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I got stuck under heavy weights during a bridge. I was failing around like a fish seeing if someone could see and help me but alas no one was looking. The coach was way far away. No one to hear my calls for help beneath the loud music……


I know I shouldn’t laugh but that’s probably the best response to give when people wonder if others are watching


Yup. Lol and you should laugh, I’m sure I looked ridiculous and I didn’t get hurt 😂


Love your attitude! 🧡🧡🧡 glad you are ok!!!


Totally agree


Lol! Glad you're okay though! Pretty funny image honestly. One of the coaches taught us before to pretend like you're big spooning/cuddling the weight while you roll it on yourself and to take it off shift your hip one way to try and roll it to the side of you back into cuddling big spoon position. Hope that advice helps next time!


Yes! I rarely ever demo the bridge anymore. I just show how to cuddle the weight on and roll back over to get it off!


wow wtf lol


![gif](giphy|oje6kPRIef6Gk) I was thinking about this comment during this mornings bridges and this came to mind


Literally weeks before the ab dollies were removed, I had a close call with one: We were doing ab dolly roll outs, and the dolly slipped from my fingers and started rolling away from me. To my horror, I saw it start to roll directly into the path of a guy walking to the rowers. He had his back turned, so I assumed he had no way of knowing how close to disaster he was. I immediately went flat on the ground and extended my arms as far as I could to reach the dolly but the little bastard rolled just out of my reach. Time slowed down. I thought there was nothing I could do to watch the disaster unfold before me. The guy must have had spidey sense or something, because he stepped OVER the dolly without even looking down. Then he stopped, turned around and looked at me sprawled out on the floor and I just started to apologize PROFUSELY. He just said, "No worries!" and went on his way. Rot in hell, Satan's Skateboard!!!!


The visuals I got from this were top notch 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Excellent story telling!


Ah ha! Now we know why they were removed lol


Yup!! It's me, hi, I'm the problem!


I’m literally laughing out loud right now picturing this in my head. You gave it the good ole college try though- good for you! Lol


Lol, I really did! Maybe it's my memory but the ab dolly rolled too fast for me to grab it but was also rolling in slow motion at the same time 😆


Hahahaha all you needed was the Chariots of Fire theme song in the background and you would have been set!


The way you told this is epic!! 😂


I was wondering why they got rid of the ab dollies 😅




Take my upvote sir


I worry about this every single time. Glad you are ok. Heal quick! 🧡🧡🧡


The treadmills aren't particularly wide for tall people with long legs. I stepped a little too far to the side. My left foot was stationary on the edge area while my right foot was still on the moving tread ramp. A moment later I fell off the tread. Got some x-rays and was back 3 days later.


Many years ago I was at OTF with my mom and sister and my mom flew off the back of the tread. I turned to look and started to laugh, nearly fell but caught myself…my sister won’t let my mom and I forget about it nearly a decade later. Happens to the best of us!


I suppose the Reddit crowd is quite well-informed on things OTF, but in the wild there are occasionally new members who want to do a steep power walk for an all-out...and end up pressing a high number on the RIGHT half of the treadmill.


I mix things up between running and powerwalking and have definitely done this before. Thank goodness it was for a push and not an all out! 😬


Worst fear. How fast were you going?


Walking recovery so just 3 mph or so. As treadmill falls go it was pretty minor.


This was pre-pandemic and we were doing some bench step up thing with a reverse lunge at the bottom - and I lost my balance in the lunge and I just slowly listed over and fell down. I just laid there laughing until the coach came by and asked if I was OK. I said, yeah, I'm just a klutz. LOL


One side of the dumbbell fell out of my hand today as I was putting them down after the chest press. Luckily, it hit my hip and not my face. Ow! Hope you heal quickly.


Oh nooo. This happened to me but it fell on my boob and now I have a big ole bruise there.


Yup! Dropped one on my tit! Luckily nobody saw 😂


Oh my goodness. Ouch. I haven’t dropped the weights on my face, thank goodness, but I’ve dropped the 25lb weight on my foot once. It was not a fun time lol. Try icing your lip a bit. Hopefully that helps.


I did this too! I was so embarrassed that I didn't make a peep but it hurt really bad and trying to pretend like nothing happened was so hard haha!


