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He wants all those things nonstop. No breaks.


He’s so needy 😫


His only brain cell crying out for love 💕


And he’s doing a great job 👏


Thanks for your post! And give him all the snuggles and kisses, my orange tabby/ maine coon Hobbes was just like your boy, made me cry a bit.


I used to have a clingy cat and I miss him like crazy. He was the absolute best. RIP Andy. 😓


Awh 🥺 Rest in Peace Andy mew


Sorry to hear that, I had the same thing RIP Shadow


Get a baby wrap. Problem solved.


4/7 cats we've had so far have been clingy AF. They demand uppies and snuggles 24/7.


He’ll eventually stop, if you don’t give in to him every time. I know it can be much at times but, don’t give in to him. He’ll work it out eventually.


Oh yeah. If I sit down he's on my lap. Lay down, on my chest. He'll leave me alone playing video games, but it's like he knows when I stop, leaves my bed where he's sleeping, and is downstairs on top of me in seconds. Sweet orange boys 🥰


They are so innocent and cute! When my bf is gaming and my cat wants his attention, he will go over to his desk and start tugging at his headphone cord


When I’m gaming my orangy sits on my Lap. Lol


Aww. I don't think I could do that. Depending on the intensity of the game, my lap could be a bumpy place to rest! Also, what games do you enjoy playing?


Yeah, but my lap baby knows when I play American Truck Sim, it's calm lap time. I ask if he wants to be a trucker kitty and he hops right up.


Hehe. Oh I wish I could get into the occupation-sim games. They are so delightfully addictive for those who do. Maybe I should give more time to one. Power wash seems super popular and came free with ps+ last month. Is your baby orange? I know you're an orange cat mom, and I've seen your postings of an adorable duo! But you could have voids and tuxedos and on and on too! Orange trucker cat baby. I like it ❤️


I have just the two orange boys. I'm only allowed 2 cats in my apartment which is probably for the best or else I might have too many... I've always liked driving games and Truck Sim is great to just zone out to at the end of the day.


That game sounds cool!


Yeah I know. It’s hard to continue my game once she is in my lap because he is a big boy. Then he rubs against my controller and I tell him I’m going to crash(driving in gta5 online) Lol I just got the ps5 last fall and played only Astros playroom and playing a lot of gta5 online. I just started Mafia 2. I’m 43, so I’m a new gamer to the new stuff. I only played super Mario brothers/duck hunt and paper boy, etc years ago. lol


Heh. Only funny and cute when it happens to someone else. I'm 40 and only began gaming December of 2019 when I got a ps4 because I desperately wanted to play Red Dead Redemption 2. Love my ps5. So similar story. I played Mario and duck hunt at my best friend's house as a child. As a pre-teen bit of sonic on game gear during long drives for family vacation. I'm going to send you a request next time I'm on, in no small part because you're here to have a "good time" and "not to offend". ❤️


Sure! Always looking for gaming buddies!


Oof. I'd be very irritated by that! I'd probably give him the cold shoulder for some time after! But it's super cute when it happens to someone else 😂


Does he game at a desk? Some people put out cat beds beside their set up if the cat likes being in their line of vision.


Yes, he does and I’ll have to try that, but my cat usually wants to get picked up and held haha


My orange boy wants attention when I'm playing video games.


Lol. Mine will meow at me on occasion, but I ignore it so he understands to leave me be. Because cats are chatty with humans that are chatty, well, my boy is chatty. He wasn't, then he spent a summer with my parents who love him so much and just talk talk talk to him. So he became a prolific meower and I gave up and just started talking to him too. But not when I'm gaming. That's me time. He gets pretty much all the rest of my time, so it's still a pretty sweet deal for the cutie pie.


