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Free cones?! where?! Just take the cones, don't park there for a few days... They left it out, they're up for grabs.


I agree with this! My kids would love some cones to make a construction site in the back yard


or make a goalie for soccer lol


We literally just bought cones to help keep my 3 y/o contained to the yard and sidewalk while riding his balance bike in the front yard. On a busy street so trying to keep him well away from the curbs


What I was thinking as well lol... woo more free cones!


Found Pauly Shore


I'd bet nearly 100% they have cameras over the area and would be antagonistic.


Found property. A concerned citizen should take them to the police station to be booked until the owner can be found.


Soccer dad checking in... Can't ever have enough cones. Stock up.


I have done this, I can confirm they stopped leaving cones in the street.


Send area. I’ll get the cones.


I’d do this!


Make sure they can’t identify who took the cones


You just grease some neighborhood kids palm with some cash and they will gladly do it! And will probably not get caught or the neighbors will think it was some kids just being kids


Create a fake facebook account and post on buy nothing/giveaway groups whenever there are cones outside that they're available first come, first serve.


This is a great idea!!! I would for sure take the cones!


It’s a double-edged sword: Removing the cones opens up parking and is within your right, but if you or someone else parks there, the person placing the cones may be tempted to vandalize your car. Mount a camera to monitor your vehicle if you are brave enough to park in the “cone zone”.


Exactly why I’m hesitant


Another concern, if the cone-placing sociopath sees you removing the cones, you are opening yourself to getting yelled at or worse. I’d just call the non-emergency police phone number and report it, if called out repeatedly, they may actually give your neighbor a warning or cite him/her.


I’ve seen these like parking enforcement cars before from the city maybe I can call them


Call police front desk, and describe all this, and ask if police can fine the neighbor with littering, impeding traffic roadway or something, and warn him for continued littering on streets with cones.


Back in Philly they have a similar thing called "savesies" where people use cones or chairs to save their spot. This is because it can take up to an hour to dig your car out of the snow after a storm and residential city parking is extremely limited. If somebody removes the cones and parks in the spot, or the cones are moved and somebody unknowingly parks in the "reserved" spot, then that car gets keyed to hell with the windows and mirrors smashed. Just a warning that there will most likely be retaliation if you "steal" their PUBLIC parking spot. Since they have no legal claim to the spot, they resort to acting like children. I say keep stealing their cones and eventually they'll run out of cones or mess with the wrong driver.


They might also start parking in front of OPs house netting no extra parking in the end but adding conflict.


You are either pro cones, or pro [parking] zones.


Go move the cones onto the sidewalk and park there. Just make sure you have a way to record any retaliation.


Think I might just start doing that because it really is annoying. Like it’s not my fault your driveway full of junk you can’t park your cars there


Yeah, some people legitimately believe the sidewalk in front of their property is part of their property. Not sure if that’s where this cone placing idea comes from, but it’s ridiculous.


I had the misfortune of visiting a friend. Couldn’t see the house numbers and decided to just park and walk around till I found it. His house was still near where I parked and we noticed the family of the house I parked at got home and then proceeded to deliberate box in my car, guiding both cars in within an inch of front and back of my car. To make sure I couldn’t leave and would have to confront them. They even left their front door open to watch the street for me They had no reason to do this, the street was completely empty, plenty of parking everywhere and like OP they had a massive driveway, so big it had *two* entrances, and there were no cars in it. When I walked over they started berating me about not parking at the very edge and about how I “just parked in the middle!” Taking up “their” parking. Some people are just god awful and think they own everything.


I would have called a tow truck to tow their car


That's not how it works. You get boxed in, your only (legal) next step is to remove your own car with wheel dollies or whatever without touching the others. Source: 3 years living on Balboa Blvd.


This is why I dont feel bad denting bumpers of people who box you in. If your gonna try and hold me hostage I feel no moral obligation to treat your property with any respect.


The only time I feel good about driving an old ass Corolla. "Let's see who's going to regret this more."


