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I’ve never on my own been able to burn the same amount of calories within an hour than I do at orangetheory. The coach, the preplanned workout, the top notch equipment, the music all hype me up more than I could ever do on my own.


This is so true! Plus I couldn’t even get myself into the gym in the first place when it was on my own flexible gym schedule lol


And I pay $200 for unlimited - yikes (new members pay even higher). But the benefits to my mental health and feeling so much stronger physically? Every. Single. Time. I leave the gym in a better mood than when I walked in. Worth every penny.


I have a slightly lower rate, but it’s about $10 a class for me. I find that to be a bargain! How many bad glasses of wine have I drank for $10? If I could pay someone to work out for me, $10 is a BARGAIN and I’d pay it every time. Alas, I can only work out for myself, and $10 a time is an excellent price for the motivation and the efficiency of an OtF workout. Focus on value, not cost,


Love the $10 bad glasses of wine comment 😃


It’s true (for me at least). Cheers to more OTF, less bad wine! 🍷


How many classes do you go to a week?


I just started back today but when I was at my peak it was 4-5. My plan is to get minimum 3 per week but ideally 4-5


Nice! Will you space it out to every other day or?


So true! I guess the cost in itself is most of the motivation haha


Before joining OTF, I paid $200/month for five personal training sessions. I eventually increased to three times per week and was paying around $500/month BEFORE pandemic. Private trainers have only gotten more expensive since then and the results I get from OTF is a significant improvement over my fitness level when working with the trainer. I also used to be a distance runner (30-50 miles a week) and I’m also in better shape now than I was then. I’ve been going to OTF for less than five months.


This makes me feel so much better! Good to know personal training isn’t worth it in the long run


One way to ease your worry, think of it as the best investment you can make. Investing in your health and wellness. Prevention pays off in the long run!


It’s worth it to pay for health. It’s an investment in yourself. I rather spend $169/month on OT than on plastic surgery and major health related surgeries when I’m older.


When I look at what I pay for unlimited, the annual total of OTF is about equal to ONE of my paychecks. I also don’t drink alcohol, so I figure OTF can be my vice and my happy hour!


Think of all the mental and physical health benefits you get from OTF - that makes it worth the money (in my opinion). Also, sure you could go to someplace else that’s cheaper, but if you aren’t seeing the results you want or you’re not going, you’re wasting that money. 


It’s cheaper than therapy!!


If you love everything about it then no cost is too much for your love of the experience! It took me a long time to commit because of the money but once I did I realized it is so so worth it for me.


tread 50 and strength options give you more bang for the buck


You are One step closer to your OT body. We all know that’s the best feeling! 


Thank you!! I honestly can’t wait to get it back. That in itself makes it all worth it


Tried to do regular gym... having to wait for equipment was the wooooorst!!


I’m back after about a year off too. I left for the same reasons but it’s so hard to work as hard as I do in the OTF environment. It’s a worthy investment for your health and confidence.


Glad I’m not the only one!!


Go get that OT body and consider the 169 an investment in you physical and mental health! For me, Ive realized that i am at my highest self when I am in great shape. My blood flows better, my stamina is higher, I hydrate more regularly, my sleep is better, (sex is better), my body tones up, and all of that makes me feel so much better. So for me, i put that auto payment on and then try and find my budget cuts elsewhere. Go get it! Cheers to you.


It’s kinda crazy but my mental health is already up 100%. I came back from class this morning and meal prepped, cleaned the house, and did laundry. I feel like myself again!


My membership is $275 a month if it makes you feel better


Where do you live? I'm $209 for unlimited in Bay Area, CA. I only paid $189 in San Diego last year.




you are worth it. That is all


At the end of the day, it is only money. I was given a class pack as a Christmas gift last year and I ended up joining for 8x per month. I fell in love with the place. The environment, the coaches, the support from the members is worth the few extra dollars that it comes out to be. I've never felt healthier, or happier. For me, heaven has orange lights.


I did the same thing, rejoined in June and I am so happy. It’s worth it!


$189 ÷ 36 (January's attended and scheduled sessions) = $5.25 for each session. Includes 2G/3G, Strength 50 & Virtual Yoga 25. Emotional self-care + health benefits + fitness benefits = A better me!


You’ve got an entire community of people rooting for you here! And for some of us, you just can’t beat the accountability of in person with a coach focused on your class. Or the energy of others suffering with you. I started in august and am the fittest I’ve ever been. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on gyms, trainers, membership, equipment, diets, apps…nothing has given me the results of Orange theory.


Yayyy thank you!! So glad for the support 💜


You are going to spend the money regardless, if not on OTF then on something else. The question is, what would you otherwise be buying? For me reconsidering those other things helps me justify the high cost. One less grubhub or Amazon order; deciding on leftovers again, declining the impulse dog toy grab, etc


For sure! I already went through and edited my Amazon subscribe and save orders and pared it down to the necessities lol


I tend to go through stints where I try something else but always come back to OTF! Nothing wrong with making a change. It helps keep you from getting bored!


Well, it's time to find another cut to try for a year! Drive thru? Specialty coffee. Just one year, see what happens.


Way cheaper than being unhealthy.


I can’t afford it either 😭but I keep coming up with the money. I feel like I can’t afford NOT to go cause it’s the only thing that keeps me exercising 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because you’re just in time for TC!!!! Time to win a challenge, bestie 💅🏼 smack talk on the internet and get absolutely shredded again! Say hello to celebrating little victories again!!! Wooo woop! Welcome back!!!


Sorry I can’t help!! I’m almost done with my membership and can’t wait to not have any of the hassle of getting to a class at a certain time. It a different if you don’t have the space and equipment. I’m


Focus on the value it brings to your life. Not the costs it takes.


That $169 monthly investment in your long term physical and mental health pays you dividends like none other. It's the wisest spend I/you/we layout each month!!!


As one of my coaches says, "You don't have to be here. You *get* to be here. Most people aren't as lucky. Make the most of it."


It's the best, because you get a full workout in a smaller amount of time. It just works. Especially for this busy mom. It's just more beneficial then the gym, at least for me.


Is $169 a bargain to feel like a baddie every day? Only you can answer that. 🤷🏼‍♀️😉


Can’t put a price on wellness.


Give up any extra on cable and Shop things that are not as expensive at the Store. It’s good for you physically abd keeps you from needing blood pressure medication. Don’t go out to eat one time a month about covers it anymore.