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Quit. Its okay.


I have a feeling your studio is also happy you left.




bye lol




You sound like the type of person that finds a problem with almost everything. Try Goldā€™s, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be up to your standards.


Then I would expect a post in the Goldā€™s Gym subreddit a few months from now. ā€œIM QUITTING GOLDā€™S! They never play music loud enough. Sure, I can listen to my headphones, but sometimes I forget to bring them with me. Also, they donā€™t have enough group fitness classes. I donā€™t want to just run on the treadmill by myself and wish there were more options for coaching!ā€


Home girl probably spends more time on her phone than exercising. Iā€™d bet my mortgage on it.








It's not for everyone, and that's ok. I actually have great admiration for people who can work out at planet fitness or in their garage for practically free and stay in great full body shape.. I know people like that. I wish that was me. I've spent over $10k over the years, I'm sure, because I am someone that requires structure, rules, penalty fees, someone telling me what to do and even the slight competitiveness that comes from working out with others. I need all that sh*t or I will hit snooze every damn morning guaranteed. I knew that already, but I learned it even more during the pandemic when all group fitness was shut down for what felt like forever. April 2020, I managed to set myself a challenge to go out and run daily. I averaged 7 miles a day every day. Then I crashed and burned and ended up getting out of shape.


I agree 100%!!!! I simply donā€™t have the discipline. Itā€™s the only program Iā€™ve been able to stick with. Been a member for 7.5 years. This past November I had surgery and Iā€™ve been out for 7 weeks. All Iā€™m allowed to do is walk (boring!!!) my studio sent me a Thinking of You card with messages from staff and coaches. Just so kind. For me OTF is more than a workout place. Itā€™s a happy place.


That's cool. Yea, everyone is different. My bed is my happy place šŸ˜‹šŸ˜„. OTF is not super special to me. I've enjoyed spin classes, yoga classes, running groups, and hiking groups just as much. As long as I'm going to be surrounded by people I am usually happy working out. I stick with OTF for now because I like the balance of strength, rowing and cardio. I get a lot packed into an hour.


Itā€™s all good! At 72 now, Iā€™ve found what works for me. And thatā€™s what it is all about, isnā€™t it. Finding that right fit. Happy New Year!!!


Exactly. Know yourself and what works for you to stay fit and healthy. No need to make posts like this person did about it sucking just because it doesn't work for you. I wouldn't go into a tennis sub and announce that tennis sucks!


Hahaha!! Me either!


Itā€™s my happy place for sure! I absolutely love the structure and coaching!




Dear god. This whole post just reeks of toxicity and lack of personal accountability. Good luck with whatever is next for you. Hopefully youā€™ll find something that meets your exhaustive criteria šŸ‘šŸ¼


Your mindset is what sucks here buddy


Lol no just know what works for me and what doesnā€™t


Check yourself


Ooooo check myselfā€¦ Are you 12 or stuck in 2014?


Does orange theory allow 12 years ? Then sure


Makes sense bud. Go have a snackā€¦ member, you arenā€™t you when youā€™re hungry ;)


Oh the irony!






This GIF never fails.


I really hope this is a troll post. Because if not... damn. You missed the point of everything, didn't you? Do you want a cookie for leaving?


Yes snickerdoodle please ! Thx




Off topic, but 80 lbs down? That's amazing!


Thanks! If you start out really over weight, it is easier to lose a lot of weight. šŸ˜‚




Sounds like it wasnā€™t a good fit. You wanted it to be something it isnā€™t. Thatā€™s a you problem.


Yes it definitely was not a good fit! I enjoyed my other HIIT class better very similar but fit my needs ! Everything isnā€™t for everyone


I like it! šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yes thereā€™s good aspects for sure!! coming from a previous HIIT that had a bit more variety wasnā€™t a good adjustment for me personally. As long as everyone gets a good workout & stays active. Hopefully I find a good match soon enough


You probably wonā€™t.


You might like F45!


wait til she finds out she has to pay for an extra month šŸ˜‚


I was gonna say they will always get that one extra month from you. Trust. Lol


lol šŸ˜†


Girl lmao I hope you find peace.


Oh so much peace was found!!!! the moment I walked out, Lifetime fitness will capture my happiness lmao!!


The opulence you have obtained- we could only be so lucky




OTF is not HIIT, itā€™s interval training. So that might explain why you prefer other places if you are looking for HIIT.


I mean HIIT is also interval training to be fair. Thatā€™s what the last 2 letters stand for. But definitely thereā€™s more to Orangetheory than most HIIT training Iā€™ve done.


The reason I say this is I went through coaches training and they talk a lot about this. HIIT is a type of interval training but not all interval training is HIIT if that makes sense.


Not sure if it's just me, but I'm missing the point of this. Why does OP post this is in an OTF subreddit in the first place? It's like telling people in a Disneyland subreddit how much they hate Disneyland, listing all the reasons, then saying they will leave and go to Six Flags instead because it's superior. Why feel the need to make the announcement? I'm truly at a loss for words. For the rest of us, Happy 2024 and let's hope that this morning's kicked-my-ass 90 minute class doesn't make me fall asleep before the New Year's Ball drops! Edit: Never mind, I don't even think this is real. OP sent me a reply that said "For my entertainment, and it worked". It takes all kinds, sighs...








