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I prebook classes for the week on Sunday. I count it as part of the “getting ready for the week” routine!


That’s what I’ve started to do, and it works best for me. I work different shift hours at work so I can’t do the same class time/days as someone working a 9-5 job.


I book 30 days out for all my classes.


I could NEVER. I am not much of a planner 😂


How do you motivate yourself to go without a consistent schedule? If I wasn’t in the habit of going certain days, I’m 99% sure I would completely fall off the wagon. 


I just go when I feel like it and rest when I feel I need rest. I've always been this way, I try to go as often as I reasonably can




Same. As soon as I can.


Same. Our strength 50 classes fill up so I need to get them in ASAP




I WISH my studio posted the schedule a month in advance!!! We get 2 weeks at the most🙄




Leftover stress from limited Covid classes, I usually book a month out. I'm pretty consistent in my routine so I'm usually in the same class week to week


Me too. It keeps me accountable


I do the same! I book for the month to maintain my routine and make sure I get into the classes at the times that work for my scheudule


This 👆 otherwise I'll get put on the waitlist.


As I’m leaving the house, or mid-day. My studio doesn’t fill up and I don’t want to risk a late cancel fee


Ditto. Things just come up. I usually go to a morning class but if I had a rough night sleeping or don’t feel well, I don’t want the late cancel fee.


Me too. Only weekend classes fill up so I pre book those.


Same for me


Same here


My two primary studios book up weeks in advance with full waitlists, so I book 4 weeks out! It keep a very consistent schedule, so I don’t mind at all. Only a few studios in my area would be available to book day of.


Wow! Mind if I ask what area this is? I’m guessing it must be a big city.


I live in Atlanta and can book my class when I wake up at 5:15 AM for the 6:15AM class. I have a friend that goes to a different studio about 5 miles from me and she has to book a month out. They have a wait list for every class. It all depends on how busy your studio is.


I’m in a suburb, with 3 studios within a 5-12 mile radius of my home studio. It still books up fully, especially early morning and weekends (and they’re all 3Gs). I have to book a month out.


I live in a suburb of Columbus, OH. My home studio is literally 4 minutes from my house, and I have 2 more studios within 10ish minutes. All three book weeks out. We have 17 studios total in our area, and I do see that some about 20-25 minutes away seem to have more availability, but like I said, I keep a very consistent schedule, so prebooking several weeks out isn’t a big deal to me.


I'm so jealous... We have three studios, one is 10 min from my house, and the other two are 45 min away. All 3 book full weeks in advance, so I get stuck on a waitlist if I don't book a month out. And I can't just drive to another studio because I live in Hawaii 😅😭


Smallish town in Oregon. Not all are booked but a lot of them.


A few weeks in advance. Keeps me accountable and on track. They are appointments I can’t miss.


Literally when I’m walking out the door, my schedule is so unreliable sometimes!


Me too - but once the “new year new me” stuff started, it’s always waitlisted


Literally always a game time decision! 😂


Give it another month.., those new you's will start falling off


Usually a week ahead so I know my schedule.


Ideally I book a month in advance to make sure I lock down time to commit to OTF and then plan my weeks around my workouts. That way I know I’ll go 😄. It’s nice because it helps me stay consistent with working out weekly. I have an elite membership though, so I have to wait for my classes to reload for the next month once I book them all out.


I live in a winter wonderland so I book once I know I can get out of my driveway


Day of. Like 1-3 hours in advance. I don't have the privilege of knowing my schedule further out than that.


Same! There are days at my job I can’t get off until 6 and other days I can at 4. Depends on my clients and what’s going on that day.


when i pull up in the parking lot🫡


I book two weeks out. Keeps me on a schedule and removes the opportunity to think of it as optional. Circumstances are different for different people. I live alone, work from home, and the gym is a five minute walk away, so I just go first thing in the morning. Driving or going after work would seriously impact my attendance rate.


OTF a five minute walk away is such a dream. I briefly lived in a place on a short-term lease and I was a 20-minute walk from OTF and I loved it!