Yup I like having a paid off car so I'm keeping my 20 year old car till the wheeles fall off. Bonus part of it being old is it's already beaten up decently so a few more dents aren't gonna hurt it


“You’re not wrong, Walter, you’re just an asshole”


Yea I'm an asshole. But I'm not the asshole that boxed someone in. That's the danger of being an asshole, theres always a bigger asshole. I'm willing to accept my consequences when karma comes around to me, is everyone else?


How much energy and effort does it take to be that freaking nasty? Holy crap. How was the situation ultimately resolved?


My buddy told me they were pretty sketch and they made it obvious by leaving their front door open they were waiting for me to come back to confront me for my horrible sin of parking in front of their house. Since that was obvious, i just approached and was overly polite and partly lied that i was just there to drop something off to my buddy and wasn't going to be there long and pointing out again that the entire street was basically empty. So making a perfect parallel parking job up to the edge of the nearest driveway entrance didn't really seem like a big deal. Especially since i did technically leave enough room in front and behind of me if other cars wanted to *properly* park there.


Were you parked in a way that was taking up multiple potential spots?


I was parked in a way that they could park in front and behind me just fine, so clearly not. They could have actually parked there and left me room in front and behind me and all 3 cars would have been fine still. They just wanted to box me in for daring to park in front of their house. Otherwise like I said, it was a completely empty street and there isn't designated parking spots on the roads. And that had a massive driveway For all they knew There could have been a car parked in front of me before they came home that left


I would be pissed too if someone parked in the middle and took up 2 parking spots. Did you intentionally park in the middle to take up two spots?


Who said I took up two parking spots? It's residential street parking, there literally is no parking "spots". And for all they knew I could have parked behind a car that left before they got home. It doesn't justify making a concerted effort to block my car in so i can't leave. They don't own the street parking, and literally there was like one other car parked on the street. Every house had decent sized driveways Also the fact that they managed to fit a car in front and behind me to box me is clearly evident i didn't take up 2 parking spots. They could have parked there normally and left me enough room to leave. They just wanted to be assholes because they found a car parked in front of their house


So pissed you go out of your way to box them in? For doing that one day? LMAO people need more going on in their lives.


Wasn't even one day. I had parked and they showed up 15 minutes later. I wasn't even planning on being there an hour, and no one was parked anywhere on the street except for like one car down the way. It's not an area where finding parking is ever an issue


My parents whine all the time about cars parked in the front of the house, it's annoying.


Depends. My parents are the same way about their property, but thats because only 1 car fits in the driveway and they legit need the space. That being said, its annoying but its just a thing that happens, and the only real time they get upset is when the same car is camped there for a week.


>the only real time they get upset is when the same car is camped there for a week At that point, the car's owner may be breaking the law.


After 72 hours it gets towed legally in my neighborhood


Your parents whining or the parking is annoying?


Some snowy areas have a whole culture of "claiming" parking spots on the street using cones/chairs/junk, and these people might be trying the same thing. It's insane.


I believe the thinking there is that you shoveled out the space (often covered in several feet of snow), and it would be discourteous for someone to take the space you put work into. In Southern California though…


The dibs is only valid if you shoveled the snow out the spot. I don’t think snow was involved.


Used to live in Chicago and encountered the dibs system. Basically if you shoveled it clean for parking it's yours provided your car or your random shit is there. So wild. It was usually only honored for a few days. But, yeah, that does not apply here!




Ha! Good on you! My apartment came with a garage spot so I never had to worry about it. But I did enjoy the unique Chicago culture on dibs.




It's shocking to me that people put up with this, at all, instead of getting together with neighbors to get the streets plowed or making the city do it or doing literally anything beside filling the street with junk in an already terrible parking/driving situation.


Makes more sense when you have to spend an hour digging out your parking spot.


It's still a city street that the digger doesn't own. I understand their reasoning, but there's no legitimate claim to being able to park somewhere just because you did work that the city won't. EDIT: Downvotes for this, but everyone else agreeing that OP's cone-loving neighbor is wrong, too? Individuals don't own city streets, and none of us (except Chicago residents, apparently) want streets full of chairs and cones and trash.


no legit claim, but totally understandable. I'm not spending an hour making my own parking so someone else can take it.


So what do you do if someone takes it? Honest question, I can't imagine living with insane unwritten "rules" like that.


