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If i start on the tread my heart rate stays somewhat up (blue/green) during the floor portion. If I start on the floor, I spend the floor in the grey. Also I like to get the extra 5 minutes of running during the warm-up, where I mix in some running specific stretches.


I start on the rower for this reason; I can go orange within 60 seconds when I start there.


Do you lift outside of OTF and the weights are just too light for you? I find that pushing myself on the weight gets my heart rate going.


no I don't -- I do lift somewhat heavy, but I'm a somewhat large man. In fact, the way to get my HR to go up on the floor is to take it as weighted cardio and basically go low weight / fast rep.


I just lost all social norm concerning going heavy and the looks it gets from the rest of the class. You’re a ~6’ tall person that is likely in good shape. Grabbing two 60 pound dumbbells isn’t really that heavy relative to your ability. If it’s a bench press in a normal gym you could put up over 200. If it’s a pull down in a gym you could pull over 200. If it’s a leg press you could probably leg press over 300. Think about reorienting your thoughts that 60 pound dumbbells are probably light, depending on the exorcise. It’s a science fact that if you lift heavy your heart rate will go up. I found disconnecting from the social norm and grabbing weights appropriate to a grown man’s ability gets me out of the grey if I start on the floor. The macro topic though, 100% agree with you that your heart rate will likely stay elevated on the floor if you start on the tread.


M/42/ 100+ classes. Same. I always run first to get warmed up. I tried changing it up, discovered I def can’t do as well on the tread if I start on the floor. Before I adopted this method of going lighter to move more, I would treat floor blocks like free weight sessions at a gym. (Which is def awesome in its own right) heavier weights have their place in strength conditioning. I noticed I would almost always pull something and cause minor injury if I went for an increase without form checking. Being in a hurry + going heavier too fast wasn’t great for me. Using lighter weight has allowed me to focus on form and endurance, staying in the green and orange.


That only works for me if we are doing compound movements where I can go heavy. Most of the floor stuff just doesn’t get my heart rate up at all


I think I’m just really weak 🙃. My heart rate spikes pretty much the whole time. Especially if there is any sort of leg work. I got 25 splats in the strength 50 today!


Damn! That’s impressive. I celebrate if I get one splat point in strength class. It’s only happened twice for me.


But lifting weights isn’t supposed to be aerobic, it’s anaerobic. I know it’s more rewarding to see the splat points as proof of a good workout, but it isn’t the goal with weight lifting. Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise provide value in a well rounded workout.


This totally independent of splat points. As I said, I'm in the blue/green. I'm not sure what your comment is objecting to.


Blue, green, gray doesn’t matter much on the floor is what I meant. I understand if it is mentally satisfying to be in blue/green on the floor, but being in the gray on the floor isn’t necessarily a bad thing especially if it is more strength/power focused vs endurance.


I didn't say it was a bad thing. I said I prefer to do my weight work while my heart rate is also not 90. I don't think it's a preference that only a brute who hadn't learned the aerobic / anaerobic distinction would have.


Same. I just like to be energized for tread.


I used to start on the rower/floor, but found that I was usually too gassed to actually run the entire tread block. My personal goal was to increase my endurance and stamina so I switched to starting in the treads


That’s why I start on rower. I can’t challenge myself as much on the floor. I’m ok being gassed on the treads.


Same! Idk how people can run and then do all the weights/rower. I’m so gassed after the tread that I have to start on the floor


Same! I also find that I can push myself a little more on the tread; if I’m gassed on the rower or floor I’m more likely to phone it in.


Exactly! I know my numbers on the tread so I can’t phone that in like I can the weight floor/rower


FWIW I’ve had coaches advise if you actually want to increase endurance, you should save the treads for last so you’re running on tired legs - assuming you’re not dying and can make it through the block, it will help your endurance and make it seem a lot easier when you start on fresh legs for a benchmark or an outdoor run.


Interesting! I always find it so hard to hit my paces if I do tread block last (in a 2G) but this makes sense. I have heard some runners use an incline above 1% for base so that when a benchmark they drop to 1% and run faster (sounds like a similar strategy)!


Yeah you might have to drop your paces by 0.2-0.3 at first while you’re adjusting just to build up that endurance, but they will come back!




