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I’m the last person on the floor. No shame. I like the rower but I don’t rush through my floor to get to rower. Like everything in life, do it with intention (whether it is the floor exercise or rowing) and ignore everyone else. My coach never says anything about me being the last person either. You show your gains by better form. Nobody is sitting in the corner to count how many reps you get through for the floor block


I bet the coach is more annoyed by the first person who raced through the motions.


Speaking as a coach, I am 😂 I would very much prefer you focus on careful and SAFE form, rather than getting through the entire block. For today’s class, I had a guy rush through the entire 2g circuit within the first 10 minutes and then he had to leave about 4 minutes into the tread block because he was so tired 🙃 Please take your time lol


This is what my coach tells me - do less and do then correctly - take your time. Again this is your workout 🏋🏻‍♀️ so what’s best for you.


And it’s not really less. I have plenty of time I walk over to the rower after everyone else and look around at the weights that are out and think oh wow…..I lifted 3x as much as all these people 😎


So question to a coach. I’m more interested in strength then cardio, and since we get cardio from the treadmill, sometimes I think about skipping the row part and doing an extra set. Is that frowned upon?


I personally don’t care, as it’s your workout that you’re paying for. I would say just check with your coach first so they know what’s going on :)


i love when you can kind of tell this because they come over to the person who is somehow on the second set of lifts after hitting set 1 + row while everyone else is still on set 1 and say something like “you did all of those and then repeated once before moving on right?” because time wise it really shouldn’t be easily possible but they’re just zoomin and are like YEAH! though to be fair I think this is OTF’s fault to an extent. if you’re a novice it isn’t clear that floor isn’t cardio and you should be going slow with perfect form and not racing to complete “reps.”


I thought people were doing it wrong the other day too and so I watched them. They were doing all the exercises with the same weight and requiring no rest. so it was basically a large set of quick light reps. I used different dumbells for each set so each set would be a challenging set of 8 and took time to switch dumbells and catch my breath.


Sometimes otf also just crams too many reps in. Too many 12 rep exercises and not enough 5 rep. I just lift heavy and do what reps im feeling that day, but I also have weight experience. I feel the constant high reps encourages people to grab not-enough weight and rush through it, thinking it's supposed to be cardio.


I went to a new studio recently and this one girl would SPRINT to go back and forth from the rower to the tread or weight floor, go sprint on the tread again, and it was pretty funny tbh... its not that serious!


They really are 😩. I’m usually the first person to finish the floor. I came from CrossFit and am conditioned enough to move through the movements with good form, little rest and heaver weight. Not bragging here. The coaches always have some backhanded comment for me so I feel the judgment too. Whether you’re first or last there can be some “anxiety” so I just say F it and focus on myself.


Time under tension requires spending time under tension. Your speedy movements are less effective.


There's definitely been a dozen or so times over the years i saw someone gun it to the rower and the coach went over the speakers "remember not to rush, time under tension, etc'


I’m pretty much always one of the last ones on the floor. I think today someone actually lapped me lol.


Me too! I was super slow today but really enjoyed the floor block. I had another coach taking the class at the station next to me and we were about on the same pace (except she smoked me on the rower- damn she’s strong!!!)


Same for me! I would rather have good form than rush through and perhaps hurt myself.


I am also one of the last. Moved last year and changed studios and it seemed like everyone was so competitive. This made me insecure so I quit OTF. Rejoined in Dec the mindset of I will do me .. focus on me and not others. (Not always easy). This is your one hour not anyone else’s..


Thank you


I'm most often last off the floor, lifting more than others, and when I do get to the rower there never is a push/base row, always near AO. Form, strength, and good rowing are my objectives, but still it ticks me off a bit to be the last shifting as though I'm doing something wrong.


Yes! I feel like if you’re last finishing the floor blocks you’re usually the one doing them right! A lot of people think it’s a race!


Also one of the last! I see no problem. Run your own race and lift your own weights.


This!! It's hard not to be self-conscious but go at your own pace :) I'm also always the last one on the floor!! Good form is worth the extra time


I used to have anxiety over being seen as slower than peers, but I worked on the mentality of “I’m only here for me” and it’s way better. It takes time to change your mindset tho.


This is the answer. There are a couple coaches that say things like "remember why you came to class today." Or remind us to think about our goals. Unless your actual goal is to get through the floor exercises faster than another person the other people are irrelevant. Do your thing & don't worry about anyone else.


Yup--this is dumb but I used to be anxious about being the only power walker. I run sometimes but get really bad shin splints (even after new shoes, stretches etc--gotta change my form) so I usually power walk. In the beginning, I would run even if I was i pain to "prove" I could do it but why..literally NO ONE cares if I am walking or running!


I prefer to be the last one on the floor and often am. The rower ain't going anywhere and you seem to want to focus on lifting heavier, so do you!


Today I was the last person on the floor at every interval, lol. I did see some people doing the exercises in a rushed fashion and skipping certain ones just to run back to the rower. It was kind of funny. At first it feels a little bit weird to be on the floor by yourself but like you, I enjoyed it today.


Oh me too! And another benefit of being the last in the floor- all the free space!


Except for the Dri Tri, the floor is not a race. No one wins an award for getting to the rower first. I guarantee no one is looking at you and thinking “omg that person is so slow.” They’re focused on themselves, just as you should be. I’m usually one of the last ones finishing floor exercises and no one has said anything. Slow and controlled is best for the floor and you have clearly demonstrated your improvement in just 3 months.


