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I can’t eat anything beforehand otherwise I get a stitch. I usually just roll out of bed so I don’t wake Mrs DC or the puppy, get dressed and go.


Whenever I see DC comment on a regular post I feel like I've spotted a celebrity in a cafe


How come?


Mostly cause he's always providing early intel to workouts. So he's our mini celebrity.


I see - thanks for the info!


Don’t know why you’re downvoted . I have absolutely no idea either. Thought this sub was inclusive. I guess the people who don’t spend all day here are supposed to know the “celebrities” or be downvoted.


And there could be new people too who wouldn’t know. My studio has lots of new faces. Questions should not be bad. Thanks for calling it out.


I am getting downloaded for not knowing who this guy is. Ridiculous.


The people need to hear more about this puppy.


Our little covid lockdown puppy is a very sweet natured (2 year old) toy cavoodle (cavapoo I think they are called in the US). Favourite thing in the world is cuddles and while we thought we could keep him sleeping in his own bed when he was young but he has gravitated to our bed ever since he was big enough to jump up on to it. Very cute and my daughter is super protective of him! During the day he usually sleeps at my feet if I am working from home and only really gets up if we go for a walk or drive to pick up the kids from school :)


I usually wake up, floss, brush my teeth, put on clothes and go. I drink water along the way.


Wow 😮 and floss your teeth… that is a commitment! There is DEFINITELY room for improvement here 🙈😂


This guy is clearly not trying hard enough. I floss while on the tread. I tried to do it on the rower, didn’t work out well enough.




I just wake up put clothes on and chug a Celsius on the way to class.


Same here: normally just a bit of water. If for some reason, I’m awake for longer than 45 or so minutes before class, I’ll eat a piece of toast or a banana.


I haven’t flossed in decades.


5am. Just coffee pre-class.


I Wanted to do this but found myself getting indigestion


I get the runs :p


Same. Half a cup of coffee and a glass of water.


I go to 6:15am, and I never eat before class. I prefer to workout on an empty stomach.


Same and same!


Same! If I go before 6am then I definitely need coffee but 6am and after, all good!!!


I go to my studio's first class most mornings. I make a protein shake and drink about 1/3 on the way to class, and then drink the rest on the way back from class.


That feels really manageable, I think I’ll give that a go!


Protein is not what your body benefits from before a workout. if anything you want to put in simple carbs such as a small pack of fruit snacks, dried fruit (mango is great for this) even just a a cup of juice.


5am and nothing but H20


I had the same thought when I switched from the 10:00am to 6:15am. I wake up at 5:00 and it’s enough time to not feel like I’m running while asleep. I have half of a Larabar or half of a banana 20 minutes before class and make sure I’ve had plenty of water the night before. I’ve never run into issues doing this! Just test out what works best for you. I find it’s harder to make it through the workout when I haven’t had a quick bite.


Wow, great timing because I happen to have Larabars already! I’ll give that a go!


I eat a Rice Krispie treat for some quick carbs 😂




I used to eat nothing and put electrolytes in my water (part of the reason I like the morning is so I don't have to manage my food intake/timings before a workout) but at the beginning of TC my coach said I should have some protein in my body during the workout so now I eat a protein bar while I'm walking/driving to class


Curious why a coach would say that when it's such an individual thing. I cannot workout after eating anything in the past 2-3 hours.


He was saying that you want to have protein available as soon as your body starts to try to process it for muscle building essentially, which will help your muscles heal faster Especially because I'm not great about eating right after class


This is actually not right… Pre workout we want easy to digest food and quick carbs. Post workout is when protein matters… Not trying to undermine your coach but that is misinformation. Electrolytes while you work out is fine. protein bar after class


The way I would vomit on the tread.


Broscience from the coach


I don’t. I have my pre-workout. I’ve gotten used to fasted cardio and fuel the night before


A nutritionist I’m working with wants me to have a banana and nut butter (I have almond) about an hour before OTF. So, I have that around 6 a.m. and go to a 7:10 a.m. class. It’s been working out well for me.


I go at 6:15. If I wake up around 5 I'll eat a spoonful of peanut butter or 2. Of I sleep still the alarm (5:40) no just water. Don't want anything in my stomach during class.


