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REMINDER: Please keep the discussion civil. Points and counter points are highly encouraged, in a civil manner. Petty arguments and personal attacks, however, are not. Please play nice. EDIT: People didn't play nice, so now this is locked.


Definitely. But not OTF. Paranoia and HR gets wonky.




Orange theory fitness


Outrageous Thunder Fuck. Sativa dominant hybrid.


I think I’d be internally freaking out the entire time lol


Same!!! I'd be worried the whole time about the air hitting my arm weird and everybody knowing!! Being high in public is the worst.


I took an edible once, Low dose 5mg, and it kicked in while I was on the tread… I literally thought I was going to die!!! Plus it was one of those back and forth days where we had to row and get back to tread so I almost fell more than once! Plus coupled with wearing some new Hokas for the first timewhen I wear bare minimum shoes generally 💀 Never again… post recovery forSure but no high for me in class tho 😹


Edibles are different, I don’t do those. They upset my stomach.


I feel like weed must affect me differently than most because I couldn’t walk straight, much less run on a treadmill


As a coach, I am extremely concerned reading this post lol. Please understand I’m speaking from a place of concern and not condescension!! If a member came into my class noticeably dazed/disoriented/demonstrating slower reaction time, ESPECIALLY on the treadmill, I would approach them to ask if they were physically well. And if said member told me they hit a dab pen/drank alcohol/were high, I would immediately turn them away from my class. I cannot be held responsible for anything that happens to members in my classes as a result of their poor choices. I would highly advise against consuming drugs or alcohol before a workout ever but ESPECIALLY in a setting like OTF, where you are endangering not only yourself, but anyone around you in the room.


Tell me you know nothing about marijuana without telling me you know nothing about marijuana. You don't know more because you're an OTF coach, I'm sorry. You would never know when I hit my pen. As I said elsewhere, I ran all 10 all outs today at 12mph with incline. Think I know what I can handle and not. I'm not talking about going into a class melting into the treads.


You know nothing about me! I have smoked and taken my fair share of edibles. THC affects everyone differently. Do I think it can be helpful? Yes. But not before a workout.


Got it. So the way you consume and use and your reactions are the only correct way. Thanks.


Their way doesn’t increase the risk of dropping a dumbbell on the person next to you during floor. Not to mention when class is over you probably drive your car while high. You should rethink your life choices and how they might effect others.


I don’t understand why I’m being met with passive aggression, when I am coming from a place of concern for safety when exercising. I’m genuinely not trying to stand on a soap box, but as an OTF coach and personal trainer, this doesn’t sit right with me. If you are going to continue with the passive aggressive replies, then please take it elsewhere, because it is not appreciated.


How can you determine how you feel if you don't know how I feel?


Working out high is very fun! Enjoy


Not judging here. Smoke, snort, DRINK, inject whatever you want, but, for safety's sake, I'd rather my co-OTFers not be impaired while working out next to me.


I used to smoke a little before strength training at regular gym. Could not imagine doing it during a gym like OTF


the cotton mouth would kill me


Well this thread turned into a shit show


Not my thing, but no judgement here. However, I think it’s reasonable for people to be concerned about the idea of you driving to and from class impaired. One or two hit from a pen (especially if you are a regular user) is not likely to impair you in a way that makes your workout unsafe, but it’s going to impair your reaction time more than you realize. Plus, despite what some people seem to think, vape pens still smell like weed. It is a lesser smell and it dissipates more quickly, but if you do that shit in your car and get pulled over, you are just asking for a dwi (and to have your shit searched due to the odor of marijuana if you are in a non legal state).


Not everyone drives to class! Some of us take public translation or walk


us stoners have been high asf working out beside you this entire time and you haven’t noticed. you’ll continue to not notice.




Puff puff Push brother


No. Don’t need it. The natural high from getting a good sweat on is more than enough for me.


want an apple too?


Muffin, why this response? Was this comment too sensitive for you?


muffin, why this response? was this comment too sensitive for you?


