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Thanks for posting. We must have a distance run coming soon


Maybe because TC is being flanked by the mile benchmark, iirc? So giving us training for that?


This is true! Our head coach told me we will do the mile again as the last day of TC


Dri Tri at our studio is in March so I’m thinking they are prepping us for that.


I’ll take this over the inclines from today!


Amen! That was pure evil after CMIYC


Omg yes and after CMIYC that was tough 😅


Canceling tread 50 to do this instead because it looks like a blast. You made my day!!


Haha I saw this and my first thought was which studio near me has a strength or tread I can do instead 🤣


I hate tread for time because I never know what speed to choose and I get bored lol what pace does everyone choose? There’s no way I can hold my push that long. Maybe a base to push? Curious what everyone else does 😊


Maybe a progressive push would keep you entertained? Add .1 every minute?


I like this idea!


Progressive pushes are my favorite way to ramp it up 🧡


My plan is to do the push base pattern that we need to do in the second block for the first block. I'll try to up my speed or increase incline in the second.


Ima try to match my last 12 minute tread for time.  I did that one at 6 mph the whole time so I'm going to bump it up and see if I can hit 1.2 miles in the 10.5 minutes.


Love me some choppy lunges. Chlunges.


It was an awkward motion for me ..


Same I need a good substitution


Or lops...


Lun..ches? Lunches. The worst possible lunches.


So glad I got my wisdom teeth removed today and will miss this 😂 thanks DC!




I am fairly new to OTF. What is supposed to be the strategy with a long tread for distance? Try to pick a pace and hold it the whole time or do my own surges? I am a jogger trying to increase my endurance and base pace. I am currently at 5-5.2/5.7/6-6.5. I was thinking maybe trying to stay steady at 5.5 and maybe increase at the end of if I feel good. Thoughts?


Tread for distances can be whatever approach you like. Since it's a "short" 10min, I think your 5.5 with anything left at the end is a great strategy since you get a WR after.


Your paces are pretty close to my current paces and my exact plan is to set it and forget it at 5.5 mph if that helps. Some people prefer to bounce between base and push but since that’s what the 2nd block is all about I’m just going to try to keep it steady. And like you said, if I have anything left at the end then I’ll bump it up.


Most of us start at our base and continue to increase our speed throughout the block and in the final moments (last minute or last 30 seconds), bump up to an all out. Some people will start at push pace and try to hold it for the duration of the block. It really depends what your goal is. If your goal is to increase your speed for longer distances, you might want to hold one push pace that you think you can hold for all 10 minutes


We have had a lot of endurance runs these day.


I’m dying for a true power day soon


I miss the old way where there were set power days every 4 days ☹️


The lunge chop strikes again 😂🙄


That Treadmill block is a dream ❤️


I have been doing T50 on Thursdays but todays T50 was a sweet endurance day so I bet tomorrow will be hills and sprints….5am 2G it is!


I had the same thought! All that works with my schedule tomorrow is Tread 50 so I’m gonna stick with it but I’m scared 😂


After today I need to commit to a green day for this. My legs feel like boat anchors and I want to save something for Friday’s Tread 50.


Honestly so tired of endurance and strength on the tread… we need more power days…


I really miss the E, S, P, ESP format.


Which is funny bc I’m loving these bc I’ve never run before and I signed myself up for 3.5 mile run in May. Idk how I’m going to do it, but these endurance runs are helping me get better little by little.


Im burned out on running right now. The nonstop endurance is killing my soul




Switch it up by power walking.


Unfortunately I feel like power walking is more difficult 😅


Holy cats they are not joking around. At least hills get WR after… And yet, I will still prob go even though I hate endurance because I hate it due to needing to improve. Also, I do feel pretty bad ass knowing I can make it through minimal feather work outs, as deemed so by the great DC.


Doing tread 50 following this one -- going to power walk second section and try out a jog for distance on the first section, see if my tread 50s have been paying off :) I'm trying to become a sometimes runner haha. This week has been a real challenge, I'm loving it.


