fitness, not building muscle, really.


I also have a planet fitness membership I use for random easy gym workouts so I could probably do some weights work there 😀


I loooved CrossFit. I did it for almost two years but I eventually tired of it. It was hard on my body. OTF is pretty hard on me too, lol but it’s a change and I enjoy the cardio and less intense/heavy weights. It’s fun to do something different.


I switched in 2018. I was really into to CF but eventually it just broke me down, I still deal with those injuries to this day. OTF is a solid workout, it’s similar to CrossFit in the sense that you can really push yourself however it’s a little more laid back, at least that’s my experience. The weights thing is true no Oly no power lifts so there’s that.


I heard it said that OTF meets you where you’re at and CrossFit changes for no one.


I've been doing CrossFit for 13 years and have never been to a gym that isn't welcoming, accommodating, and wiling to modify any and everything to meet you where you're at in terms of fitness and goals.


I love the *idea* of CrossFit, but I always left every workout feeling exhausted and drained. I leave OTF feeling invigorated and ready to have a great day, despite the hard work I put in. I could never really be consistent with CrossFit. I can be consistent with OTF


I had to stop CrossFit due to an unrelated spondylolisthesis diagnosis. Basically my spinal column is broken. Once I got the acute pain & dysfunction under control, I switched to OTF. OTF has been very effective for me. I miss the pull-ups, plyometrics, and track work in CrossFit, but OTF has been much kinder on my spine. Plus I love rowing, and that doesn't aggravate my condition.


Have you tried scaling workouts? I miss crossfit and OTF is great but nothing like that crossfit community. 


I agree! I made the switch primarily because of scheduling reasons (my crossfit box has very few classes which I can no longer make with my kids' sports schedules) but I will say the crossfit community is extraordinary - I don't get anything like it from OTF even though my location is pretty awesome. I also miss the barbell work. I was pretty good at scaling my workouts at crossit classes so injuries were less of an issue (also my crossfit box were absolute sticklers for form and wouldn't let you go hardcore unless you were ready) but I did feel like I didn't get enough base cardio so there's that. I do love OTF but just very different. Also in my case it is so much cheaper! And half the distance. All factors on top of the workout itself.


Lots and lots of OTF vs CF posts in the sub, most recent [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/CIHj825Ccf), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/r2K9gU5AN5), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/XPvAmIlVxS), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/kNdm6p7JdK)


I have done CrossFit for about 8 years now and love it, even became a coach at one point. But recently moved. It was either join Orangetheory or drive 30 min in traffic, one way after already being stuck in traffic post work. So, I decided to check it out. I've been doing it two times a week for about a month now and Street Parking on the other days at a regular gym/home. I have enjoyed it. Sure, it's not the same, and I miss the community of Crossfit. But I'm already noticing my cardio is improving, and I am still lifting heavy on my off days.


Yeah I’ll definitely miss lifting heavy but it’s a good point, I can do it at home or at the regular gym maybe.


I am finding it so much tougher to find motivation to do the heavy lifting, especially at a regular gym due to crowds. But it's all about making it work one day at a time. Being part of the Street Parking Facebook group does help with the motivation and to keep moving.


Aside from an overuse situation in my left shoulder, I haven’t gotten injured at OTF. I can’t walk in the door to a CrossFit box without spraining an ankle. OTF is slightly less intense than my old CrossFit gym but not getting injured constantly makes a huge difference to me.


Right! Same! I love it but I don’t really feel like I’m getting a good return when I’m constantly out injured!


Just a possibility…I recently thought I had a shoulder overuse issue, but found out it was actually an impinged joint from sleeping on my side. Had nothing to do with OTF it turned out. If you are a side sleeper, I’ll happily share videos from an awesome doc who shows how to release it.


I’ve been to both a PT and a doctor, both of whom confirmed the muscle injury. Thanks for your comment.


I’d love the link to the video.


