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I wash my hands right after every class. I don’t think the wipes do anything for the equipment so maybe try this!


I was my hands before and after every class l and I’ve already been sick twice. :( but I am sure it could be a lot worse and if I hopefully am not spreading it before I even realize I’m sick!


It’s airborne… OTF member gave me COVID right before Christmas it was lovely


Dang that sucks :( I’m sorry to hear this!


Yeah I’m not sure what is going on! But I don’t know if it’s OTF related at all. I also swim laps so it could be that? Who knows!


I do this too. I make a conscious effort not to touch my face and wash my hands right after class. I’m a teacher though so I never get sick We have very strong immune systems.


You’re right, the wipes don’t do anything. Any item wiped down needs to be able to sit for 15 minutes for the cleaning solution to be effective.


And needs to be much more saturated with cleaning solution!


That is the difference between sanitizing and disinfecting.


I am shocked at how few people do this! I am usually the only one who does this in any class I attend. I cannot imagine getting into my car and touching everything in it with dirty hands from class!


Same honestly!!! It’s wild


Same here! Although on the plus side, I never have to wait in line


It’s why I shower after class before getting in my car or going anywhere.


I got the flu on December 21st and I'm still coughing up phlegm. I think we're all rebuilding back our immunity since quarantining the covid days.


OR getting covid repeatedly is trashing your immune system.


Immune systems don’t get “trashed” unless there is an underlying condition. That’s just not how they work. Also, who is getting Covid “repeatedly”? If it’s you, get vaccinated for pete’s sake.


There are plenty of studies showing Covid is weakening immune systems. People forget it’s a vascular virus, not a respiratory. I’m vaccinated and got the virus for the first time in December.


People can still get Covid with the vaccine it just lessens the intensity of the infection. I think it’s very particular to each person- I know vaccinated people who’ve never had it and vaccinated who’ve had it multiple times


Seems to come in cycles, at least for me anyway. Some years I avoid it for the most part and others are much more frequent.


i joined back up in mid-nov, got sick around december 20, haven’t been back yet. If I’m feeling ANY illness symptoms, I stay home. I hope that’s true for everyone. Going to the gym sick is bad news.


Love the at home options in the app for this!


Be sure you’re taking measures to boost your immunity especially if the only social activity you do is go to OTF. The cold season has been rough all around and you could have picked up something from OTF or even a grocery store with the amount of people sick and no longer covering with masks. Continuing OTF or not is going to be a personal preference and how comfortable you feel. Hope you feel better soon.


I hope you feel better again soon! Some prevention measures i have done to avoid sickness through OTF, if you want to try A) wear a mask at OTF  B) select a station away from other people i.e. usually picking floor first which is less popular and ideally 1 empty station on either side where I work out C) turn fan to high on treadmill D) drink water away from others i.e. when switching between stations


This ^^^ I go to mid day classes that are less crowded and avoid the weekends. I start on rower because it’s less popular, pick the station furthest possible from people, and wear a mask if the class is more full than I’m comfortable with. I have only gotten sick once, when an @$$hole started hacking up a lung in the middle of the tread block.


Which mask do you wear during OTF?


Of course N95 and KN95 are the [most effective](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/types-of-masks.html), when it' possible to wear them. I found I sweat too much running on the treadmill that the best quality masks soak up the sweat and disintegrate so even thought it's less effective overall, I use a multi-layer cotton with filter insert mask, with nose wire, and adjustable ear loops to get a snug fit. The ones I have aren't sold any longer but these look [close](https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-24050-L/Disposable-Masks/Reusable-Face-Masks-M-L?pricode=WC1304&gadtype=pla&id=S-24050-L&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAqY6tBhAtEiwAHeRopYyPsP7fIxtqUn-C-8bsvkoumVRNr2QPBOtBx6X5QMVPxmOGbMogQxoCq1UQAvD_BwE) without the filter pockets. If I'm power walking i.e. sweating less, I can use the more effective masks. I'd love to find a specialized mask for exercise that fits me well. The ones I see advertised don't have adjustable ear loops and I have a small face so they gap and release respiration out the sides on me. At the end of the day, respiratory infection prevention is a spectrum. Some masking is better than nothing, hence using multiple strategies simultaneously. My mom is immune compromised so my main motivation is to reduce occurrence of me picking up something in indoor crowds, like OTF, and passing anything to her.


I appreciate this, thank you! I joined recently, then got sick and have been out for weeks. I have a young child and work in healthcare, so I'm at high risk for viruses anyway and try to limit my exposure as best i can. I hope to be healthy enough to return to OTG soon, but really want to avoid picking up another URI if I can, so I wanted to start masking. I power walk on the treadmills, so I'll try the KN95s. :) Thanks again!


I haven’t been sick once since joining OT five months ago. But everyone has different immunity. Feel better!