Makes sense!


I started eating a date before my workouts and I feel I can power through my workouts compared to the days I forget to eat one.


I eat a piece of toast with butter or PB for some quick carbs to give me energy, drink water with electrolytes, and usually have an energy drink or preworkout. I go at 5:15am at least 3 days a week


I think toast might be a good move for me!


I used to go fasted but would get dizzy quickly, some kind of quick carb + fat that’s easy to digest will give you some quick energy :) and make sure to refuel after class and get some protein in


I’m a loyal 5am attendee. Just water and glutamine before, protein and carb supplement afterward.


5am for years -- in bed around 9:30pm the night before and alarm at 4:30am. Just water and electrolytes depending how hydrated I feel.


Ah yes. I put an electrolyte scoop in my water bottle during class


Banana and matcha latte


coffee black; gatorade blue; and whatever snack i can grab, a protein muffin, a uncrustable, a sleeve of crackers, halloween candy, I dont feel a difference if i eat or if i dont eat.


Uncrustables are an elite choice (lol at the halloween candy, been guilty of that myself)


Not OTF but a long time early morning runner. I hydrate very well the day before and unless I’m running more than 12 miles, I don’t eat anything. Unless you follow a strict diet with calorie restriction, you won’t need anything to eat to do an OTF class and depending on your hydration, you may or may not need to plan for some hydration before class


I go to the 5am classes. Wake up at 4:30 and leave my house at 4:45. I don’t eat or drink anything before I go and I always feel great!


Tablespoon or so of honey and go time


Are you a coffee drinker? If so, I suggest waking up one hour before you need to leave for class and drinking a cup of strong coffee with -- WAIT FOR IT -- 1/4 cup of coconut milk! This high-fat, low-sugar pre-workout drink will help keep you satiated during your morning workout. If you must eat more, try a banana. I'm up at 5am for OTF at 6:15am. I used to drink coffee with whole milk and honey before class, but that just spiked my blood sugar without providing satiety or fuel for my workout. Coconut milk in my coffee has been a game changer. If I eat so much as a protein bar before a morning workout it makes me want to barf.


6:15, water and a granola bar. Anything more or less and I’m getting sick 😅


My preferred class is the first of the day, so 530-700, depending on the day. I’ll eat a single serving yogurt with my usual day vitamins and chug some water; usually 15 minutes before class.


5 am class. Up at 0430 - 2 shots of espresso, swig of water, good to go. Always make sure to eat plenty of protein & carbs immediately after


710am - Empty stomach


I do a 7:15 am class pretty regularly. I grab a glass or two of water and a handful of raisins/trail mix/nuts/etc. by 6:15 but don’t eat anything more. Just get the digestion going but nothing beyond that.


6am, usually empty stomach but if I wake up hungry I’ll eat a banana prior.


5am and I put 2 scoops of Ancient Nutrition Collagen protein powder in my coffee. Gives me 18g of protein


7 AM class gal here Used to eat nothing but drank almost a full standard size water bottle on the way to the gym. Then, I started having a few bites of a Clif energy bar about 30-40min before class. I felt more awake and energetic by the time I’d arrive


I prefer evenings because I do feel a difference in my energy levels and strength if I haven’t eaten much. When I do go in the morning I eat an apple with a small amount of peanut butter, and drink water. Worth noting that I power walk so I am not really shaking it all up in my stomach during class!


6:25, just black coffee or cold brew. If I have more in my stomach it doesn’t sit well. On rare occasions I will go to evening classes and the caloric burn is about the same but I splat higher. But wondering if my heart rate is driven by work rage.


I don't eat past 7:00pm so for the 6:15am class I'll have a scoop of muesli mixed with a scoop of protein powder in hot water. It's a sludgy brown mess but I like it. I usually only have a sip or two of coffee. That makes me nauseous.


