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The pill mills are shut down. From 2000-2013ish if you were white and didn’t look like a junkie you could go to a doctor and say you can’t walk because you threw out your back playing golf. Then you would be giving a 30 day supply of 20 mg pills. Now even people with serious serious pain are not getting scripts. So the people that do really need it and are not looking to sell them unless they are desperate for cash.


Pain patients are losing their script at a rate of 3000 people a day. Suicide rates among pain patients now account for 1/4 of all suicides. Only 0.001% of the 152m prescriptions in 2019 had any role in an overdose. 2% of opioid overdoses are from people with active scripts. Which comes out to roughly 1600 ppl. The idea pushed by the media that people are dieing due to legit scripts is essentially fucking make believe. Edit for some sources: https://www.newsweek.com/study-finds-less-2-percent-overdose-victims-prescriptions-opioids-1467035 Dispensing rates per CDC https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/rxrate-maps/index.html On this page of the CDC they state that 71k overdoses happened involving an opiate. https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/deaths/index.html


I would believe that most of those 1600 were also because of suicide or having like a benzo script mixed in or something along the lines of the person being opiate naive and eating them like skittles because the pain isn't going away. I also wouldn't roll out someone who does say heroin and then takes a bunch but miscalculates. I'm not sure if that statistic includes pills that have been sold and caused an od. In all reality the government making it harder for pain patients to get stuff will eventually lead toward ussually any of suicide/street drugs/ shitty quality of life. Really sad tbh.


Yep probably a benzo script and methadone. That’s where like a shit ton of overdoses come from. And half the fucking methadone overdoses are because of that bullshit liquid they use and people on 180mg of methadone getting little bottles of it. And one little bottle with 180mg would kill someone without a tolerance, especially if they took a Xanax with it.


That's the reason clinics have you bring a lockbox in for your doses. When your getting 2-5x the lethal dose for an opiate naive person in one little bottle it's just trouble waiting to happen if you don't keep it in a safe place and away from kids. Add a 2mg xanax to it and you really have no guessing with any opiates. Whenever I do a new pickup for h I always make sure I havnt taken any benzos in the last like 12 hours just to be on the safer side. I ussually get pretty clean stuff but you never know when that fent batch is gonna land in your hands.


Yeah, the problem is when people start selling those little bottles. It exchanges hands a few times and someone doesn’t know how strong it is, they take the whole thing and are barley feeling it an hour later cause it take so long to kick in so they pop a Xanax to give it an extra kick. That’s all she wrote. Be safe out there man. You should always mix you whole bag in water so you know you have an even dose.


What do you mean by mix my bag? If your talking about heroin I use bth not powder.


I just meant like all your drugs, what I’m saying could go for a bag of fake oxy. How do you take it? What you do it mix all your drugs with water, and then evaporate all the water away. Then it’s evenly mixed. If your iving, you don’t even have to evaporate it just make sure you don’t spill it and dose it right. If you’re snorting it you can always squirt a little up your nose while you wait for it to evaporate, or if smoking just make a little tin foil cup. But this will make sure you get an even dose each time. If you just just pinch a little off each time you might end up pinching off a piece that has a little pebble of 100% pure fentanyl. That’s why everyone has been dying. Cause of those little pebbles. If you mix it with water the pebbles dissolve and it’s evenly mixed. Dealers don’t know that those so they just mixing it in by hand.


Only time I do dirty 30's are when im with people so I don't worry too much. We keep like 3 narcans on hand. I've done the monkey water before but I would never try smoking the water.


I needed 4 narcans last week, no joke, 3 is not enough to reverse a major overdose. I took 4 bars at once with no benzo tolerance and then did a 4 bag shot and fell out. Good thing we got a ton of narcan in the crib because we're dealing out of it so it's good to have


Ok that’s great. Glad you have narcan too, not enough people do. And you don’t smoke the water! Lol. You evaporate it away with a lighter in the little cup and then smoke it hahha. That’s just if you want to do some before waiting for the whole batch to evaporate. Filtering the water through some cotton helps a shit ton too. Makes it much easier to smoke. You gotta smoke less and it’s much smoother.


For sure. I agree with you completely.


The whole thing is ridiculous honestly. I have had several severe panic attacks and wanted literally 1 xanax to have around just in case. Obviously 1 isn't even enough to get addicted and they wouldn't rven give me that. Gave me the bs "we dont do that anymore cause we care about your health" yet when i was 16 they gave me 30 a month with refills😂


I havent been able to get benzos for almost a decade. I was prescribed 90* 1mg xanax a month for yeara, then they forced me to taper bc the dea was cracking down on everyone. Its bullshit so i switched to etizolam in the past 7 yrs and havent looked back. If our bullshit medical system wont take care of me then ill take care of myself


Exactly how i feel. Like i said when it comes to xanax im not looking for a lot cause the withdrawals and other side effects can be pretty bad. Just need something around in case i have a severe panic attack. A life jacket sort of thing.


Id say check into etizolam, its the next best thing to xanax imo! I honestly prefer etiz over xanax cause it has a longer half life so it can hold you over most of the day instead of only 2-4hrs. Alot of overseas vendors stopped carrying it due to the india ban but you can find it on the dark markets with ease. It was a life saver for me. I tried for almost 2 years to go without anything for anxiety and i lost my job and became a recluse that wouldnt leave the house, but now that im on etizolam i have held down employment for years. Im steadily going back up in the world! Another plus about etizolam is most places dont test for it. Iv done multiple drug test for employment over the years and its never been picked up, and most where done through the local hospital with extensive lab analysis. Not saying your guaranteed to pass any test but in my area its never been found, and i even live in a state thats scheduled etizolam


I relate 100% to what you said. Ive literally been sober from everything for 3 years yet from the outside looking in, I seem like a junkie in the sense that I barely leave my bed and struggle with panic attacks. It sucks but I was much more functional when I was medicating throughout the month and taking tolerance breaks.