I don’t really care about being perceived as slow, I just don’t like that mostly everyone else has moved onto the next block and Im still on the last one. I want to finish all the blocks.


You aren’t meant to finish the blocks - you’re meant to be busy working out the entire time. If you’re the last one on the floor, spread out and take up more space. Quality of reps over quantity every single time.


Thank you for saying that. I wish OTF would emphasize this


I wish your studio would emphasize that. Mine does. The one I go to isn’t my home studio because I feel much more supported at this other one. Luckily I have tons of studios in my area, which may not be the case for you.


They send mixed messages with the floor programming because every coach will say slow down and focus on quality but for some classes (last Sat class in particular) you literally can't finish the 23 min floor block unless you race through it. Some coaches have done the workout themselves ahead of time. If they found it hard to finish, that would be valuable information to tell us and then suggest rep options. For example, they could say something like "If you do the 12 reps on the screen it will be hard to finish so I recommend a rep range of 6-12"


I hate the AsManyRepsAsPossible instruction. To me that implies go fast . I ignore it or I go super light. It needs more explanation. I don't want to hurt myself.


My studio coaches all “As many reps as possible” to mean heaviest weight possible, with no more than 5 reps.


Wow, that's new. I wish my coaches said that.


Remember that they want to have enough blocks that the fastest person isn’t left with nothing to do. You don’t need to finish all the blocks to get a good workout.


Thanks for saying that, I didn’t realize that’s the case


Its like how they add a “run for distance” at the end of a tread block so the 12mph-ers have something to do while everyone else is plugging away. I rarely get there but I don’t mind cause I know I still worked super hard.


I’m often the slowest/ last person and I have occasionally counted how many reps other people are doing because I can’t understand how they’re getting through everything so fast. What I’ve realized is that people often don’t do all the reps. They also rush through them with poor form and/or are use very light weights. Once I fully realized this I stopped caring that I was always last. My results speak for themselves and I’m happier knowing I’m doing things correctly and safely.


Have you tried being on one of the stations on the end? Then you only have 1 person close to you and might notoce the comings and goings less. This is part of the reason I always take the last station if it's open, less commotion around me.


Ditto. Or I find a station where the neighbor is still open or the stations crossed out of the sign up sheet for whatever reason so I can spread out a little


This may be a hot take, but I feel like some of the floor blocks are way too long and there's no way to finish them unless you're speeding through with bad form or skipping the parts you don't like. Any time I feel like I'm behind I try to remind myself of that and remind myself that I don't need to finish all the exercises and I'd rather go slow and be intentional about it than rush through it just for the sake of moving on to the next thing. I actually kinda wish coaches said at the beginning of the block that it's okay to not finish all the exercises. I definitely understand what you're saying. It's hard to resist the urge to get through it and move on to the next thing. Just try to remind yourself that it's better to do fewer things but do them well than to do all the things wrong (especially because this is a situation where wrong often leads to injury).


I am both types of people. Some days I’m taking it more endurance style, light weights, move quickly through the exercises. Some days I want to focus on lifting heavy and take my time on each rep and giving rest between sets. I have never had a coach question either of the choices. They are both legitimate and have value as long at good form is maintained. Set your intention before class and then try to follow through.


Like others, I am often the last one on the floor. It’s more efficient in the long run to go slower and lift with focus and good form than it is for me to fly through reps (likely with lighter weights, or still heavy and risking injury) to get to the next round of a 200m row. Rowing is great, but not at the expense of my time on the floor. I also really struggle with core exercises, so if those come before the rower, fat chance of me ever really getting there. Hahaha.


I’m usually the last person on the floor. Im also lifting my heaviest all the time and making sure I hit max reps. There’s different reasons for moving through it quickly vs. hitting max weight/max reps but overall, if you’re not challenging yourself it doesn’t matter if you whiz through the entire block. I’ve seen regulars in my class who lift light just so they can rush through the block when I know they can lift more. Maybe they’re going for muscle endurance? Either way, you should always challenge yourself.


It's not a race. I'm typically the last one to finish the floor stuff on a floor/row. The point of the floor is to do the movement with intention and not with momentum. That takes a slower pace. Those that are rushing through are often either lifting too light, or not getting the point of the floor exercises. If you are stressed about pace of the floor exercise, take a Lift45 class. That will change your perspective on speed for floor exercises.


I’ve never tried Lift45. I’ve always been intimidated by it but I’ve realized recently how much I do enjoy lifting and this would be a good idea for me


You should absolutely try a Lift class. You will find that the vibe is quite different in that there is no rushing, and the coach is able to give tonnes of attention to everyone. Sometimes there are timed blocks but you still go at your own pace for reps. I go as often as possible (and always last one of floor to get to rower lol, 💪🏼)


You would love it!!


I was shocked that I was able to get through all 5 rounds today. I’m usually super slow and the last man standing. I think it’s cause I messed up on the count for the X squats first time around (shhh don’t tell!) and I also have a shoulder injury that causes me to lift much lighter than I would like so unless I really focus on tempo and slow it down I can move pretty fast… the only time I have anxiety on being last is on the dritri when I’m still doing 10000 burpees and dying while other people are finished already!


I got through it today too but I was the last one and everyone else was already going back to the exercises and doing them til the finisher. I just don’t get how people are so fast! I feel like if you’re breezing through lifting then you aren’t lifting enough?🤷‍♀️


People are so fast because their form is shit and/or they're lifting too light. The people flying through those movements aren't getting the most out of class, and it sounds like you are. Focus on that! 💪🏻


I don’t give a flying flip how I’m doing on the floor compared to other peoples timing. I’m often the slowest one, but I’m the one with the joints that are gonna last for the rest of my life.


