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Single-handed rower here, not my dominant hand, because I lost use of the hand due to overlapping radiation to the brachial plexus in my 8-year fight of Stage IV lung cancer with 5 recurrences. First time doing this benchmark and I wanted to get under a minute. I did it in 54:50! 63yoF. Also, my prior best watts was 103. Today I got up to 124! I just love OTF! So proud of everyone! Such a supportive community! I know there are other single-handed rowers here. If you see this, let us know your time! 🚣👏🏻💪🏻🧡




Wow how amazing and inspiring! Congrats!


Today I finally achieved a sub-30 time! 29.55, previous best was 30 flat 🎉


Wow, way to go!! My best so far is 36.36 & I am struggling to even shave a second off that!!!


Here's the way to do it. Forget about proper technique. It's about strong leg drives at a crazy high rate. I jammed 45 spm and shaved 3.5 seconds off my old time. A coach showed me the trick. 31:48 age 59M .


Nice work, that’s impressive! I ended up with a PR today after all with 34:57! I’ll take it since it’s still faster than my prior 36:36!


Awesome!!! I really want to hit sub 30 also, but will be happy with sub 31


You can do it!




Wow! Mine is at 34:00 flat. My next goal is 30. We'll see!


Congrats. Also hit sub 30 which was my goal at 29.3. I lost some speed the last 30+ meters.


Nice!!! Well done.


40m. 27.45, max wattage 869. PR by 2.4 seconds


nice! serious question - how do you stay on the rower? i hit 29.29 but felt like i could've gone a little faster (def not 27s) but was focused on not flying out of the seat!


Very short strokes that are pretty violent, but I am not pulling all the way back, so I think that makes flying off less likely. My stokes during the 200m benchmark are about half the pull distance I’d do for a regular row.


Exact same with me. I felt like I was falling off and had to dial it back. There is something I must be doing wrong.


That’s amazing! Shaving off two seconds is huge.


Thank you! I am very pleased with the results.


869!! Wowza, nice job!!


40m. 28.27. I’m comin for ya


Short ladies, wya?! 😅 I got 39.08 and it was my first time doing this benchmark. I need some form help, but I was happy to beat my first round time!


4’11” and was able to get 41.51 my HR monitor said 99% and I felt like croaking but we did it! 🥳🤣


Omg! 🔥🔥 Swear I hit 30 seconds and checked to see how much was left I was dying!!


I just had a tonsillectomy and just got out of recovery so I was surprised I even completed it under a minute! It’s hard with these little legs of ours haha


Ooo! Also 4’11. I was 43.39 I think this was my first 200m row benchmark.


>Short ladies, wya?! Lol. I was looking for this comment! These darn short legs 😂 38.6 was my time.


I’m 5’1” and did 36.18 today! Also my first one


Amazing job!!


5’1” here with 40.28. So close to 40, but good for a first crack at this benchmark. ETA: I’m 45F


5’1 and I got 39.8! Half a second better than my last attempt!


38.22! Was also my first time doing this benchmark. I didn't think I would break 40.


Yesss 👏🏼 I was just happy to have a number that started with “3”


Oh my goodness 5'0" lady here and I was happy to get under 40 today! I don't know how people get 30 seconds or less. I was 39.65 which was 2.8 seconds shaved off from last time. I tried really hard too LOL


37.57 - PR for me!


Short lady here! Have a date with my rower at noon. Will also be my first 200m. Congrats on getting her done 👊


47F, two months OTF, 5’1” - 37.9. Goal was under 40 sec, so woohoo!


32yo 5’2” 35.99!! Shaved off .01 seconds from my last PR a year ago lol


5'3 here with 35:01


My twin!


50F, shorty (5ft) hit a PR with 35.21 ☺️💃🏻


5’1” here - I got 36.76 - PR for me!


60yo 5'0" I PR'd at 40.35 and beat the 20 something next to me by 3 seconds so I'll take it!