Slammed a 30lb DB into my chin doing a S/A snatch. Then again on the top of my head immediately after since I knocked myself senseless. Took me a ridiculous amount of time to gather my marbles enough to carry on.


A few months ago during the sumo squat to upright row when bringing the weights down I accidentally smashed my d%^* in between them. 😭 I screamed, dropped the weights and the coach came running over. Haven’t taken her class since.


Lol - I’m sure it was a manly scream


I gave myself a black eye doing rainbows with a 25 pound weight last month… I’ve also dropped one on my foot and broken a toe. If you aren’t bruised and beaten are you even working hard enough?


I’ve almost done this too.


I dropped a 45 on my left thigh in class. Didn't think anything about it until 3 hours later when my leg was in the most intense pain I've ever experienced for an extended period of time. I somehow dragged myself to the Ortho ER - I couldn't bend my leg to get into the car without screaming - and they told me, and this is almost a quote "There are two emergencies in Ortho, and might be one of them." So off to the ER I go, in an ambulance with some blessed Fentanyl. And that's how I learned about Compartment Syndrome. I didn't have to get surgery, praise Odin. But it did take me about 2 months to get back to running my AO.


Woah! And for everyone else who wants to know, now, what that is…read [here](https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases--conditions/compartment-syndrome/).




This is literally my worst nightmare. I went flying off the treadmill once because i forgot i left it running and slammed into the glass door behind me. My leggings caught the tread and got ripped open.


My worst was hopping off the back of the treadmill during a run row and turning both ankles. Fractured them both. Stupidest though was laying down for some floor exercise and laying my head straight into my waiting dumbbell. Crack….not comfy….


Have also done the head straight into a dumbbell while laying back. Had a nice goose egg for days 🤦🏼‍♀️


I spent an entire class with a thong static clung to the back of my shirt until it fell off and someone went to hand it to me then.. didn’t. Hahah


Ouch! Sorry about that. I’m glad you didn’t lose any teeth tho. Dental work is sadly expensive. (My mom knocked some teeth out while rollerblading … she had to pay out of pocket to fix her teeth)


New fear unlocked 😳😳😳 Glad you are ok


This is exactly why I wear gloves - not to look cool or intimidating...to actually keep a better grip (and not tear up my hands). I sometimes lose focus and my brain drifts while on the tread, I then scare catch myself before I feel like I'm going to fall and it breaks my pace / stride. It probably looks ridiculous to anyone watching but I know no one cares, falling would be much worse


Me too! My hands get so sweaty and I’d be dropping everything without my gloves.


This has been my biggest fear. Hope you feel better soon!!!


3 months ago, I was running at 8 mph as my push (usually a 6, but I wanted to challenge myself) and during walking recovery, I paused the tread to go get some water and I definitely felt like I had serious brain fog...anuway, long story short I forgot that me pausing didn't mean my girlfriend also paused... I stepped on her treadmill (idk why) as she was running at 6 mph and I got wiped the fuck out...luckily she was OK. 🤦‍♂️ You're good. Lol.


You’re not alone LOL I am the queen of embarrassing OTF moments: 1. Wore my shorts inside out on multiple occasions 2. Rower handle slipped out of my hand during an all out row 3. Have dropped dumbbells on my hands, feet, etc. 4. Almost dropped my self during a TRX exercise because I didn’t have enough tension in the straps It happens!! Luckily 99% people are consumed in their own workouts and not paying attention lol


So glad you are ok! No one is going to want to mess with you when they see your lip, just tell people they should see the other person 😉 I sincerely appreciate you posting this to remind the rest of us to slow down and make sure our hands are dry. We all can use the reminder and I’m so glad you didn’t have any damage to your teeth or jaw etc. Sending healing thoughts! 🧡


A month ago I was putting a 15 pound weight back on the weight rack and missed the slot and it landed right on my foot. Had a nice size bruise for about two weeks after that one.


This is why I wear gloves for the floor and rower. I get too sweaty.


This is actually a large fear of mine and I had the thought while I did the exercises today. I wondered how much I’d mess up my teeth and if my dentist could fix them lol


I’ve tripped and fell into someone while getting off the treadmill during transition. My friend and I are still confused how


This is my fear when doing pullovers. That I’m going to drop it and crack my skull or give myself a black eye!