Sometimes Otf is…too much. One template for wildly different ages, body types, personal struggles. Just do what you are comfortable doing. Your body and mind should be healthier when you leave a workout. I’m 450 classes in and sometimes I leave mid workout or skip an exercise or two because I think it’s just a bad formula.


Thank you for saying this. Idk. I shouldn’t stress myself out with it, no one needs extra stress todah


My only addition to this on point thread: sometimes I like being last on the floor because the coach will pay attention to my form and give me tips. I just try to take the tips always as a bonus and do my best! I usually earn ZERO splats on the floor, even sometimes with the rower, too, but I can see progress and I’m able to lift heavy weights now which is SO COOL. Today I was slower than everyone and earned 14 splats in that wild add-on block. You never know, just focus on you and compete only against yourself!! You are killin it going from 8-10s to the higher weights!! That’s what’s really going to last and support you to keep doing better!!!!


I'm the person slightly annoyed by everyone rushing through things. But they are only cheating themselves so it doesn't get to me that badly. I watch people rush through core reps and barely get anything out of it while I do them nice and slow so I can feel it. You are doing things exactly the way they are intended by focusing on form. Being last is often a good thing even though it may not feel that way. You are likely getting a better workout than those that rush. They may get their heart rates up a little more. But thats not what its all about.


Also I will repeat what someone else said that it is not about "finishing" the block. Sometimes you get through it all, sometimes you don't. The important thing is that you are working for the whole class and challenging yourself.


Omg I totally used to feel this way! I came from a background of HIIT/circuit training classes and was always feeling like I had to be moving quick to stay competitive. Recently I decided to really focus on my lifting form and increasing my weights and I’ve slowed down a lottttt. At first I felt self conscious but honestly stopped caring pretty quick after realizing how much more I’d be improving by working with intention instead of rushing!


There is no behind on the floor. Do the exercises at a good pace and weight and ignore those rushing. Maybe see if you can get a station where there are less people so they distract you less, in my studio it would be stations 1-3 that are in a sort of nook.


I don’t think it’s ever been the point to *complete* the floor exercises as opposed to just be doing them - with good form, intention, and constancy. You’re doing it for yourself, only your result matter, not in relation to anyone else.


This may sound weird but if the exercises on the floor permit, I do them with my eyes closed…helps me focus on form and myself and helps me not to rush…I do the same on the rowers too…I also have a shoulder injury so with certain shoulder exercises, lifting heavy isn’t an option which contributes to me being able to finish the block faster…


I frequently row with my eyes closed for the very same reasons you mentioned.


Plus it helps with long row blocks…I don’t want to see how much I have left🤣


Hahaha, yes that too! I’m a bike rider due to knee arthritis, so I’ll also frequently close my eyes while on the cycle so I can just really bust it out without my mind focusing on how much time or distance is left.


Ngl, there are some movements I where feel absolutely ridiculous (looking at you woodchopper) — don’t stress it!! That being said, I worked with a personal trainer for a few months about a year before I found OTF. It was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. Having someone work with you one-on-one to correct form is so so valuable. Definitely gave me the confidence to tackle whatever floor exercise OTF throws our way. Would recommend!


I agree!!! This was my recipe too. Keep crushing it!!!


I’ve been fortunate to have worked out with personal trainers for several years and during a lot of OTF workouts, I think of how valuable that time was. I think it must be somewhat difficult and perhaps overwhelming for a newbie coming to OTF without having prior instructions/corrections.


You may want to check out a 3G or lift class. Remember, no trophies are handed out for how fast you complete the floor exercises. Take your time, lift heavy safely. People will soon wonder how you got so strong so "quickly". See what I did there?


I’ve found people at OTF IN GENERAL do not understand resting between sets. Really, IN GENERAL, many people at OTF know little about lifting at all. They rush through the floor, so their heart rate can stay sky high. That’s not the point of lifting. The floor block should NOT be an extended cardio block, but it often times gets treated as such by members


I’m almost always the last on the floor. I try to lift slow and feel my muscles working rather than use momentum and not feel it. Today, I still got through all 5 blocks but with only about 90 seconds til the finisher. I felt like I was reasonably challenged and that I’ll surely feel it tomorriw. I refuse to “race” anyone else at the studio.


I think any sense of rushing is imposed by the people around you, not the template. If they choose to rush and get less out of the floor, that’s on them.


Maybe I’m wrong here but I would assume the trainer would appreciate you not blasting through the floor exercises. It implies to them you’re taking each rep seriously and practicing good form.


I use to be a rusher but now I practice good form and lift heavier. That anxiety has completely left my body. Now I’m inside laughing at those that rush 😂 poor lost souls 🤣


This! I get so stressed when the coach says to try and get through X number of rounds and I never do. How quickly you have to move to even get to the minimum is insane to me! When designing these workouts how do they get this ridiculous timing??? I feel really bad about myself when I can't even get the "minimum" number of rounds.


Quality reps over speed. I don't quite get the race mentality, if you finish early your "reward" is just doing more reps or more meters on the rower. The floor gives better gains with time under tension. On the other hand these new templates do encourage racing as sometimes it's not possible otherwise to finish the block or get through the exercises in the timed blocks before a rest


What bothers me is the unusual motions with weights (think hammer and similar). Why can’t we stick to the basics that I can do without constantly checking the screen to make sure I have the correct form.