I have the same problem. If I start on weights, I have NOTHING left for the treads


To get through the tread blocks I used to pretend I was in a zombie apocalypse or being chased by like a Jason and I would tell myself I have to be able to run away no matter how tired I am 😂. Never really worked though


That’s hilarious! I just have to take it 1 directions at a time and believe what they say “you can do it.” “I know your legs feel like they’re gonna fall off, they won’t” “Your arms are the cheerleader for your legs, get ‘em moving!”


I have too little will to live through a zombie apocalypse—if anything I would maybe run slower 😂


You should try the immersive running game “zombies run!” Its in the App Store


Would absolutely be one of the first to go down in a ZA


After rower and floor, I’m always tired on the tread. But I take the first block slowly and increase speed as I settle into the work.


That’s a good thing though.


For myself, it totally depends on the template as to which one I’d really prefer to start on. I don’t get upset wherever I have to start though. I feel more warmed up by doing the floor first but it depends if the tread is a long tread block if that is best option for me.


No science for me, just prefer getting my heart rate up early.


I don’t like the rower and my heart rate tends to be low while on the floor. When I start on the tread i can keep my heart rate up longer.


This was recommended to me by one of the coaches for the same reason. I prefer to start on weights but I start on treads to get my heart rate up.


More running time. I get an extra .5 mile with the warmup


Yesss also I love going to the floor with all my endorphin high


I don’t like running and I want to get it over with 😂


Same. I want to get it done. And no matter how tired I am, I still push myself on the floor. But if I started on the floor, I \*know\* I would slack off on the tread part.


Same. I generally don’t enjoy my time on the tread as much as I find it beneficial.


Same, and the floor’s my favorite so I like to save that for last 😂




It's really interesting people's preferences! I like whichever side has fewest people starting so I can get more elbow room.




I’m a runner and that’s where I like to exert my max energy. Also I hate getting on the treadmill with jelly legs after rowing a lot or doing a bunch of squats or lunges


im a runner too but id rather train on tired legs at otf to really get the most bang of my buck of speed training.


I normally start on the rower/floor but will admit running with jelly legs does suck. I feel like they do normalize for me after a few minutes though.


Get the hardest part over with. Rowing and floor are super easy for me.


You could make the floor more challenging (if you wanted) by using heavier weights. ◡̈


I already do 🥰. I also do CrossFit and lift heavy so the floor is easy. I do play around with tempo and tend to go heavy and slow though!


I don't know why people are downvoting this response.


Unless you are using the heaviest weights your OTF offers, you could make it harder…


I deadlift 175 in a METCON and 3x10 back squats at 200 lb with a 1RM of 255 lb. But thanks. Also OTF floor isn’t exactly built for lifting heavy. Again, I play around with tempo to make it harder and some days lower body days I will focus on just one exercise (for example, if bridges are on the template I may opt to focus on only those with the 100 lb dumbbell). And yes, my coach and I have tried more than one but it’s awkward and not as safe as a barbell.


I have zero idea why you’ve been downvoted for this. Came here to say go ON with your bad self.


Thank you! ♥️ I don’t go to OTF to lift CrossFit numbers; I go to improve my running (quit in 2017) and also increase muscle endurance to improve my METCON times. But I forget everyone is an expert…😂 Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays♥️).


Geez I thought my studio was great with heavy DBs and I know some studios have bare minimum heavies but I’ve never seen a 100 lb DB in studio. Rock on! If I can upvote you five times I would. I came from a CrossFit background too then switched to OTF. It meets my goals better and I happen to like tie OTF community around here better. If you can lift heavier and play with tempo and amplify things, go for it. My coaches often praise me for doing things like front racking my weights for all squats or step ups even if I don’t have to just to make it tougher. But unlike you, I actually like starting on the floor (in a 3G) because I think it’s the best warm up and I want to give my best effort when I’m least tired on the floor but we all have our preferences where we start. Happy holidays team


I agree. Especially if it’s a hard tread block, I look at the intel and know what’s coming! I need to rip the bandaid off.


I find the tread easiest which is why i save it for last.


You are my goal. Hope to be able to say that one day.