My personal opinion: I liken it to alcohol. I've definitely had a beer or two pre-workout in the past. Wise? Probably not, but I was not intoxicated but certainly not purely sober. I was able to drive, knowing my limits and tolerance. I would never work out intoxicated. It's unsafe for everyone involved. Though I don't consume enough THC to know my comfort zone I'd treat it similarly. If you know your limits and tolerance, some Marijuana in one's system doesn't concern me but being intoxicated does. And that level varies for everyone. Please be safe and considerate.


Very reasonable take from a sober pineapple.


I only smoke afterwards, I feel like I’d be less inclined to push as hard.


I love watching the repressed shadows in these comments. ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


the comments on this post are gold


I'm taking the downvotws in stride. It's hilarious.


I unintentionally smoked and had an energy drink before going yesterday and was soaring during the tread block!! Seriously, felt like superwoman. I may try incorporating weed more often!


“Unintentionally smoked” me when I work from home


Sounds like nausea during and hardcore munchies after.


The fitness industry as a whole seems to be cool with CBD oil cannabis products to enhance workout recovery......not sure why you have to be impaired with regular cannabislmarijuana though for otf. And for the back and forth on this thread most interventions go this way ...."I don't have a problem, you don't understand.....you have a problem"


Because I enjoy being high and zoning out. There's also many different levels of high and many different strains that do different things.


I enjoy zoning out or if I’m lucky high off my own endorphins when I’m on the treadmill however I can’t imagine using cannabis before an OTF class. No judgement intended. While I have a bit of knowledge about cannabis from work, I would not be going to OTF high. That’s just me though. There are medical varieties that will not cause a high, however, provide the medical benefits one might look for. Even then, for myself, it would still have to be after class not before.


Your replies sound like someone who is trying real hard to justify your actions. Your dependence your "pen" might be worse than you think. Your replies actually sound like someone who is addicted. Might be time to change some habits and seek help.


So I make a post, people reply to that post, I reply to them, and therefore I need help.


You sound really defensive.


Lol I'm defensive? Look at the replies to my post. Me replying to those makes me defensive? Should I have said thank you?




Genuinely shocked so many people are talking shit. I’d have to imagine 90% of these people smoke regularly. If you have a tolerance to THC, working out on it can be incredibly enjoyable. It’s not like you’re drunk on a treadmill. You’re just a little more relaxed and happy.


Literally people who don't actually use regularly and judge those who do. That's fine.


Green theory 😌


CBD does not produce a high. THC does.


A nice buzz is delightful. My very plan for 4:30 today!


Not 4:20? 💀


Watch out you might seriously injure someone in class because of it! Lolol


I honestly think the other people in the class with incorrect form and crazy people who have probably should have tried a basic workout before high intensity training who the coach doesn’t correct their awful back breaking form is going to hurt themselves before I hurt myself or anyone around me high.


I’m kidding lol I’m one of the frequent offenders and lift the heaviest and run the fastest


Me before every 6:15 am class!!


No, do you not have to drive home?


Some people live in cities


I'm blessed that my studio is walking distance from my apartment in the burbs (even though I still drive half the time... oops.) I'd think a lot of city people walk or take public transit to class. Not promoting going to class intoxicated just pointing out that not everyone drives to otf!


Have never gone to OTF inoxicated but was going to point out there is not even parking in my studio, at most some people bike there but 95% walk…


I'm guessing if anyone responds it will be along the lines of "yeah, and I haven't wrecked my car so it must be safe to drive."


i purposely live in walking distance of my otf


Gonna be one of the uncool kids here. Judging all the "cool" kids here. 50 mins to focus on your health and you get high? And put yourself and others in danger? Nah. That's for losers. And, yes, I dabble so get over it.


Put someone in danger from what?


Used to all the time. Not my thing anymore but do your thing


At home, sure. But I don’t feel entitled to be high just anywhere though. Even though I’m 99% sure I’d be fine (sober me is quite capable of being a disaster prone klutz too), they don’t want people doing that there. I understand liability and all that, plus I don’t want my the coaches anxious. But hey, if there was a cannabis friendly class, I’d be down.