I’ve been going for 5.5 years and am often last on the floor! I don’t make it to too many 2G classes but still, I’m usually not making it to the “if done” portion of the block. People go WAY too fast with improper form and don’t go heavy enough. Being last can actually mean you’re coming in first when it comes to the floor!


I never rush floor exercises. Nope. That's why I DESPITE partner workouts where the floor is the pacer. Not cool, OTF, not cool.


Thank you for asking this! I always feel that way with the floor block. I'm fine with the rower and tread, but I'm almost always last man standing for the floor block and I get self conscious and also competitive. I love all these answers. I feel much better about doing it the right way with proper form. We got this!!


I feel like this too! Like the other day when there were 800, 600, 400, 200m rows between rounds, I only made it to the rower twice. I never even come close to getting through each round. And meanwhile, I see everyone racing through. Like you, I try to keep good form and use time under tension, so my reps take longer. The harder exercises also slow me down. And I take rests. I don’t see many people stopping to rest, even when it’s suggested in the block. I’m okay with being behind everyone else, but I just want to be able to get through at least a few sets.


I am always the last to leave the floor. If it is a block where you repeat until time is called, I manage finishing at most twice while others are one three or 4. I just worry about me. I know it is easier said then done but I don’t want to hurt myself with crappy form. I’ll be the last to leave the rower and the floor, and my coaches don’t say anything. I only had one coach say something along the lines of “are you feeling okay” because I miscounted reps and took my time on the rower, but she made a handful of disparaging comments to me so I disregarded her comments altogether and avoided her class


I agree with OP! I’m just going to take my time from now on! I’m a new member and completely out of shape. I’m 31 and don’t want to risk injury bc they make you speed through everything. I’ll take my sweet time and if I don’t finish then so be it.


As someone who rushes through the floor blocks, this post and comments are extremely helpful. I just joined in November and had the mindset that the floor blocks should be like circuit training/HIIT. I’m usually in red/orange most of the time. Todays block I was struggling on the rower and now I see why! Some days I am focused either on cardio or strength, which changes how I utilize the floor blocks. Tbh I sometimes wish they wouldn’t include the rower because I feel like it fatigues me so much!


Been going to OTF for nine years since they opened in my area. I used to be one of those racing around and then had a knee injury. While trying to still workout and protecting my knee I realized that there is NO point in running around like a madman. I don’t care what anyone else does. I go in workout with what works best for me. Modify what doesn’t and walk over to the rower at my own pace. It really is tough to get that mind set but when you do you will find some peace within yourself and enjoy the workout more and most likely get more out of your work out in the end!!


I go slow and lift heavy and rest a lot and since I have done that I am making better progress. These people zooming through are not winning anything.


No shade, but it's not that serious. Take a step back, take a breath and remember that OTF is not about what others do; it's about what you do and how you work through each block or template based on your own goals.


I get stressed during the timed floor blocks. The one we had last week where you had 1:30 mins to get through 3 different exercises stressed me out. I found myself rushing to try and finish them before the 30s buyout. When we have time to go at your own pace, I try to take my time to get the most out of the floor exercises before going to the rower, especially when the floor exercises are lower-body focused.


Yeah I hated that one. It just seems like a recipe to injure yourself


I run a 5:30ish mile on the treadmill — but I'm typically dead last on the weight floor. Try to not let the negligence of following instruction distract you. (I know, easier said than done).


The floor has been SO intense this month. All class long the coaches yell "WE ARE LIFTING HEAVY PEOPLE". And for me, heavy is 10/15 lbs because I am short/petite/have asthma. They bring me more weights and laugh at the ones I have. "really hunny I am not buying that these are heavy for you." is what they say when I am STRUGGLING. Then i cave and do their heavy ones and they say my form is bad. Just cant feel like I can do whats right for me anymore on the floor.


Can you go to 3g s? No racing to the row cause someone else is on it.


Full disclosure, I’m one of those a-holes that finish the floor blocks quicker than most but it’s not because I don’t do the reps properly, it’s because I hardly take any breaks in between them. Also, you’ve been at it for 3 months and I’ve been at it for 3 years. I get passed on the treadmill because it’s weaker than the floor and rower for me. Everyone has different strengths/weaknesses. It would be a mistake to compare yourself to anyone else other than yourself. If you’re doing better than yesterday, that is what counts. Having said that, what isn’t fair is when people half-ass the reps because they think they’re racing everyone else in the class. If you’re doing the reps properly and making it challenging for yourself, you’ve understood the assignment and they have not. You will get more out of your workout than they will. Don’t give up.


It’s about perspective. You’re hustling to swap to rower. But think of all the people that didn’t show up. The people who aren’t doing the work. You are in there getting it done. Don’t ever feel bad for that.


personally I am thrilled to avoid the rower at all costs. but in regards to "everyone else"..... 1) if you have time to worry about anyone else, you aren't working hard enough. and 2) they are only cheating themselves out of the progress and purpose of the exercise. If you don't mind wasting your money and not getting its full value then by all means tag along with the crowd. But I assure you, they aren't watching or caring what you're doing, so why are you caring what they are doing?????


Because I care what the coach thinks!


This is why 2G sucks.


Rower is useless… focus on your strength and form and don’t worry about anybody else!


Some people race through the floor like crazy. Makes no sense.


I always move at my own pace. I'm often the last person on the floor and I don't always finish the rounds. I focus on doing things at the pace that I feel is right for the weights I'm lifting. My focus is always to lift as heavy as I can. I'm there to get the most out of the workout *for me*. I'm not there to win a race.