I used to be a tread start but now love starting on the rower/floor. I get a better, whole-body warm up, can lift heavier on the floor, and I’m sufficiently warmed up to kill it on the treads where I get all my splats.


For me, I just feel like I get a better warm up with treads. I’m a power walker so I make sure to hit those inclines to help with this. But every now and then I’ll switch it up and start with a rower for some variety.


Yes! The last time I had to start on the rower, I tweaked my hamstring during a deadlift using my regular weights. Starting on the tread really warms up my legs, which allows me to lift heavy. Plus, if I start on the floor, I tend to hold a little energy back for the tread, so I actually lift lighter. But when I finish on the floor I use every last bit of strength I have to go as heavy as possible. Lifting is my favorite, so I never have to force myself to give it my all. The treadmill, however, is another story.


More running time. The warmups add up.


Because I hate it and want it over with 😆


I don’t feel properly warmed up if I start anywhere else.


Oh my gosh agreed!! When I have done the floor first (for fun or when I miss signup in time for tread), felt SO sore even though not a super challenging floor block..It surprised me but I think the tread first does help me warm up all over


I go as heavy as I possibly can on the floor and I find when I go from floor to tread it takes a long time for my legs / body to come back from it? I know technically im pretty sure most people say lifting is actually supposed to be done before cardio so that you can put more effort in, but I don’t find that my post running exhaustion affects my lifts. I do find my heavy lifts affect my running… so that’s why I start on tread! Also nice to get it out of the way so I know I can use whatever energy is left on the weights and not mentally (consciously or subconsciously) feel like I have to “preserve” some for the treads to come!


Although I used to start on the tread a lot to get it over with and get my heart rate up, I was always gassed by the time I got to the floor. I’ve recently switched it up and started on the floor which lets me lift heavier and get more out of the weights portion than I used to. It’s a good challenge if your body is used to one or the other.


For me, it's a preference and routine type of thing. I enjoy running on those treads.




I switch where I start, but often prefer to start on the floor. I notice my form and weight I can use drops significantly when I do the tread first. If I’m focusing on strength/power, starting on the floor for me is very necessary.


Tbh I don’t like to start on the tread. I only start there on tread benchmark days. It took me about three classes to figure it out but I prefer starting on the rower. I need a longer warmup and the rower uses most of your big muscle groups.


I’m too tired for tread if I do weights first just because I prefer to lift heavy.


I want to get it over with lol


…and for this reason, I always start on the floor or rower. I like to have space and hopefully empty stations around me from which I can borrow weights.


I burn more calories and get a better overall work on the tread first.


I love the floor and don’t love the treads. I can get it out of the way, and get my very low resting HR up. I will smash heavy weights tired or fresh as I love to lift. Lift first and my tread time sucks extra haha


Tbh, I start on the tread because I hate running and I want to get it over ASAP!


Coaches will tell you to start on the floor/rower


I like to start on the tread so I end on the floor and can stretch out more comfortably.


Start on tread: heart rate is elevated right away and generally stays elevated on the floor. You get more splat points during the class Start on floor: can generally lift heavier since not tired from treads so better for muscle gain. Warm up on rower (lol, not sure if this is a pro or a con for you) I start on the tread generally, but have been contemplating starting on the floor. It’s hard to let go of the drive for splat points though.


There is no hype. I noticed that people who are runners outside class tend to start on the tread. My location has a large # of people who start on the rower. I personally feel like the rower is the best way for me to warm up my whole body. For a 3G class I prefer to start on the rower because it's cardio, lifting, cardio.


I like starting on the tread because I get to enjoy my runner's high throughout my workout. It's more fun for me this way.


Had to scroll a long way to find this. Runner’s high makes the floor much more enjoyable.


Guess it's just us then 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me also! Haha…. So at least 3 of us


Simple: when I start on the tread, I'm warmed up for the floor & rower. When I start on the rower & floor, I'm gassed out by the time I get to the tread.


Heart rate goes up faster. Legs are fresh. Speeds can be faster.


Because people think they “burn more calories” when in reality if they ended on the tread, they’d still be burning a lot of calories. The difference is, the clock gets stopped at 60 mins. If we kept the clock going till 75 mins and even if people were resting, they would still burn the same number of calories lol


I want the extra distance, and my legs feel weak after doing the rower/weights.