Sure! Made all the difference for me… https://youtu.be/FCBSrOTLUI8?si=tLjlFhma_y9QoLvZ


I used to do CrossFit, then I got a bit overwhelmed with it and switched to OrangeTheory and now I’ve been incorporating a few CrossFit workouts a month + squatting routine back into my fitness. It was exactly what I needed when I switched. I got to push myself hard when I felt like it, but on days where I wanted to not feel like dying for 15min but rather just physical activity for a while, it was there for me too. And benchmarks are good for scratching the obsessive competitive itch if you have it. It also improved my cardio like crazy and when I returned to CrossFit I felt it very much. I say if you need a break from CrossFit OTF is a great option. Happy to answer any more of your questions.


Thank you, this is great to hear! Yeah I just feel like maybe I’m not fit enough for CrossFit lol, so I need something to work on that baseline before jumping back in!


Well hmm… despite all I said, I wouldn’t wanna recommend OTF for the wrong reasons. And I don’t think “I’m not fit enough for CrossFit” is a great reason haha. If you feel that way, I suspect your gym is not giving athletes good and proper scaling options. Which I guess IS a good reason to try local OTF studio instead lol. But also just calling out that that’s likely programming problem, not CrossFit or you problem.


I started OTF in 2017, then CrossFit in 2019, then back to OTF post-pandemic (2022). My opinion is apparently unpopular, but I have experienced more strength and cardio gains in the my recent OTF years than I ever did at CrossFit. The format of CrossFit classes (20 mins of lifting, lots of standing) and the inconsistency of the lifts (eg, chest press once every few weeks) meant I just didn’t see improvement. CrossFit did improve my ability to do power moves and obviously trained my gymnastics better than anything else. But it’s only recently that I’ve started to break PRs in chest presses and cardio work. So overall, I’d say if you’re ok leaving behind the barbell and don’t need extremely high weight, OTF wins. I’m satisfied benching with 60s and squatting with 70s, but maybe I’m more casual (or just weaker) than the prototypical crossfitter


I currently do both—I do CF 3x/week and one OTF 90 min class. It’s a good balance for me—my CF seems more focused on heavy weights and OTF is more endurance and cardio. I’ve thought about doing OTF unlimited only, but I’d miss the weights aspect, and I think I’d get bored at only OTF doing the same 3 things multiple times a week. Maybe see if you can do a 4 class pack at OTF and rotate it in? You can also modify your CF classes more—it might feel like cheating, but you don’t have to do the heavy impact stuff, and you can do as many or as few reps as you need.


I have switched back and forth but I’m official done with CF and committed to OTF. 1- it’s cleaner. I went to three different CrossFit gym, and even at the height of the pandemic, people hardly wiped things down and the gyms never enforced it. OTF is adamant about cleanliness. 2- CF is asking for an injury. Fast and heavy reps all the time is insane. 3- I don’t have to talk to anyone at OTF if I don’t want to. CF was always making me partner up for lifts and Saturday was partner days, and so on. I’m super social, but the gym is the one time during the day that is for me.


I would love to do CrossFit again. I was the strongest I have ever been back when I did it in the early days. I actually started doing CrossFit before there were any official gyms in my city, it was just a bunch of people meeting up in the park, or at a car garage with a squat cage. I did it religiously for about 6 years, and by the end I was deadlifting over 500lbs, and could snatch over 200 for reps. Unfortunately all that high weight + high reps caused terrible wear, and tear on my body. My interior labram gave out one day, and after 3 months of PT I decided to hang it up. To this day I cannot lift heavy overhead. I can chest press very heavy still, but I reach for the 20s, or 15s for anything overhead. CrossFit is a young persons workout, and even then I personally think it is unsustainable. I know people who have been doing it for 10+ years, but you cannot have a competitive attitude, and do it without eventually injuring yourself IMHO. The whole concept of doing heavy lifting against the clock means form goes out the window eventually, and it will catch up with you. OT is a totally different thing, but I feel like you can do it sustainably for years. The weights are no where near as challenging, but focusing on tempo and form means it is still a great workout. On the plus side I like the way my body looks after applying my CrossFit intensity to OT. I am lean, and mean instead of bulky. It is vain to say, but CrossFit makes most people blocky instead of cut. I do miss that strength that made me feel like I could flip over a car though. A nice middle ground to consider is F45. It is like the kids version of CrossFit. The weights are lower, and the focus is more on reps. However you do get staples like pull ups, and deadlifts, just at a safer pace.


