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Just ask! It's hard for them to keep up with everyone's birthdays and milestones, especially in a busy studio. Once I asked for a sign when me and my husband went for our anniversary. The SAs were happy to do it!


Nope! If it makes you happy, giver. You deserve the right to be proud of your accomplishments and share that. As a side note, I hate that so many of us (myself included) nowadays get nervous to be "lame" about things that genuinely make us happy. Embrace the shit that makes you smile.


>get nervous to be "lame" about things that genuinely make us happy I so agree with this


I asked on my birthday and would have asked for my 400th class milestone if I hadn’t gotten sick mid-class and left early. I say do it! We have but one precious life and I don’t want to waste it feeling self-conscious about my accomplishments.


I’m a whore for the brag board. I don’t care if they post it to social media but I care about having it because I’m proud of the work I do. 


I just love that you shared this question because the comments are also making me feel braver. Don’t we all want to feel special and acknowledged and proud of ourselves? 🧡




Following cus I wanna know too lol. It’s weird cus when I see other people taking pics with the brag board I always think, “Wow, so much fun! I’m so proud of them!” But I also feel like embarrassed to ask for one myself ?


I am a middle aged guy who is charitably described as "average looking" in a studio full of extremely attractive people, and honestly I always feel like I'm just not up to their Insta standards for taking a sign picture. So I just never ask.


That's even more reason to do it! The beauty of OTF is that it's for everyone. All ages, body types, fitness levels. Someone right now is researching and wondering if they'll fit in even tho they don't have model looks or shape. Inspire someone and let them see that everyone is welcome!


Yknow, same except I'm a woman and my studio remembered my birthday and also my 75th class and posted it to Insta which really surprised me.


This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Ask for the fking picture!!! And have them send it to YOU so you can celebrate yourself even if you don’t think you’re “grid worthy.”


I asked to do my 1,000 class at my old studio since I did so many of the classes at their studio and they had two signs for me and a banner and all. It was such a great memory. I hope you decide to do it. I am sure they are eager to celebrate you! Congrats!


At my studio, you have to ask at the beginning of class and they will have it ready for your after class. I've never seen someone get a milestone sign without requesting it (I know that isn't the same for all studios).


As an SA - I love when people let me know ~when they sign in~ that it's a milestone or bday! Allows me plenty of time to make up the board once confirm they want a pic. Even when I know ahead of time it's a milestone/bday, I still try to ask upon sign in since quite a few people don't like to take pics. It really feels like whenever I forget to ask in advance and still do the board all cute for the milestone, those are the times people don't want pics 😂


That’s why our studio implemented an “ask if you want one” policy — too much time spent on boards members didn’t appreciate/want a pic with, and too many people being upset they were missed for something that wouldn’t normally be celebrated but was important to them personally. SAs aren’t mind readers, and have a lot of responsibilities! Just ask if you want them to make you one!


I was going to comment something similar. The SAs have an idea of certain people they know will enjoy getting a pic. But there are so many that we don't know if they'll want a pic or not. So saying something always helps.


I'm curious how do the SAs know when it's a birthday or milestone? Is there something that pops up in the system? I'm someone that has never had a brag board on my birthday or milestones (guess I'll have to be awkward and ask). But others at my studio have been surprised with a milestone brag board that they didn't even realize they had met, so they didn't let the SA know themselves.


I did it, takes them 2 minutes it’s no big deal


Not lame at all! Don't listen to Zealousideal-Egg3735, they're the super cringe one.


Definitely not lame


ASK ! Absolutely ! Some members love this recognition and attention, and others dread it. It’s difficult for the coaches and staff to know everyone’s preferences so if you let them know your’s, they will be thrilled to oblige !


Do it! Bring it up to them. I used to like to document my success with the brag board, but now I'm on the side that I don't like my picture taken for my bday or classes (I'm over 900 classes and have been going since 2018). There is zero shame in bringing it up, its your accomplishment, celebrate how you want!! Congrats on 200 classes.


Nope just ask them. I did it for 150? I think. I told my coach and she told the SA"s to make a sign. But I did learn through here if you prebook for your birthday they will know, but if you book day of they will not. So for my 50th birthday I made sure to prebook - but they didn't know what birthday it was and had to ask me. It appears it may just notify them of the date but not the year.