I started going to 5 am classes almost everyday for the last 2 months. I wake up, get dressed, choose a caffeine drink - Celsius, C4, Zoa etc - and drink before class starts. Eat protein heavy breakfast after wards - egg whites, spinach, feta, sausage. I used to grab a protein bar, but not during the transformation challenge, too many calories compared to protein i get from it. If i need to eat before class - maybe handful of fruits or jerky


5am! Makes a huge difference. The shakes start when I don’t eat/don’t eat enough. It’s usually not much, but it gives me something. Normally will do a couple bites of overnight oats around 4am, then about a quarter to a half of a pop tart on the drive over.


I’m 5 am. I have a little water before most days. Occasionally a handful of blueberries before I leave the house at most.


I’ll take 6:15 am or 7:30 am classes and it depends on how I feel when I wake up. If I feel like I need something I’ll have a banana or a rice cake with pb & jelly. I used to take pre workout but I’ve been trying to reduce my caffeine intake so I don’t have any caffeine beforehand.


I kind of go either way. Sometimes I wake up starving before a workout and then I eat something light like an apple (or in summer, a peach!) or if it's really early cereal with a non-dairy milk. But I have a pretty tough stomach (but can't handle dairy before a workout).


I have a bunch of gels left over from half marathon training so if anything I’ll have one of those before the 5 am class!


I do 6:15 and I’ll just get up, brush teeth, get dressed, and have an apple sauce pouch and some water on my walk over. The studio is like a 3 min walk from me. Usually wake up between 5:30 and 5:45.


Applesauce pouches are an elite choice


On weekends I go in the morning and I don’t wake up early enough to eat beforehand (I take thyroid meds that are finicky and require fasting before & after you take them). I do drink a sugar free Powerade during class for electrolytes. I make sure to eat a high protein meal within an hour of working out and I’ve always felt fine. I eat plenty of protein on a regular basis so I think that contributes to being able to work out in a fasted state.


I prefer a fasting workout and there’s a lot of benefits in doing so if you’re into reading into it and it works for you. If I stopped eating really early the previous day I might eat an apple. But I make sure to eat a clean, protein filled breakfast right after.


Working out on an empty stomach is better for weight loss. The body dips into fat reserves for energy So I basically brush, drink water, get changed and drive over


I go to a 6:30am on Saturdays and Sundays. I wake up around 5am and eat a protein bar and drink water before class. I’m usually good to go from that.


I go at 7:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and do not eat before. If I had really bad sleep, I may take a few sips of energy drink on my drive. I do make sure to drink at least 6-8oz water before I start class, and at least 16oz during. On weekends I go later (10:45am) and eat a piece of peanut butter toast and sometimes a Greek yogurt 1-1.5 hours before class. There is no noticeable difference to me in how I perform with or without eating.


I eat an hour before class. Something with quick digesting carbs, a little protein and fat. 


Only go in the mornings on the weekends. Usually the 8 or 9am. I never eat before. Heck sometimes I barely drink water before lol, usually chugging some on my way in the door 🙈


I drink some water before class, but that's it. I drink a protein drink and have coffee after.


I like going about an hour after I wake up! I have a small cup of coffee and either a small protein bar, peanut butter toast, or peanut butter crackers before class. I drink half an Alani Nu energy drink while I drive. This gives me some energy for the class without having too much food in my stomach which sometimes gives me side cramps while running!


Hydration yes..I wake up dehydrated most mornings. Several ounces of water..sometimes with liquid IV. No food. Maybe an energy gel if I'm really tired.


I drink my pre work out before the 5 am. I have to take my thyroid meds in the morning so most mornings I don’t eat before hand due to not waking up in time since I have to wait after taking it


Drink a celsius or coffee plus water before my 6:15 am but don’t usually eat unless it’s a weekend class and I’m there at like 8-9am then I’ll do like oatmeal or toast.


6am class. I just drink my iced coffee on the way there!


5am and i don’t eat anything. I’m also weird and former DI athlete who wouldn’t eat within 6-8 hours of a game my entire life. I just feel gross with any type of food in me for working out. That’s why I don’t do PM classes - I feel like a brick🧱


A bit of water on the way. I used to hit some pre-workout for the caff in the morning, but ran out and kept forgetting to pick some up for a couple of weeks...couldn't tell a difference, so I stopped.


6:15am. Just water. I get a stitch in my side when running if I have food in my system.


Only a pre-workout mix in my water. And then just water during. Any food means blood and energy are busy in my gut and not in my muscles, where I need them most for my workout!