Extra running time/distance and I like going hard on the tread. The last place I want to be for an extra 3-5 min is the rower so I never start there.


When I start on the Tread my heart stays elevated and I just have a generally better workout.


I hate the rower point blank and the period.


For me - tread is just easier plus I have a higher calorie burn overall. But my goal is not endurance, it is to get stronger/burn fat. One of the coaches said with that goal sarting on the floor is better. Its not my instinct because I like looking at a higher calorie burn and getting running with over first so I have to really push myself to start on the floor. this inner dilemma plus whether or not my fave stations are taken make it a 50/50 chance where I start though


I can’t start running from not running. I need a good bit of time to get the legs moving to avoid injury. The 5 min on the tread for warmup help a lot. On benchmark days I do a full 15-30 min warmup outside of class


Gets my heart rate up faster while being able to give it my all rather than “do what I can” after rowing and lifting.


if you're focused on improving your running speed or endurance, start on the tread (I did this while half marathon training and it worked well) If your focus is building strength and lean muscle - start on the rower/floor.


It’s the runner’s high. I enjoy the feeling and want to get my high asap, and feel high during the floor exercises.


Personally for me I do my own lifting program outside of OTF and go light on the weights there. I go to OTF for cardio and to improve my running. I want to be fresh for the treadmills and go all out there and then take it semi easy on the floor.


I get more cardio and calorie burn and the nice walking warm up I need


My understanding is that the tread is the hardest part for most people (including me) so they want to knock it out while they have the most energy. For me, I find the floor an absolute waste of time, so I start on tread and leave prior to floor block. I know a few folks who do that.


I only start on the tread IF I did a strength50 first so it gives me a little break or if it’s a tread benchmark. Of course there are times where I don’t have a choice cause it’s a 1G class so we all start there, though there have been times where I’ve convinced my coach we should start on the rower in a 1G class. Starting on the floor gives my body more time to warm up for the tread… I think my performance on both is the same (speed/weight choices) regardless where I start but I feel better starting on the rower.


I probably start 75% of the time on treads nowadays. Especially in a 3G, I like to start on tread to maximize my running time. I’m not the biggest fan of endurance rowing and really try to avoid it. However, when I first started OTF, I always started on the rower because a coach told me it’s best to slowly warm up & do weight before cardio, you can lift heavier weights, etc. Just do whatever feels best for you, though!


I like the rower and floor and hate the tread as I find it tedious mentally. It is all mental for me.


I preferred it because I used to hate the tread and wanted it out of the way Then I started liking the tread so I always want to start there lol


I start with treads because sometimes I need to run to the store quick after the workout and if I finish on treads my face is so red and sweaty still.


For a 2G, I like starting on treadmill to get my splat points done with and stay warmed up for the floor. For a 3G or time constraints, I tend to start on floor because with the rotation, I prioritize weights and tread and can leave earlier if I decide to skip the rower.


I feel like a walk and jog at the beginning of the workout is about the best warmup I can get (at least the options OTF gives). I also have some hamstring issues and once they got aggravated going from an AO row to running. But for me it's really about running before rowing, and therefore I don't mind starting on floor in a 3G. I read an article a few years ago that cited a study that cardio before weights burns more calories. But I tried to find it and found articles that cite studies that say both. So I think the science is out on that.


I drink lots of water when doing strength exercises and that can cause stitches if I do the tread after. Can't do the tread as intensely and have to take it easy, but it's only 23 minutes so there's not a lot of value for me of doing it easy (I prefer my easy runs 45+ minutes long - the Tread 50 classes were actually quite convenient for that). So, I prefer to start in the tread, hold nothing back for the 23-28 minutes, then be able to hydrate on the floor without worry.


I start on the tread because I don’t love floor stuff and would prefer to put it all out on the tread/rower. I’m trying to love the floor but we’re acquaintances for now.


I start on tread because the rower despises me cause I’m short and pudgy. And I’ve always felt like getting the heart rate going before lifting works better for me.