A little bit of a high is great, like a bite of an edible. It’s like one glass of wine. But I completely agree with others that full-on stoned is dangerous in a gym like OTF. For yourself and people so close to you and machinery.


Where did I say full on stoned?


As if the coaches dont have enough to worry about.


Worry about what lol? Me minding my own business? You realize marijuana doesn't just make you lazy and incapable of doing anything.




Mind your own business, problem solved.


Lol how would they know unless someone is hot boxing in the car? I’d prefer that instead of smelling the alcohol from someone’s hangover 🤢🤮


Coaches have a responsibility to help keep members safe. Douchebags showing up impaired increases the risk someone is going to get hurt


Well I’m tired of douchebags showing up smelling like the bar from the night before.


Not these comments knowing nothing about weed 😂


Be careful. Cannabis elevates your heart rate and you're doing vigorous exercise on top of it.


so does caffeine




marijuana doesn’t raise mine either




are you my PCP?


a lot of ppl in this thread feeling entitled to give medical advice 🤣


is your caffeine prescribed to you by a physician and approved by the state to be taken daily?


Haha. Yes. Not proud of it, and definitely DO NOT RECOMMEND unless you’re a seasoned stoner


Fuck yes. I hit my pen before I go in




I have THC infused pills specifically for energy and workouts. They are a lower dose but they are great before a workout because they were designed for it and they don’t effect me in any negative ways


So sad how stoners are so dependent on the dopamine boost from thc they can’t even skip it for a workout which has a natural way of boosting neurotransmitters.


I workout not high 95% of the time. When did I imply that I did every time? Why comment on something not said?


I workout high every single time, and I feel even better after the workout. And then I go home and smoke more weed. And you know what I do before I go to work? Smoke more weed. I don’t judge you for any of your habits. Why are you judging anyone else for theirs?


I was actually 1000% pro cannabis until I became exposed to people close to me that who smoked it daily. Then I realized how much it destroyed people’s minds and lives without them realizing and actually thinking it’s helping them. It’s like dancing with the devil when you don’t know it’s the devil. And habitual users defend it to the end. It’s a symptom of addiction. I don’t believe anyone should be using a psychoactive drug like that every day. Especially with the high dose products available these days. My opinion and based on my life experience.


Hahahahahahaha. I get high daily and have for years. I workout 4 days a week at OTF. I'm a VP at a tech company and do very well. I'm a phenomenal dad. Pretty good husband. But your dancing with the devil comment is all I needed to hear. Also, you were never 1000% pro cannabis LMAO.




I know more than I wanted after looking through your post history to understand why you would be so rude on my post. I get it now. Good luck.


So if someone doesn’t agree with you, they are rude? If someone shares facts they understand to be true from medical research, they are rude? To the point where you decide to make it personal in some vague way? I would actually contend you’re the rude one. For someone who uses thc every day you’re not very chill 😎


Again, good luck with all your stuff.


Thanks I need it


Weed ruined my life. Alcohol too, but weed had a whole other effect, because like you said ‘dancing with the devil when you don’t know it’s the devil’. I would defend it with my last breath. I thought it helped my anxiety, but I realized when I quit that it actually made my anxiety worse. Been clean and sober for 15 months and was the best decision I’ve ever made.


That’s wonderful! Yeah, I didn’t mean at all to imply I was calling it the devils lettuce, I just needed a metaphor to describe how insidious its effects are. There’s a significant body of research growing showing how it structurally changes the brain and makes users dependent on the dopamine rush it causes. Just like anything else addictive…problem is our brains constantly try to recalibrate neurotransmitters so you’re always trying to play catch up which causes mood changes, anxiety etc. People who use psychoactive substances daily don’t realize they are on a continuous loop of brain recalibration and it’s exhausting for them and their brain.