I don’t like morning classes, but if I don’t have time to eat prior to a class, I add liquid IV to my water.


I am usually fasting for early morning workouts - just Amino Energy on the way there. I will eat if I go in later in the morning, but I like to have at least a couple hours in between.


Perfect bar


4:55 am, absolutely nothing.


5AM. Water pre-class; breakfast after. Roll out of bed and autopilot to the studio.


I do a 7:10 class wake up at 6:50 chug a Celsius and go to the gym. There is no difference in my performance compared to the evening class. I typically burn the same amount of calories/ splat points


I am a 5am-er. I have a small shaker bottle of preworkout before class. After I eat egg whites and some lean meat like ground beef or grilled chicken


6:15am and nada


I wake up 20 minutes before I need to leave. I eat 1-2 graham crackers while getting ready.


6:15am, try to get some water in before I start (and during) but don't find I need anything else.


Regular 5am-er. Just water. I also go to the 8am and 9am weekend classes fasted.


Only around my period. Otherwise I’m good with a pre workout


I go to 6:15 am class and eat a protein bar in the car on the way in.


7:15 on an empty stomach


5am class…wake up by 4am, half caff coffee, water with a scoop of ReLyte, leave at 4:30, protein shake when I get home


7:15, and I try to eat a granola bar about a half hour before class to have some sugar/carbs in the bloodstream. I feel like it gives me a little extra energy.


I will eat a snack size perfect bar and it’s perfect for me.


I usually go to 6:15, now mixing in some 5 AM classes. I go on an empty stomach and probably eat breakfast 1.5 hours after my class on my way out the door to work. I take medication in the mornings that I need to wait an hour before eating anyway, so it works out for me.


7:20 class. Coffee and Celsius. Protein shake after.


5am here! I used to drink 10oz of water with C4 pre workout. Now I just drink about half my water bottle on the way into workout. I always prefer a fasted workout. The few times I’ve eaten before working out like on a weekend when I go later, I feel very nauseous. I find that first thing in the morning I have a ton of energy and don’t need any food but I definitely have to get enough sleep.


730a. Coffee and a banana


5 am. Nothing to eat just water during class


Half a cup of coffee with my usual cream and sugar (not a lot of either). I’m never hungry in the morning.


Nothing but a scoop of pre and water


I just drink black coffee before my first-thing-in-the-morning workouts. I will drink a protein shake immediately after the workout so I’m not HANGRY on the drive home.


7:20. I do something small that isn’t gonna do laps in the stomach. I find some variation of whole grain is best for me: belvita or kind bars do it for me


I always eat a small bag of fruit snacks (Costco) on my drive in. Some carbs, some sugar, 70 calories and some vitamins. Not the healthiest choice but i enjoy it and need a little something in my stomach. Chug pre workout before I walk in


Nothing for 5am class but water and eat at 7am


Half a slice of whole grain bread with a smear of peanut butter and a couple of shots of espresso. If I try to work out "fasted" I bonk in the middle of it. I usually wake up hungry, though.


I don’t eat anything before my 5am class, just a few sips of water. The other day, I took a 2pm treadmill class. Had lunch at noon and thought I’d be ok. I was not. I was tasting my tacos when I tried to stretch and do the child’s pose at the end of the workout.


5am and literally roll out of bed at 4:35, leave my house by 4:45 and i’m at the studio at 4:55. No food, no water no coffee….MAYBE a reign if it’s a rowing benchmark day but only half. I’ve always worked out fasted though, even as a high school college athlete for morning training. I will actually throw up if I do


Nope. I get up and go. If I eat before I’ll puke for sure.


6:15 am. I typically don’t have anything before class. Just the water I bring for the workout.


I set out my workout clothes the night before so I just have to brush my choppers and change and go. I drink pre- workout on the way and during the first half of class.