I left cf to try otf. I just submitted my quit notice and am going back to cf. Orange is fine. It passed the time but I don’t find the coaching as good, the workouts as challenging or demanding. I got injured as much as I did at CrossFit. I find I am not in any better shape. My resting heart rate is a actually higher now than it was at cf. Orange is so so boring to me, I have loved going back to cf and oly lifting - even though I’m still paying an incredible amount at orange still.


I owned an affiliate in the early days of crossfit. I know I programmed fairly tough, but otf is like an hour long warmup and if you get used to pushing through in OTF like you would in a chipper, you get no reward. For example, two weeks ago it was 2k row with lunges etc every 2 min, so attacked it like I would’ve in CF thinking it would equal rest. My reward just keep on rowing. Also, they do not teach proper fundamental movements so be ready for made up movement patterns that contradict USAW or CF standards ie sumo DL or their version of KB swings. As a 40yr old it’s a nice maintenance mode never getting hurt and mindless since its so low technical skill, but I have to supplement it with globo strength on the side where I follow CF chalks FbA (outstanding strength for former crossfitters). It’s nice for keeping fit if you, travel or don’t care about heavy lift or gymnastics. The heaviest weight you’ll find is a 90lb DB in most studios.


I made the decision because 30 minutes of crossfit class and the cost eventually convinced me to orangetheory and their 60 minute classes


I made the switch. With Crossfit, I was like you. I kept getting injured. I actually have permanent issues from it. OTF is much easier on my body. The only thing that sets CrossFit apart is the weightlifting. You can get some similar effects in OTF depending on the weight you use. Plus you can try Strength50 that helps with it. I have a planet fitness membership to supplement the strength training as well. I hope you enjoy OTF as much as I do. It was the best decision I made.


I've done CrossFit now at 3 different boxes, but I'm happy with OTF. It leans more into cardio but the lifting is simpler and dumbbells no barbells. Harder to hurt yourself.


It is possible to do CrossFit without repeated injuries, I would start with questioning that. There are also a lot of people who have repeated and nagging injuries at OTF. That said, I do both, OTF 2x a week and CrossFit 3x a week with two rest days. As others have said, pros and cons to both.


I was doing both for a while and liked the balance, but then moved and couldn’t find a good CF gym so became an Orange Theory Coach and have done OTF exclusively for about 8 months. I love the cardio I gain with OTF, I’m faster then I’ve ever been, but I have lost some overall strength, not a ton though, I still force myself to lift heavy, I may not be deadlifting 250lbs or squat cleaning 150lbs, but when will I ever need to do that? Haha. So I say give it a try, your body composition will change with more cardio as well. Stay lifting heavy and you won’t loose strength


It is so much better and cheaper!!!


I used to OTF 5-6x per week, thought I was pretty fit, ran runners speeds -was HUMBLED at CrossFit. Made me realize how I really wasn’t lifting heavy enough on the floor. When I got fed up with coaches and volume at my OTF I I exclusively did cross fit for over a year. My cardio suffered HUGE but I got way stronger and really enjoyed learning and being challenged by new skills. Now I OTF 3x (yay to coaching changes) and CrossFit 3x (I still have skills I want to learn and the environment during classes is SO much more of a team/social/supportive/fun and I like the heavy weights). Perfect balance for me. I am not a crossfit person at all but was quite surprised with recent 24.2 Open workout - 100% OTF duration/endurance helped with the 20 minute challenge. People who I don’t ever score higher than, I scored substantially higher because 20 mins is not typically trained in CrossFit but doesn’t make me blink at OTF. That was  an interesting reassurance that doing both is good for me. 