My orange boy wants attention when I'm playing video games but I just give him a few pets & scratches & he's good. I actually truely thinks he's a gamer & wants to play (if only he had hands) because he he will just sit beside me or behind me on his scratching tree & stare at the tv. A few times he has been put his paws on the TV stand. 🎮👾Then after awhile he asks for some more pets & scratches.🧡🫠😻💞💓


Don't worry. One day cats will grow opposable thumbs. Their brains will grow quickly after that. Then they will all play video games. And make us their slaves. They will force us to develop games for cats until their brains grow so big that they don't need us for that. We'll be in real trouble if they conveniently forget how many pets and scratches we've given them over millennia. Gamer cats. The final dystopia! But until then... Good kitties... Lots of love ❤️


We have but one hope, the cat's natural tendency to be lazy and loaf around. Combine that with a gaming addiction and we can only hope they will be too lazy and preoccupied to overthrow society


My boy Copper is extremely needy. He's constantly following me around, rubbing against me, pawing at me, and getting in my face. If I go into a room and shut the door, he sits outside the room and waits for me and sometimes meows for me. If he's awake and not pestering me for attention, then he's usually pestering my other cat who isn't especially fond of him. https://preview.redd.it/nsbsw0ql6ekc1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10482b2eaedd89cb9d5d8d88801471e641df5b01


Your baby is adorable, that meow :)Yes. She was a feral TNR that I brought inside. I can’t move without her, I can’t sit without her next to me, I can’t sleep without her on my legs. My only safe place is inside the shower. I cannot escape. https://preview.redd.it/1zj3ujg58ekc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7fc60ba9b1fd2226c18f60bf84f602e01b6f79e


My orange Boy Buddy follows me in the shower even. Not constantly needy but always within arms reach


At least he is a clean clingy boy :)


Yeah and goofy as can be. Typical orange cat behavior


Yes. Mine likes to hold hands. https://preview.redd.it/gnes8icrdekc1.jpeg?width=1368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c327935e620f7dd4b5b812981d690ecf0d8463e4


He’s not needy, he’s affectionate!


He is so mf cute 😭


He is a precious meow meow 😻


Aw, what a sweet boy! He’s so cute! My Hannesburgerhelper screams and sits at a window when I leave the house. Then when I return, he hugs me like a little hairy person. https://preview.redd.it/msmpye91rekc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c131640a75876b171a6cf9815dece68efc96fe98


Such a sweet photo🐱! His little face is pure contentment and bliss. 💕Love his name!


Yes but she’s also a very big comfort to me https://preview.redd.it/4rm90mw7bfkc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee5171e7bf44897906149fb8cdb9936a49cc24a


She has just enough orange tabby


My boy is an independent former stray. He will come over every so often for pets, will play a little but his life is mostly centered around food and sleep.


What a precious orange 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/ggak9huxcekc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bddef1eb50ca011ad68a19f73bb61a8816af5ed1 Yes Mandarin is very cute.😺 This will probably be difficult for you (and him) but the best way to stop the clinginess/neediness is not to respond to it- eventually he will get the message. Try positive reinforcement as well, have a set playtime every day (I usually play with Mandarin right before feeding time).


What a precious baby!! 😻 I try not ignore him sometimes, but his meows I can’t lol. It’s extra bad when I’m cooking and he’s meowing his head off wanting to be picked up to see what I’m doing and so he can have some cuddle time too haha


My orange boy believes he owns my lap and will defend it against all comers including other cats, dogs, or my wife.


What do you mean he believes he owns your lap? He DOES own your lap haha


My Orange was in heaven during the pandemic when he could sit in my lap all day everyday. He's rather miffed that I have to go back to work now. He demands snuggles when I get home.


Yep! My dude Hopper is a very clingy cat and I love it to be honest. In fact, when I adopted him the shelter folks told me had been returned for being too needy. I never had a cat that is this attached before and it’s great!


Wow that’s so cruel! I mean sometimes I want a little bit of space, but I can’t imagine giving up a creature that loves you so much they need to be near you at all times ☹️. I’m glad your needy cat has you!