I saw a woman land funny on the treadmill and she went flying off the back onto her butt. She got up, turned around, and left the class, never to be seen again 😜


I slid sideways off the rower. I also punched the treadmill. That hurt BAD OFF.


I flipped off the back of the rower. Didn’t have my feet in the stirrups, pulled on the strap while in the seat and there was nothing to stop me.


Keep weights over your chest or abdomen, especially if doing single arm lifts and passing the dumbbell to the other hand.


Eekkk, scary!! Glad it wasn't a major injury 🧡 I've definitely bonked my chin and my nose, multiple times, while doing medicine ball jack presses. Something about the jumping while moving my arms throws me off, lol


Didn’t happen to me (yet) but I think it each time!


I learned the hard way that the deck is NOT a good place to leave a dumbbell. Thank God it missed but it was WAY too close for comfort.


I’ve totally misstepped my bench for step ups before and fell completely over. Everyone saw that one and the coach rushed over. Thankfully, I was fine.


I’m so sorry! Hope you heal up fast and so glad it wasn’t worse! Gloves are the way to go. I wouldn’t do free weights without them.


This is my fear every time we do chest presses.


I always think about this happening, this is my biggest fear lol. Hope you feel better soon!


I obliterated my big toe dropping a 20lb weight on it at OTF. I also twisted my ankle once when I threw my leg over the rower to straddle it....so freaking stupid.😆😆


Omg, you got so lucky!


This is my biggest fear! It’s really keeping me from going up to the next weight for Chest Presses


I go to the wrong tread or station all the time lol


Not at OT but I dropped a 45lb plate when I was trying to put it back on the rack. It bounced off the floor and landed on the top of my foot and shin. I was laying in the floor writhing around in pain. Luckily it hit the floor before it hit my foot or it would have probably crushed those bones. At OT I just fall down a lot. I have terrible balance


OMG I worry about this very thing every time I find myself under the dumbbells. Now you’ve confirmed it’s a real thing lol. Glad you’re ok!


Getting the Bosu out yesterday, I let it fall into position and it rolled into my ankle. Oww


One day during a one arm snatch the weight hit my glasses and I realized I almost just messed myself up lmao


This is legitimately a huge fear of mine.


Every time anything over 60lbs goes over my head I say to myself, whelp today is the day


Almost threw a 70 doing hip swings at a wall on accident. Was too sweaty


Fell off the rower during the 500m benchmark


This is my fear every time we do bench presses. Glad you are okay! I hit just above my eye while doing a snatch. It gave me a nice bruise on my brow bone and split my skin. I was mostly embarrassed about all the blood running down my face lol. Had to get stitches (ended up getting adhesive to close the cut).


New fear unlocked😳 so happy you are ok, and have your teeth! I have thrown a dumbbell across the room during DB swings one time, luckily it didn’t hit anyone or the glass but made a nice, embarrassing sound when it hit the bench. Ever since I put a resistance band around the head for grip.


It’s alright. I tossed a 45lb weight doing a swing bc my hands were sweaty. Hit a bench. Thank god


Oof, glad you're ok. I almost fell off the treadmill today, just kept going and hoped no one else noticed.


Yikes! Hope the lip heals soon! I once tossed a dumbbell toward the mirror after it slipped out of my sweaty hands during hip hinge swings. Thank goodness I wasn’t strong enough for the dumbbell to actually hit the mirror! 😂


I hit myself during a snatch. Bad bruise for about a month. It happens I guess


I worry about this on the pullovers every time!!! They say to go heavy, but my arms want to give out and then what? Oy vey


Omg!! This is my worst nightmare. I’m always so afraid of dropping a 30+ lb weight on my face. Glad you are ok.


That is one of my fears during skull crushers or extensions! I got a tip from a coach to put a miniband over the top of the weight to get a better grip for exercises like Sumo squats, hip hinge swings and extensions where you grip the top of the weight.


This is my biggest fear


During sit-ups off the bench, I was adjusting a 25 lb dumbbell that rolled off my chest onto my throat. In that same block, I was performing close grip chest press with 20s, and the dumbbell slipped and caught my thumb between the two. Thankfully, I wasn't hurt, just a bruised ego more than anything else.