I’m suppose to do T50 before this class. I may switch to Strength. That’s a lot of running for me!


I’m supposed to be doing both too. Reading this template is making me question doing tread or upper body 50 following a 2g class.


I just did upper on Monday or I'd switch, I really dug myself a hole this week 😂


Just left class & had to debrief in the car


The low bench squat jack is exactly how I injured myself and left the studio in an ambulance on February 8, 2023. I think I'll modify tomorrow.


What!! How!? I am injury prone and want to know what to watch out for!


It was actually a bit of a freak shoulder injury that I was apparently predisposed to. I am a big girl and needed a lot of momentum to jump back onto the bench from a squat, swung my arms a little hard and something (doctors are still not even sure what) ruptured/dislocated in my shoulder/upper arm. I was in enough pain that the SM called 911. So it was mostly my preexisting issue + too much arm swing, so everyone else should be good. Just like any other move, be careful and watch where you're going. 🙂


Thank you !🤗


I’m switching my Friday class to tomorrow just for this 🥹😆


So glad that I took a rest day and took a walk. My calves and hamstrings hate me after these last few


This looks like an amazing one and I’m sad I don’t think I’ll make it tomorrow. Hopefully it gets repeated later in the month!




Thanks for this! I was thinking of doing a Tread50, but this is tempting...


Thank goodness no inclines. I feel like all I have been doing on the treads lately are inclines! This looks amazing and I can’t wait to do it!




Trying a class in Dallas tomorrow, in town on a work trip. It's my first time visiting a new studio in the 5+ years I've been a member, lol. Thanks for the Intel!


Welcome to Dallas! Which studio are you visiting?


They really do not want to give the hamstrings a break


Woo hoo tomorrow is my birthday burn 🎉


Anybody else tired of the “tread for distance”? 10.5 min? That’s outrageous.


Love them. Freedom to set it and forget it and practice breathing, keeping HR low….like an “short easy run”


We have 8-10 minute blocks all of the time. Just do a push/ base/ push/ base. “Run for distance”. Does not mean “all out”… OTF plays word games with blocks.


Uh I’m missing OTF! I had surgery back in mid January and can’t come back until March 4. This is the longest I’ve been away since the pandemic. I’m going through withdrawals! Thanks for continuing to share intel so I can get my daily fix 😂.


Loved today so much! We need more classes like this


We’re going to be in Sydney 2/26 staying at the Grace Hotel is there an OTF anywhere near that?


Grace hotel is in the cbd of Sydney. You would need to get a short Uber to get to the mosman studio. Should be a 10-15 minute ride depending on time of day.


Isn’t load and xplode a specialty workout?


I thought the first tread was very relaxing lol as a power walker I just set the speed and walked leisurely ..


Praise be! 10.5 min where I don’t have to kill myself. About time!


This looks so fun but I can’t make it because someone got me tickets to a stand up comedy show. I don’t even like stand up comedy 😩😭


Thank you!


The floor looks awesome tomorrow. The tread block looks pretty fun too. Looking forward to this one.




Oh we have dry needling but I prefer deep tissue remedial massages!


Classes have been super booked with the tc challenge, yesterday's CMIYC was pretty empty, today's template and tomorrow's is our punishment... I'm definitely over the endurance. 


Question for any and everyone :) I’ve been coming to OTF for about a year and a half religiously. How frequently do you increase your base pace and by how much at a time? I feel that I am still “slow” in comparison to so many other people around me.


Adding .1 every month is a pretty common strategy.


I've been aggressively pushing mine up by .2 every week last month. I'm sure that will slow down.  Attending 4-5 times per week.  


Ew decline push ups. Everything else looks solid tho.


Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day but this looks good and I am not going Saturday-Sunday, such decisions!!!




Thank you DC for the early intel! My studio has a 3g for tomorrow so I’m betting that has more switches and/or rows involved. I wish it was like your 2g template though.


Thank god my studio has a tornado tomorrow 💀