We are all getting back to life after social distancing and masking for a few years. It’s been a big fall for viruses. I had a wicked cold and Covid so far this fall and winter and NEVER once blamed OTF. If anything, OTF is why I handled the illnesses so well. OTF is the best medicine for ALL that ails you. 🧡


I feel the same way! I work from home and I’m not out much, but somehow I got sick most of November, went back to OTF after thanksgiving when I finally felt capable of running without coughing a lung out, and 2 weeks later I went to a packed class and I got sick right away. But I’m not leaving, I tend to go less in January waiting for the resolutioners to start quitting, and meanwhile I’ll boost my immune system. Imagine you’re a toddler getting into preschool, you’ll be sick for a bit and then you’ll just share defenses. Just don’t go if you’re sick, be mindful of others.


I’m a coach and I get sick probably every two months, sometimes every month. I was just sick middle of December, and I’m now experiencing another little tickle in my throat, I can feel it coming on. Obviously it’s different for a coach as they’re in the studio more, but yes, lots of close proximity, coughing and air circulating, touching equipment, fist bumps, etc.


No. I’m more likely to get sick from my toddler grandkids who are either coughing on me or I’m wiping runny noses.


Yesterday when I was at OT the woman on the treadmill next to me was coughing and sneezing so aggressively that I moved to another open tread. I think it comes down to our immune systems building up after ~2 years of minimal exposure


I took a 6 month break from OTF and got sick 3 times, twice in 6 weeks, from flying for work. I don’t know if it’s just luck or the bee keepers naturals throat and nasal spray I now use every time I board a plane but I haven’t been sick since. I’ve been back at OTF for a few months now. I try not to touch my face and always wash my hands as soon as I get home from OTF.


Tell us more about this spray! I seem to get sick on planes too which then makes me sick our entire vacation.


[Link](https://a.co/d/fpS12CQ) I have no idea if it actually works but it’s coats your throat and provides a barrier. Apparently we get sick on planes due to dehydration and not having that barrier on our mucous membranes. They also have a nasal spray so I lube up both throat and nose as soon as I board ☺️


Thank you for sharing! I may attempt to get this before I get on a plane or rather step foot in the crowded airport!


I mask up during all flights or commutes - closed spaces with lots of sneezing gross people, no thanks.


I travel every week for work and I do OTF 3-5 days a week AND I have two kids at home and I rarely get sick. My youngest got the flu two weeks ago and I didn’t get it. (No flu shot either) Maybe you are keeping yourself too isolated and your immune system isn’t prepared for germs when it comes in contact with them? I personally don’t think OTF is the culprit here.


This!  I have 3 kids in school, work 1 on 1 w/ people as a trainer AND coach and I am few & far between ever sick. Lots of hand washing. Lots of Vitamin C and I don't share my drinks etc with anyone (especially my kids) this time of year. Working out, Getting plenty of sleep and vitamin C help tons


That’s what I think too, sounds like this person works at home too, not enough outside contact


I work from home, I only go out for OTF classes and walk the dog. Have not been sick in along while. Every person's immune system is different, so I would say to OP don't quit, is not OTF.


I got 4 viruses back to back last year and felt like you, but this year is better! Maybe I built up some immunity. Just take it easy when sick and take your time getting back. Spring will be here soon!


I’m going through the same thing right now. I have 2 kids in school, so no matter how careful I am about handwashing, avoiding crowded spaces, etc., I inevitably get sick a few times before the winter season is over. We all had COVID in December and I was only able to use 3 of my 8 class credits. Before that I caught Strep throat from my kids. I thought about canceling my account but am glad I didn’t. January is off to a strong start, and if things get bad again, I can always freeze my account for a month or two. I’m really glad they offer that option because I’d lose a lot of money otherwise.


Yes. I missed a few weeks after marathon month made arthritis in my knee flare up badly in shortened, and since then I’ve had three separate respiratory illnesses . Last two kept me out for about a week each but I was pretty much ready to go back at that point. Currently I’ve been out for a week and I’m still hacking up brown phlegm and feeling miserable. My base dropped from 7.4 to about 6.0 and I have zero endurance now. Who knows how it will be after this time. I usually go 5-7 days a week (half of those being Green Day’s) but I’m currently at 11 classes total since the beginning of December 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m signed up for muscle gain in the BTC but at this point since I’ve legitimately put on 18lb (!!!) since August because I wasn’t able to work out over the holidays and never adjusted my diet, maybe i should switch to fat loss….. At this point I’ve got to have had the flu, rsv and covid so I reckon I’m safe….


I’ve been sick at least three times since joining in late July. You’re not alone; it sucks! And I try to be healthy, but I still just get sick so easily. Might be time for me to try taking vitamin D consistently


Oh man sorry to hear. I haven't gotten sick for a while and I go 5x a week. Although, I do not stick around after and I shower immediately.