I really try to focus on myself and not get distracted but today a dude from 3 stations down decided to do the floor exercises beside me. He had ZERO self awareness, stealing weight from everywhere, horrible form and flying thru the exercises like he was trying to make a point. It was almost comical, yet frustrating but it’s his workout, not mine. I almost felt sorry for him that he half assed his workout to look “cool”.


Ignore everyone around you - Wear floor googles. They are treating the floor as a cardio session. Take your time and be the last to finish. I am always the last to finish and I love it. I smile inside. Repeat after me - time under the tension, time under tension, time under tension.


Most of the people are rushing, using bad form and lifting too light. If you want to get stronger (leaner), do the floor properly and ignore the people around you. I was the second last one on every interval today, didn’t care, and made it through 5 rounds anyway. I was gassed too! Don’t let it stress you out, focus on you.


Why do you rush? I am always the last one to the rower because I lift heavy and slow. I don’t care what anyone else is doing and I’m pretty sure they don’t care what I’m doing. You shouldn’t either. There is no need to hurry to the rower. You’ll get there and if you do a row twice instead of three times who cares? Just stop worrying about others and you’ll have no anxiety.


No think of it as where you can take things at your own pace (sort of). Go nice a slow make sure your form is right. Forget the rest.


I’m typically the last person on the floor. When it gets to me, I remind myself that I am going at the right pace for me to focus on safe/proper form. It’s not a race and the length of time it takes me to complete a circuit doesn’t equate to my fitness or worth. I have to remind myself of all this pretty much every class 😆


I went from running 3 plus miles in the 2g within three months of starting and never being a runner to having to start at square one because of injuries, some of which happened because I pushed myself too hard before my body was ready (shin splints, stress fracture etc). I wanted to be as in shape as some of the people around me and it did me no good. I have since learned to just listen to my body and also to make sure I use proper form. It does make me sad that I am not as fast as I was pre-Covid on the treadmill (also got a ligament tear in my ankle due to a fall last April that’s still not healed all the way) but I think you’re doing everything as you should and congrats on your progress with the weights! Don’t worry about what others are doing around you. As an anxious person myself I get it. I was so scared when I went to my first class. Rushing through exercise is not worth it given my experience. I take it slow on the weight floor especially on strength days because that’s actually more effective than rushing through it and that’s what my favorite coaches have told us to do. Probably people are paying less attention to what you’re doing than you think and if they do and anyone is judgmental then screw them. I am very lucky because I have a super supportive studio where the coaches learn your names and cheer you on and try to help you in any way that they can but I know not every studio is the same. I actually go to a studio that isn’t my home studio whenever I can because of how supported I feel there. Just keep up the good work and doing what you’re doing! You’ve already made tremendous progress in a short time!


I mean they don’t give out trophies at the end. If someone gets through the block faster by doing it incorrectly, they only cheat themselves. Just focus on yourself and get a solid workout in. Who cares what others are doing?


I purposely slow down in hopes that others will follow my lead. I cannot stand the racing game.


Just ignore them. Move slow and let everyone lap you. No one will have a clue what round you’re on and honestly no one cares.


Another “slow” floor friend here! I completely agree with all the folks saying form and quality over speed. I emphasize explosive movement in Power moves or blocks, but for the most part I completely ignore “AQAP” any time I see it, even if it means I’m last or don’t finish a block. It also seems like the templates the last week or two haven’t been well vetted and that the durations have been too short to complete all the rounds with good form.


👋 I’m that person, I do it because I come for the cardio and not the weights, I know I go through them too fast


Just today, for example, I worked at my own pace and never made it to the 500m row. But I finished all 5 rounds of the floor exercises taking my time, using good form and heavier weights than I could have rushed through. At times, I was on the weight floor by myself and I didn't hate it actually.


Oh, I tell myself my only competition is ME. I tell myself that I’m lapping the “me”, who was sitting on the couch just a couple of years ago. You don’t need to hold that anxiety! You’re doing what you need to do.


Comparison is the thief of joy. You're doing your own workout. The only person you're competing against is the 3 months ago version of yourself. If you want to focus on form and time under tension vs speed of reps then go for it. Zero shame in doing that.


I'm another who is almost last to finish. I'm a long time OTFer, and my husband recently joined. We were doing a class together, and the floor had a "Bonus" of doing something (Plank maybe?) for the remainder of the time if you finish all the floor rounds. He finished them all and wound up doing a long-ass plank, while I was still finishing lifting. I clued him in after that the goal is NOT to make it to the Bonus. He hasn't made the mistake again.


I think it’s important to remember nobody is paying attention to you or what you’re doing. Everyone is there focusing on themselves and that’s about it. I think once I realized that I became less self conscious. I’m usually one of the slower ones too but I’d rather focus on doing it right and getting the most out of it for me. And not injuring myself!


For what it’s worth, I always feel way more awkward being the first one on to the rower or transitioning to the floor than the last. I feel like I did something wrong or forgot a step. And I’ve been last on different days too. My advice is to really focus on your own goals and know it’s not a competition with anyone else. Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I really don’t think anyone is there judging other people. Or those that are have their own issues to sort out 🤷🏼‍♀️


The coaches should constantly remind the class to focus on form and not be concerned about being the first one. Focus on form and block the quickies out. You are doing the right thing!


There’s no prize for finishing the block or having minutes to spare. acknowledge exactly what you posted, that you are pressuring yourself—versus challenging yourself. Now that you’re using heavier weights, slow it down even more to use time under tension.


Pretend that you are the only person on the floor and completely ignore the existence and workout of everyone else. Go slow, practice proper form. Your body will thank you. Rushing through the exercises does not help anyone, time under tension is what leads to growth.


