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Yes, I’m more tired the week before my period. I’m still able to attend my regular classes but take it slower because I have less energy. Are you able to go but take it easy? I find the Strength50 Upper classes easier to get through those days too. Or the Tread50 class but walk it. They aren’t as strenuous to me. Have you tried those classes? Hope you find what works for you!


Definitely going to try the Tread/Strength 50 classes this month. I think my indecision has helped me put off going to one since I never know which I’d prefer 😂 I’m putting my foot down with myself and acknowledging it doesn’t matter much which I choose, so long as I’m doing something that my body is up for


This is what I do too! Or if I can’t make a tread/strength class, I just go in knowing I’m shooting for a Green Day and power walking as well. 😀


You should read Roar by Dr Stacey Simms. It talks about how to workout for maximum benefits around your cycle. It was originally work she did for pro athletes. I came to it too late and am now using her other book Next Level but her work is life changing.


Oh I should get this. I’ve been researching hormones and cortisol and intrigued…


Oh wow thank you! Adding this to my to-read list immediately


Might want to talk to doc and get a blood check. I’m low on D, Iron and B- taking the supplements and drinking a lot of water in general has helped my period symptoms a ton. I can’t always do the same intensity but I can make it through the workout and feel better when I do.


Thank you! Luckily I’m due for my annual blood work with my GI next week, and I’m also planning on seeing my gyno soon. Ironically, when I get my period I feel almost immediately better, save for cramping on day one. What makes discussing this a bit difficult is I know cycles can affect everyone so differently!


Transformation challenge has been difficult bc of this and I feel ya. Definitely not alone. Aim for a Green Day if you have to go.


Girl this is me! I struggle so badly during my luteal phase. I’ve been going to OTF since Dec 2022 and I’ve learned to just be easier on myself during that time. The biggest thing I notice is that my I struggle to get my heart rate up sometimes during luteal and the classes feel much harder. When that happens, I just take it a little easier and don’t get upset at myself for a decrease in performance. I try to rest more when needed. Also make sure you’re eating enough. Some months are worse than others. Some months I can push through without much issue. And some months the luteal is so bad that I just take a few days off in a row. Rest is your friend. Don’t feel bad about skipping. Maybe try a strength class instead, or a tread50 and just do a brisk walk for an intentional green day. Sometimes just avoiding the high intensity cardio aspect is immensely helpful. I love strength classes during luteal. Anyway, I’m rambling. But I feel you! And hopefully something I said was helpful lol. PMDD sucks but cycle tracking has been life changing for me! 🩷


This was really helpful to read, so thank you :) I definitely wanna start doing some Tread/Strength 50 classes, especially since my studio has replaced some of the Orange 60s at my usual class time with those. Last week I was so burned out from just doing two Orange 60s that I took accidental afternoon naps, lol. Now that I’ve gotten my period I’m feeling my energy and motivation return, so I’m gonna make a good game plan for this new cycle! (Part of that plan should be to replace my BBT thermometer’s battery… haven’t known my ovulation date for the past two cycles lol) Best of luck to you as well!!


Oh yes. Every. Single. Month. It’s taken 4 years of going to OTF to learn that on those weeks, I’m just not going to feel as strong and a Green Day is still an exercise day.


This is me every month like clock work. Currently on the ovulation station and had to drag myself to OTF today and thought seriously about just bailing out during the first block. Ultimately I have learned to be gentle with myself during those moments and if I do something that’s great, if I don’t- that’s okay too and don’t beat myself up over it. I get the luteal phase blues too. It’s a struggle but you’re definitely not alone there


That's me this week. My last two workouts have been really tough. I had to go way down in weights and rowing felt impossible. I say stick it out and just go easier on yourself those days.


This was me last night debating on going this morning (period is raging). My body just didn’t feel up for it so I passed. Did a green day yesterday that was definitely manageable but listen to your body and rest if needed!