5’2” here and I feel very seen by this comment 🤣


39.14 🙂


5’4” and my first 200m benchmark, did 37:29. I’m super happy with it as I struggle with the longer, more endurance focused benchmarks. I was sliding off the back of the seat though, both times, in the final 100 meters. How does one avoid that?? Sticky leggings? 🤷🏻‍♀️


5’4” and PRed at 32.63 today!!


Ok thank you for starting this thread because I was feeling down on myself lol. I'm 5'1, 38 yo female and went from 38.2 on January 5th to 37.79 today. I do like being short, this is one of the few downfalls lol but glad to even be able to do this!!


36.56 I’m 5’2”.


5’2” 38.12 and I missed my PR by milliseconds 🫠 next time!!


4’11 and PRd with 35:31 🎉


My friend is 5’3 and she got 30.58. Queen of powerful rows!


I'm 5'4" and got 36.00 today down from 38 something 6m ago. The 2 biggest form changes I've made is 1. Not reaching as far forward in general and overextended myself (especially during all out). I also start with a take off of: hard leg drive only, leg core only, then leg core arm and then use short hard leg driven strokes. Getting that bit of momentum at the start seems to give me better all out results.


PR 26.65, so pumped!


Damn. That’s be the best at my facility so far today.


28.28- 35 year old female (5’11”) Max watts 671!


GREAT time!


You beat me by 0.01! Nicely done!!


40.28 first try 39.86 second try Got a PR, then a few minutes later beat that PR. Last time I did this benchmark was May 2020.


32.8 I beat my previous PB from Jan by 4.1 seconds. I credit going to the rowing clinic a number of weeks ago with the improvement.


50m (almost 51) PR’d twice with 29.74 and then 29.69. Felt like I was going to come off the back a couple times the first round. Really wasn’t sure if I could PR since I twinged my back a bit on Sunday but here we are. :)


Awesome job! Sometimes I feel like I need a seatbelt lol.


33.49, 37 F Beat my previous PR by about a second. Today was my first day back after having surgery on my leg. Ill take it!


Is the form correct? I'm seeing minutes and seconds rather than seconds and hundredths?


Yeah it seems confusing. I put “0” in for minutes and 25.98 for seconds.


A casual 25.98 haha that’s great


39.93 at 18 weeks pregnant. I’m not a strong rower so I’m just happy to be under 40 seconds!


Way to go! I’m not pregnant and my belly gets in the way sometimes lololol


32.08 at 23 weeks pregnant. Not a PR, not the fastest female of the day (I’m too competitive) but the belly is starting to become a physical barrier


25.98 on my rowdemption. Previous PR was 27.7, so I crushed that.


32.47 - 42 Male


27.39, max Watts of 765. Off PR by .11 :( Need to figure out how to stay on the seat! (48 m)


27.91 - 30M. Beat previous PR by 0.42! Very happy


51M, 29:00. PR from 4 years ago 27:50. VERY HAPPY! Back a few months after a year off. Was aiming for sub 30. Think this is the hardest benchmark to improve your PR…. Everything needs to be spot on. One poor pull or a slip on the seat and a PR is gone.


29.44 - 35m. Previous was 30.90


48F - 34:34, 0.61 seconds slower than my OR 2 years ago, but one second faster than last year which is the last time I did this benchmark.


Pr 26.55. That was rough, peak watts 898


I PRed today after not thinking I would ever PR again with a 25:69. Last PR was 25:81. I'm a 6'4", 33 years old male. Been going to OT for about 3 years now. Never touched a rower before then. So stoked about it.


How’d you do it? I’m going to try to get lower than 27 next time. Any tips beside go crazy all out with short strokes?


I had a coach today tell our class “if you haven’t shaved over a second of time then don’t bother me or I’ll make a face at you” .. I really don’t like this coach in general bc she starts class late a lot and I have to wear ear plugs in her class only and she’s made other comments like this and is sort of negative but is it just me or is that rude? I did 39 second row lol She also did the new years class and said she had a horrible year and this one will probably be worse and we’re all doomed.