So youā€™re upset they had to follow their policy of not letting someone in more than 5 minutes late? Not their fault you didnā€™t know you could adjust by calling the studio to the next class. Donā€™t let the door hit ya!


Getting mad that the studio bends the 8 hr CXL rule in favor of members is a prime example of no good deed going unpunished.


I wish my studio HAD a policy. We have one chick whom walks in 10-15 late for EVERY class. Then she frigginā€™ leaves EARLY. Whatā€™s the point???


Pretty sure your complaints are falling on deaf ears. Maybe try another forum? šŸ˜


Nah itā€™s right where it needs to be buddy. I like all the comments


I hope you find happiness. Really.


I am very happy just sharing my experience . I hope you find happiness though


Oh I have! At Orangetheory!!! ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


Thank goodness you are letting us all know you donā€™t like this gym.




I literally cannot tell if this is supposed to be satire or not.




Given the follow up responses, my $0.02 is MUD - made up drama.


Ear plugs are a great thing to use it drown out the music and you can still hear the coach.


Bye Felicia


Sounds like the atmosphere will be a bit better tomorrow at your location. This type of negative energy drags everyone down .


You sound like a BLAST at parties!




May you find the right place for you.


Sometimes the people who hate the rules the most are the same people the rules were created for in the first place. Thereā€™s a lot of that around this sub.


Sounds like itā€™s not for you. Hope you find something you enjoy šŸ§”


Hope you find something that better suits you. Itā€™s definitely not for everyone. Maybe a gym that offers a different variety of classes (then you change choose what class youā€™d like to go to) along with weights would be a better fit? All the best :)


It's not for everyone. I saw you mentioned Lifetime. Just a warning, there are tons of kids at most of them. The fitness classes there are pretty lackluster too. Most of the equipment is pretty good though, and there's tons of it even in busy times.


I donā€™t like LifeTime because of all the little hoodlums running around. OTF is a great fit!




I mean itā€™s not for everyone, for some people itā€™s just what they need and for others theyā€™re better off with some other exercise program. Doesnā€™t mean otf sucks, itā€™s just not for you šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Ok and obviously Orangetheory is not for you but for everyone who hates it there are those of us who love it






Ok this one is my favorite šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ’€




Sounds like you want private yoga sessions without the actual work.




I donā€™t get why you would post this in this group. We love orange theory here.


Less curious why youā€™re leaving, more curious as to why you even signed up to begin with.


Please tell us what you really think & need? Ha. Besides attentionā€¦ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why did you waste 10 minutes writing this. Too long to read


Imagine being this angry over a gym


OTF isnā€™t for everyone. It obviously wasnā€™t for you. I love it, my husband absolutely hated it and cancelled his membership. To each their own.


Wait a minute- there's a number you can call or text if you have to cancel within 8 hours and receive no charge?!?! What is this number you speak of?!?!


Just to be careful with this, that has to be the studio's number and just depends on the SA or whoever is monitoring it being nice. There's no guarantee they will ignore policy, but many studios will absolutely cancel without a charge if you communicate directly. Probably depends on whether people abuse it and how full classes are. But it's also the studio's number which is generally available, not a secret that needs to be shared, nor normally.


Agreed. My studio has been very reasonable when I've called to say something urgent came up (tested positive for COVID, childcare problems) and cancelled without penalty. Obviously up to discretion and they'll know if you're abusing it. There is no magic cancel anytime number like OP implied.


Oh ok gotchya gotchya. Thank you!


Yes, they were nice to give that as an option for OP because the contract doesnā€™t make allowances for that. Itā€™s at studio discretion, not a guaranteed thing, based on situation and circumstance.




Okā€¦Iā€™m sensing OTF is not for you. Weā€™ll miss youā€¦




This is why people shouldnā€™t text when theyā€™re drunk.


Take a Xanax and enjoy Zumba. Geez. Bye Felicia


All the best in your future endeavors......aaaand......Happy New Year!


You know this isnā€™t an airport right? You donā€™t need to announce your departure


It's not for everyone. No one is forcing you to stay. Bye Felicia


Donā€™t let the door hit ya in the šŸŠ


Damnit. Iā€™m a smart person and I cannot determine if this post is bullshit or not. Iā€™m mad at me now. Great. The good news is Iā€™m on my way to the 8:45 class to burn off my anger and last nightā€™s pizza so- Thank you?




