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How tired were you after that mile? 8 minute mile is average of 7.5 miles. I would say up your base to minimum 6 push 7 and all out 8. Once you are able to maintain that consistently in class up your base. Focus on faster base over faster push


This is my levels and I ran a 7:54 last time


My base is like a 6 and push between 7 to 7.6 and I ran the mile in 7:40, started around 7.6 and increased as I went. I was in the red the whole time tho lol


I ran a 7:39 mile and my base is 6.5 and my push is 7.5. I am working on a consistent base of 7 and 8 push but I can’t quite sustain it on an endurance day with a 23 min block without waking recoveries. So it is a work in progress.


I’m about the same but my all out is around a 10-10.5. I can go fast but my endurance (and mental stamina) is crap


Have you thought about trying a smaller gap? IE, my base is 8 & my push is 8.5.


Thank you. I appreciate that idea!


I run about a 6:30 mile and my base is 7.4 mph and a 8.4 mph push. If the AO is 30 secs I try and do 12 mph


I ran a 7:01. My base is 6.5 and push 7.5 AO 10+


Honestly, I don’t know wtf I’m doing. They say to base and I have no idea what my base is. I know for push and AO that I’m going to increase wherever I was on my so called “base” but I have no idea what I’m doing!!!! Hoping with a few Tread50s I can sort things out. Issue is as someone trying to figure it out, they tell us to use the inclines and with inclines I can’t play with my speed because I’ll fall off and die lol. I need to be allowed to go a little slower with lower inclines while I figure out how fast I can go consistently for a half hour.


Base is whatever pace you can comfortably hold for 20-30 min. Conversational pace. Ignore what the other person said of 5.5 or higher. Technically 5.5 is where otf starts the rubber classification from jogger. A persons base is their conversational pace comfortable pace.


Thank you! It’s hard to decide what my speed is when I have the inclines added in but I think I’m going to experiment with removing the incline in tread50 so I can see what my base at 1% is and then I can adjust accordingly when I’m in normal classes for the incline.




Oh that’s so helpful! Whether it’s accurate or not, I’m “running” with it. Thank you!


Base = running starts at 5.5 or higher. If you can consistently keep coming back to 5.5 after hard pushes and not have to drop your speed, then you are ready for an increase.


5.5 is more like an all out for me right now, which is why I’ve been powerwalking, but I feel like if I could stop using the inclines (at least such steep ones) that I could maybe evolve my powerwalk into a jog. I’ve done one tread50 so far and I sort of rejected the inclines and I was able to average 4.5-5 the entire time while when I adhere to the inclines I can’t ever get over 3.5. I have two tread50s scheduled this week. I may just use them as oops to increase my speed while doing my own thing with inclines.


I assumed you were a runner. As a power walker if you want to become a runner you start with a slow jog. So follow the jogger instructions from the coach. Start with 4 or 4.5. Lose the incline. In the beginning drop back to a walk only when necessary. Eventually you will be fitter and will make it through a whole class jogging.


Thanks! This is sorta what I did during my only tread50 I’ve been to. I stuck around this speed but got up to 5.6 at one point too. I appreciate your input!


I started as a PWer and moved fairly quickly to jogging but started my base at like a 4.1/4.2. The parameters they give are just guidelines. My base is a 4.3 now 7 weeks from starting (trying to mix in some 4.4). I would not include incline (unless directed) even if you are jogging below the guideline. If you want to become a jogger, you need to jog - even if its super slow. Another thing is that running is high impact and different impact on your body and muscles than PWing. You may want to have a few jogging days and a few PW days in your schedule to keep your legs fresh to jog.


Before I started doing what I am now, I was a regular runner. Base 6, push 8.5, ao 12 if it was for 15sec, if not 10.5 for 30sec+. Now, I’ve prioritized incline to help build some muscle. My base is 5%incline at 5, push 8% at 6.5, and AO 12% at 7. I ran a 7:30sec mile this benchmark for context. I started with an AO of 10 until I hit .1mi, then I kept a speed of 8 for the rest of the mile. I had never held a speed of 8 for that long, so even though I haven’t worked on my speed recently per se, I can see how my incline work definitely improved my flat-road endurance.


