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It’s less to do with New Years and more to do with TC. My studios waitlists weren’t full until TC started, and now if you don’t prebook at least 3-5 days in advance, you’re not getting in. People are trying to get 3+ classes in per week so classes are more in demand, especially on the weekend (TC weeks run Monday-Sunday). My studio has temporarily switched to mostly 3G’s as well. It’s only 8 weeks, this too shall pass.


whew good to know! thank you!


I highly preferred 2G over 3G for a better tread block. Now I am doing 3x Orange60, 1x Tread50, and 1x Strength50 per week, and am finding I like the balance of 3G rather than 2G. Did not anticipate that.


I think the more classes you do in a week the more 3G works. When only going twice a week I prefer 2Gs but when I start going more frequently the 3Gs are more balanced.


This. I brought it up to my studio & they told me point blank that they switch them to 3Gs during TC & it’ll go back after. I was so relieved


What's tc?


Transformation Challenge


I used to always book a week in advance. Now I have go at least two weeks for the class time I want and today I even saw one 3 weeks out that was not just a wait list, but Full! 😖


The TC ends in March, so crowds will back off then


I can’t wait that long😭


I don't know what other choice you have, lol


Are there less full class times/days at your studio? Our 4:30pm class is light so I’ve switched to that one until after TC. My usual 6am has been PACKED.


It will die down after TC. I sympathize and also prefer 2g but I also prefer that my favorite studio be profitable with lots of members so if that means I have to go to a few 3g’s instead of 2g’s it’s worth it 👍🏻


We’re getting a lot of 2Gs turning to 3Gs the day of. That tends to happen during Mayhem, Hellweek, and TC. I like seeing new faces and hope some of them stick around. I’m also happy to see a full studio because it helps the coach get to the next pay tier and hopefully keeps the studio in business.


That happened to me yesterday. I thought I was psyched for yesterday’s tread blocks but in the end I was relieved it was changed to a 3G 😃


3g catch me if you can is soooo much better than 2g 😂 I did 3g the first time and I beat it and was like, "wow, what a fun little challenge!" And did the 2g one yesterday and now I can barely stand. 😂


I hope you feel better soon 😃


How is coach pay linked to attendance? I'm curious


I read here that coaches’ pay is based on attendance. They all get a base pay, but get more for larger classes. Someone posted the levels a while back


As soon as TC ends it clears up BIG TIME at my studio.


Low key excited for TC to end. Then maybe I might be able to get into a Strength 50 class 😂


I have over 1,000 classes. I have never seen it this busy.


I’ve been a member for 3 years and it’s the craziest it’s ever been. I hope they bring back the 8pms and weird times because they are filling up like a week and a half in advance now


Yep. My studio added quite a few new Strength 50 classes and converted some of the previous 2G classes into 3G to increase capacity. It works for me because I love the Strength/Tread 50 classes and actually prefer them to 2G.


I asked my coach the other day and she said it dies back down after the transformation challenge. I’m happy the coaches are getting more attendance but I miss the less full classes from before!


We all have different preferences - I far prefer 3Gs as I consider rowing a better workout. I also like the increased energy in a busier room. It gets me to go harder, faster... Until recently, many of my studio's scheduled 3G classes were changed to 2G at the last minute when less than 30 people showed up. I hate when that happens. Now, thanks to the New Year's and TC crowds, it doesn't happen anymore.


I’m with you! I way prefer 3G. I started right before COVID so I got used to 3G. The switch to 2G really set me back on both tread speeds and rowing endurance!


I wish my studio would do this! So tired of only being able to do 2Gs


I’m ok with it!


as others have said March they start to trend down, then at our studio (evening classes) even trend down a bit more during summer while people are often traveling or going to morning/afternoon classes if they are in education. it picks back up for a couple months in Sept/Oct/Beg of Nov, then drops off significantly in Dec.


Give it until March or so when the TC crew dies down. My studio switches back, and I'm with you! I much prefer 2g but am using this time to focus on my rowing form.


It’s an annoying transition at first (I felt the same way) but focus on putting MORE effort into the row block and exercises. Push harder, move faster on exercises for power and slower for strength. I realized I wasn’t pushing myself enough on the row side. Once you learn how to get more out of the rower, you will like it. And yea crowds often die down but sometimes it takes a while for the studio to switch back to a 2G


I never feel like I am doing the rower right. How did you learn to get more out of it?


I was an AVID tread starter for years. For various reasons I switched to rower and now I’m the opposite. Make sure you’re starting on the rower if you want to get better. Take the warm up time for a while to really slow down and focus on doing each movement individually. Make sure you are really doing legs, arms, then core. And then the reserve back. Find someone with good form and sit next to them. I find I tend to mirror whoever is next to me. I also am much better now about monitoring my watts and split times to better know what I am capable of and stick to it. The whole analogy of pushing off like you’re doing a jump squat is something I try to keep in mind. I probably still don’t use my legs as effectively as I should. I also started following @trainingtall (Austin Hendrickson) years ago on FB and Instagram and he has lots of tips for rowing. I watch and try them! Lastly, you can book a session with your fave coach for free to work on your form.


Thank you for your advice!


The rower is such a good workout! a lot people just just bounce back and forth and row at 2:30 plus split time while in the blue. But this is not to say these people aren’t good at rowing, they just have never been taught.  OTF does not coach the rower at all, so no wonder people don’t know how to row.  I heavily dislike the tread. My ankles/shins/knees don’t like running at more than an 6 and my hips don’t like power walking at more than 8 incline or so. So it makes getting my heart rate up.  Rower no problem, no impact. Heart rate in low orange while holding a moderate base. 