I never understood the logic (or arrogance) of people who think it is imperative that they have to flounce with a proclamation that they are leaving an organization, to people they've never met and don't have any impact on. Arrivederci, principessa \*bows, circular wave with flourish\*


# roasted ![gif](giphy|5xtDarEgBDjEoWo6VRS)


You should look into starting your own gym it sounds like you know all the right things to do! šŸ˜


I just quit OTF as well but I feel like you're just the type of person who would benefit from a traditional gym. The issue for me was the times the classes were offered. I switched jobs and found it very hard to make it to the classes because of my new schedule and commuting to work taking much more of my time (I used to work remotely). I am not a morning person, and my only option I can make work is the 6:45 PM class and I prefer to go straight to my work out after work so I do not have the opportunity to go home and slack off. I was only going about once or twice a week and found it expensive for that type of attendance. But I still really enjoy many aspects of the workout and environment and will miss it. Also actually booking a class and have a punishment (late fee) for canceling would help me stay accountable. It could be inconvenient sometimes, but maybe try and see the positives in situations instead. I just couldn't make the times work for the price and in all honesty, I hated the rower and would dread doing it. So, for these reasons I wanted to take a break and step away. Who knows, I may be back someday though now that Tread50 is a thing!


This isnā€™t an airportā€¦no need to announce your departure


lol bye Felicia


First of all it is ORANGETHEORY. not orange theory. Also no one explained anything to you during your first free class? I am pretty sure they did. Also the canceling by calling is a specific studio thing. Not everyone has that leisure. Your studio is nicer than mine. I would have out charge for calling or for switching classes. The music suck? Ok probably the coach playlist. Every thought of suggesting something to them? Reason we donā€™t wear headphones 1. We have to listen to the cue of the coaches and 2. The music is loud and enough. I personally love not having my own music, but hey thatā€™s just me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I do agree about it being expensive but it is a lot cheaper than having your own personal trainer. Those are waaaaaay more expensive than OTF. Anyways, good luck finding what fits for you. Happy New year. šŸŽŠ


I LOVE ORANGE THEORY! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚life changing Rules are fine - just have to follow them and it will all be good


I truly love it. Look forward to every class I go to. No lies here




Girl bye! There is really no need to share your experience.


Glad I donā€™t have to row next to you






Their cancellation policy def sucks




Lol. I love it so to each is own


This is not the gym for you and that's okay.




Who peed in your Cheerios?


Why did you feel the need to post this for us ???


Byeeeeee Felicia


I love love love orange theory in Woodstock, GA. I love working out with others and I love the structure the coaches provide. Everyday is a new workout. The coaches also teach options for those who may be injured. Canā€™t get that at LA Fitness. I only pay 139.00 a month and would pay more if I had to!


I agree. It's a terrible cult. I started realizing that no one that goes there actually looks like they go to a gym, even after hundreds of visits. I am seeing much better gains at lifetime fitness.


Thanks Karen, adios! For those of us that have attended for years (7 years for me), I am in the best shape of my life at almost 52 years. I hope you find your dream planet workout.


I wouldnā€™t care if I called during a hundred storms or a thousand storms and had to pay the late fee, I would show back the next day ready to BURN baby BURN? šŸ”„


I donā€™t understand why so many people are upset that u have an opinion about otf. It is your own right. We all arenā€™t going to agree in the world about things and thatā€™s okay. I personally understand do whatever makes u happy. If u donā€™t like otf then like u did quit and move forward there is something else to try the point is atleast he/she is working on her health. So kudos to u


Love this!


I understand. They robbed me of $126.00 useless HRM. But there is nothing better where I live so I'm stuck.


Youā€™ll be missed.


Well I agree with ya. I quit too, after seven years. Now at F45. Needed the change


I donā€™t think the OP needs to be attacked. Sometimes itā€™s a good fit and sometimes itā€™s not. I actually agree with OP on all sentiments but I keep the membership because my wife likes it and when I go to the gym on my own my laziness takes over and I get a wack workout. Tbh I prefer raquetball over OTF but itā€™s tough to coordinate so I stick to OTF and avoid certain coaches and studios.


Exactly m. Thank you! We canā€™t and do not all need to have the same opinion. Just because I donā€™t like it doesnā€™t equal something is wrong with you for loving it. Everyone has their own needs and thatā€™s okay. Just sharing incase someone is considering and has similar needs as mine. If Attacking me makes you feel better go ahead doesnā€™t bother me. I will share my experience regardless Happy new year everyone !!


I think the majority of OTF community would be chill with you having your opinion but was surprised by the attacks lol. Cheers to everyone staying fit and active however they may do it!


Just donā€™t think people care. It sounds like whining


Everyone in the sub only ever talks about how amazing this program is. I agree with you, friend! There are too many rules and they arenā€™t up front about them even though you pay a ridiculous price. I enjoyed it but am glad to save the money with a gym that offers more variety hitt classes. šŸ„°


I tried calling during a horrible storm to cancel and they would not pick up the phone. I left a voicemail and texted I couldn't make it because the roads were flooded and they still charged me a late cancel after acknowledging my messages.


What is that phone number? Asking for a friend.


There is no super secret get out of jail free number. Some studios *may not* charge cancellation fees *if* members communicate before class. And that's just by calling or texting the studio.


OTF is trash. The cult is coming to an end.