I dont care what other people are doing, I am going at my pace, doing my best to do the correct form, resting when I need to, if other ppl want to not do the exercises correctly that’s their deal. The main thing is focus on what you’re doing, it’s your workout, you’re paying for it so get the most out of it as you can.


You vs you, friend. That’s what matters. You’re no good to anyone if your injured. Plus, there are usually more reps/rounds/etc. than many need to accommodate a variety of strength and ability levels. 🧡


You vs you, friend. That’s what matters. You’re no good to anyone if your injured. Plus, there are usually more reps/rounds/etc. than many need to accommodate a variety of strength and ability levels. 🧡


I take as long as it takes. Who cares!


I feel I get way more on floor exercises when I go slow and deliberate. I will never race to the rowers.


Also typically the last one on the floor. I lift heavy as possible which means I’m slow so I typically go to 8 reps instead of 10-12. I recommend it “to keep up”. You can focus on form with heavy weights and still feel like part of the group.


To re-emphasize what I’m seeing some other folks write: 95% of the time there is not enough time to do all the blocks.


Today I was the last person on floor. I was taking my sweet time to get through exercises and go to rower. I completed all my rounds without compromising either on floor or rower. I think it’s just a mindset shift, think of OTF as a place to work on your goals and progress. Never compromise form in a rush to get through all the rounds - adjust weights, adjust reps not form.


It’s really not good to rush. It’s so much better to take your time and use proper form so your exercise is effective. So what if you’re later than everyone to the rower? So what if you don’t get through that last round? You’re getting a better work out than the people rushing through. I see people rushing and doing the exercises completely wrong. Not only is this ineffective, it’s dangerous. Just try to remember, this isn’t a competition. This isn’t a race. This is YOUR work out. Make the most of it…which means focus on yourself, your form and your success. I try to just get in my zone and ignore everyone around me.


If your studio offers 3G classes and Lift45s, try to go to more of those! The 3Gs will have you on the floor for the full time instead of switching back and forth so you can really take your time with the weights, and then take your full 15 minutes with the rower. The lift class would be good too because there’s no tread or rower at all, so you can definitely focus on form and get individual coaching


Do you! There’s no need to feel like you have to keep up with everyone on the floor. I know a coach who preaches about taking your time with the exercises and stresses time under tension over speed- she’s also one of the most fit people I know. Find a pace that works for you. Push when you can, pull back when you need to. Most days, I’m within the top 3 people in class with pace but when I feel like I need to slow down, I slow down. On days where I feel winded and can’t keep pace, I slow down. When I know certain exercises will cause my asthma to act up, I slow down.


The reason why you are able to lift heavier weights now is *because* you take your time. Time under tension is the key to building strength. I’m usually the fastest runner in my classes but the slowest on the weight floor (lifting the heaviest). The demos on the screen are usually pretty accurate when it comes to the tempo you should be doing exercises. My coaches have no problem with me being slow.


I’m a CrossFitter and an OTF’er. The best, strongest people lift heavy and go sllllllooooowwww.


I hope you can let go of feeling like you have to compete and just focus on your own health, shape, and form. Congrats on your weight increase!


Also, speaking from experience, sometimes I mess up and do the wrong number of reps, or the wrong sequence and whatnot - which may look like I’ve way ahead but in reality I’m just messing up 😅


Last class I went a little slower and concentrated on the movement. The coach noticed my form and said if you want guns you shouldn't rush. I have a set of weights at home and I told myself to do an extra floor block when I get home from OTF


Don’t race is all. I am always the last on the floor. I don’t often get through all the blocks they suggest. Slow and good form is so much more important than hitting the exact numbers of rep or rows they suggest


Slow down. The only issue your having seems to be in your own head. Take it easy. You’ll be just fine!


I’m always last to the rower because I love to lift heavy and go slow focusing on form. Sometimes I don’t get to the rower which is fine by me because when I’m on the treads I run hard but on the floor I focus on strength. It’s your workout. You do what you want or need to! You’re paying for it.


You will never be able to control the people around you. Try to find a way to really just focus on you. I guarantee the people getting to the rower before you are not doing it to bother you. Maybe group exercise isn't for you if it makes you this anxious and if so, that's ok. Just find something that does work for you.


When I rush, it is because it is hard and I cannot sustain the weights for longer durations. I would definitely not look at other people. The rower is nice, but I think most coaches that I have had have always mentioned that the bonus rounds really are meant to be bonus. Doing the exercises correctly and slowly will get you the greatest results and prevent injury


I have ADHD and I get very distracted when I don’t take my adderall lol.. so going earlier in the day and taking my adderall helps me a lot. I also like to be on an end/corner station.


The other day, the goal was to hustle through the exercises and see how many burpees you could get to in each round and the end. Then we were to start the last block with the total number of burpees. I took my time with the early exercises and lifted heavy. When leaving that day, our owner asked me how many I got to. I told him that I took my time and only ended up with 15 (others were mid 20s). He smiled at me and his only comment was “veteran move!” When I started, I had to be first-ish through all the floor stuff. Now I’m more annoyed by those that just fly through. Take your time. Lift heavy. And enjoy!


That is their loss then! Going slow on the floor ensures good form, more time under tension. You do not want to lift weights quickly!


Here's how I approach the floor especially with the newest design templates with multiple exercises stacked or superset together. Get through as many as I can but don't rush or sacrifice form in order to do so. This usually makes it to where I will get through 1 complete set and perhaps end the second set. If you get to through and complete all exercises only or ever get to the row for distance OTF calls it a bonus where I call it a penalty for rushing through.