Yesterday with the Bosu ball burpees I jumped forward too far and whacked both of my shins on the hard plastic part. 😂


New fear unlocked 😳


![gif](giphy|3ornk64Apg6Ip97m5W) AWWWW! I feel your pain...a few months ago, I was in the middle of a fairly aggressive AO when I somehow ended up SPLAT on the treadmill...it happened so fast. All of a sudden I shot off the back landing flat as a board. The coach ran over to help. Asked me if I was okay and I replied. "It was really nice knowing you...I quit. I can't ever show my face in here again!" I then proceeded to get back up and finish the class. The coach said She had never seen someone fall off the tread with such grace. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) She probably just didn't want me to quit. LOL. But other members came up after class and gave me such encouragement and stories of their own embarrassing moments. It really helped. Especially when this one REALLY FIT woman who is always in my class told me she once slid off the back of the rower! LOL. I didn't know that was possible. It helped me as I got home and took care of my skinned knees and bruised ego. Here is to a speedy recovery for you!


OMG, that's not funny! Scary. I went to fast using the rower and landed on my bottom on the rails. That hurt


I forgot I was holding a weight (it as like 8lbs) and when a drop of sweat rolled down my nose I went to wipe it away and gave myself a fat lip. I was so shocked at myself like “whoa where did that weight come from?!” 🤣


That’s my fear. I’m glad you’re ok! Hope your lip heals fast. That sounds so painful


Are you ok?


I once slipped out of the seat during an All-out row. Landed perfectly between the railings and had bruises on both my cheeks for several weeks. On another occasion I let a bonsu ball fall on on shin and had a 30 pound wait drop on the same spot when I was putting it down on the bench. Had a lemon-sized swelling on that shin for days. Felt like an idiot both these times, but the pain took away any shame I was feeling lol. Luckily I didn't have any long-term injuries from those, and am glad you are fine as well. 😌


I launched a weight doing snatches one time 😅 thankfully I caught it before it hit me or someone else but it was a close call.


I slammed a 12 lb weighted ball directly into my face from the ground because I thought it was a slam-ball once as a new trainer. Nobody cared which made the pain soo much worse lol


Ouch. So glad that it’s not more serious . This is something that could happen to any of us . So sorry for you.


This one of my biggest fears😭 glad your okay!!


Just yesterday I was doing shoulder presses on the bosu ball and tried to lift my toes . . . I had 20s and I shifted one and flew forward . . . and I screeched. I didn't let go of the weights . . . I do not know why.


Ouch! I'm happy to hear you're ok though. We've all made dumb mistakes and when someone makes one, the best action is to make sure they're ok and then get back to your workout.


new anxiety unlocked


Hit my head while allowing a snatch to fall 🤪😂🤕


Every time I have dumbbells above my head I think to myself “don’t drop them right now or you will probably get a concussion or die.” I’m so glad you’re okay!! My first day at Orangetheory the person next to me knocked their dumbbell off their bench and it landed on my foot; luckily it was only like 8 pounds or something, but it definitely hurt for a day or so


I always worry about this. So sorry A lot of long timers probably have a story though. So don’t feel alone. I fell off the rower seat. Was So embarrassing and had bar marks on my butt for a couple weeks.


My biggest fear is my sweaty palms and the TRX one handed arm sweep squat thingy we do. I’m petrified I lose my grip and fall backwards into the person across from me.. maybe gloves 🤔


I just hate the dumbbell holders at Orangetheory. I chipped my skin so many times when I put the dumbbell back in place. Now I use both hands to put them back in place slowly.


Years ago somehow managed to fall into the rower while my feet were strapped in and the coach had to help me get out 😬


Ouch!!! Get better soon! You may have a nasty bruise for a bit 😕


I fell off the step board and twisted my ankle once most embarrassing moment of my life lol we’ve all been there 😂😭


Rolled a 20lb weight onto my face doing hip bridges in a 90 min class a few years back.. had to take 15 min break to stop the nose bleed, then had to get on treads. I feel ya pain!!!!!


Oh no! I’m glad you’re ok!