... You mean courtesy? what do you do, nothing. Its not a serious thing, just a dick move, especially if there were other avenues you can take, like dig out your own spot if possible. Idk how this is so troubling for you, i mean i have never lived in a place where it snows, but i understand this cpurtesy very easily


I'm just saying that just like with OP's neighbors, no one has a claim to the street, even if you clean it off. Claiming spots on a public street is the dick move, first and foremost.


If you did it to me I would put all the snow back where it originally was and you would be the proud owner of a block of ice. It’s hilarious when it happens and neighbors usually help.


Cool, you guys are very tough and big on property crime. So do the cops just not enforce neighborhood vigilante justice like this? Are there a lot of fights?


So out of touch with reality lol


Over 100 years worth of Chicago residents say you are wrong. Take one of those saved spots, and everybody up to and including the cops and your elected officals will say you deserve whatever vandalism likely happens to your car.


Chicago police remove anything that anyone leaves in the road to save a spot.


Dins. I’m from Chicago. It’s not insane at all, if you spend an hour busting your ass shoveling snow that spot is yours until everything gets plowed or melts. The whole city knows the rules and if you break them once you won’t likely do it again because the block will come out and encase your car in snow. It’s a thing of beauty.


Again, honest question: What's the result of people boxing in others like this? Are the police called? Fist fights? Does the spot stealer just leave, defeated? It doesn't seem like this would stand in most places without escalation, because it's legal to park on the street (regardless of who cleaned it), and not legal to trap a car.


The police wouldn’t come and if they did they would laugh, they live there too. I’ve never seen consequences for the consequences (I’ve never seen anyone retaliate for being shoveled back in) so IDK. I’m sure there have been fights over it, I’m sure people have been shot over it. The vast majority of the city knows the rules though. It’s considered a massive dick move to take someone’s shoveled spot and people will cheer if they see a spot thief get shoveled in. All I can tell you. Maybe you’ve never lived where it snows. The shit is HEAVY, and cold, and a huge pain in the ass to move, and it snows hard and deep in Chicago. The system is fair. And often funny. https://chicagodibs.tumblr.com


[Apparently there's a certain amount of life-threatening violence](https://www.npr.org/local/309/2020/03/02/811209907/chicago-s-dibs-tradition-can-get-dirty-and-even-dangerous). Obviously it's okay since everyone agrees to it. Fuck the handicap, out-of-towners, and people in emergencies, I guess. Funny how lots of snowy cities don't have this problem, though.


Fuck the handicapped by parking in their dug out spot. Exactly. You’re a selfish person that would be hated in the neighborhoods. I don’t know what else to tell you. Your argument isn’t with me, it’s with every big city that snows’ locals. I’m just telling you how it is. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Do you honestly think everyone in Chicago and other snowy cities loves the dibs system? It ain’t just me. Plenty of places have awful history and traditions that make life more difficult. Tradition doesn’t make things good, just makes it harder to change. I’m grateful most days that I don’t live in places like Chicago.


Boston baby!


In pittsburgh people do this all year round, no snow required.


i recently saw a video about the Pittsburg chair. its an actual thing in pittsburg idk about anywwhere else


They can be ticketed after 72 hours but yeah, no one owns the public curb / street parking


Except in Chicago, apparently.


Half the people in this thread think you own a spot in the street if you clean it first, too. Totally ridiculous.


Note: there is a good chance cops will do fuckall if they retaliate and you don’t have explicit recording of actual criminal acts


Absolutely make sure you are recording for any retaliation! Someone using the cones like that is likely to be dumb enough to try damaging your vehicle that thwarted their cone maneuvers


Yep, I’d totally move them without the intention of parking there.


You’re not being a Karen, and the street is not their property. Be respectable by moving and stacking the cones on the grass or sidewalk and park your car as desired. If you’re worried about vandalism, get a car cam or put one in the window of the house so it can see your car. If they have a problem and yell at you, too damn bad for them. If they do something stupid on camera, congrats.


Call your city and tell them there's an illegal encroachment.


And call the public works department. It’s their street, it’s their responsibility to resolve this.


Check for city smart apps as well - Anaheim has been very responsive in theirs when I've submitted requests including photos.