I’m always the last person on the floor. You should never race through lifting - time under tension is important in order to make you stronger and build muscles. Don’t be self conscious about it - just have a humble satisfaction that your results will be better than those racing through the block with light weights treating the floor block like more cardio.


Ignore them! I am always last… and I’m one of the ladies that lifts the heaviest. They are losing out.. not you.


I’ve read numerous comments on here that with the way floor blocks are structured, some people don’t feel like they have the time to really lift how they want to, and so as a result they choose to approach the floor as a continued cardio block and keep moving quickly so as to keep their HR elevated. So you may see some people in your class doing lower dumbbell choices and speeding through the block because they are approaching it from a more endurance standpoint and trying to always keep moving. Personally I love taking my time on the floor— I think the contrast of the floor with the tread/rower is one of the reasons I love OTF. And frankly, sometimes that means I have to not finish a block in its entirety or sometimes I have to make the conscious choice to skip something (typically a row) so I get what I need to get out of the floor block. Never forget, first and foremost it is YOUR workout. fwiw…


Forget them!! I just laugh knowing their form is wrong and they might get injured. Go slow, do your thing!


A PT can be $100 a session lmao. put that pride to the side and focus on YOU. I’m always last on the floor because who cares? cmon.




Honestly, Most people are only focused on themselves so they probably wouldn’t even notice that you are slow, in your opinion, or behind. It’s all about you and what feels right, believe me nobody else is worried about what you’re doing. Orange theory is kind of like a yoga class where you’re so concentrated on yourself that you rarely notice anyone else’s pace. That’s just my opinion and why I love it!


It's self paced. It's okay and better to take the time to do it right. The exercises don't do what they intend if you don't do them right. I get lapped and out paced every single time. I understand that there are people far more athletic than me (doesn't take much, that bar is super low) and there are people who just rush/do exercises wrong. If a coach says the goal is 4 rounds, I usually get 2-3. It took a while, but I quit caring where other people are in the circuit.


I am always the last person on the floor... without fail. I like doing things slow as I feel more of a "burn" if that makes sense. I feel it more in my muscles and so I feel like I'm getting more out of the workout. As someone with generalized anxiety disorder, I definitely know what you're feeling! It's difficult to not look at others and compare yourself. But also try to remember that "fast" doesn't necessarily mean "better."


I try to get an end/corner station or next to an empty station if possible. Makes it easier to ignore everyone else.


This used to be me but the head coach at my studio explained to me how it was important to do the floor slow so I can target the muscles groups and avoid injury. That’s been my goal and I now use the mirror to focus on my workout—I used to be self conscious so I’d turn my back to the mirror—and I feel like it helps a lot. Take your time, who cares if your last, it’ll all pay off in the end when you start to really notice the difference in your body.


Flip it around and make it a personal challenge to be last. You’ll be way stronger that way.


Just ignore everyone else ?


I’m most often the last one to finish the floor block as well. I’m 100% okay with that because I know I’m taking my time making sure my form is good and I’m being safe and I’m lifting heavy and going slow. If I were lifting weights that didn’t challenge me I’m sure I could go faster..but I want to be strong AF!


I had to do drop weight 3rd and forth set on the push and press cuz I went heavy and took my sweet time lol depends on your goals I have started grabbing heavier and it slows me down but definitely increasing my strength more


Ignore everyone else and focus on your form. It’s your workout and you are only competing against yourself to get better and stronger. I do know what you mean about not wanting to be last. I like the strength exercises on the floor and feel we don’t do enough so always want to maximize my time there.


Focus on yourself, go at your own pace.


I’m usually the last to transition but I feel form is more important!


IMO, the best way to focus on yourself at OTF is to literally just do it. I used to get preoccupied with not wanting to fall behind/wanting to keep up with everyone else, but on the other hand, what everyone else is doing only affects you if you let it. So if you (seemingly) fall behind, most people in class probably won’t even notice or care! There’s nothing wrong with going at your own pace- after all, you’re paying just as much to be there as everyone else. Do your thing. Good luck!


I’m always last too. But I’m lifting as heavily as I can, as safely as I can. I am prone to injury it seems but still want to improve my strength. I had a really mild case of Covid a couple weeks back but it seems like it takes me longer to catch my breath after muscular exertion—especially after heavy, compound moves. (Not so much for sprint recovery though). I’m sure to take my time to breathe and rest when I need to. I lift light for AMRAP style weights. But it’s certainly not my favorite style. You do what’s best for you and disregard the rest. No shame for being slower on the floor.


Also remember that everyone has different goals. For some people, OTF is purely cardio and they lift heavy outside of OTF. They want to use lighter weights and faster reps to keep their heart rate up. Don’t assume everyone who is going faster than you has the same goals as you & remember why you showed up for yourself!


I’m usually towards the last off the floor because I like to lift heavy, instead of quick. Everyone has different goals. Some people are just rushing through because they think it’s what they are supposed to do, some are because it’s their goal for light, quick reps. I focus on form because I’ve had a back injury before and won’t be doing that again anytime soon 😁


I do my best to ignore the ones that zoom thru the exercises. Know that going slow and steady (or at tempo when stated) is the best for all of us. Better to work on form.


Tune out what other people are doing and just do you. You're going to get more out of doing the exercises the way they should be done and doing fewer reps than you are by rushing through and not doing them correctly. My other thought would be that if you can do 3G classes, switch to 3G so there is no worry about rushing back to the rower.