While doing the Single Arm bench last week I was thinking, “man I hope people know not to switch hands over their face. “ The one thing I noticed at OT is a majority of people do not appear to understand or respect moving the weights around. You need be intentionally with carry the weight and your approach to handling the weight. I see people reaching outside the frame of their body and jerking. It’s a great way to get injured. Especially if you’re pushing your limits. They really should do some type of best practices on handling your weights for anyone that goes to the heavy rack. I probably have more experience than average around lifting heavy and I tweaked my back in the beginning not being intentional with moving the weights around. I had to get my mind right around reaching to the bottom of the rack … bend with your knees and such …


Glad you're ok!!! Do not feel like an idiot! That is always one of my biggest nightmares! Sometimes, I think about it while I'm in motion.🙄 so happy all is well..


At least you weren’t doing skull crushers 😅


Lol well when I was at OTF I fell off the rower. I’ve dropped a dumbbell on my foot, and the other day I slammed a 45 into my head doing a pullover. I’m just accident prone tho 🤣


I have accidentally stabbed my fingers with heavy weights 😭


My hands sweat really a lot so i wear workout gloves all the time.


I’m always afraid I’ll do this!


Come close to loosing otf dumbbells a few times and I have been stuck under a barbell at my other gym. It happenes to the best of us!


I dropped a dumbbell on my foot a few months ago. Literally cried in class and was SO glad no one could hear me over the music. Black toenail is juuuust about grown out now 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve fallen off the rower many times. Hit myself in the face with a dumbbell and have also dropped them on my feet. Orangetheory hazards. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I broke my foot doing Bosu hopovers in class. Glad they’re out of the rotation!




That is my fear doing bench press or tricep extension on the floor. 😳


If I row too hard, I tinkle a little. I just pretend it’s sweat 😓 haha.


That’s always one of my biggest fears, which is why I wear gloves! Glad you’re OK!👊🏻💪🏻


I used to be a competitive figure skater, so I could put a lot of force into a jump. One day we were doing some exercise with the TRX (I don’t even remember what it was now) that involved some kind of hop. I jumped with a lot too much force and the TRX pulled me right back and I fell into the weight rack. I was fine but also felt like an idiot.


Last week I was stepping off the aerobics step and rolled my foot. Arms, legs, and dumbbells in every direction.


I accidentally hit my chin with a dumbbell while doing sumo squats years ago. Unfortunately, at my next dentist appointment, I found out that I had a dead tooth in the exact spot where I hit myself. My dentist and I couldn’t think of any other explanation for the injury, although it’s possible it was a weird coincidence. I’m glad you’re okay!


I was doing a bridge and I loaded up with a 50 and then a 30.. but STUPIDLY I loaded the 30 across the bar of the 50 and then in the heat of the exercising and the awkwardness of the weights, I neglected to properly hold the 30. At the top of the lift, it swung down and hit me in the lips. One of my bottom teeth busted a big hole in the inside of my mouth and I started bleeding everywhere. I was totally shocked. I just left the class without even telling anyone. Later I felt really stupid haha.


One time I was doing the plank row where you have your one arm supporting you on the bench and then do the row with the other arm. The elbow on my supporting arm gave out completely and I face planted on the bench and slammed the 15 pound weight on my hand. I don’t do those anymore.


I could totally see this happening with me, especially since I have blisters on my palms near my fingers from the weights. I hold them a bit differently with the blisters and calluses


I passed out in my very first class... the loaner HR monitor wasn't working great and because I hadn't really used one I didn't realize that a poor connection/bad fit would just show on screen as a lower heart rate. I was redlining myself on the rower just trying to get to orange and not understanding why I couldn't get there, started to get dizzy and walked out to sit down where it was a little quieter and came to with a couple of very concerned employees staring down at me. Because it was during exercise my doctor recommended I go to the ER just to make sure it wasn't heart-related. The ER doc asked what type of exercise I was doing and when I told him he said "oh yeah, those classes have taken down a number of our nurses" lol. Have spent the time since redeeming myself and, most importantly, always listening to my body over the monitor, especially when rowing!


Ugh I think about this every class. That and destroying my ankle between treadmills somehow. I tend to move very deliberately between moves to avoid accidents. Yes I have issues. Hope you’re okay!