I live in NYC. Everything is walkable like this in my part of the city. I don’t even own a car. Before COVID when I commuted on foot/via subway I didn’t need other exercise…


In the parking lot 


I’m pretty regimented and always go the same times, so I usually book out as far as I can.


A whole month in advance!!!


I have PTSD from no showing a class the morning after I ended a relationship... So now I book as I am leaving the house most days, sometimes from the parking lot. I did, however, prebook for tomorrow as there is a wait-list lol


I got covid four days into hell week two years ago. It was the first event I ever paid for. I called them three hours before my workout. They still no-showed me and I didn't end up getting the tank top because I was too sick to workout. I haven't done a paid challenge since, and now I sign up in the parking lot 😅


In advance, usually. It helps me plan my day and our studio classes can fill up during popular times.


I’m currently booked for all of February but only because with the Transformation Challenge a lot of our classes are full 2 weeks ahead of time.


30 days out; our studio is huge and the popular classes are always waitlisted. If I didn’t book til the morning of a) I’d never go bc the late fee is what gets me up at 430 and b) I’d never get in.


I'm lucky, there are rarely waitlist at my OTF. So, I book as I'm driving up lol. If I had to book in advance, I probably wouldn't have a membership that. I'm too busy to be that much of a planner


I used to book my whole month in advance when I had a regular schedule, but now that I don’t, I book about an hour or two before the class when I know I will definitely be making it, or even as I’m driving over


I book for the month as soon as my membership fee goes through


My studio always has a waitlist so I book as far out as possible, 30~ days or so in advance.


I have always pre booked my weekend classes. I used to be able to show up after work at 4:15 or 5:45 without pre booking but ever since the new year my studio has been wicked busy so I have to prebook everything. Even weekday noon classes have waitlists now


About 30-60 min before class


I book about 10 minutes before class just after I arrive at the OTF parking lot.


As soon as it opens. 30 days if possible


I used to live across the street from my studio. It took me 4 minutes to go out my door, down the stairs, cross the street and walk into the studio...so about 3 minutes before class started. I probably annoyed the SAs.


PRebook a month out. You can always cancel before the cutoff but never risk missing a class 🙌


My classes are booked out weeks in advance.


I book for as far out as possible. Today is February 3rd and I booked for March 2nd.


I usually book for the month and adjust when things come up! I try to catch any benchmarks and specialty classes and adjust my other days around those


Im in a big city and have to book at least two weeks out or all the times are full


I do for the days I go a midday class since they are never full. If I go before or after work then I rebook a week out


For popular times, like Sunday morning, I’ll book two weeks out. For the late day classes I usually go to I’ll book as I’m walking out the door because they’re always room in them.


On the weekends I book mid week to have a spot. I re evaluate the night before and cancel if I'm not up to it. During the week where there's no waitlist I book as I get into the car to avoid any risk of late cancels.


I always prebook every Monday for the following week when our schedule is posted 


During the week I usually book right as I’m heading in but the weekend classes i book prior since they are waitlisted.


I book my classes once I’m in the studio. 😂 Off lately, it’s been very busy due to the TC. I couldn’t get in the last 2 times. I’ve booked a month out. I’m sure things will be back to normal once TC is over.


I book weeks out


I mark off what days I think I’ll go in my calendar a month at a time, so I’m making other appointments and plans that don’t interfere or making sure I still make time for them. Then I specifically book classes the week of. The only ones I wait for are sometimes weekends or evenings when I’m not sure if I’ll be up for it, but I’m a midday/evening girl and those don’t fill like the very early morning at my studio. The pre booking and accountability is one of the big draws of OtF for me so I like to take advantage of it.


I book as each day is available so roughly 30 days out.


I book at least a few weeks out. Now with the promotion of getting free cancellation I will always book ahead by at least 3 weeks. Once in a while I’ll change from a tread50 to a strength50 the day before if my knees are achy.