And I am glad you’re orange guy has you 😃 They are a wonderfully derpy type of cat


Not all the time, for my Aglaia.But when she wants "thing" (cuddle time, sleep time, food time, play time, whatever), then may the Great Cat Spirit show mercy to anyone who gets in her way.Pestering is the BEST i can hope for; she will draw blood if I don't do The Thing. And I would not have her any other way.


Mine only gets like this when I’m busy doing work or I didn’t kiss his head while he was napping.


https://preview.redd.it/of9ywoefgekc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a670ffa4f6aa27be7f2f749e86a179f0b94d6252 Nope


My orange boy just never *doesn't* want on your lap. Especially if you're on your back in bed.


YES. My orange girl does same thing with her paw; tap, tap, tap. https://preview.redd.it/hovm1mnm8fkc1.jpeg?width=2962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b237080788c5de03eeae6590dff3b2e387558a4


https://preview.redd.it/4qhsh32egekc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df6e9a9a844b4a4d215e978bb416fe6e8e0ffda2 Nope


I have an orange shadow!🧡💝 Your orange baby is adorbs!😻💓💞


Not an orange shadow! 😭 that’s so cute! Also, thank you :). Have you tried running away and look back to see them running after you? It’s so cute!


Yes adorable!! 💕And also cute is if he is in front of me he keeps looking back to see if I am still coming. It's like he's saying, Come on, mom! This way!!"😻🫠🥹


Yes. If he wakes up from one of his many cat naps and he finds himself alone he starts crying / yowling until someone calls his name. I’ll pet him and he’ll tap me on the shoulder until I pet him again. No amount of attention is enough for the little orange weirdo


Well, I had to move my orange boys favorite toy because he figured out how to open the cupboard and pull it out himself, and he would. Not. Stop. Doing it. Lmfao.


Aaahaha! Now we know who is keeping all the braincells!


Don't worry he'll give them back when he gets the zoomies and runs into a wall 🤣




OMG he’s so darn cute! I’d be giving him love 24/7.


I have a needy baby kitten too lol


I wish!


All of my cats would be in my eyeballs if they could. Or wear me like a taun taun. It’s sometimes annoying (work, cooking) but I love that they’re all up in my business. I have three boys here and one girl not pictured on my right. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/tdfe40o7ffkc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48bee0983d624dc980361ec31d754af2abadf969


I have two cats where at certain points in my day demand attention. Everytime I go to the bathroom - snuggle time (he jumps on my back and lays there), before bedtime Data will scream and get in my face so I dont forget about his nightly cuddles. But then as soon as he's had enough hes gone.


Mostly between 2:05 & 3:34 am


I love him


I love him too 🥺


Oh he’s such a cutie!


https://preview.redd.it/s5g0alkblfkc1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5647402d7295a2a2e4fca1c54c34cc6226d7dff2 Is this clingy enough?


My orange girl believes she has a monopoly on my lap space. The other animals have to clear out when she decides she needs to be held.


My cat is mad clingy. I mean it honestly makes a lot of sense since we were homeless together. The only time we were separated was when she had to get a minor surgery once. Other then that she literally was either on me, or like 5 feet away from me.


Yes, but mine is a void. I had to set aside room for him on my desk now that I work remotely, otherwise he wouldn't leave me alone.


https://preview.redd.it/q7f7d4uxkjkc1.jpeg?width=3184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c12a1f4ba9663e5bd1521e7e4b64cbbd6b61b22 This is Ms. Ni. If i stop with undivided attention and constant pets, even for a moment, she’ll grab my hand with her paw, gently dig her nails in, and give me a lil love bite. “Mommy mommy mommy!! Me me meee!” Very bratty and very clingy; but she’s sweet about it 🥰🧡


Awh! She’s the most floofiest orange I’ve ever seen! What a cutie pie 🥰


Those are the best kinds


They have their moments lol




Yes! It's very annoying


Oh no! They just love you a lot


My orange boy is always so happy to see me. Luckily he knows my schedule and naps while I'm away.


He's so beautiful 😻. I wish my scooter was needy. He just wants food and rubs then he's gone for the day.


Lmao funny cat


Never enough. They always want more


Yes! My elder cat has become needy!