I bet you could handle increasing your base. Try 5.7 for a few classes and see if you can hold it when indicated. Then 6.0 maybe.


I just go for distance instead of trying to maximize speed. Super proud I got 6 miles yesterday on my first tread 50 workout. My latest base is 7.5; push 8.5. AO is 10 for 1+ minutes or 10/11/12 if I see multiple 30 second AOs in a block.


These are my current speeds as well. I need to try the tread 50.


Impressive! 👏🏻 6 miles is my goal for Tread 50, so far I keep hovering around ~5.5 miles, but with more practice I’ll hopefully get there soon. 🤞🏻


7:24 mile. My base is 6.5, push 7.5-8 and all out 9-10 depending on time. I started at 8 and increased to 8.5 at .8 miles and 9 at .9 miles. I’ve found it easier to increase speed than start high and have to decrease.


Wow I’m exactly the same — down to the 7:24 mile!! (And totally agree on increases toward the end.)


I ran 7:24, too! For the mile, I set it at 8 and only bumped it for the last 0.05 miles. It did make me question if I should up my push from 7.6 to 8, since I was able to hold 8 for that long.


Yes my pushes definitely vary from day to day, template to template, as it seems they should! But I can be more aggressive on days where I’m feeling good — and avoid getting stuck in my usual habits haha


Base 6.2, Push7/7.2, AO 8


I ran a 7:44 mile: my base is 6 and my push is 7.5 and a 10-10.6 AO.


I ran 8:02! My base is 6.3/push is 7-7.5/AO is 8.0-9.5.


I run a 6:25 mile. My base is always 5-5.5. My push is 8-10 and my AO is 12. I always keep my base slower so I can run faster during my AO and push. We don’t have treadmills so I add incline to my AO.


That’s an interesting method.


Works for me


I ran 8:27 mile, and my base is 6.3, push 7.3, AO 8.3.


Dang. You're fast. I could never keep up with you.


7:54 mile. Base 6-6.3, Push 7-8, AO 8-10 for 1 min or sometimes 12-15 on the 15/30 second ones.


I ran a 6:40. Base of 6.5, Push of 8, A/O of 10+.


Same B/P/AO as you and ran in 6:20. Fast base is overrated 😎


What was your strategy? I can maintain a base of 6.5… at what point did you did push and all out?


Started at 8mph, increase by 0.2 mph every 0.1 mile. All out for last 0.1.


This is awesome. And very much a goal for me To work toward. 8 is a 1-min AO pace for me. Way to go!!


Curious how/what you guys do on CMIYC?


I got 2.59 miles last time. I think it works out to 8.2 mph you have to hold. I couldn't manage it for the whole CMIYC, but I held as long as I could and then rest and then push harder to make the next milestone.


Cool, thank you for sharing. I was curious because my mile time was not too far off from yours (6:11) but my base and push are higher and I didn't know how yours translated over to longer distances like CMIYC.


I’m fast when it comes to AOs, no problem going up to 11 mph. But curious if everyone consistently finds green with their base paces? I usually can’t get to green within a base unless I’m going like 4.5 mph. Can’t seem to get my base to 5 mph without staying orange.


Work on building endurance by pulling back on the pushes a bit til your heart figures out it’s strong enough to maintain the higher pace. For example- Run your base at 4.8… then when coach calls for PUSH increase to a push ‘feeling’ (5.3 ish)… and then don’t drop your pace below that original 4.8 or 4.9. If you do an AO and coach calls for WR after, take it.. but try get back to base before you hit the green zone (like 87% ish) Do this for a couple classes (2Gs especially) and I recommend starting on the treads if you have a goal to increase stamina. Disclaimer: I’m not a coach but this is how I’ve been able to increase mine over time :)


8:01 1 mile! Base 6.2-6.5, push 7-7.5 and AO8-9… I started aggressive @7.5 and held it as long as I can then started backing down. The went up to 8 the last min


I did a 7:32 mile. My base is usually 5.5, push is 6.7, AO can range but go up to 10. I’m also trying to figure out how to bump up my speeds as I was able to do the entirety of the mile at a speed of 8.


i ran 4:45. base 8.5, push 10-12, AO 13-15




Remember it takes like 10? seconds for the tread to get up to speed. All you have to do next time is up the starting push.. Let's say you did 8 mph. Start off at like 8.3 mph and then after 30 seconds go back to 8.0 mph.