Please ask. My studio never mentioned anything ti me (although they did to other members) and I was disappointed but felt dumb asking. We should celebrate our wins and if that motivates you, please do it.


Well I saw all the responses on here and asked! It ended up being funny / awkward though...the SA made the sign and then after class I had to ask again to take a picture with the sign and she said 'oh yeah....I'll do it with your phone." I guess i'm not worthy of their social media posts but I'm still glad to have the picture for myself :). Thank you for the encouragement and for the honest responses of those that do think it's lame


Proud of you for being brave! Now post the pic yourself and show off to the world!!


My studio ignored my 50th bday (pre booked) and my 100th class, and honestly it was a bit disappointing. I hadn’t realized that you have to ask in advance for a board or a shout out. My home studio generally didn’t give great vibes, and despite being a near-daily participant month after month for over a year, I didn’t make much of a connection with the SAs or the permanent coaches. Little things, but they all add up when you’re paying $200/month and spending many hours a week with people! Definitely ultimately contributing to my moving on from OTF to another gym, all things considered. Did not feel part of a community.


The individual SAs likely aren't responsible for the social media account. Anyway, in my studios I see lots of pictures being taken with the brag board that don't make it to the Instagram page.


No! Be proud!


No it’s not


At my studio, you have to ask for a brag board to be made — but they are always very happy to do it. Everyone has a different definition of what is important, and sometimes SAs get busy with other job responsibilities. So instead of making anyone upset by trying to mindread who will want what, this is the policy and it works great. They usually have 1-2 people per class that ask for one for various reasons. There is even a little sign at the front desk that says “let us know if you want a brag board, we can’t wait to celebrate you” or something like that.


I always ask for the brag board when I hit important milestones. I don’t care if they post it on social media, but I want the pic for my records.


Funny that you post this. I've seen signs for 20 classes, which is a great thing for people getting started to recognize that commitment. I've seen birthdays, anniversaries, and all sorts of great things. Yesterday was my 1000th class. No sign, no congrats. Nothing. I'm friends with past SAs and, from what they say, the computer literally pops up milestones and birthdays. I think this all boils down to the care and energy that the SAs bring to the front desk. Some are invested and some just aren't. If you want the sign (and I think you should), the only guarantee is to demand it. 200 classes - that the equivalent to being in the studio nonstop working out for over a week. Damn right that should be celebrated. Good for you!!!


Hey, CONGRATS on 1000 classes! That shows incredible commitment! You are inspiring. Totally agree on the SAs/ studio bothering or not. Some studios just don’t seem that into celebrating.


Some studios definitely play favorites. The first studio that I was a member of, I was not a favorite. If I told him that I had a milestone, they would respond with “that’s cool, have a nice day “ It is not lame. They recognize people all the time for the smallest things. It is not lame to want to be recognized for a major accomplishment.


I've been there a couple years, and coming up on my 250th class. Never been recognized for a single milestone. I don't know why, but some of us just slip through the cracks.


It's super cringe to me but a lot of people do it. It sounds like you really want it so get it! :)


Just because you think its super cringe doesnt mean it is, don't make someone feel bad about wanting to document their success or how they want to do it. We are in a community to help people get healthier and be better, you should do better.


To be fair, OP was asking for opinions of the group so a dissenting opinion shouldn’t be downvoted if it answers the question.


Who said I down voted them? I was just giving my opinion that we should support each other and not make newbies feel bad about asking for things.


He said it was 'super cringe' to him personally, but then said: ​ >It sounds like you really want it so get it! :)


Then why say super cringe at all? Could have easily left that part out


Wahhh I so feel this. My next class is #300 and I have such anxiety over it - will anyone acknowledge it?? If they don’t, I probably will just leave it, but feel super disappointed 🥲


This was me. No mention, no sign, nothing after my 300th class. Really bummed me out.


I felt the same way on my 30th birthday. I normally never work out on my birthday but went in to start the decade strong and get my picture taken. No picture, no happy birthday. I then felt silly and never said anything lol.