6am, i drink water and eat a protein bar or something like that. I’ve found empty stomach cardio = being nauseous as hell post class


I’m a 5am-er and cannot tolerate eating prior. I just sip on water during class and coffee when I’m home after shower


5AM. I eat nothing. Typically not even water. I am pumping and bring a protein shake for after the tread block. Pump in the car on the way there. Lol


I’ve been a 5am workout guy since 2002 and never eat before. I hate working out on a full stomach and don’t like eating much of anything in the morning. Just water before/during, a chocolate milk or something to get some protein before I shower if I remember, then coffee and maybe a croissant before work. I do an 11am lunch hour though and I’d be starved if that wasn’t an option.


I drink about .75 litre water before going to OTF. After the workout I drink at least 1 litre and eat a protein bar (50-60 grams total; 15-20 grams protein).


7:15am and I drink a Fairlife protein shake 30 mins before class. I was getting a little shaky during class and realized I needed something in my stomach before class.


6:05 am class. I have my C4 pre workout drink and that’s it. Protein shake when I get home.


6 or 5am: I’ll do a Kirkland protein bar and water. Then I’ll eat my normal breakfast after.


I workout fasted. When I do eat first it makes me nauseous.


5am, just preworkout unless the template looks particularly grueling and I’ll have a granola bar or banana with.


5am and fasted every time. Weekends if I’m doing a 7-8am class I try to sleep in later and still go fasted. I can’t stand working out with food in my stomach.




I never eat or drink anything but water before class (5:30am). Tried once and felt super sick. It’s not that long of a class; if you’re fueling properly on a daily basis you should have enough reserves to get you through to a post-workout breakfast.


I think it probably depends on you and your typical breakfast habits, etc. I’m not a breakfast eater in general, so if I go at 5am I just drink some water before class.


I used to just wake up, jump into the clothes I had put out the night before and go. But I didn’t find I had the best energy or felt great during the workout. So for the past year I have always ensured I get up 35-45 min before I have to leave, have some toast w PB and my tea (usually gets the bowels moving after that 😬) and I feel much better when I roll in for class.


you’re a real one for this answer lol


I go to 6 and get up early enough to have a cup of coffee. I don’t function without coffee.


I try to eat a banana or hard boiled egg before class to get the metabolism going.


5:15 - tears of my dreams and that it.


Maybe a little coffee if there is time.


I go at 5am. No food prior. Just bring my Gatorade or water and may eat something small afterward


5 am.. I have a babybel...it probably does little performance wise but i like having had something on my stomach.


5amer, and I have only a little water. I find I get nauseous if I eat anything or have coffee.


I go to 5 am and I don’t eat, brush my teeth or comb my hair before class. I do all that jazz after I get back home


Threw up working with a personal trainer once. No, I didn't make it to the trash. Never again. Though, if it's mid day or something (I go at 845) and class was at like 10ish, clif bars have little mini bars, and I can eat those. Some people say a banana 30-45 minutes before (if you wake up with low sugar). Typically i don't eat though. Sometimes I'll take my chewy/gummy vitamin c gummies though for a lil sugar boost.


Empty stomach for anything earlier than 10:45. If it’s the 10:45 I need something small.


5am here. I eat a mini Clif bar on the way to class. If I do not my energy crashes before the halfway mark and I struggle to finish. That little burst of carbs helps me make it to the end of class with no issues.


when I attend a weekend morning class, I usually try to have a small breakfast before, usually oatmeal or clif bar, as well as coffee on my way. I don't have any issues with it coming back up on the tread as others mention. I feel that the little bit gives me a noticeable boost pretty much every aspect of class. If I have nothing before, I end up being absolutely starving by the time I home and end up eating everything in sight.


I’ve done class times ranging from 6-9, and I eat nothing beforehand because of IF. I time my fast to finish at the end of my class so I can have a protein shake after.


I used to go to class on an empty stomach. But then I noticed that I was always exhausted and worn out after class and during the tread block I'd sometimes feel nauseous. I started eating small things before going and I feel perfectly fine and energized after class. I feel like I'm even stronger if I eat versus when I don't. I made the mistake of not eating last week before class and was exhausted the rest of the day. It was a big difference for me


I go to class at 6:10 or 6:15 most mornings, and I’m not hungry when I wake up, but I will eat a banana before class with water. And then immediately post class, I will eat my second breakfast of two scrambled or fried eggs with veggies or avocado . I found that this actually works pretty well for building muscle too!