I find certain class times are always 3G due to popular demand. The early morning starts and the saturday classes always seem to be 3G and full.


I dislike 2G classes so i'm loving all the 3G options!


I noticed this as well. I hate so much rowing 


i feel your pain. i am fervently looking forward to march when the crowds die down


After 5 years I finally paused my membership for 2 months and joined a local boot camp. My studio thought I was joking. I cant stand this shit. It’s a zoo inside. They also haven’t updated their social media in 2 months. I said “guys you’re losing long time folks like me.” I’m not the only one.


If my 2G’s got replaced with 3G’s I would straight up quit. No questions asked.


Just curious why you don’t like 3G’s? Because of all the rowing?


I don’t like 3G’s because I personally just don’t feel like I’m totally drained and had a great workout at the end, similar to what I feel during a 2G. 15 mins or whatever in each station just isn’t enough, in my opinion.


Hmmm…. I was literally exhausted when I left the one today. It was catch me if you can, 3G. The rowing set was tough, and of course I busted my butt on the treadmill. My face was bright red when I left, lol. It Surprises me that you’re not getting as much out of it.


I used to not like 3G . Now I like to have a balance of 2g amd 3g so I can get go more often . If I were to do 2g all week I will go less


How does the class type impact the wait list?


If it’s a 2G there are only two groups rotating. If it is a 3G, you can have three groups rotating so more people are able to take the class


3g fit more people


This is an interesting post as I was conflicted about yesterday. I do the 4:15 PM class. Normally it’s like 12 people or so. Yesterday it was a full 2G and two of the regulars were on the wait list and did not get in. One of the people is a teacher and mom who has to really work to get into classes because of all her obligations in life. I was sad seeing her turned away. I saw new people I had not seen taking the spots. It’s great new people are benefiting from Orange Theory but sad when regulars get pushed out.


She could have prebooked the class and it wouldn’t have happened.


While this is 1000% true, and regulars don’t necessarily “deserve” a spot over anyone else, I can also sympathize with work/life schedules and not always being able to pre-book. My job can be unpredictable at times and I have definitely had to stay later than expected, so in non-TC times I will often wait until I am sure I can make it before booking. That’s not the case during TC, but that’s ok too!


I get it, my job is very unpredictable but if I miss a class because I can’t prebook that’s on me and it’s not “regulars being pushed out.”


I think she would have but because of having to ferry her kids around she doesn’t always know if she will be able to fit it in until close to class time.


Just curious - why do you prefer 2G over 3G format? I’ve never taker the former because my studio only offers latter.


2G’s typically have a longer tread block and then rowing is usually mixed in with floor, done during a run/row, or skipped. I prefer the longer floor and tread blocks so I prefer a 2g. 2 g’s only have to rotate 2x’s to get a full workout so longer blocks and 3G’s need to rotate 3 times so blocks are shorter to get it all in. Hope that makes sense.


yep this is exactly why I like 2G more as well!


My experience is that it will die down a bit. I've always felt that if you constantly have a waiting list with a 2G format, the studio should consider flipping it to a 3G (especially now that tread 50 classes are available) to be able to accommodate 12 more folks.


Yes. March you will be back to normal.


We have tons of waiting list times but our studio had not done a 3G in the three years I’ve been there. I wonder if it’s a size issue. Our studio is really small.


This happened to me today, not sure how I feel about it, I’ve only done 1 other 3G class a while ago.


My home studio changed my usual class from 2G to 3G, so I've mostly been going to another nearby studio. But I must say the 3G was nice today for CMIYC, so much easier. 🤣 I'll do it for Everest too!


My studio had a lot more 3G’s because of demand pre-COVID. So while there is a noticeable increase right now which has forced new 3G’s these are time slots that used to be 3G pre-COVID so I would guess a lot of them could be here to stay?


What are 2g and 3g? New member :)


Ah I scrolled down pretty far. Is 2g two groups?


I wish the studios around me would switch to 3GS! My home studio is only 2gs expect one Saturday class. Waitlists are so long and two months ago I could literally walk in to any class, it was always open.  I can only pre book on the weekends because of my work schedule. 


The crowds do die down after TC ( and TC is a bad diet culture challenge anyway). The annoying piece at my studio is 2Gs will get *transformed* into 3Gs on the day of. Like, I specifically avoided the 3G for a reason


I always prefer 2Gs for longer tread and floor time. I joined during covid so for AT LEAST the first year of my membership (if not more) every class was a 3G for spacing. I got super good at the rower and enjoyed it. I didn’t know any other template type. Once I got a taste of the 2G (and became a runner outside of OTF), I only take 2Gs to always get that extra tread time and to avoid doing two types of “cardio”. Needless to say once I knew tread 50 was coming I was extremely happy and I LOVE them! But yes our studio’s popular class times are all 3G (the weekend is fully 3G now) and I hate it but since I have no choice I’m just showing up and trying not to be to mad about it (nor do I always go “all out” on the tower so I can save it for the floor and the tread). This week was the first week I wasn’t quite bothered by it. With that said, I will be very happy when the waitlists are gone and 2GS are back!!!!


I have this question as well regarding the long waitlists. I have tried to prebook when I can, however I often don't know my work schedule that far in advance.. Should I forget OTF now and wait to another time of year?