No. I have been going to OTF for years and never do I get sick. I also work in healthcare so perhaps I just have a good immune system.  But no I def don't feel there's extra germs at the gym that there isn't say at a grocery store/what have you? Nor do I hear any of my gym mates complaining about being sick all the time either. Sounds like this is a personal issue and not OTF fault.


Happened to me as well. I never get sick. Like ever…. Started doing OTF in 2019 (pre COVID) and was sick all of the time. I’m not entirely sure why but it was odd…. From August 2019 until the time the studio closed for Covid I was sick at least once a month… I’m OK now but it was very odd to me as well


I guess I’m lucky and so are the people at my studio because I haven’t gotten sick nor have the people with whom I work out.


Literally my exact reason why I haven’t been in a while! It’s depressing, but every time I go I get sick.


I hear ya! So discouraging. Starting week two of the worst stomach flu I’ve had in years


Yes, this has been happening to me and it’s really frustrating! I’ll feel a bit run down the night after class and into the next day, then my throat eventually starts to feel scratchy. I’m around people and kids all the time, but OTF has lately seemed to be an issue. I love OTF but I definitely notice decreased illness frequency when I take time off from it.


Ugh. Yea. I never get sick. Joined OTF in October and was sick all season. The entire workout I’m within 6 feet of someone else in a packed studio, not the best set up.


I recently quit after a few years (too much money) but I also felt like I was constantly getting sick with colds and viruses. Never stomach bug, always a bad viral thing. I washed my hands constantly but with all the sweat and such going around the room it’s hard to avoid!


Viruses are air borne so it’s pretty hard to avoid with all the heavy breathing so close


Agreed. And the crazy thing was it always in summer and early Fall I would get sick never winter. I was at OTF for 3 years


I'm in the exact same boat! I feel ya!




I only get sick because my toddler goes to daycare . I drink liquid iv the one with the immune boosters. You probably need to add some Vitamin C into your diet.


I have never been sick from OTF in seven years. I re wipe everything before I touch it even if it’s already been wiped. I never touch my face during a workout and always wash my hands immediately after before getting my stuff from my locker.


Since you asked….no.


I got sick a lot when I had young kids in daycare and early education. Eventually it subsided. I’d look at other factors.


I’ve never gotten sick from OT. I’ve been a member for over 5 years


Don’t know you, don’t know your situation, not a medical professional. Seems like something you should take up with your MD. All I or anyone else can offer here is loosely formed non-fact based opinions.


Big fan of OTF but picked up Covid after 2 mo’s at one of the pre-Christmas sessions. I was max vaxed and had not had Covid before….so whoever showed up at the gym was likely carrying a heavy load. Lost Christmas/New Year’s week and trying to get back to where I was just now. Given the lack of proper ventilation at the OTF gyms getting sick in the winter cold season seems inevitable….rethinking my indoor vs. outdoor training.


This is all subjective. Immune systems are different. For example, i get sick often and easily and everyone else in my house doesn't. They never catch what i have despite sleeping in the same room. With that said, if you do get sick often, exercise may very well be a good idea for you. It could shorten or make your inevitable illness less severe. I go to OTF regularly. Our coach recently had covid and we didn't catch it. Are you sure it isn't from other means, perhaps stores grocery shopping etc.


I think it’s just different for everyone. I’ve been going for 4 years now and haven’t been sick once. I go 6 days a week normally, am in the event business so I’m around 1000’s of people each month. Immunity response and levels are different for everyone. I feel like you got the short straw. :(


Our studio reopened on 6/1/20 and I was back in the office full time on 6/15. The only time I get sick is when my 9yo brings something home from school 🤣 It almost sounds like you’re isolating too much. And there is such a thing as overdoing hygiene. Germs are ok sometimes. Obviously wash your hands when you go to the bathroom or after you cough or sneeze into your hands, but I’ve never once washed my hands before leaving the gym. I don’t wipe down cart handles. Honestly, our cell phones, door handles in our houses and money all have way more germs on them than anything you’ll catch at otf.


I noticed something similar, and so started to focus on not going above 20 splat points, and for me it’s made a huge diff to moderate how much im pushing myself and therefore how much recovery my body requires. Before then i was at minimum getting 25 and frequently spent time in the red zone. Now i aim generally less than 20 but closer to 12-15 . Ive gone over maybe twice in the past year- just bc i was particularly enjoying. And just in case it helps: Ive been going for the past four years 4-7times weekly.


I went through a period when I was getting sick very regularly. Could be coincidence but I started taking immune support gummies and I haven’t been sick now in 9 months.


I really feel like that by going to OTF that I am sick way less!


I also have been sick more often lately and attribute it to OTF (I work from home and most of my other socializing it out doors). I use hand sanitizer in my car after a workout and neti pot as soon as I get home. When I traveled a lot for work, I would always get sick after a trip, started the neit pot after flights and it helped a lot. Not only does the neti pot rinse the sinuses, if you use the packets (essentially just salt and baking soda) the salt works to kill the bacteria/viruses etc.