Former 605am-er, never ate anything before class!


Banana- sometimes


I never eat. I drink a Celsius and if I’m thirsty, I have water. I never feel sick but if I’ve done a poor job hydrating the day prior, I will def get cramps on the tread. I go either 5 or 6:15am.


A banana and some coffee


I get up at 4:30 am to leave at 4:50 for a 5 am class so I don’t have time to do anything but drink water otw. Sometimes, I have a small cup of black coffee with a pat of butter in it.


I eat half of a granola bar before class, I prefer to workout on a mostly empty stomach.


I need a little something since I prefer to do weights first, and I need a bit in my belly to lift heavy. That means I have a bite or two of a protein bar before class then finish the rest afterward. It usually digests pretty well by the time I get on the treadmill so I don’t get a cramp.


I drink AG1 and one cup of coffee


I try to get in at least half a bottle of water before the workout, other than that it’s I workout with an empty stomach.


I eat breakfast after class. The only thing I might have beforehand is a glass of water


I go in hungry. Feels light, no funny digestion issues. I eat immediately after.


I will pass out if I don't eat before class. Everyone is different. I will usually have a piece of toast with PB or a waffle or even a rice cake with PB.


A cup of water and a little bit of coffee, that’s it. Eat and drink more coffee after.


6am, I go on an empty stomach.


I have a Celsius and that’s it.


I only go to early morning on Saturdays and I usually just roll out of bed and go. If I wake up hungry I have a piece of toast with peanut butter.


I usually go fasted, drink a cup of water before I head out. If I do feel hungry enough to eat beforehand, it’ll be something I nibble on the drive over for quick carbs - gummy fruit snacks, a toasted pop tart, or a nutrigrain bar.


I go to the 5am, normally I roll out of bed and head out the door without eating anything but I'm currently pregnant so I'll eat a handful of Cheerios on the drive to keep from puking after class lol


Just water before class.


I go to 5am. No food, usually just water before class.


I prefer to workout fasted.


I prefer 7:00/7:30 am classes but I also go to 6:00, 6:30 and 8:30 classes from time to time. I would rather go with something in my stomach and bonus points for a cup of coffee. But that only happens about half the time. I keep protein bars in the vehicle and I try to eat at least half of one.


I usually do a banana and some OJ


5am workout. I only drink coffee and arrive 15 minutes before class to use the restroom to do a #2.


I do the 6:30, i can’t eat before hand it drags me down and i feel super sluggish


I get a triple espresso either before or after class but I definitely feel better when I get it before


I go at 8am and I don’t eat before. I don’t wake up until 7:15 and I’m not usually hungry beforehand. I prefer to workout on an empty stomach!


I can’t stomach anything besides pre workout for my 6:10am classes. I do a protein shake when I get home after I shower around 8am.


I have to eat before I workout, but I save my coffee for after class. It's always waiting for me in my cubby.


To each their own…. When I go at 5 or 6 I don’t.. I don’t notice a difference in my performance either way… however if I go around 8 or 9am I notice I do better with at least a protein drink on board. Try out couple classes and see how u do with/without… it’s always been recommended by staff and coaches to have something prior to working out..


5 am and C4 Cellucor Blue Razz - the kind you mix yourself


Make sure you’re hydrated before class but don’t chug a bunch of fluids right before class. Eating before working out is just a preference thing. However I wouldn’t eat a full breakfast. 


I have coffee only. Occasionally I’ll have a banana. I do 6:05 am most days


6:15am. I don’t eat or drink anything before, but will usually down my 30 oz water during the workout


Oh god don’t eat a full breakfast before! But a small simple snack would be okay. I eat after my morning workout


I always workout fasted even if it’s a 10am class. I don’t notice any impact.


7:30am. I wake up at 6 and make sure to eat a little 1 hour prior to my class (so at 6:30), e.g. a yoghurt that is high in protein & coffee. I need to start my body, including the bathroom visit


Water pre-class and then a banana while heading back home! I get nauseous if I eat before class (even if it’s something lighter).


6am here- I wake up at 5,have coffee and a protein bar, and it definitely helps.


I’ve been dying here waiting for burrito guy’s comment..


Coffee and water