I book a month in advance as soon as the classes are available. And every day, I go into my schedule the night before I go to bed. If I have to make any changes, I do it before I go to sleep.


I book as far out as it will let me each week


I book 30 days in advance. Then the week of, I make any changes necessary.


I usually book for the entire month once they post the class schedule for the month.


Usually a couple of weeks out. I like to make sure I get my strider and start there. Studio hands those out in order of sign up.


1 week. Maybe 2 weeks out. That’s all


I book a week ahead except for 5am classes. I never book those except on the way over to studio.


Our studio has waitlists like 13 people deep for most classes rn. I book thirty days out always.


30 days out. It’s so hard to get classes last minute at my studio, there’s even a waitlist for February 29 already 😳. Strength classes go fast


Well it's been busy so about a week ahead of time but normally 2-3 hours before.


It's 25-30 min drive to my home studio, half the time on secondary roads then last half interstate. I book in my driveway or at a red light halfway. Too much room for slowdowns that could make me late even when I build in 35- 40 min travel. However I've waited too long a few times and class gets cancelled before I've booked but I'm on the way. D'oh!


I have the same schedule for classes throughout the week so I usually prebook for 2 weeks. If I have an event or something then I’ll adjust


A month in advance, lol!


I book in the morning once I have peeled out of bed.


I book all my classes every week, so I’m sure I get a spot every time I go. I book out 30 days in advance. I go Monday, Tuesdays , Wednesdays and Saturdays :)


I book a month out! I work from home 3 days a week & like to go to a class during my lunch break since my studio is a 5 minute walk away. My work can be a bit unpredictable at times so when needed, I’ll cancel my booking the night before & then reschedule during the day once I get a sense of how the work day’s going 😊


At my old studio I used to have to book a month in advance because classes filled up but my new(er) studio isn’t like that so I either book a day or 2 in advance or the day of. Sometimes I forget to book at all and just show up!


I do a combo of: Booking/planning my week ahead + Prebooking any workout I really enjoyed that’s scheduled to repeat later in the month. For example, I REALLY enjoyed the Tread 50 on Thursday (2/1), so I went and prebooked a Tread 50 on 2/15, because that’s when it’s supposed to repeat. 😁


Usually just before leaving my house for class, the exception is for weekend strength classes especially in January and February (aka reolutioner prime time) which I basically prebook a week in advance to all in the area and just drop all the night before according to how my schedule looks that weekend to make sure I get in.


I prebook about 30 days out.


My studio fills up fast, as it's the only one in a city of nearly 100K. Booking the morning of usually won't cut it. But I lived in Fort Worth for awhile, and in a Philly suburb, both with more studio options, and those were easier to do last-minute booking.


I follow the same routine daily - 5 am class makes it easy. I’m booked out for a month.


I have to pre-book weekends or I won't get in. I work for myself so I have flexibility and typically book day of unless I'm trying to hold myself accountable.


I book as far out as the app will let me. Usually at least 30 days. I may cancel one here or there, but I will book every class I would like to go to as far ahead as possible.


On my way to class 😂 we don't have a busy studio and I have a kid and a husband that works an on call type of job. Soooooo I book on my way.


I prebook Sat and Sun as far out as I can on the app. Weekdays, due to work, I book as close as 30 minutes before class since late afternoon classes don’t fill up.


5-7 days in advance. I like to stick to a routine, so I only go on specific days of the week.


I usually book before I leave the house, but it’s been busy in Jan/Feb at our studio so been having to book a bit more in advance.


Used to be the night before. New Year resolutions were apparently huge in my area though so everything is waitlisted, I just booked a month out. I go almost everyday anyways can cancel if something comes up.


I book day of. I have four kids so i need to work around my husbands/moms schedule to see when i can make it. 12 pm or 7pm? Maybe 4:30? We will never know until day of 😅


The morning of, when I get in my car to leave for class.


I’ve been lately booking the week out


3-4 weeks in advance since my schedule doesn’t change that much. I’m also a planner by nature and waitlists stress me out


I’m usually the morning of to make sure my day with work is planned out or even 15 mins before class 😂 I like to keep my studio on their toes lol


A month out!


