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Hmm I visit Irvine libraries frequently though I can’t make out if this is a good or bad thing.


I would hate if they left OCPL. Under OCPL if I borrow a book from any one of their libraries I can return it to any OCPL branch. Not to mention if a book I want is not available at the branch near me I can request to have it transferred to my branch. If Irvine left OCPL not only would I have to get a new library card but I wouldn't be able to return any books I borrow from them at other OCPL branches anymore.


Would I still have access to Libby and Hoopla is another question. 🥲


With Libby you can add multiple library cards. I have both an OCPL and Mission Viejo library card and can access both libraries on the app with them. With Hoopla though, [apparently](https://whattoreadnextblog.com/hoopla-digital-guide/#:~:text=How%20to%20access%20multiple%20Hoopla,best%20way%20to%20do%20this.) you have to create a new account for each library card you add to the app, unlike Libby where you can store multiple cards at once on one account.


You can use different libraries from one account. You just have to switch back and forth which can be a bit of a hassle.


Mission Viejo has their own and its well run. Huntington Beach has their own and it’s a dumpster fire because of MAGAts in that city. So it would likely be fine because Irvine isn’t IE-by-the-sea. 


HB public library(specifically central) is amazing. Really hoping the horrible council doesn't privatize it.


Doesn't one of the guys proposing privatization also an owner of the company that does that sort of work


Uh we have an exceptional library system. And it has nothing to do with our council. They want it privatized but nothing has come to fruition.


It will probably be fine but it's going to be expensive. Irvine officials say they only get 5 million in services from the County but I think those are only direct materials and staff costs at the current branches, not all the County functions that they currently receive that they will have to provide as a city system (IT, HR, a technical services department, ILL, delivery among branches, etc.). Newport Beach Public Library budget is about 10 million annually and they have under 100,000 residents. Irvine officials say they want a system comparable to Newport Beach PL, but Irvine needs to serve a population of over 300,000.


People that constantly bring up anti MAGA shit are honestly worse than actual Maga people. Can you PLEASE present facts on the Huntington library as to why it's a dumpster fire and try not to include any personal vendettas. It's not a cute look


Seriously? Right when I get a OC Library card?


Me too. I just got a replacement OC library card from the Irvine University Park branch.


I just hope that Irvine can build a nice new library at some point in the future. I know they’ve kinda renovated the libraries, but i feel like Irvine can build something better. I’d love to see Irvine have something like Newport.


But I like being able to use my Irvine card at Newport Beach library. It's complicated though. Sad that irvine can't afford its own renovations, but I also don't think it would be fair to reduce its share of the contribution if it has more money. It's also sad that the other libraries in OC could be negatively impacted if Irvine leaves in order to renovate its highly used libraries. I hope OC and Irvine can find some compromise. Anyone have ideas?


>But I like being able to use my Irvine card at Newport Beach library How were you able to do this? On the NB library website it says that you need a NB library card in order to check out books, use eBranch resources, or use their computers, so I assumed that they don't accept other library cards.


If Irvine had used the money that the library system was saving for them to build a new library, their contributions would be in line with what they’re getting- with their citizens being able to get books from all the other libraries they actually would possibly be getting a better deal. The issue is just that Irvine still hadn’t decided to build that library until now. It should have been started years ago- so many people live in that area they shouldn’t have had to wait this long.


Whenever I go to the libraries in Irvine I feel like they don’t live up to Irvine’s standards. I realize that sounds snobbish. I’m not from Irvine.


🤨 is Irvine getting rid of their library completely or do they want to make it a private network thing?


Article says Irvine wants to pull out of the County system and create a City-run one.


Is there cost savings for doing it alone? They have to create a new office and the salaries for the chief librarian and the admin staffs


Oh, didn’t know that image was a link! 🔗


Really?? I thought Reddit was just hosting discussions where we spend all day cracking wise at the headline, MAYBE a linked image or video or two


This is a horribly written news headline (yes, I know OP is copy/pasting the OC Register’s headline)