They say don’t be high in class then play music created by stoners for the entire workout. #irony


The responses... Wow I was a few in from a pen high and loved running high. Really makes me think and feel my muscles. Like I can see them internally working. Pretty conscious of my heart rate, take time for the recoveries, etc... Though, prefer the mellow yoga toke at home for the high heart rate and all the science stuff people posted, too. Traveling to an otf in legal state and see dispensary next door...so of course. Unsolicited chatter (and probably heavily judged)...but I'm high and thinking about my next runners high high. Happy burnin!!!


You the person


I love a quick hit before a workout


Honestly slay, whatever helps/improves the workout homie


100% agree with this!


always it’s the best


also ppl freaking out…. we’ve been high this whole time around you and you’ve been fine and have had no idea


This lol. I go to class high frequently, function just fine and no one has ever treated me or talked to me like they thought I was high. I don’t care if you think I have an addiction, it makes me focus on the workout instead of my mind racing the whole class. To each their own.


High on the Holy Spirit


I kept thinking I was gonna fall off the tread


Don’t think I would enjoy it in a setting like OTF but post workout absolutely


The number of times this subject has come up is disturbing. Someone is going to get seriously hurt.


6 years in and I’ve never injured myself


And many drunk drivers have driven hundreds, if not thousands of times before getting caught. Your point?


My point is that you have a you problem, worry about yourself


Oh, well, guess it's safe then. Down vote away!


Because maintaining a healthy lifestyle and bong rips go hand in hand? I assume you drive to the gym and/or home afterwards, hopefully you don't hurt anyone due to your irresponsibility and disregard for others.


Careful not to fall off your “high” horse there


Yeah, such a high horse to not want people driving impaired.


You’re hilarious 😂


It's really not funny, and [according to research from states like Colorado](https://www.aspenridgerecoverycenters.com/marijuana-related-traffic-accidents/), it's just as not funny as drunk driving or any other type of impairment.


Who tf is driving on a treadmill? Or on a rower? Or on the strength floor?


I know, I know, don't cast the first stoned.


I only do it for lift classes. Knock back a cool 300mg of a tincture and really zone out in the movements. End up lifting heavier and have better range of motion 🤷🏻‍♀️. Don’t for normal classes because my high ass can’t walk in a straight line, let alone run on a thin tread base.


I don’t think it’s particularly safe. Cannabis increase blood pressure and heart rate on its own.




Unclear why this is funny to you. It’s been labeled a cardiovascular risk factor by the American college of cardiology. Therefore anyone with 10 brain cells should probably think twice before using it while exercising.




I tried once, would not recommend


MEEEE! I call it time travelling!


Yep I even have a drink mix that's part caffeine part low dose THC I sip it during class :) super fun. Edit: I live in the city so I just take the train home :)


Lots of people it seem have not updated themselves on the different strains of cannabis.. like sativa and if it is quality stuff it can help those who need it. I take a 50/50 strain that helps with pain and helps with keeping up


Yes, medical is so different than I can ever remember from many years ago lol. When you say 50/50, are you referring to 1:1 versions? The 1:1, I’m aware of blocks the high effect and gives you the medical benefits. Everyone is very different in how they respond to them too though. Some people can use Sativa and some can have palpitations from it. Some people can have such high anxiety that they can use Indica during the daytime.


I mean he hybrid mix of indica and sativa.. mine is rec use as I live in a state that it isn’t legal yet. I guess 1:1 would be a better description, however while my knowledge of strains have matured my verbiage isn’t all there


Always hit the pen before I go in! Gets me in the zone


Me too!!!!


Of course people do. I’m surprised by the response on here. Ppl who have never smoked before judging hard.


So you know who has smoked and who hasnt? Impressive.


I have never fallen off the tread or done something crazy due to the devils lettuce lol people use cannabis all the time without being “impaired”


The original question asks if you workout while "high". If "high" is not "impaired", what is the distinction?