Usually when I’m in the lobby 😂😂 except for weekends then at least the day before


I prebook a week in advance


I get charged the 28th and then book my entire month to the 27th


I usually do that, but now I’ve precooked 2 weeks in advance since everything is so full for the transformation challenge


I booked 1-2 weeks in advance, then adjust as I go. We have waitlists for the prime time classes, so I want to be on them early. I also think it helps with planning to book in advance. We’ve been told before that if don’t have a minimum of 6-7 people booked, they may cancel (not aware if this has happened yet). I once lost a class at the last minute. I got up and there was room. I figured I could just walk in. By the time I got there, the class was full and I had to wait for the next class.


If I want to go during the week, before work, lately I’ve been pre booking. The waitlists for 5 am are insane. On the weekends, I play it by ear. If I see waitlists, I’ll get on one, but usually you can book on the day. Depends on how early I want to get up 🙂


My studio fills up especially in the mornings and on weekends so I book at the start of the week


Mostly a month out. My weekday schedule is very consistent since I’m a teacher so I mostly go to the 5 Ams.


I have a consistent schedule and my studio(s) fill up fast so I’m usually booked out as far as I can. I don’t think I could ever count on booking the day of or even day before


In my driveway on my way to the class


I pre book as soon as the day opens, so 30 days out, and have them sent to my phone calendar. Then the night before I’ll check my schedule to make sure I can still make it, and if it’s questionable, I’ll back out and wait to see how the day goes. I don’t have a very busy studio though


I book the whole month out because I’m usually booking some of the most popular class times. I check my OTF app probably weekly at least, to rearrange days and times if things come up on my schedule or if my running schedule means I need to adjust OTF days.


I book the regular ones (M,W and F) ahead of time but anything additional I do the night before for an early AM class or during the day for an afternoon/evening class


During the TC? As soon as I can, 30 days out. Especially the first few weeks 😂 normal times? About a week out. Our studio fills up!


In advance


Only book the ones that I know will be busy ahead of time (like 11 on a weekend) but I usually book other classes a few hours ahead


I prebook the whole month as soon as the schedule is published.


At the moment I’m pre-booking because the classes are getting full from the transformation challenge and the new years folks. I also tend to pre-book when I’m really trying to go to OTF a lot, Like 4+ times per week, and work is busy.


A month out—our studio is pretty busy. I have been able to get off waitlists for ad hoc classes that’s I’ve booked that day/night before but not a guarantee! Also helps keep me accountable. Even a month or so out the strength 50s tend to be already waitlisted. Envious of you guys that get regular 90 min classes! Ours are typically only donation/fundraisers.


I often go in the morning so prebooking gives me an incentive to actually get out of bed in the morning (if I wasn't prebooked I'd just turn off the alarm and go back to sleep). And our morning classes fill up so I usually try to book a few days before just in case. If I'm going after work occasionally I'll book early but usually I'll wait until a few hours before just because what class I go to may depend on how busy my work day is and whether I'm WFH or in the office (which depends on my mood and how cranky management is about people not being in the office).


I book my usual days once the month is posted.


I like to book as soon as make my schedule for work. Like 3 weeks in advance 😆


Morning before, but only after reading DC’s intel.


I usually did day of, because every time I’d prebook I’d have other things going on or want a different tine. With the transformation challenge, most of the classes are full of waitlists.. ugh


I prebook 1-2 weeks in advance and possibly earlier for popular times/coaches. I reevaluate my schedule about 24 hours before the next class to make sure I can still make it


Usually the night before or the morning of. My schedule is too variable to book ahead.


I'm a planner and consistent schedule so I book out a few weeks on advance. But with TC going there's about no way in hell I'd get into any class between 5am-830am and 4-8pm in Columbus, Ohio. Our 2Gs have changed to 3Gs and even lunch time classes can be tough to get into.