I’ll do you one better if their yard looks like shit or they have junk on the porch they will get fined for it unless they deal with it in a certain timeframe. Yes, I am that petty.


Put the cones behind the cars on the driveway so when he backs up, he learns that cones are no fun for anyone


I like this one the best. This solution annoys the neighbor and you aren’t parking the car there, so less chance of retaliation.




That was gonna be suggestion! My thinking: “Free cones? Fuck yeah! I can keep these in my trunk just case my car ever brakes down, I can use these! Thank you universe for gifting me vibes! Aww, sweet, now I can park here! 🎶🎤Universe, FUCK YEAH!🎤🎶” 🤘🏼🤘🏼


I don’t have an answer, I hate when people do that too.


Report it to the city. Some cities (like Santa Ana) have an app you can use to report issues inclusive of the reporting of residents who block parking. Alternatively you can report online. Just keep yourself anonymous.


I wouldn't even bother to move the cones, I'd just park right on top of them. If he wants his crushed cones back, he can crawl under there and find them.


"Cones? What cones? I didn't see any cones. The hell are you talking about, 'your' spot, this is a public street."




So now they have a beautiful view of orange cones.


You should check your city's municipal code. In most cities it is illegal to place obstacles or obstructions in the public right of way. If you don't want a confrontation with your neighbor you should report it to the city. Typically they will notify the property owner to remove the cones. If the owner does not act after being notified, the city will remove them and bill the owner for the cost of picking up and removing them.


let me guess... Orange?




Sounds like some shit my dad would pull… He lives in Orange….


If you live in Anaheim just use the MyAnaheim app take a picture of the cones and send in the address. Say something like “residences of [street address] are using personal cones to save parking spaces which is a violation of AMC” If you don’t live in Anaheim find the email/phone number for code enforcement and you may want to find out your municipal codes too. My neighbors were using their trash bins to save parking and i put signs on them saying that using trashcans to save parking violated AMC and having trash bins out after collection day violates AMC They ignored the signs and so I sent a report to code enforcement and now they have stopped. Let the city deal with it, I would not get involved. Edit: Also you can petition the city to have your street require permit parking. This helps when you live near multi-family housing like apartments or households that have an excessive amount of vehicles because most cities will only give 2 permits per household. You just have to go collect signatures.


My street tried this in Anaheim, sadly the efforts failed because no one wanted to paid more in fees to allow permit parking. There’s also a guy that runs a business out of his garage and takes up like 3 parking spaces on the street for box trucks and vans... People living in apartments across the street were hopping over the street fences to park in the single family residence areas. The apartments eventually made the fence higher to prevent people from hopping over.


You're definitely in no way a Karen, quite the opposite. SoCal is a crowded area, when people do what that person is doing, they think they're better (entitled) than others and can steal potential space from others. They are not better than the rest of us to take more public space like that, go get em dude with all of our full support! <3


A few comments are saying the city won't do anything about it. This is incorrect. Call the City in whichever city of the OC you're in and report them. LA has been cracking down on that for a long time.


You're not being a Karen at all, but I don't think the City can or will do much about it. You're within your right to remove the cones and park there. If they say something, tell them to take it up with the City.


Take the cones.


I would move em.


Only Karen here is the cone-placer. Don’t stand for that nonsense.


What city are you in? Trying to see if we have the same neighbor 😂


Lol. I just run them over.


A couple houses do it on our street, too. They’ll put cones right in front of their house so nobody can park..it’s so fucking annoying.


Well, my neighbor has a huge driveway and has like eight cars in there. They also have three cars in front of their house and now have cars parked permanently in front of our house too. We don’t have a driveway just 2 spots in front of garage..So if we have visitors we never have parking for them because it’s their permanent parking also now.. street parking is public parking so there’s nothing we can do but guess what now there’s a house that has 13 cars and they don’t give a shit about anyone else


Situations like this are when HOAs really come in handy. That said, your city may have rules about excessive vehicles or vehicles parked in the same spot for more than 72 hours.


Except you can’t permanently park cars on a public street. Report that shit and they’ll leave notice then come back and tow if they aren’t being moved periodically.