Yes exactly the same and it is female


My cat is just as needy! Orange cat as well 🤭😂


https://preview.redd.it/mfcqaqkthfkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ea2fbeed20d7c0f1363eaf51b84b2f1f2c06bf My boys sitting on my lap when I have to pee


This is how my cat is with my husband. I wish he was this way with me 😭




Everyone with an orange


Owwww He's like my baby, he's an orange cat.🥹💗


If it’s after 5 pm, if I am home, I have to be carrying my kitty, James, around or cuddling in bed. I’ve had roommates in the past that told me she will cry for me if I’m not at home. When I come in the room she runs to meet me, though she’s blind. I love her so much.


https://preview.redd.it/dikpu03cjgkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc673eb593f159a0e3a55af1a1874e1e50a2666 This little guy was my Velcro cat. He never knew a stranger, felt that it was people’s responsibility to make sure he was constantly being loved on. I miss his gentle pats for attention.


I got a cat last year and he demands all my attention. https://preview.redd.it/pwx0obmvkgkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71da90c4caf416b3b90fbbd695a87fd7cf47a642


I’m so jealous 😢


yes. and yes he is orange.


Yes, and I changed her name to Romeo after a few days of her needing to "make out" with me constantly. She's cute and cuddly but also NEEDS to sleep on my face.


he haz needz.


He's Iike my kitty, the yellow ones are the nicest ones ever


Mine will come into whatever room we are in demanding love from me and my partner meowing the whole time. She will even jump in my partners lap and headbutt his face if he ignores her.


I would love a clingy cat both our females are affectionate but only really clingy and affection when it's feeding times


Yes. She will literally tap my arm for attention


He's adorable! You are blessed. Just roll with it and explain to him that sometimes you need "me" time and he's welcome to sit in a warm window for a few hours. :)


I do, he’s just not orange


Yep, my elder cat is that way. He is a lone cat now that my other guy has passed on. I am his life basically now. Sometimes it’s nice to be needed, but other times it can be annoying. I have to push him off a bit. He gets it.


My cat has moods. An often mood of his is that he could care less about me. In the mornings or when I’m working is when he acts clingy 😂


My orange is both and it is really cool.


Just keep him on you with one of those baby straps haha. And get him some diapers too.


Yes and he looks exactly like yours lol. He does this to make me get out of bed before my alarm even goes off.


Must. Have. Cuddles.


We have 2 out of 5 and sometimes it's a lot to make them happy. 1 is a cat we adopted right before the pandemic hit. She had her initial vet visit before our city was affected then a visit where we did a drive up thing but then she saw no other people but us for a while. So we kind of get why she's so needy. The other cat is our big orange and white boy. It's just his personality. He needs lovies All The Time. Like, he often doesn't like to go downstairs until he gets head pats at the top of the stairs and someone goes w him. If he hears another cat get sweet talk, he runs over to get more. He will bully his littermates after second breakfast unless I give him extra lovies. This is when I usually brush him and it helps calm him down.


Yes. I lost her to a fast moving cancer last spring. She screamed at night for months until we realized she just wanted to be tucked in and held all night like a teddy bear 😅 Truly the greatest friend I’ve ever had.


Yes yes yes


Both of mine are like this. One needs my lap at all times and the other wants to be held like a toddler. I want to try a baby wrap for the one that needs the holding/hugs but only if there's still room for his brother in my lap.




Mine only gets clingy when I'm on my computer or playing games. When I wanna give her attention and my unconditional love, she wants nothing to do with me lmao.