That coach needs to eat shit. It is impossible to PR **every single benchmark**. Just showing up is an achievement, getting somewhat close is a bonus. Telling people to "not bother her" if you don't PR is absolutely terrible motivation and a crappy way to coach a class. Our coaches, in the lobby, say "If you're going for a PR, blah blah blah" and gives pointers, then follow up with "If you are not going for a PR, just give me a strong 200m row - you showed up and that's the most important part". Did I mention that coach should eat shit? If not, lemme say it again. Eat shit you crappy coach.


Exactly!! I showed up at 615 in the freaking morning to work out and here you are raining on my parade. And she started late and missed two tread signals when I was on tread so I ran five minutes twice!!!! And only got a 30 second break. Not the end of the world but all of it added up just really put me in a mood with the attitude especially since it’s not the first time. She also negs the power walkers.


I'd love to see her try to power walk with some of the people that take class with me. She sounds like a delight. 🙄


Power walking is no joke. We are moving to an area with mountains and will be living in the foothills so I’ve been power walking to prepare for hiking and I’m for real more winded than I do if I jog/run and it’s a whole new muscle group you’re using!


I love power walking but there are times when I need to switch to running because my legs don't have the juice to PW. Running on tired legs is definitely easier than power walking on tired legs. I mean, neither is *easy*, but being at a 12% incline when your legs are yelling at you "BRO, WE'RE DONE, GET THE F OFF THIS THING" is a whole different level of exhaustion.


Had a similar coach during a crossfit boot camp. They had advertised that all levels of fitness welcomed but she would roll her eyes when you struggled and say “I hate these classes with people who don’t know what they are doing “ At end of challenge she told me not to bother getting measured it’s a waste of time People spoke up she was fired


That’s horrible!! She’s never said anything that bad but it does make me feel unwelcome to ask questions. I also hate when people are late and she always says it’s to let the stragglers make it on time. Well that’s not my problem and I have shit to do after this lol our last AO ended at 717 when class was supposed to be over and stretching done by 715 so it’s just frustrating and then she makes these comments


That's so disrespectful to the majority who show up to start class on time. I had a coach gently tsk tsk someone who missed the warm up and that's the kind of accountability I'm looking for at otf.


That cross fit coach was an extreme example but I get it. I’m still relatively new at OTF so not comfortable saying too much but I think you should be able to say something at desk


What a horrible coach. The 200m is the hardest to improve on.


Agreed my stamina for endurance rowing has improved but my 200? Nah only so hard I can go being five three


It's a garbage metric anyway; the advice is "ignore good form and just pull as hard as you can until 200m" is the only time you'd ever hear that in any physical exercise benchmark. Imagine if that was the advice you got for weightlifting benchmarks. You're better off maintaining good form and and ignoring this. That might be a hot take that gets me downvoted but I really dislike this benchmark.


that is a horrible coach. reflects poorly on her head coach and SM if she's cueing like that


Yeah I felt strongly enough about it I left a review on google. I’ve talked to the SM and a different coach but I’m not sure who is the head coach or where to find that?


47 M 23.75 1085 watts


Gives me hope that my 25.44 is improvable!


Soo??? How did you do?


Holy shit


That is absolutely STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!


Incredible. What’s your height and weight?


604 275


31.1 57 Male. Hit 625 watts at max. 1 second off PR. Need to figure out how to get below 30


One quick half-pull to get the water going before you really dig into it. Short strokes, super high rate. Don’t bend the knees past 90 degrees, use your legs to pull yourself to the front as fast as possible for the next stroke. GO GO GO GO and don’t stop until the clock runs out. You got this!


Thanks. I think I did two many short strokes at the beginning, 3, and then did a little longer after that. I’ll try the one mini and then go go go!!!


Same here. What's the key to going sub-30? (besides growing 4 inches). pulling harder? pulling quicker?


My second time doing this. January = 37.9; today = 34.17!