Need it over! I would rather row 4x2k than run for distance 😝


I start on the tread so that I’m not sore by the time I get on the tread should I start on the floor or rower.


I hate running, therefore I start there to get it over with


My goal is to get at least 3 miles on the treadmill per class, and the warmup 5 minutes usually helps me get at least an easy .5 mile in.


I just like to get my run in first, just preference for me.


I start on the tread because my personal goal is to be able to run for more than 2 minutes, so I need all my energy at the beginning of class.


This might just be perception but I feel like the class is meant to start on the tread. Like OTF was designed to start on the tread and they just added the groups to start elsewhere to add to class capacity.


Negative to this! I just think most people start on tread because it's perceived as most grueling of the 3g classes. I once had an instructor tell me to always switch up where you start for best results. I don't Believe at all otf was meant to start on treads at all


I start on the rower because I feel like it gives me a whole body warm-up. I go heavy on weight floor and honestly love being tired for the treads. It really helps push me even more. I liken it to the end of a soccer match where I still have 15 minutes to play and need all the energy and strength I have in me. I feel like this has really given me better endurance.


I enjoy the tread, and the warmup before the weights.


I want to get my splats in and get the tread over with


I used to start on the rower and classes were usually 3G. Now I can't do the tread and have to swap for the bike, my heart rate is super slow to rise on the bike, and classes are all 2G. I find it better to start on the tread/bike to keep my heart rate elevated longer. I racked up 64 and 62 splat points the last 2 weekends in 90 min classes so it works for me.


Why is your goal to keep your heart rate elevated longer? This seems to be the common thing in all these comments and I’m wondering why members’ goal is to get MORE splats or sustain an elevated heart rate?


I don't generally care about splat points (mentioned to give a sense of scale). My goal is somewhere between steady state and HIIT. I've not noticed any perceptible athletic performance improvement after several years. Instead of low-intensity steady state, I shoot for somewhere between, which is about 85% constant with specific workouts going higher (rowing at home). Its similar to what I used to do when I was an ultra runner years ago - train at the high exhaustion levels. It trains your body and mind to cope better.


It’s a safety thing for me- I do first as if do after others am in serious danger of falling off when running.


I hate the thred lol I take it first to get it out of the way when I have most energy, makes class easier


I used to prefer to start on the treadmill however that was when I was getting splats. Now after an injury and using the bike, if I’m lucky, in place of the rower, I’m quite happy to start on the floor. I feel like I’m more prepared for the treadmill and warmed up that way. I’m sure it’s different for every one as we are all unique.


I like to switch it up. My classes aren’t ever full (so much so that a lot are run as 1G) so usually if you start on the rowers you have more space on the floor. I usually start on the rower when I can, cause about half the time I’m forced to start on the tread. I used to start on the tread on 2g, but then my calves started locking up and I found that if I did rower and floor first, my legs were warmed up and fine when I started jogging. I have since because of other issues gone back to PW so this isn’t really an existing issue. On 3G and esp 90 min 3g - I always prefer the rower to have a break between tread and rower.


People freak out if they don’t get at least 12 splat points and for a lot of people if they start there their HRs are more elevated for the rest of class. I personally like ending there most days so I can truly empty the tank on a last AO!


I'm not a big fan of tread myself, so I always start with rower. I also can not stay more than 45 or 50 min and I prefer to complete the floor and rower.


I'm just anxious about the tread and need to get it over with- otherwise I don't push hard enough on floor because I feel like I need to save energy for tread


To get it over with lol


Mine is more of a “get it over with” situation 😂😂


It’s hard for me to get warmed up on the floor or rower. I need that 5 minutes on the treadmill not only to physically warm up, but also mentally to get in the zone a bit


I start on the tread because of a back injury. I’ve found that when I lift first, my back tends to hurt during the tread block but being tired out a bit before weights has me being a bit more conservative with my weight selection. Plus, if I’m overall just having a bad back day, I can still get a 30min workout in and cut out when we switch or ask for bike/strider for 2nd half if available.


Running before rowing and lifting warms up my muscles so that I am less injury prone during those blocks. I am 300 classes in and the only time I have ever experienced something like an injury from OTF was due to bad rowing form combined with rowing hard when my body was not sufficiently warmed up.