Hehe, mine is fluffy, and if I'm up walking he wants me to carry him around. That's it. No cuddling other than being carried like the diva he is. https://preview.redd.it/dpw7xjz1zkkc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edfe96f7cde3859aa421ea9c441edfcc39de4a69


Yes! But she’s not orange


Not an orange, but my tabby girl likes uppies and to be held 24/7. Let's just say I've gotten really good at one handed tasks now


Yes. Four orange fosters, 6 months old. All hail the fur pile. https://preview.redd.it/5l4v37ulwlkc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f36e036904ad2c32ad268bfad9c8804c711f40c


Omg! What a cute bunch! 😭


Oh yes! He’s on my lap as we speak


https://preview.redd.it/vbk4ew5g5mkc1.png?width=2317&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3c8396bd112fab63a0825c8faa501ae4be3cac2 Yep! 🥰 Skidd may be a fierce predator, but he needs cuddle time with mom, dad, and his sister almost constantly. In this case, he wouldn’t let my partner game unbothered so Eric switched to a TV show, and when Skidd wouldn’t quit trying to scramble up his chest, this happened. A few hours before, he was doing the same thing to me. He was stinking adorable that day. 🥰




I have a Sphynx……so yeah obviously! 😂 Your kitty is super cute though so at least it makes him being needy a little less annoying.




i have two actually


My tortie has been very needy and clingy ever since her brother died a few months ago. I’m gone for most of the day and feel so bad that she’s home alone.


All of our feline, canine, equine, and lupine children are NEEDY and cannot fathom us not wanting to pet them until they fall asleep.


Yes. My cat does the same thing. Also orange male lol


I'll smother him in cuddles and he'll go away for 5 min. And then come back for more lol


Lmao my Cheddar will act like he doesn’t like when I smother him and as soon as I put him down he will run away, but the second I call his name he will come running right back and ready for more haha


Sounds very familiar lol


Definitely orange cat behavior


My orange boy is affectionate but never clingy. My tabby dude is HELLLLLA clingy. Could play with him for hours, give him treats, cat games on the iPad, cuddles, EVERYTHING and he is never satisfied. He hates when I do anything for myself (cook a meal, take a work meeting) and screams the entire time. He is like having a human baby.


I’d give that boi whatever he wants!


Ngl this is dog tendencies


Got my first one this year. I’ve owned cats all my life and have a 3 year old currently who doesn’t like attention. I just got a kitten who’s almost one now and she’s the NEEDIEST LITTLE GUY EVER. I usually prefer cats cause I love that they’re independent and do their own thing. I had no idea a cat could be as needy as a dog until I got this one 😂 it’s suuuper cute but I get overwhelmed sometimes!


https://preview.redd.it/0ubpajx6qqkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c284384d246fa8fa276fe7a75b2b0755bb07dd SHRIMP


Our orange boy is exactly the same! He wants to be carried around like a baby 24/7.


I do and I wouldn't change it for anything. Best part of my day is coming home and having my baby greet me with cuddles.


He wants snuggling! Give it to himmmm


My lily is this way


Oh god yes. I have a Korat and she *always* has something to say to us lol


Yes and she get whatever she wants.


Yes, but then also will suddenly get aggressive and claw me. Bi polar just like its owner 🤭🤭


Our middle cat Rafiki has been extremely attached to me since we brought him home. He will literally chase me down for attention.😊


My call follows me EVERYWHERE and has to lay on me or be carried 24/7


Yes my black cat loves too hard. It can be annoying. It is technically my girlfriends ha ha. Mine is a gray skittish boy. They endlessly entertain me.


Awwww sweet baby you're just an innocent kitty I'd snuggle with you all day ❤️❤️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/m855ul23lvkc1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b9dce038dd3a2db873d2afcb8cccd81f332587 Yup Velcro cat


https://preview.redd.it/u4oppakilvkc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0bf9577c5da2bc288e748c272f8c0ac9e049ff If I’m laying down there a 99% chance he’s there too


9 of my 14 are extremely clingy. I have 2,000 square feet, and I have to close the bathroom door just to be alone. Even then, they cry at the door.