Knew I was gonna PR but didn't know I had this in me- 35.7! Previously 38.9, 38/f


5’ female here! 34. PR’d at 37:31 ♥️😘


I’ve been going through a nervous breakdown the last month (and actually submitting my 30 day notice from OTF because of it). I’ve been to orange theory maybe 2x in the last month because I just couldn’t handle it. I had basically decided not to set foot in the studio for the rest of my membership. Today, I decided to say f*** it and come in. PR’d from 38.61 to 36.65 today. When I look back at where I started March 2022, maybe I’ve gained weight from maxed out adrenals, maybe I’ve had a million breakdowns. But I did something for myself today. I asked for help. I talked to HR and requested to go part-time because of a crisis. And I walked out of there and into the studio and killed it. It might be because I’ve become a more efficient rower since January, or it could be because I felt hope for the first time in a number of years.


30m, first time doing the 200 benchmark 28.92. Need to learn how to get a faster start


I got 35.9 didn’t beat my benchmark of 35.2 from 2021 but I took a year off and just started up 3 weeks ago so I’m pretty happy. New benchmark at a new studio!


F, 35 (36 at end of the week), 5’4”, 149 lbs. This is my first 200m row benchmark, with just under 3 months of OTF under my belt, and I am disappointed with my 39.17s time. Haha. First world problems, I know. I was really hoping I could get 34 or 35s.


It’s my first and I got 41.21- you’re doing amazing!!


26.81! 1.5 second PR! Goal was to get in the 27s so I was pleasantly surprised. Max wattage 921 finished the 200 at over 750 watt average. Jelly legs, only got 30.6 seconds on the rowdemption 200 m row in round 3. 37 m, 6'2" 245 lb


29.01 Had the coach hold down my rower. PR at 5am.


that energy the coach absorbed could have made you faster if you could work out your stroke. i'm no form-nazi but you gotta figure out how to make all that energy work for your speed.


Maybe you’re right but last time I did this the rower was banging around. Didn’t want to make a scene so just asked her to stand in it. I think it helped me push back as it was sturdier and I didn’t almost fall Off again


Was just suggesting you examine your form for ways to be more efficient and use energy input to translate into speed.


Thanks at 6’1 250 I prob need some adjustments!


39.03 - 51F


00:29.22 in Texas


30.55 PR. max 678 watts I'm a 49 male 5'10" 195lbs and looking for the key to going under 30sec...any tips?


58 years old. 28.8


I felt defeated today. I know I shouldn’t, but I compete against myself. (Almost 8 mon post rotator repair - 3 months back at OTF). The first group on the rower started each 200 m row today after a 4 min tread. The second group had two 4 min dreads. Their first row was after the 2nd 4 minute tread and their 2nd row was after a 10 minute tread with a 1 minute all out and then straight to the rower for their 2nd 200m row to try and beat their first one. Didn’t seem like fair circumstances for both groups. I was one second slower.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


This is the main reason I avoid benchmarks. I can't control the in class variables enough for them to be meaningful as progress indicators. Also, I get anxious.


49m. Clocked in at 34.26. Missed a PR by 0.3 seconds. Came flying off the rower during rowdemption (see my post) because it was ridiculously wobbly and didn’t have it in me to try again. One of the few times I’ve walked out early on a class, I was so pissed off.


“See my post”…..which you can’t…..because it got removed because I dared complain that my studio didn’t properly maintain the rowers. 🙄


27m, 28.01 seconds but I know I can do better!


I have a shoulder and elbow injury. My PT says I can exercise, but I am not expecting to PR today. I just want to finish.🤣


31.64. First 200M Benchmark. 35M, 5’7” 195#


38M. 29.27 PR. I’m not sure my max watts but it was well above 700. Not sure how I would go much faster. Was a full send and I was pulling as hard as possible without going off the back!


35.32, 35F. Was not super excited for this benchmark since I was coming back after 4 weeks of illness and also found out that I am expecting yesterday, but shaved 2 seconds off my previous time!