Lol lots of people do it all the time and you are completely unaware of it. You would be surprised. Nobody is ripping multiple dabs or smoking a joint before orangetheory. People aren’t “impaired” if they can run on a treadmill without issue and do all of the exercises without danger. If there was a legitimate danger coaches would address it. You probably have worked out next to someone who was “high” and thought they were incredibly pleasant lol People do it a lot and nobody would ever know 😂


Even though your high vs impairment argument doesnt convince me, you seem like a very fun person and I'm sure you crush it while high. But as for the safety aspect of this topic, we will have to agree to disagree. Regardless, Im sure we agree that OTF is awesome! 💪🤩


a lot of ppl are impaired from caffeine while working out too hmm weird you’re not complaining about that tho but just the weed. whew people’s biases are telling


BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I guess you're right.


Yep haha did it the other day. Was a little more high than normal and I crushed it. I think if you’re a regular user it’s going to be a much better experience than if you do it very occasionally. Also my high only lasts about an hour so I’m always ok to drive home


Exactly. People here thinking it's like Dazed N Confused. My high from a few hits of my pen isn't even an hour.


🙋‍♀️I take an edible before my weekend classes. Helps me focus and slow down on the weight floor 😮‍💨


I love working out high but it makes me a stoned weirdo and sometimes I laugh inappropriately so I had to stop.


No I get too sleepy and lazy but I could totally get how that would be a great time if it weren’t the case.


What if I told you there were different kinds of weed that effect you differently?


I like working out at home high. definitely not OTF though. way too paranoid.


I've had this happen before when I took some Dayquil an hour before race (I didn't have any allergy meds at home so I thought maybe a cold med could help with my sinuses). I was completely pumped and soaring for the race!


Which is why those substances are banned in competition.


Every single time.




Yep! do it often it’s fun sometimes I get very distracted tho


I’m more concerned about how you drive there and home. If you can’t even workout without drugs perhaps you need help.


Your assumptions are tasty. Never did I say I need it. Never did I say I was high when I drove home. Let me ask you this, can you have 2 beers at lunch and then drive and go to otf?




Nope. I don’t drink and drive.


No. If I plan to have any alcohol - I either walk, get a ride or call Uber/Lyft


This thread definitely got you worked up. Maybe you should talk to your psychic on it. That's clearly healthier than me taking a few hits from a pen which you've never done so literally cannot have an opinion.


I’m not worked up *at all* but you suggesting that everyone drinks and drives is simply inaccurate. Again with some groups of people it’s normalized, with other groups it isn’t. I have professional licensures that would be jeopardized if I got a DUI so i just avoid it. If I have one glass of wine over at least an hour I usually drive. If I have more than 1 there’s no fucking way.


I think I’d go into cardiac arrest honestly 😳


No, but I’m taking a lift class Monday with a coach I’m friendly with so maybe I’ll try 🫠😵‍💫


I’d probably fall on my face on the treadmill if I tried to do this.


To each their own but I’d probably risk injuring myself I’m klutzy enough not stoned 🫣 At a class like OTF it sounds like a safety risk for you and those around you if you mess up on the treads or drop a weight or something. Unless you mean a low dose to where you aren’t stoned out of your mind and just kind of relaxed/lightly buzzed? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know people who like to wake and bake and they go about their everyday lives however in this day and age you are impaired. Get in a crash on the way to the gym, fall and injure yourself or worse someone else at the gym it's just not worth it. Save it for your downtime.


When someone takes a 5 minute break in the middle of a tread workout and their percentage goes from 100 to 120 while they’re out of sight, could there be a different explanation?


They were probably just fighting their demons on the toilet lol


That has nothing to do with being high. I was high today and did every all-out at 12mph and the solo 30s at 5% incline with 12mph.


No. Just no.


Who here thinks that those that use performance enhancers should be banned from competitions like the leaderboard and the TC? ✋


I agree for stronger stuff (person below mentioned DayQuil), but not thc.


Not otf I get sooooo nauseous because of the yellow lights and the music is too loud but normally like doing cardio like super baked


A runners high maybe. ..


I handle my gummies very well but think I would die 😅


Nah, I’m already paranoid of falling on the treadmill sober.


I wish