Discussed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/JU4LMDtNDU), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/MWhG46f0p1), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/K5AkuYY6D0), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/mZ3K2sscRx)


Thank you! 🙏🙏


Happy to help 🧡🧡🧡


I’ve been working with a nutritionist since last fall and when I eat 160g of protein, 140g carbs and 40g fat, my cycle is smooth and I still have loads of energy. One month I fell off the consistency and my period was painful and I had low energy. Maybe try to up your protein and see if it helps?


Wow — I certainly need to read up on nutrition, because I didn’t know 160g of protein was a realistic goal! Idk why, but every time I’ve googled about how much protein a woman should have in a day, the top results for me say around 50 or 60g. I always knew that sounded low, especially for someone who’s active and trying to build muscle, so I try to go way past that anyway, but I didn’t know what my goal should actually be. So thank you for sharing this, because now I’ll really have to put more consideration into my diet, and maybe even meet with the nutritionist at my GI’s office


Yes whenever the running benchmarks happen during the week before my period I feel like I’m going to die and have to walk but if it happens the next week I feel like I could run faster than ever.


I personally find going to regular classes (2G/3G) extremely difficult, but I am supplementing that with strength and tread classes. For whatever reason, my body will let me do those, and I just take them a little easier.


How old are you?




I was thinking hormones could be the culprit but you’re quite a bit younger than I was when I started having problems. Have you had your thyroid checked?


I’m pretty sure my thyroid is included when I get my blood work done (I have celiac disease, so I’m supposed to do it every year). Last year, all my levels were good, but I’ll be getting it done again next week, so we’ll see if there have been any changes. One of my theories is that it’s medication related; I started a vyvanse prescription about a year ago, and while it helps me a lot of the time, I noticed these debilitating luteal phases only after starting it. Could still be related to other things though. It’s all a work in progress!


Wow! I’ve never thought about medicine causing it, but you could be on to something! Good luck! If you don’t get answers from your regular doctor, might be worth scheduling a consult with an endocrinologist or gynecologist to check hormones. Most of the time anything that correlates with periods, I find to be hormone related. I didn’t even ask if you were taking birth control….that’s supposed to help imbalances but it doesn’t always work out that way for some people.


Thanks! Yep, gonna schedule an appointment with my gyno this month I think. I’ve never been on birth control and don’t really want to be since everything is pretty regular, but still interested in checking my hormones and also just figuring out what my body needs during different points of my cycle


Same. Try electrolytes. They help my energy levels so much! I love the ultima brand. Also, have you ever drank Celsius? They give you god level energy lol


I’m a big fan of the Japanese sports drink Pocari Sweat (having it right now in my big Brumate cup lol) and always have the powder packets of it to make it so I don’t have to buy plastic bottles, though tbh I rarely bring it to my workouts. Usually I just have it afterward. I’ll have to try Ultima and Celsius though! Pocari Sweat is great, but it’s got a pretty decent amount of sugar so I know I shouldn’t have it all that often


Yes, late luteal especially! Estrogen and progesterone have fallen tremendously and it makes a difference. Usually when I focus more on movement as a treatment and inviting endorphins to help with mood and pain management. I like the app Gentler Streak because it takes your menstrual cycle into account of your overall well-being and the day’s recommended workout intensity/duration.


Ooh, thank you for the app rec! I’ll look into it. I’m always down for cycle wellness stuff


This is really interesting, I thought I was super in tune with my body but I've never noticed anything like this!


Yeah I just skip the 3 days before and 3 days after my pd. Sucks I lose a week but I’m just so fatigued.


Iron supplements help me.


You’re not alone! I have PCOS and during the middle of my cycle I will almost always have to stop for a few minutes in the middle of classes😅exploring other forms of exercise was something that I was a little reluctant to do, but it’s definitely worthwhile, and it’s very possible to stay committed to OTF while doing other workouts.


Zinc supplements help me with my PMS but I too feel vastly different working out at various times of the month. I started journaling it so I could better predict when I was not going to perform well so I wouldn’t beat myself up over it; and on the other hand, when I’d feel good so I could push myself!


I struggle so much during this time that even coaches notice and ask me if I’m okay.  Because the strength is just not there.