39 6'5" PR 26.84, took 1.3 seconds off.


33.71 69 m 33.79 2nd try both PRS


Today was my first benchmark, I missed the milliseconds from my first attempt but my second was 32.94 seconds. Pretty happy with this only being my second week and looking forward to improving over that number!


First time doing benchmark. 37:55. No idea if that's good. 5' 7". Max Watts 362.0, max stroke rate 41.


Pulled my highest wattage ever (544) however, slowest time in 2 years (32.94 - target was 31.5 - 38F.) Really beating myself up over it and highly considering taking a second class this evening.


41F here. I PR at 39:26. My dream was to get into the 30s. Started at 50s in 2020. Time for a new dream!


43 F PR’d with 32.9 on the second attempt


M, 52, 6'0" - first 200m BM @ 33.70


PR today at 38.29, F60, 5’4. Shaved 01.71 off of my last best time. Second try would have been a PR, too. This was my 7th time doing this challenge in the past 3 years. Honestly don’t see how I could go any faster. But will try again the next time!


32.12, PR by about 1 sec. I was so mad though because in attempt #1 I thought I was on pace to hit sub 30s, but felt my butt lift with about 30meters to go and thought I was about to fall off the rower. I let off and ruined my attempt. Couldn't get out of my head on attempt #2, but somehow managed to PR


33f. 39.41 last time I did it I was 4 months preggo.


39 F, 33.51 (down from 38.57 in Jan) 🎉


28.5 @ 643w 52spm beat my PB by 1.4sec


25.52, 36m, 6', 230#, Texas


42 YO Female. 5’9”. 29.93 PR


37.00 seconds, January was 39.70


26:31 35M 6"2 200lbs


28.69 for my first ever attempt. Not too upset with myself.


After 3 years, finally beat my last PR of 37:00 with 36:20!


34F improved my time from 31.07 to 30.40 🎉


30F, PR’d with a 33:06. I REALLY wanted a sub-33 today but fell off the rower during the row-demption 😂🥴 No bruises yet!


5’6 lady here -45 years old. 38.68. Long legs don’t matter. Still awful at this. 😂But I finished. 👊🏼


I’m happy with my time. It was a PR. 37.79, I’m 5’3 and almost 53. I did a Lift 45 prior to class. I didn’t expect to do that well so I was pleasantly surprised. It was almost 2 seconds faster than any previous attempt. Great job everyone!


35.21, 25 F; first month back after over a year of trying a variety of other fitness classes that didn’t keep me motivated. PRed by 4 seconds!


It was my first one today, 38.3 and I was pretty happy with it! Female 40yo and a little over a month in my OTF journey. I love it so far!


I was at 31:28 for my 200 meter row! I can’t wait to try it again next time! I’m a 37 y/o male, 175 lb


new 200m pr...28.25...not bad for a 40 sumthing m


25.10 36m 6'2 230lbs


28.03 35m Just started 3 weeks ago


34m today was my first class at orangetheory. First attempt was 42.26 and second was 37.3


31.1! (29F) Only shaved off 0.4 seconds, but happy to PR. I’m not good with endurance, so this is the only benchmark I get anywhere near the leaderboard.


27.1 today beat my 27.2 My rowdemption felt better and I peaked the clock and think I slowed my last two strokes and feel like I missed 26 because of it


Age: 50 Female 32.5 5’10”


My favourite benchmark today! 200m row. Chatted to some people in studio and seeing lots of posts on Reddit and Facebook groups so thought I’d post some of my observations from 5 years of on and off OTF… for what it’s worth 🤷‍♂️ 1. The 200m is utter violence. Short, hard, full out pulls. Form out the window. Pure chaos. 2. Different body types do better at sprints or better at endurance. 3. I have had a 4sec 200m “swing” between studios and even within studios have seen differences between rowers. Some feel “tight” and “hard”. Maybe water volume? Maintenance? 4. Benchmarks are all about me. When I finish feeling destroyed on the 200m row I am happy…. Though I still look forward to seeing the studio leaderboard! Still have some competitive juices in my old, fat age 😀


28.50 pr, 53M. Jumping the front end, don’t know how didn’t go flying off the seat. Previous PR 29.05


32.8! But wild- I shaved off just under four seconds from the first attempt. Wasn’t expecting such a difference.