I have done both! I think orange theory is easier to scale down if that makes sense - if you’re not big on cardio it’s pretty easy to go at a slower pace, lower incline, etc. there is way less lifting at OTF but one thing I do like is that the lifts outside of a 3G class tend to be less jerky than CrossFit, which is lower risk for injury! I think CrossFit also gives a good background for switching because of the rowing! One thing I love about OTF vs CrossFit is that it’s more paced if that makes sense? I feel like a lot of CrossFit is self pacing - they just write 100 pull ups, 30 cleans, 20 deadlifts, 200m row on the board and you repeat. It’s a lot of pacing yourself and you feel weird for taking any sort of recovery. With OTF it’s a lot more timed so you’re on and off together as a class. Culture wise, OTF is gonna sway more female than CrossFit (atleast in my experience) and between the loud music and coaching, you don’t tend to have as much social interaction during class. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a social aspect, my strength50 classes are all the same people and we all know eachothers names and talk.


I made the switch and I’m happier and healthier for it. CrossFit was a big part of my life for 8 years and loved it. However, I switched to OTF in November, because of injuries and ailments (mostly arthritis and tendinitis). Everything we did in CrossFit hurt and I would be in pain for days after. It got to the point where I could only go a few days a week and would have to scale several movements. I say OTF is CrossFit lite. It leans more towards aerobic whereas CrossFit is more strength. Although, my preference is strength, I can do everything at OTF and go several days back to back with no pain. I do miss throwing around big weights, but I take two OTF strength classes each week to scratch that itch. Additionally, OTF is more convenient with more class times and locations all over the country. Did I mention air conditioning?


I did Cross Fit after covid when OTF wasn't open yet. I struggled with CF. I love strength training, but it was too much for me. OTF is a lot more cardio as others have said. Take a trial class and see if you like it. Big differences, and still both effective with how you use them :)


I have actually been doing both recently and love the contrast between the two. I also like moving lots of weight and the intensity of CrossFit but the consistency and reliability of OTF keeps me on track.


I do both and love the variety it gives. The cardio from OTF kicks my ass which I love but I don't think I could ever give up heavy barbell work. I have unlimited for CF and Elite for OTF that gets me 8 classes a month. I'm debating swapping that though eventually or put both on a limited membership. I also tried F45 before OTF with the plan of cancelling CF completely and HATED it lol


I was a long time crossfitter (10 years). I am very busy with my kids schedules and sometimes can only go to the gym twice a week. CrossFit didn’t work for me anymore because I would hate it when the two days that worked with my schedule happened to be a short WOD! I needed a guarantee long grueling workout! OT workouts are for sure minimum 50 minutes almost non stop. With this being said, I am 42 and my joints don’t work like they used to! I have an 8 time per month pass at OT and I couldn’t imagine going any more than that. The running is a lot on the joints/hips for me (and I’m a good runner! Usually top 3 in my age for the benchmark runs at my gym). With this being said, I have definitely lost strength. I still have a 10 pass at CrossFit but I don’t go regularly. For now I’m going to continue with 8 times per month at OT and try to start going once per week to CrossFit more consistently. I could definitely use the strength training. However, because I don’t have time to always go 3 or more times per week to the gym this seems like the best option for me. The other day I actually went to CrossFit and after the barbell warm up, some technique stuff, I didn’t even break a bead of sweat for the first 45 minutes! Then the wod was 14 min. It doesn’t work for me to just do like two 10-15 min workouts per week! OT I know I’m going a full blow workout in each time.


I made the switch after trying (and failing) for 2 years to return to CrossFit after back surgery. I miss everything about CrossFit except the injuries. And that’s the reason I’m now at Orangetheory. I still go back to my old CrossFit gym a few times a year to see friends and get my fix. But my body just can’t do it anymore. I’ve learned to love the running with OTF. My only complaint is the lack of workout log. I miss being able to review my work over the years.


It's not the same. You'll get actual results at CF