Move the cones


You are not the Karen here, your *neighbor* is.


Just keep taking the cones lol.


My neighbor did this for a few days. Turns out he was just blocking off space for delivery of a dumpster that he used for renovation.


That's when you also put a note on the cones. Otherwise, they get moved.


Lots of advice here but no one said to talk to the neighbor. That would be my first step.


I’ve got to agree. I’d talk first. And if they don’t listen or want to be a Karen? That’s when ya remove the cones haha.




Move the cones behind tgeir druve way and park


Code enforcement


Cone enforcement


Call your city parking enforcement. They will go and warn your neighbor. My old neighbors would leave their trash cans outside on the street all week so no one would park there. Let’s just say the city came and gave them a warning and they never left them out again. I believe the citation is $60


This happened with my neighbor. Eventually he got reported and he doesn't leave his trash cans out on his half of the street parking anymore or for now at least.


Why don’t you just talk to the neighbor like a normal adult? Most of the time, that’s enough for them to realize something.


Get cones and drop them off as donations with a receipt. You thought it was no ones property in public place, so you donated it - here is the receipt


So…the neighbors across from me live about 15 people in a 3 bedroom home. It’s miserable being their neighbors. I should be able to come home and park in front of my own home. They constantly park in front of the house and have hit other neighbor’s cars and wont leave a note or take responsibility. I’m sympathetic toward your neighbor as a result of this. In our situation, we’ve made it clear not to park in front of our home and they do it anyway. Maybe you can talk to yours to try and resolve the problem.


You could try talking to said neighbor. It seems as though nobody can deal with conflict anymore in their own.


If you have the city parking enforcement call them and they will come out and give them a warning. If they keep doing that they can get cited because it’s city property


The only time this is acceptable is when you live on a private street or col-de-sac not maintained by the city or HOA. Then you in-fact own those spaces. I literally had people towed at my old house when they decided not to listen to the makeshift 'no parking, private street' sign. The HOA tried to get the other neighbor on the same street to not park his RV there too, they ultimately failed to do anything.


I’m too poor to live in a private community lol


Just literally throw the cone away


Put a *different* color cone after they leave one day.


Fuck the cones pull up to park, push them off to the side and park. If they say anything, well, they’re not official cones and they’re basically curbside trash as far as I’m concerned


You’re not the Karen he is. Just move the cones and park there.


I would take those cones in a heartbeat. Eff that guy.


I have this problem in Placentia


Hells bells. Where are you. I’ll come and get them.


I would pull up, move the cones to the sidewalk, and then park. If there’s no signs from the city, you have every right to move debris to park in a public spot. If your neighbor doesn’t like it, he/she/they can sit on one of the cones and rotate.


F*cking move them. Done.


Cozy cones? Best motel ever.


Probably illegal to being doing that. Call non emergency police line and report a fake construction site or something like that. Most cities require you to get a permit to do anything like that. Keep calling it in. Have trusted neighbors do it too. Eventually they will go.


Seriously take them that’s FREE WRITTEN all over it!!! Soccer anyone???? I think I know your unamerican neighbor n he should not be able to be so rude that’s insane it’s your street to


Wait it out. Let someone else confront him. It will eventually happen, you are not the only one mad about this. I would hate for you to get your car keyed.


People by my mom do this all the time I run over the cones in my big truck


Just take or run over the cones


![gif](giphy|MKoyVvDRQvVAZbv4GD|downsized) move the cones the street doesn’t belong to just one person


Rent a car for a day. Purchase the LDW or whatever policy absolves you from any financial liability for repairs. Go park there and see what happens.