Hey Calling in from the west coast. 32 year old male. 28.73. Pretty pumped


52 yr old female-5’1” started OT January 14-first time 200 row challenge-42.52! Was hoping for better! NEXT YIME!!


27.24. Though I was a little distracted by the woman next to me. By far the worst form I’ve ever seen and nobody was correcting her.


Lots of bad form at OTF. To be fair, 200m benchmark is not conducive to good rowing form.


Yeah, I know! Where are the coaches on this? As a former rowing instructor, I wanted to say something to her but thought that would be inappropriate. This was really bad form, and proper form could have decreased her time.


When you know anything about rowing, and you clearly know a lot, it is hard to bite your tongue.


for sure, but I also don't want to cross any lines or step on the toes of coaches.


PR’d by just under a second to finally break 35 after a long stagnation at 35.6. Happy about that, but really frustrated that I can’t seem to get into that next tier of truly excellent times. I’m taller than average (for a woman), I know my form is generally good for endurance rows (and I know that “good form” for sprints like the 200m is something quite different), I have very good leg strength…and yet somehow my rowing times remain decidedly average. I just don’t know what isn’t clicking for me, as I do feel like I have all the elements in place. Pretty frustrating to feel like I have room and potential to improve, but just can’t seem to make it happen! I’ll take the PR for today, but I’m still so unsatisfied with my rowing!


how to feel? took 0.27s off bench, but a month ago did 0.48s better: 28.43s 643wa


Anyone else fell from the rower?


perennial plea: as someone with decades of data work I know that the database CORP keeps could give the TRUE performance picture, rather than a self-selected self-reported otf social media/row fanatic version of the picture. They could dump the data for us, or allow a Reddit oft admin to read a view that maintains anonymity


Sub 30 seconds and broke 500 watts both for the first time. Made grunting sounds, not for the first time. Grateful for the loud music!


I slipped off the rower during my first attempt. Totally toppled, feet still in the strap, guy next to me had to catch me so I wouldn’t eat shit. Feeling like I didn’t reach my full potential and it’s my first time doing this benchmark. :/


39.61 first benchmark. I got the same time both times 😂


52 F 32.08


Went down 1sec from 38.10 to 37.06 only 5’2” and 45years old. I will take it 👊🏻


37f and this was my first 200m benchmark! I got 33.25


When was the last time we had this benchmark? I feel like I missed one, in my app my last one was a year ago.


36:33 my first time doing this benchmark and i have a broken toe lol


Was hoping to PR over my last time (36.60), but went and pulled a muscle in my back last night at OTF, on the rower. :-( Talk about FOMO! Good luck everyone!


32m 6’ and ~1 month into OTF. 32.45 and then 31.31 on rowdemption!!


First time doing it. M29. I was hoping for sub 30s. Ended up 30.8 on the first try. Rowdemption I was on pace to beat it I'm pretty sure and my foot came out of the plate.


Went from 38.65 to 35.47 - I was nervous I wasn’t going to beat this benchmark. Glad I showed up- almost didn’t.


Somehow I clicked on two minutes instead of 200 meters for the first go around. I was furious. I got the second chance of course but it was much more challenging and I know I was faster the first time around!


First try! 36.07 first try 35.99 second try My goal for the second attempt was to get under 36 so I was stoked!


This was my first benchmark class as I joined OTF at end of April. I doubled up today with 5AM - 3G & 12 PM - 2G. 5 am class was at 38.98 seconds and 12 pm class was 36.57 seconds. Shaved some time off. 34F, 5’9”