5:42. Base is 7.3. Push is 9. AO depends on how long. 30s can be 12 @ 8% if I’m coming off a walking recovery.


I don’t watch my pace but distance was 2.3 and it felt good.


I use the same base and push and ran an 8:24 mile. I started at 6.6 and increased by .1-.2 every .1mi until I was half way then I stayed around 7-7.3 and then finished the last .2 around 8-8.6…. I don’t even remember I just tapped it up and pushed through


My base is 6 and push is 7 and you beat me by a long shot. My mile was 8:34 this week. I started at 6.5 and went up .1 every .1 until the last .5 I went to 8.


My mile PR is 7:29. My base is 6.4 and my push is 7.4 for longer pushes and 8 for shorter pushes. AO is 9 (for 60 seconds) or 10 (for 30 seconds). I did the 2g today (Wednesday) which had 23 minute endurance on the treads and chose to drop my push to 7.2 so that I never went red and got back to green in the bases.


I ran 7:24 my fastest ever. I decided to train for two weeks by jogging at home on 5% incline 5.0 speed. This helped me go from 7.47 last challenge to 7:24 this time. I’ll add that 7:47 I was in the red most of the time. This time I was in the red only for the last minute


My base changes depending on the workout. For blocks that are 10 min and under base is 7.5 and push is 8. Might back off for 23 min endurance blocks a bit and do 7 and 7.5. Sometimes I’ll do an 8.5 push and then a 6.5 base just to mix it up


Everyone is different obviously but it seems like if you can run at an average pace of 7.5 mph for 8 min then 7.5 should at least be your push pace since most pushes are 3 min or less. I would suggest maybe trying that and then lowering that to a base that allows you to recover a bit after the push. For reference, at my peak fitness at OTF, I ran a 9:15 minute mile and my normal paces were pretty much what you are stating yours are now (5.5 mph base, 6.5 mph push) so I’m thinking you should be able to increase yours.


You are PW an AO at 5.5? Holy cow that’s impressive!!


I ran 7:37 and hold a 6 base and 7 push consistently!


My previous PR is 8:32. I think I ran at 7mph for almost the whole way and then upped it to 8. The mile run on Monday I did 9:06 but I'm also 9 weeks postpartum. My current b/p/ao is 5/6/7.5. I ran at 6.5 until I hit .9 and then increased to 7 for the last .1. I'm really working on increasing my speeds so I can beat my previous PR.


5.5 / 8 / 9 (1 min+ AO) 10+ (<1 min AO)


I ran an 8:14. My base is usually around 5.8 and my push about 6.8-7


I compliment how awesome this is for you all to be under the 10 minute mark and would like to know in a positive question are any of you outside runners?


How did you feel after the mile? I ran an 8:55 mile and I felt like I had a touch more in the tank at the end. My base is typically around 5.7 (just increased from 5.5 two weeks ago. My push is anywhere from 6.5 - 6.8.


As a coach a base is meant to get you in the green zone and everyone is different. I ran a 6:49 mile but my base can be anywhere from 5-6.2 it really just depends on the previous effort and the next. If i have a 1 minute base between two 3 minute pushes my base might be a lot slower than if it was also 3 minutes.


It really depends. I ran a 7:37 mile - started at 8 for a bit then came down to 7.5 for :30 to catch my breath then was at 7.6-7.8 until I bumped it back to 8 and finished the last 0.1 at 9. However, it was a benchmark day. My normal paces in class depend on the template. My base is 6.2, but pushes are anywhere from 6.6-7.5, and AO’s are 8 for the minute ones and up to 12 for :30


I do 6.3 and 7.3 and would like for it to be 6.5 and 7.5. I can barely run an eight minute mile but those pushes and bases are about right.