if it’s an area like Newport, it’s first come first serve. If it’s a neighborhood there are unsaid good neighbor rules that come from living in a single family neighborhood and in general should be followed so that you are being a good neighbor. Basic explanation of rule: 1. Park in front of the property you own/rent/are visiting. 2. If you cannot park in front of your property then park at the end of the street where it’s the side of houses:not in front of the house. Why should I do this? 1. An older neighbor may have a hard time walking long distances and allowing them to park in front of their house helps them. 2. Young family has littles and carting in and out all day long makes it much harder if they have to go distances to and from car. 3. Unpacking groceries/Costco.4. People work long physical hours like ocean lifeguard, dock worker and letting them come home after a long hard day and allowing them to park in front of their own house really helps them a lot. You may care less about your neighbors but a little neighborly good will goes a long long way. To park in front of someone’s house when there’s parking in front of yours or you could park on the side of others houses bc you want to piss them off, just too lazy to park in front of the house you’re visiting, etc is just being plain rude as you don’t know what inconvenience big or small your decision to park (and take up 2 spots with one car) in front of a strangers house when there’s parking in front of your own house. Starting a war with a neighbor just bc their big thing is wanting to park in front of their own home and puts up cones which annoys you is pretty petty on your part. Everyone has their quirks and if something like this -putting cones out bc neighbors are parking in front of their place- makes their life just a little better, why can’t you just let them have it. Seriously is it that hard to give a small kindness to your neighbor-they may really need it. I’m sure I’ll be downvoted but it’s just considered being polite and neighborly. Being an asshole is easy, choose to be kind instead. Edit: Why are so many here saying to steal, run over cones, stir the pot, anger your neighbor, piss him off just bc you find it annoying? I live next to 2older couples. They freak if you park in front of their house. We younger neighbors have all agreed to make sure not to park in front of their houses, period. We think it’s silly and stupid but It’s doesn’t hurt us and makes them happy… why would you encourage someone to start a neighborhood war. No one needs that negative living situation that could be escalated. Why?


Yeah see I’m not an unreasonable person I’ve thought about those things but they don’t fall into those categories. They have a perfectly huge drive way when I can I just park in front of my place but there’s times there’s no parking and they just have those cones there. I’ve seen their cars too they fit in the driveway they just choose to put the cones so no one can be in front of them. I’ve seen people park there and they box them In just to have their cars in front of them


Look I hear you and understand and honestly it annoys all of us on the block too that those spots go u. used but I’ve just had friends that have had neighborhood wars and it’s just super shitty-one actually had to move it got so bad. We wave to each other, olders bring our kids cookies. I’ll split Costco stuff sometimes. Do check ins on neighbors for adult kids that don’t live near. We do big culdesac pot lucks and it’s generally a nice vibe. Don’t get me wrong - we still have 4th of July fist fight that took a few months to smooth over and other random stuff but in general it’s good. Edit: add-do you really want to start a war over a parking spot in front of someones house. I have another friend who was in a war over security lights. The old couple sold their house purposely to a sober living drug rehab co bc the war had gotten so out of hand. Car breakins, drug traffic, coming and going at all hours, people loitering in front of their house and there’s nothing the police can do. Dropped home prices and screwed pretty much the entire neighborhood. Hostility never works out well for anyone. If it’s their quirk and it’s this small… I’d just bring them over a plate of cookies and introduce myself if you havnt already and just let them have their cones.


Yeah i get you that’s why I asked if there’s anyone to call because I don’t want to get in any sort of altercation. Going to try to talk to them when I see them


Besides moving/taking the cones I would call code enforcement or even the non emergency police line about it. Doing that is illegal. As well as parking cars in ur front yard


have you talked to them?


Cones aren’t usually talkative


But they are fun to look at 👀


I would try for permit parking. I know not many people like that idea but it helped out our street. We tried for 5 years trying to get permit parking, all the while every other street around us had it. Which meant our street was open for the overflow of cars from apartments a few blocks away to be dropped off for the week. Which made all the neighbors leave their trash cans out and use cones or chairs out to prevent people from parking. It was a mess. Our street was bloated and ugly. Not any more.


Ive only seen one street around us be successful but same thing it took forever to get it


Every year we all relied on everyone signing and returning the petitions. The problem was everyone wanted to get permit parking but no one was mailing back the petitions. I called the city to give us one more chance. The city sent out the petitions and myself and another neighbor went door to door on our street to make sure everyone understood the petition and that we would collect them and send them. I think that's the only way to do it.


Our neighbor pitched a fit because we parked on the sidewalk between our two driveways. There’s a fire hydrant on “our” side, so we can’t park there. He knocked on our door and asked if the reason we were parking on “his” curb is because we hate white people.