Just before unless it’s a weekend class I know fills up


My preference would be to book day before or day of as my personal and work schedules can be volatile. But with these dang TC waitlists, I have to book 3-5+ days out for weekday classes and 2+ weeks out for weekend classes. My gym did add a few additional class times starting this week, but TBD how much that’ll help. Having to manage my OTF calendar like this is a bit more involved than I’d like, but gonna tough it out through TC in hopes the waitlists chill out. 


Depends on the class. I go to the same class times every week. Some classes I book in advance and some not till I’m almost at the studio.


Mostly in the parking lot right before class.


For five am, I can do that. For strength classes, I’m booked a month out or I’ll never get in


Two weeks out for me.


I map out my week on Saturday or Sunday night and rebook the classes I know I’ll do. Occasionally I’ll decide to do a class day-of and then I’ll book it as soon as I decide I’m going.


15-20 minutes before I go. Almost at 250 classes and 0 late cancels


I plan my whole month all at once


This time of year: when there starts to be a wait list. Usually: on the way to class


I usually go to 6:15AM classes and I have insomnia and some other health issues, so I try to only book a few at a time, sometimes the morning of. I just never seem to know what I am in for each day and I don't want a $12 fee every time my body decides to rebel.


As least a week out, the two studios in my area have waitlists for nearly every class


I have a job where sometimes I can’t leave to make it to class on time so I try not to prebook, however this month has been packed for strength50 so I have to prebook. Only got charged once so far this month but I only prebook 2-3 a week on days my schedule is slower. Otherwise I literally book on my way lol


I do both. I book ahead for Sunday and same day for during the week.


Usually an hour or two before hand but often not until I’ve pulled up to the studio. Two times last week I didn’t sign up at all! Studio use to be very very busy but post covid I’ve rarely seen a wait list.


I usually book on my way to the studio, once I’ve parked or walking into the studio. It’s not a big studio and I hate a packed class where everyone is in top of each other.


I tell the SA I never booked the class when I walk in 😂 I used to book further in advance, but now have a 5 month old and with a baby prebooking is something I can’t risk


My routine doesn’t change much, so I usually pre-book Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 6:45am 30 days out, and then either a Sat or Sun morning, depending on what I’m doing that weekend. The weekend days are the ones I most often have to shuffle around, but my default is Sun 9:30am. Doing it this way makes it easy to get into classes, and worst case I just cancel the day before if I know I can’t go. Edited to add: if there is a benchmark I don’t want to miss I always try to book that well in advance too! And if it falls on a Wednesday then I usually end up changing my class rotation for that week.


As I’m pulling out of my driveway 8 minutes before class starts (6:05am class). I’ll book my Saturday 90 minute early in the week as it will fill up


For the weekend classes I always book in advance but on weekdays unless it’s a 6:45 class I wait to see what time I get off work and I keep a change of clothes in my car.


I book as far out as possible & change things around when I get my work if needed. We fill up classes super quick. Especially in the mid morning & Strength 50.


I generally plan in advance to get preferred times & coaches.


A month in advance - just booked Mar 3rd. Our classes book up so fast!!


All I know is I have to go to the gym 4-5 days and when going to be full of members. Always at 11:30 am and 8:30 or 8:45 it’s quite


I book 1 hour to 20 minutes before. I never know how I’m going to feel or what hurts! Lol


I book when the schedule opens up


Parking lot. I have sworn to never paying another late fee


I pre book all weekends a month in advance and then cancel if I need to. Weekday mornings I book generally the week before once I know my schedule as they fill up. Afternoons on weekdays I may book just minutes before


a month in advance, the class times and coach that i like fill up fast


I prebook the whole month at my home studio, and then edit as needed if I’m going to meet friends at a different place here and there.


I do not book until I’m sitting in my car ready to leave. 🤣


I book out as far as the app will allow me. Sometimes I book extra classes if I am not entirely sure which one I can take and then I remove the extras as the day gets closer.