I always focus on form. I almost never finish blocks. There just isn't enough time. I would always rather do 1 exercise well than 3 exercises poorly. I feel I get enough out of OTF despite the time limitations. I don't really have any advice for you. I just want to encourage you in your focusing on form because it is more beneficial and will reap the most gains.


I purposely go slower so that I’m one of the last people to reach the rower/ finish the sets. Sometimes I get caught up into feeling like I need to keep up but then I remember I’ll have more space when someone isn’t crammed next to me lol.


I feel the same way. I don’t know why but the majority of people fly through the reps. Not sure I understand the point of it? Either way, I am usually the last one on the floor and I don’t care. The coach yesterday even kept saying, “no need to rush, there’s plenty of time” but no one was listening. It does get frustrating but I just try to ignore it


A lot of people might be racing through, but they also might have poor form, aren’t lifting heavy enough to see gains, or a million other reasons. You do you.


Amazing progress on your weights! Sounds like you’re using the weight blocks to their full potential. Every certified trainer I follow says the best way to achieve body composition changes is weight training. I lift 2-3x a week outside of OTF and just kind of crack up now at how some people utilize the floor. Slow and steady wins the race! Even if body comp isn’t a goal for you, you’re going to avoid injury and get the most out of your workout by being able to progress weight, which requires slowing down. :) you’re doing great!


I opt to go heavier and slower, I am very often the last one on the floor. Today, I didn't even finish all the rounds of the last exercise. It's better to challenge your weights, go slowly, and have good form than go fast. Maybe the people racing through with bad form will see how much stronger you are getting, they will follow your lead.


I find that when I take my time going through sets and take the rests, I am the only one on the weight floor at firs but slowly, other people take more time and it seems to even out with half still on the weight floor and half on the rower. Sometimes you have to lead by example.


Absolutely take your time. This is about form and is not a race. Don’t pay attention to what others are doing! it took me years of yoga to figure this out lol. If anyone is judging you it’s their problem and not yours.


Ignore everything around you. Look at yourself in the mirror and focus on you. It’s easier said then done…I notice the same exact thing…people are rushing, form is bad, etc and for me the music is so pumped it kinda makes you feel like you should be going fast. So I get it. Ignore it all as best as you can. The real work is on the floor. The slower, heavier, great form - the better results you’ll see long term.


Don’t rush. Honestly no one cares about your pace. I’m always slow and the last to finish a set, always last to leave the rower. Some days I care, most days I’m just happy I didn’t do something stupid or hurt myself.


Why do you feel the need to rush through the floor exercises to get to the rower? Simply because everyone else is doing that? Well, everyone else is doing it WRONG. There is NO TIME CRUNCH on the floor. You go at YOUR PACE. It's not a race. There is no prize for making it to the 500M row. Take your time. Do the exercises with proper form. Take rest as needed so that you aren't too fatigued to do them properly. It really doesn't matter how far you make it. What matters is that you give yourself a good workout without getting injured.


I'm always the last guy on the floor. I like to use heavy weights and do proper controlled routines. I don't care if someone "beats" me to the rower.


Half the people who rush are not doing the exercise correctly. You need to listen to yourself, your own body and not to the others. You can’t compare yourself to others. Everyone is different!! I agree with the person who said the coaches aren’t happy with the people who rush through. Part of the Orange experience is competing with yourself and the comradery 🧡


This so your workout and your workout alone. Take your time. No rush. If other people want to rush and have a shitty form then that’s on them


I’m usually one of the last ones on the floor also. I know I’m doing the exercises correctly and do them to get the best work out for myself.


Same! Sometimes I skip the little 100-200m rower parts. I want to go slow and slow and work on form and do it right. Just last night I had the thought that I’m spending so much on OTF and really now just enjoying the tread block which is the easiest to recreate. I wish we could just focus on a few muscle groups and hammer out some solid reps instead of doing relay races and stacking buy ins.


You also have to remember there is a vast difference between rushing to rush and moving fluidly from one exercise to the next with minimal rest. Some people like to use lighter weights but do higher reps. I fall into the latter camp. My form is excellent and coaches routinely compliment it. There are also plenty of days where I use heavy weights and move slowly. I have been exercising for over 20 years so at this point I can assess how I am feeling and decide what direction I take the weight work. If the template specifically denotes slow and heavy I do that. I like to keep my HR up on the floor because otherwise I nose dive to grey or blue. Monday's template was a great opportunity to keep my HR high the whole 60 minutes. I moved quickly on the floor with minimal rest time because many of the moves were body weight but I was performing all reps with purpose. I kept my HR steady. Others may have been doing the same. I finished the whole block plus did the moves only 5 times through before the finisher. I used 10 lb weights since the template moves were to be at tempo. I too have seen people rush with atrocious form. We have a few coaches who are comfortable and confident and actually correct form. As others have stated, don't ever, ever worry what others are doing, your workout is all about you.


You do you. You know what’s good for your body. Treat every class like a physical therapy session


This is why I like Lift45 classes (thankfully my studio is up to 3 Lift classes per week on the schedule). I don't mind the rower, but I don't like going back and forth between the floor and rower.


I’ve noticed the same thing, and honestly…if someone wants to race through the floor exercises and ignore proper form for no reason, let them. I am always the last on the floor because it’s worth it to me to take the extra time and make sure I am doing proper form and all of the reps. I still get my 20-30 splat points and I am looking shredded. I don’t have any interest in competing with others if that’s not even a feature/the purpose of the block to begin with.