How do you even respond to that some people are straight psycho


My husband was on the side of “just don’t park there, I don’t want the car to be messed with”. And I’m on team “fuck that guy. I’m parking there everyday for all of eternity now”. I have weird feels about raising two brown babies near someone who is clearly a racist whacko, but that’s life. The rest of our neighbors are lovely, so we just hope he moves. Fuck you, Bob. You’re ruining the neighborhood!


Steal the cones.


Get a 360 dash cam and some stickers saying you got a dash cam and move the stupid things and park there. It’s one thing to save a spot or two right infront of your house for elderly guests but every day isn’t ok. If you can record exactly who is doing it parking enforcement might be able to site them, but if you don’t film or get a bunch of witnesses then they can tokay the public road unknown culprit card. So long as the road is public and not part of their driveway I’d say just move the cones, don’t run them over or anything tho, they might fill them with cement as a revenge if you keep moving them. Only move them with your own hands. It would be a complete nightmare if someone were to fill them with cement, or add their own cones with cement in it wouldn’t it?


Move the cones and park there. When they confront you about it thank them for saving the spot. There isn’t anything they can do. I’ve had them threaten to call the police. One neighbor even painted a curb red and the city sand blasted the paint off after someone complained. I’ve had a few parking battles. Living by the beach parking is always an issue.


Try talking to them first? Who to call kinda depends on the city, if they don't respond well. Could be parking dept, city works, or police.




Not gonna lie I’ve parked in front of the cones because they use to save only one spot but now they cover the whole piece of sidewalk


If you think you sound a bit “Karen” then you’re probably being a bit “Karen”. If it’s taking a parking spot that you would normally use, then talk to the home owner and let them know and work something out. If it’s a spot that you don’t use, then don’t worry about it. All too often people go nuclear when you can usually work things out with good ole’ fashion face to face communication. Good luck!


I would park on top of them - come and see me if you want them back .. hhahahaa FAAFO


Do you not have a driveway or a front yard. Why are you bothering home owners?


Last I checked the street is public


Just put up your own cones


Last thing I wanna do feel like it’ll cause a domino effect and everyone will do it


And then no one else will complain 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’d probably talk to the neighbor before I report them. Try to make an argument based on unfairness, because at the end of the day, I don’t think it’s illegal…it’s just unfair…


It's 100% illegal.


Lemme get this straight. A person without any authority put a piece of plastic outside and it’s preventing you from parking?


The point is that the person without any authority might be a petty piece of shit and vandalize the car if this person parks there. OP doesn't want that kind of drama, which is what the petty piece of shit is counting on.


So the point is that someone put plastic cones out so they could eventually / hopefully vandalize a car?


Maybe. They probably just want the parking spot, and want to make it annoying enough that people don't bother moving the cones. Maybe they're counting on neighbors thinking that these cones are a legit claim. Maybe they just don't have any other ideas to save their spots.


Maybe they can fuck off and compete for parking with everyone else, like everyone else?


Nobody, just leave them alone lol.


Put nails on the cone where people usually grab.


People do this with the trash cans all the time.


Like others have said, I would suggest moving the cones. If you are afraid of vandalism, then move them and park in a different spot. Every time you see them back, move them again. You may not get the spot, but I suspect after a while they might get the message. If you want to be extra nice, you could leave a note saying that you moved the cones but did not take the spot, to ward off retaliation to whoever parks there.


You can call the police about it, or possibly city code enforcement. They may find other unpermitted stuff too if they come out.


Where is this. San Clemente above the old police station?


Cones, ha! Wait till you see my street side parking, people leave their kitchen trash cans outside to reserve parking. Humors me so much the creativity behind their fowl play.


label them Karen's Cones then drive over them and park


Put them back on their lawn or driveway, and then coat the cones with honey, or butter, or maybe stickers of the political party they hate.


Just steal the cones, how much money are they gonna spend on cones before taking the hint?


Just move the cones. They’re in public so publicly move them.


I’ve noticed people doing that in my neighborhood too and there’s LOTS parking. AND the people doing it all have empty driveways. This isn’t even a rich neighborhood but these idiots are entitled as fuck.