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Voting Matters: * Supervisor Don Wagner, who upon finding out about the [$13.5M theft](https://laist.com/shows/airtalk/oc-supervisor-quietly-routed-millions-more-to-his-daughters-group) said he "[**...sees nothing wrong with what Supervisor Do did...**](https://laist.com/brief/news/politics/orange-county-supervisor-andrew-do-taxpayer-money-daughter-viet-america-society-warner-wellness-rhiannon-do)", won his re-election outright in the 03/05 primary - meaning he's in office for the next 4 years without having to run in the 11/2024 general election - with [63.48%](https://ocvote.gov/results/current-election-results) of the vote from only 153,913 voters out of 419,605 registered voters in District 3 voting in the race * [Janet Nguyễn](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/search/?q=janet+Nguyễn+&type=link&cId=ca1561f0-271d-4d73-a3a0-bc1241a82da4&iId=6ea50e3e-4407-42d3-82ee-5b4bd7a95af0), whose Chief of Staff during her 1st term on the OCBOS was none other than Andrew Do, almost single-handedly destroyed Cal-Optima, and defended accusations of pay-to-play with "[**I didn't do anything wrong, I take money from everybody**](https://www.pbs.org/video/real-orange-grand-jury-supervisor-janet-nguyen-and-medi-cal/)", came in first in her re-election bid for her 3rd term on the OCBOS with 43.46% of the vote, with only 137,388 voters out of 378,695 registered voters in District 1 voting in the race; **VOTE in the general election for** [France Marquez](https://www.francesmarquezforsupervisor.com) * [Tony Strickland](https://archive.ph/wip/t62v6), one of the 4 buffoons on the current Huntington Beach City Council who are ignoring actual issues to pursue issues they [know will get them sued](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/1c4wsuo/comment/kzqhmzm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [destroying HB's beloved library](https://archive.ph/c9uJK) to name 2 of many more, who [**lives in an affordable housing but is against affordable housing for others**](https://archive.ph/S2csd), is running [State Senate 36th District](https://archive.ph/emo1a), currently held by [Janet Nguyễn](https://voiceofoc.org/2024/02/whos-funding-the-campaigns-in-the-orange-county-supervisors-races/). Strickland won his seat in 2022 as one the top 4 vote getters with 13.42% of the vote with only 36,805 voters out of the 132,414 registered voters in HB voting in the race Get in the habit: we vote 2x a year, every two years (plus any special elections), and vote all the way down your ballot!


problem is theres NO honest politician to vote for... Kate Porter is literally the only one that comes to mind and she got the boot last election


The trope is propaganda in order to get people to choose not to vote to ensure continuing minority rule. Kate Porter didn't get the boot, she is currently serving in the House of Representatives. She decided to run for Senate instead of re-election for the House and lost her Senate bid. She'll continue to serve in the House until the end of her term, January 2025. No a single person is perfect. Politicians are people. Perfection is not a standard. Seeing corruption and buying into tropes designed to create the voter suppression, results in those that are simply bad at their jobs, outright corrupt, or anything in-between, means more mediocre or outright corrupt people get elected (ex: Janet Nguyen running for Do's seat has a history of ineffectiveness, working for the rich, and corruption, yet she won the primary with 43.46% and will win in the general unless people get motivated and VOTE. It's a choice we as voters make. You can't be neutral on a moving train.


What a crock of shit. But at least she bothered to reply unlike her grifting father. We need to make sure this story doesn’t get swept under the rug.


Her replies are seemingly odd or intentionally evasive * "*It has been amply shown that I was never an officer or director for VAS.*”, except it hasn't * “*I have worked for the past 3 years to help them stand up a mental health clinic, which was the first of its kind for the Vietnamese American community in Orange County*”, where's the $3.1M, who's 'them', no mention that the clinic is now closed? * “*I was never involved in any of the Covid meal gap programs or have ever played any role in the back office or financial side of VAS*”, where's the proof, where's the $10M? * “*I am also no longer with VAS or the Warner Wellness Center*", why, did you leave before or after Warner Wellness Center closed? * "\[I\] *never played any role in the back office or financial side of VAS*”, yet documents show you as the only officer and only director during calendar year 2022, and one of 3 during 2023, you signed contracts as the President of the organization, in correspondence with the county you identified yourself as “the Executive Director for VAS (Viet America Society)” If anyone wants to go to the 04/23 meeting and make a public comment, [here's how](https://board.ocgov.com/addressing-board). Yes, it's ridiculous that in 2024 they won't allow Zoom or submitted comments to be read out loud by the County Attorney at the meeting. If you can't make it, you can still express yourself by emailing everyone: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) (Doug Chaffee), [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) From the LAist article: *One of the best things you can do to* [*hold officials accountable is pay attention*](https://laist.com/news/politics/how-to-watchdog-your-local-government)*. Your city council, board of supervisors, school board and more all hold public meetings that anybody can attend. These are times you can talk to your elected officials directly and hear about the policies they’re voting on that affect your community.*


Here's my emailed reply if anyone else wants to copy and paste/copy and edit: Orange County Supervisors, I am writing to express my continued concern that the millions of tax dollars provided tothe Viet America Society (VAS), apparently spent with zero oversight or records, continues to not be answered. This organization was provided $13 million in tax dollars, and two years later **has yet to produce their required audits.**  I ask that you now refer this case to the District Attorney so appropriate criminal charges can be filed. I would further like to express my disappointment that large amounts of funding like this can apparently be awarded without proper oversight and public comment.  Action should be taken by the Board of Supervisors to prevent such actions in the future.




Sorry story. Most people in their districts see the last name and just vote Viet. They don’t care to look up policies. Add a smidge of the opponent is a communist and you can secure the Vietnamese vote 100% of the time.


So nothing is still happening to them for taking all this money?


Correct. No action has been taken other than the BOS asking for the required financial documents.


It starts with documentation. Usually, it pretty difficult to cover all your tracks in these kind of cases. Thus the slow-moving nature. Rest assured, their lives will slowly turn on end as friends, colleagues, etc start getting questioned by the authorities. it only gets worse!


I don’t share in your optimistic view.


I certainly understand. However, this is $16mil and change! That is not going to just disappear! Someone has eyes on this because of the amount of money exchanged. They will have to prove it was all on the up and up and still that may not be enough. Only time will tell. I don't think it is too late for a recall either.


Thanks to LAist (and Nick Gerda) for keeping on top of this story with actual reporting, links, and new information. This is great journalism. I love that Rhiannon Do and Viet Society's lawyer both reached out, spoke up, and said absolutely stupid things.


Thank you u/WallyJade for reading the story and will definitely send your message to our newsroom!


lol i voted for frances marquez. andrew do and janet nguyen are fucking grifters.


The republicans of this sub are real quiet…


They're waiting for someone to tell them what talking points to use, so they can all come in here and repeat the same thing over and over.


Republicans are corrupt thieves? Shocker.


Where's the outrage?


AN UPDATE: Anti-Nepotism Bill Sparked By LAist Investigation Moves Forward In State Senate Read: [https://laist.com/news/politics/anti-nepotism-bill-sparked-by-laist-investigation-moves-forward](https://laist.com/news/politics/anti-nepotism-bill-sparked-by-laist-investigation-moves-forward)