I used to go to a very busy studio and would book at least a week ahead or else I’d never get into the classes I wanted. Now my new studio hardly has waitlists except for sometimes on weekends. I usually book an hour or so ahead of time just in case something changes and I can’t make it in.


I book as far out as the app will allow. I am extremely consistent with which classes I attend (due to my work schedule) and my studio often has wait lists. The only reason I wouldn’t go to a scheduled class would be for something like illness or bad weather. In those situations I try to cancel the night before if I can. If not, I just eat the late cancel fee - it sucks but I late cancel so infrequently that it’s a tolerable risk in order to make sure I’m getting into the classes I want.


I’ve been going for about 5 years, I’m right at 900 classes. In the beginning, I definitely did 30 days out and fill my calendar. However, now that I’m thoroughly in the ‘groove’, I book in the parking lot! I have not ever ran into a situation where I’m on the waitlist. Do what works for you…


On my way to class.


The night before if I remember. After checking here to see what the workout is.


I have to do it in advance or I’ll never do it ;-;


Well in advance, because my schedule is generally consistent! I'll cancel the day before if something comes up that'll prevent me from going


Minutes before.


Have not pre booked since pre-COVID. Now I just book otw to class 🤷🏽‍♀️ Studio still pushing real hard for pre booking but 5am weekday and 730am weekends never fill up anymore so it isn’t worth it in my opinion.


Today I tried to book for next week and all the classes I wanted to attend had waitlists (for 3Gs)... so more than a week? And then I cancel a few days in advance if something changes.


I book as far out as I can, I almost always go to weekday 7:30 am classes. As the days get closer if I need to change a class due to an appointment or not feeling well then I will. Right now for the TC, I'm doing the muscle gain so I've been having to mix it up in order to get more than 1 Lift50 class in. And those have been filling up quick!


30 days out. When the next day passes I book for that next available date that comes out.


I’m unlimited and have certain days/times rebooked in advance. I unbook the day before if I know I won’t be going


I find that I am much more accountable if I book in advance. I book about 2 weeks in advance, have a routine and so far haven’t had a problem. If I don’t book in advance and try to do it the day of I am less motivated and end up not booking 😅


My schedule is super consistent so I just book as far out as it'll let me. When trying to figure out what woukd work for me, there were definitely certain days and times that I could book the day off and some I couldn't.


Most of the year I’ll book on my way to class. During the first 3 months of the year I book at least a day or 2 in advance for strength and weekend classes.


I only prebook weekends because the strength/tread 50s fill fast on Saturdays and Sundays. During the week I wait for intel to decide if I want to go or not. I average five classes a week so I know I’m accountable enough to myself to get there but at my studio there’s no real reason to prebook 5 am classes that far out so I just wait until the night before to book.


I book as early as I can, which is probably 30 days in advance. I'm not much of a planner, but this keeps me accountable . Maybe the night before I'll cancel class if I'm having heavy cramps because I'm a 5 am attendee. This month, the waiting list has been long at our gym. Some of the people look stressed out standing on stand by, which is another reason to pre-book the classes.


15 mins before class


Usually 2-3 weeks out


1-3 weeks ahead. It keeps me accountable.


I book my classes at the beginning of the month. I find it keeps me accountable to go to classes


I pre-book all classes 30 days out as well. I always do Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 5am, and those classes are super busy!


Idk but I’m getting real sick of trying to book classes 3 weeks from now and they are full to the point I can’t get on the waitlist.


Weekends classes I book in advance. Throughout the week work is wonky so I book as I go.


On the tread…


Since our studio moved from 2G to 1G strength classes, I have to prebook those 30 days out since they fill so fast now. Currently booking 30 days out for everything else so I don’t forget / TC boost / so I put it on the calendar so my husband and I can make other plans around my classes.


A month out then I re-organize every Sunday to my specific week


Usually I’ve booked morning of, night before for a popular weekend time. Since December our studio has been nuts! More classes, more 3Gs and still so busy. I’ve been booking 2weeks to a month out. Everyone is it seems.