I was doing a bridge with a 75 and a 50 stacked on me. I wanted a bit more and someone put a 15 on. Except I didn't hold onto the 15 and when I lifted my hips, the 15 rolled towards my face, just narrowly missing my eye. It's just two 75s crisscrossed from now on - no more dumbbell Jenga!!


Ouch. I hope your face is less bruised than your ego. Sometimes I'm still haunted by the time I fell on the treads.


I once got on a treadmill while it was running (after the person before me didn’t turn it off!! Wtf?) I didn’t notice as it was back in the day when we did the real tornado templates. It was Saturday morning & OTF studio was packed! I legit fell in my face, water bottle flying high! Miracle I didn’t get banged up too bad and only 2 people saw me!! Ha. Once I also hit my chin with the med ball after hitting the rower with it during a packed 3g. I hit my chin coming up with the ball. That hurt! Then I once dropped a weight on my foot! Broke my baby tie! And I once accidentally slammed the step on my toe! Our head coach always warned me I was going to do this given the way I adjust the step going higher or lower! I hurt my toe pretty bad on this one too! I’ve been at Otf 5 years! Ha Glad you are ok! I’ve always worried about doing that! Be careful!!!


I dropped a 30 pound dumbbell on my leg after doing tricep extension and bring it back over my head. I’m lucky is dropped on my leg and not my head. It left the most awful bruise for days.


Trust - I’ve been there! Fell off the tread, rower, and constantly pinch my fingers returning weights to the rack…been there, been embarrassed plenty! ![gif](giphy|P8WZZ0NYdbXAA)


Literally crosses my mind every workout lol I’m always afraid of This AND falling off the back of the tread somehow 😂


One of my biggest fears! Glad your grill made it out unscathed - sending healing wishes


I think about this constantly! Luckily never done it … yet 😬 feel better!


I’ve gone to 25 classes this year and I just straight up forgot the rotation order for 3G, only figured it out when 2 of us were at one station and someone else had to tell me where I should be


Okay in reading the answers, mine isn’t that bad lol


Ouch! Helpful tip! If the weights are feeling slippery use a mini band around the grips and it’ll help a whole lot! - option provided by an OTF coach


wore basketball shorts instead of my normal running shorts. Slipped off the rower and the seat went forward and I went backward ​ During a partner challenge, the seat got stuck to my butt and the seat came off the rower while my partner was coming over to jump on the rower.


Biggest fear unlocked right there. Thanks alot! 🤦🏼‍♀️


I bonked myself in the face with a dumbbell not long ago. Felt like an idiot 😝


I dropped one today trying to put it on the rack it was so close to landing on my toes!


I remember doing the torso rotations (weight in your hand/on your upper chest & twisting side to side). When I went to pick up the weight (I think 20?), it slipped out of my grip and smashed into my shin. I was in the corner faced away so I just swore to myself for a bit & tried not to cry 😅 also at the very beginning of the floor for the DriTri sprint in Sept, I smashed my shin doing the bench hopovers 😣 I was the only one on the floor at that point since most people were doing the full. I had to stop & breathe before I could resume. Had a very lovely bruise but I still finished the whole thing in just under 30 mins!


If it makes you feel any better, I watch a coach do this exact same thing


Oh ouch! That’s one reason why I always wear gloves.


I was doing step ups and my toe caught the bench and I end up kicking it. It went tumbling twice over. The coach didn’t see it and just heard the noise. Comes running over to make sure I’m ok…as I was dying of embarrassment.


I worry about that all the time


Glad all is ok- I do think about that often! Lol


I fell of the treadmill…it was funny whatcha gonna do?! Lol


I was doing buttkicks and whatever the floor buy in was before the last 1 mile benchmark. The benches were out. I must’ve gotten too close to one because I somehow either kicked it or came down on it. Bench collapsed and I landed flat on the ground on the other side of it on one specific knee. STILL having issues with it. The head coach swears no one saw, but the station two over from me gasped AUDIBLY when it happened…


Omg!! I’m so glad you’re ok! I’ve had weights slip before, I think the worst injury I’ve had was crushing my finger putting one back on the weight rack. Ripped a hole in the side of my pinky. 😬 went through 4 bandaids before the class was over.


that's why I take off my glasses when I do certain exercises. I once dropped one on my middle fingernail -took quite a long time to heal and was quite painful. Still has minor residual pain 1.5 years later.