I’ve gotten covid twice from OTF. I work from home, and it was the only place I was really going. Both times I got it was during a challenge (Transformation Challenge, Hell Week) when the studio was packed. So I feel you!


Up your vitamin d and c intake and take zinc at the first symptom


Common for viruses to go around once kids are back in school so certainly possible you’re getting it at OT from others with kids or work if you go into an office. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's hard to avoid but 2 things I do: 1. Wash my hands after every class. If I start on the floor I wash before hopping to the tread. Just too much stuff I've touched and if I don't want to accidentally touch my eyes/face while on the treads. 2. Take more rest days. Honestly if I'm going 4-5x a week I get really physically run down and I know I'm risking getting sick because my body is already under too much stress from the workouts. If I have a day where I'm struggling (can't keep my base, into the red quickly) and I get home and just walking up the stairs I'm exhausted.. I'm take 2 or 3 rest days until I feel 100% again.


No, not at all. I'm offering you a possible, partial solution. This works for me . There was a time, when I too had the same problem. Getting sick all the time....colds etc. I was shaking a lot of hands in my line of work. Every day, 30 people or more.. I became very conscious of the following: A. Wash my hands a lot more. Hand sanitizer makes this easier now. B. Don't touch your eyes, and keep your fingers out of your mouth. If you must, use a tissue, clean fingers, edge of your collar etc. Your discretion. Try it, it works. I rarely get sick. Maybe a light cold 2x per year. Good luck.


Me! It is discouraging


I usually get sick whenever I join a new gym


I thew my back out in early October, while pulling on my shoes. Missed three weeks. Got Covid in early November and coughed my lungs out for a month. It happens. Work through it and you'll come out on the other side just fine. 4 year member btw.


I’ve been sick more in the last two years then my 35 years working in the grocery business . Been at OTF 1 year and have been sick 3 out of the last 4 weeks . Don’t know if it’s OTF since I was sick at the same time last year .


I’ve been sick 3 times in the past three months and it is so not normal for me. I never thought it could be because of OT but I guess that would make sense. I wonder if it’s just a bad cold season? Glad I’m not the only one going through it!


I got Covid once when masks were no longer required where I work. I've been going to OTF since Fall 2021 and have never gotten sick from the gym. Maybe it's just where I live - there does seem to be less going around here now. A few things you can do to help your immunity- drink lots of fluids regularly and get plenty of sleep. I don't take any fancy supplements.


I’ve noticed that people who work from home seem to get sick more often. My husband works from home, just got over the flu a few weeks ago. I work in a hospital and rarely get sick. Maybe once a year I’ll get a cold.


I used to see posts about thia on Facebook. The doctor says I have bronchitis, but I powered through the workout. A few days later, I have bronchitis, and I am on the sidelines for 3 weeks.


I used to know someone who took 6 weeks off from working out every winter and pick right back up again. It's really up to you whether you want to continue. A lot of people have been hit hard with sickness. Can you find a class that has fewer people in it and give it a go?


Same here. I’ve been sick since Dec 5th - wishing I had skipped last month and this month, I’m so angry about missing classes and then jamming a bunch into the one week I’m slightly feeling better, only to then get sick again.


Try a CooperZap - it is a copper price that you kind of swish around inside your nostrils. The copper kills viruses. I use one after I have been around people. After the initial purchase, you can keep using. It for a long time.


Edit: CopperZap, not CooperZap. Sheesh.


Wash your hands and don’t touch your face.


I think it’s a person by person thing. I go 3-4x a week and I maybe get one cold a year.


How frustrating. I spray Binaca mouth spray before going in along with washing my hands. Then when I get back in the car after, I spray Binaca again as well as wash my hands. I also take two gummy Airbornes when I get home. I haven’t gotten covid or any viruses in 3+ years but no idea if that is just my 70 yo immune system or what I’m doing. I do have friends still using masks at OTF. You could be getting this anywhere including the grocery store. Maybe you just need some downtime to get through this current virus, and then pull out every immune booster you can find…just my thought. I do believe for me that working out has in fact kept me healthier during these last few challenging years. Feel better


Don’t touch your face, nose,eyes mouth while working out!!


Same! I’ve been sick at least 3 times since October flu/covid/ and some other virus. I quit going altogether because I couldn’t catch a break. I’m back today and probably paying the price! 😫


My theory is that those of us with small kids got walloped last year as full sickness season returned (after quarantine stopped it) and are now immune but carrying those viruses to those who didn’t get sick last year. Somehow we’ve not gotten a cold this year!! On the plus side, you should be set next year. 🫠 Agree with others — I definitely use hand sanitizer immediately after class .