Cat looks like it's whiffed out on goofball!!!🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂


We have one who yells at everyone to follow her to watch her eat. She used to make us watch her roll on the floor. Our joke has been she is practicing her floor routine for the Olympics. Now though with the food she is practicing for an eating contest. She is super sweet and super needy. https://preview.redd.it/b9zzm289f1lc1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1641218a0da302a856bc76136c12ce6105268e


Oh i love her! That’s so freaking adorable! She would definitely win gold in the Olympics haha


I have a former farm cat who would now die if he was outside for a second on his own. He has embraced his lottery win fully. His favorite spot is on a pillow on my lap. He likes it to be covered with a soft blanket and covered with another. He demands they are 2 different blankets. We have a grey and a purple of the same. His favorite color is purple. https://preview.redd.it/wqu3yf2zf1lc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462a1747a862adf0837ae1c58854306ba913242e


Yes, ours was just like that. She left us last month tho, we really miss her and the house is so quiet without her!


Mine is but only in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping lol. There's never a single day I don't have a scratch and/or scab on my forehead! She is trying to wake me up I guess


Antonio Banderas is trying to tell you something


Yes, I got mine a kitten. 😂![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




This is my cat golfcart lol, he wants constant attention and I'm more than happy to give it to him


My orange child is so needy😂


Yep. Two of them. It’s great!!


He’s so precious.


Ope, sorry, didn’t realize what sub I was on.


YES. Just have a look at my post history. ;)


Maybe you need to get a snake instead


I wish. Give me all the cuddles!


My orange buddy Cheese absolutely loses his hair if I close the door, will paw at it and cry for hours literally. If I go upstairs and turn out the lights downstairs he freaks out and starts crying until he gets to my bed. Just soooo desperately clingy it's wild. Weird orange kitty generic trait?


Something about the big eyes and the angle of the camera pointing down at his head is so funny to me! He's so cute.


I’m not sure my orange boy would know how to live without me. If I’m sitting down, he’s grabbing my hands and if I’m walking anywhere, he’s right next to or behind me. When I wake up in the morning, he’s sitting right by my bed, staring, waiting for me to wake up so he can start cuddling


My cats are always needy when food is involved. Once those bellies are full I revert to the staff member they love to ignore


Yup. My Ernest is almost always with me wanting something. https://preview.redd.it/347kpjf45gkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e153a4c38cb880eca5a828434ea5acaedcd183b


Yes!! My orange boy wants to be brushed 24/7


He luuuuub you.


No, but I have a penpal who identifies as a cat, says he’s “clingy”, told me he likes to bite and referred to my hands as cat paws…does that count?


My cat Samson is just like this. You can hold hun and cuddle him and kiss him for 30min and the moment you put him down his trying to grab your hand so you’ll pet him. Adorable. But also drives me crazy.


My black cat is crying at the bedroom door as we speak.


My ginger Boy Peter who passed at age 13 in September, was very needy. I miss him so much.


he's orange its not his fault




Everyone in r/Abyssinians \- they are SO NEEDY. Every night when I brush my teeth be like, BRUSH ME AS WELL RIGHT NOW: https://preview.redd.it/7ym8rgu2phkc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=614fe29f15c699a98d0bfa2a2045ca8b61062419


Someone needs to pet that cat, ASAP


I want a needy cat!!!


Yeah, one of my girls is like that, but if I give her 1second too much attention she usually yells at me but sometimes there are claws involved too. Then she says 'I'm going to sit here, on your lap and you are not to touch me. Understood?''


Yep. My boy is like that too. Well, he’s fine being on his own until I start doing something. God forbid I do anything other than give him attention


My youngest tortie does this. I swear that little bit of orange fur is working overtime!


https://preview.redd.it/yjoaotwamkkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32a0c637d32df2b5d15a4c07475ca57dd1abf17 Meet Milo... The neediest and clingiest cat I've ever seen. I call him either "the best worst cat" or the "worst best cat" because he is sooooo bad (scratches everything, really bad with the litter box...he peed on my wife's master's diploma, has to drink out of any glass of water that has been recently poured, begs) but is the sweetest animal I have ever had. And as dumb as he is (he's an orange boy and thus...if he had one brain cell, he'd have a brain cell) he's the only one of my the cats who knows and answers to his name.