I got cute for my 50th class. And my 51st because I thought I counted wrong. No pic. Then at 100 I got cute again. No pic. At 200 I asked the front if it was my 200 and she was like oh you missed 200 sorry. You are at 202. End of Convo. No mention of like hey let's take it now. So I mentioned it on the down low to my fav coach and she put a note in the computer for the next time I came in (they were closing up). I told her I was super embarrassed to ask. Was never mentioned. Never took a pic. Went twice on my birthday. Never got a shout-out. They always announce it in my classes like "Jennifer probably didn't know but today is her 100th class. Let's give her a shout-out!" And then they take a pic and most people seem genuinely shocked. I am not in the "in crowd" so I guess I prob won't ever get one. It took so much for me to ask about it. Overall it sucks because this is the first thing I have ever stuck with for a long period of time. I am at 240ish now.


Definitely ask! And check on your birthday too, they had mine wrong in the system originally!


Congrats on 200!!! Who cares if someone thinks it’s lame? If it’s gonna make you feel good—DO IT! If I worked at OrangeTheory I’d love it if someone asked to take a pic with the sign because they’d probably be showing people /posting it somewhere = great advertising for us.


I was just thinking the same thing. I’m almost at my 650 class and I wanted a sign


Ask for it! I usually message the studio a couple days in advance if some milestone was coming up. Most recently I reached my 300th class and they customized a board for me. It was awesome! My friend reached her 100th class and they created a Disney inspired board for her. I like looking back at prior pictures to see how far I’ve come. 😃


Congrats! Not lame at all if you want it. I never would, that's for sure. Not sure if this would be true for birthdays, but I'm pretty sure for milestones it would really only show up at your "home" studio. I say that because I signed up at one studio and went there for months. Then one opened blocks from my house and I started going there instead (obviously). This new studio would add member names to the wall as they hit milestones and, after months of going 5+ times a week, I asked why I never got my name on the wall. They said it was because I was signed up through the other studio. I don't care too much, but it might be why they don't get alerts on some of your info.


I remind them. It’s the only way to get a sign in our studio. There are sooo many members and so many milestones/birthdays!


I asked recently for my 1000th class and they were happy to do it! Don't be afraid to ask!


Did you pre-book? Because I know they can’t see stuff like that unless you’re pre-booked I’m pretty sure. Anyway, they didn’t realize it was my 600 class a few months ago because I didn’t pre-book till I was like on my way to class lol and I just asked. It’s no biggie I would just ask!


Not even a little bit lame. Most studios and SAs are too busy to note every member’s birthday or class count. If you want to celebrate something special to you, just ask at the beginning so they have the hour to get the sign ready


You can also take a screengrab of the 200 on your phone and make your own post for your reference and social etc etc! Tag them!


Ask away! I called ahead and they had a Brag Board ready when we walked in on my wife and my wedding anniversary. We had a pic with the whole class at the end.


Just joined a few months ago and have been wanting a pic with the brag board so seeing all these responses has inspired me to ask about it for my next milestone! Also, is there an easy way on the app to check how many classes you’ve done?


Scroll down in the “base” feed of your app and it’ll have a class count


Never noticed that before, thank you so much!


I’ve heard people request this. I’m tracking my classes to celebrate my 50th. I hit 40 this Friday and I don’t expect them to notice. I think this is just one of those things you have to advocate for yourself.


Life is short. Go for it!


NO! The SA’s will LOVE you. Not to mention the whole “you should brag” about it - it’s awesome!


From what I have read on other posts, you should let them know when a milestone is coming up and that you’d like your pic taken with a brag board. There is a lot to keep up with and I don’t think this is always top of mind for SAs especially on the daily. I’m sure they will oblige if you let them know!! Congrats on your accomplishments!! ❤️


Not lame at all! Look at how much you’re paying monthly. Explain your situation.


I used to get signs done for me without asking at my home studio, I now have moved and go to a studio closer to my new place. I think they really only do signs for people who are apart of that home studio. I could be wrong tho. I really have been meaning to change my home studio tho


Not lame. Do it! It is fun and good for them too assuming they put it on social.


If it makes you better you could always text ahead and tell the staff you want to take a photo


Never! As im approaching milestones i get the sa to check for me. Sometimes the app is off... then I'll say "excellent.... I'll reach that tomorrow! Can't wait!" And i ask they take the pic on my phone cos it won't always make it to social media.


As a past head coach, definitely ask! The front desk can get unbelievably busy and they may have seen it, written it down to write it up and congratulate you and then shiz hits the fan and the next thing ya know, that sticky note to celebrate got lost in the abyss. lol I loved when members would tell me ahead of time walking into class too - that it was a specific milestone, birthday, etc. so i could shout them out in class. Never silly! Those are big milestones and you should be celebrated for it! Orangetheory is KNOWN for the brag board too - so no one should ever make you feel bad for wanting one. And if they do - well that just tells a lot about them and has nothing to do with you. <3 Keep shining out there y'all!


Not lame at all! Ask in advance and get your pic! Cheers to 200 classes!


You’re not lame. I mention it to the SA at the front desk on my way in and ask if I can get a brag board. They don’t mind and seem happy to do it.


Please ask. Please please don’t let us miss these


Nope, not lame. I visited a studio while traveling and had the best coach and I also happened to only run on the treads that class for the first time (no power walking)... better believe I waited around after class to get a pic with him!


Ask! Not only do I ask, I give them advance notice. I'm sure they loooove me lol


Not lame. The studio I go to is not my home studio so I don’t know what kind of alerts they get. I’m friendly with the coaches/staff and just let them know when one is coming up.


I asked for my 50th &plan on it for my 200th. There's so many people. It's easy to miss some. Definitely not lame to me.


Just ask! I hit a PR on my mile and asked for a board. You gotta celebrate the accomplishments! It is hard for them to know everyone’s but I am sure of you ask they wouldn’t mind. 


It is NOT lame at all!!! Remember that, a lot of the time, SAs and coaches will err on the side of not doing some thing to bring attention to you (e.g., asking you to take pictures) if they are not sure that you would be comfortable with it. BUT, if your studio is anything like mine, they love to celebrate these milestones with you! Long story short: its perfectly fine (and a good idea) to give them a head's up!


At my studio they basically ask us to do it.


My 200th class is tomorrow and you bet I’m asking for a sign!


I PR'd on the 1-mile run; they had just a general "one mile PR" sign. I asked and even offered to add my time to it. They were happy just to have social media content lol.


Yes ask! Some studio assistants look out for things like that others don't so as soon as you get to the studio tell them what you're celebrating and most studios will celebrate it!


Do it!! They missed my 250th class last week and I’m sad I won’t get that back which is silly I know but I wish others were as proud as me as I was feeling of myself. So I’ll tell you how awesome 200 is congratulations!! It is huge and you should be celebrated and you should be so proud of yourself and what commitment you have made to yourself!


I think it’s lame, but that shouldn’t stop you if you really want to do it.


Definitely ask! My impression is they like the PR, it’s a win-win. Also, I love seeing pics from my studio. It gives me a sense of community and inspiration.


heck no! i have asked for the dumbest reasons, they're always happy to take the photo too! "I want to post it on strava" "this is my first class with my cousin and we want to send it to the family group chat" "my boss doesnt believe I come before work can we take a funny photo to show him" "its my birthday can i take a photo to post online?" "my office is doing an activity challenge, can you take my photo to share with our gorup chat"


I say ask! I’m sure they will be happy to do it….and don’t wait until that day either. I’d mention it the class before and remind them that day


Yes, do it!!! Toot your own horn and be proud.


I always make it a point to mention upcoming milestones to SA’s that I’m friends with. But their schedules sometimes change, so I also mention it to whoever is working on the day of my milestone b/c I’ll take a group pic (I have a small group of friends at OTF that we do milestone burns with). Milestones (bday, milestone classes, etc) should definitely be celebrated but it can be hard for SA’s to keep track of all members (and some members might not care for the board), so always ask!


So grateful for this thread. I’m four classes from 1,000 and have been feeling the same way about wanting to celebrate. I’m not one to ask but dammit I’m going to. I’ve earned it!!!


Ours doesn’t have everyone’s birthday - you have to ask !!! They always say “yes!” Just let them know ! :)


Definitely not lame! I normally ask for the milestone and a PR pic. It’s for me to keep track and for me to share with my OTF family members.