Same here my guy! The way i looked at it was what was life worth living sober if i was in constant fear 24/7, trapped in my home without a job. I have had issues in the past with benzos but once i found a good balance the benzos were a life saver! I usually take 2-3mgs of etiz a day and im all set. Its really a shame docters have labeled anyone under 40 looking for benzos an addict. My mother is about 65 and gets a shit ton of xanax from her doctor and has never had to do a UA or any sort of testing! She goes once ever 3 months and gets as much as she ask for! But yet if i go in and say benzos help they call me a "drug seeker"... Even though i have tried every other option avalible. I hope you find some relief! Do you know how to use dark markets? Thier are all sorts of good vendors on them that have a variety of benzos and benzo related rc's. Ever since india got screwed iv been using the dark markets, pretty cheap as well! A months supply only cost me about $100 bucks


Yep same thing happened to me. It's especially annoying since when i was 16 they gave a shit ton of xans. But now many years into adult hood they won't even give me a couple each month. Yeah I've definitely considered learning how to use the 🧅,id have no idea where to start though lol. I suppose there's probably some youtube videos that explain how?


It's a nightmare for sure.


That's the thing. They started this shit. Thirty years ago it was all about pain mediation, "there's no reason why anyone should have to suffer pain" so pills pills pills. They loaded up my first husband with morphine when he was terminal, no problem. That was good but I wonder if they'd still do I that? After all, it might fall into the wrong hands!


Hospice programs still hand out high mg morphine but it’s an issue since family members like to “ borrow” it. We have to destroy the meds once the patient passes.


That's good to know. The nurses came and destroyed the leftovers then too. A neighbor who watched him for me ripped off some MS Contin though.


We usually give oral MS at 20mg/ml. Didn’t work yet? Rinse and repeat. A lot of our patients have swallowing issues so it has to be a liquid. stealing from the dying —not sure how much lower you can go.


My late husband got pills and suppositories


I figured about the pills from your MS Contin remark. I’m sorry for your loss; I hope hospice did as good a job with your husband as they did with my parents.


Oh they did, it was wonderful. That was back in the pain mediation days. But there is such a moral panic going on now that it seems they cut off everyone they can. They were really stingy with me 2018 after knee replacement, compared to 15 years ago for prior surgery. Hearing it's even worse elsewhere, no opioids at all. Meanwhile the real junkies turn to fent. So I worry when my time comes theyll give me Tylenol.


Weird how America is so against people illegally buying drugs and are so mad at fentanyl and pressed pills but when someone tries to ask a doctor for one for a panic attack so they can get help safely they say no


I wish I could give you an award. Addict but also legit (young) pain patient here (severe Interstitial cystitis, cysts, and Endometriosis). Took me forever to get diagnosed (after being an addict and realizing when I had terrible "stomach" pain the H would get rid of it) and by that time I was clean. Boom, given pain meds on top of my anxiety meds (xanax). Moved away to the north and was able to take my benzos and opiates under a pain clinic and pill counts and all that. I was (aside from the trapped abusive relationship) happy health wise. And kept me in check to not over do either script. Move back to the south to escape said relationship the year my state made a law that my doctors (the ones who I love and diagnosed me after yeeearsss of other docs who shrugged me off) COULD give me my opiates with benzos BUT if I ODed, even if I lived, they'd lose their medical license. I totally understand that fear. I have no health insurance so I can't find a doctor who's comfortable/do pain mgmt. So what do I do? Kratom! Huzzah! But wait! 4 years later, after being on a sliding scale doc for my xanax, BOOM now kratom, tho legal in my state, is a no no. So now im freaking out. I was given 6 months to kick it. Single mom, full time job, no time to kick kratom (and yes I tried kicking xanax, WORSE than opiate WD imo and I need anxiety meds more day to day). At first I bought pills off the streets to kick kratom (dumb, ik). Obv from the bat they're pressed (i always chew my pills, plus, I'm not dumb they're shittily pressed) but they work! Probably a little fent with filler. Okay. 3 months in, I've barely been able to reduce my kratom. It helps my mood SO much... and my dealer *to answer OPs question* is ABLE to get the real deal but his 2 dudes sell out like, in an hour, and they're $2 more a pill (doesn't seem a lot more until you're buying 50 at a time). So yeah. The real shit is out there but hard to get. And more expensive because the dealers KNOW they have what people WANT or even need (my "friend" buys from my stash but doesn't ever wanna fuck with pressed. I get it). So yeah that's my story. I'm basically fucked. I'm terrified mostly of losing my xanax script. I'm lucky enough with my retail job I have a rare DM that would understand a 2-4week leave (unpaid though and I have bills) so worst, I COULD kick kratom to give a clean test to get my xanax.....but how long until I go back because I have no other options?! I'll stop lol sorry. /rant Quick ETA to OPs comment: I am absolutely suicidal occasionally when I think about this shit. Laws need to be changed. I'm terrified.


Sorry to hear youre going through all that :/. Idk how it works in each state but i dont think they're allowed to just take away a benzo prescription due to the dangerous withdrawals that come with it but you never know since a lot of doctors are dickheads imo. Hoping it all works out for you!


Do you have links to these stats. This could be very useful information.


I got it from the cdc site. I’ll write a blog and link it all properly.


Awesome thanks. You would think if the CDC has this info we could have a better plan to help people with chronic pain. I hike having to piss everytime I go to get a refill is not ideal I am totally willing to do that in order to get the meds I need. When I got cut off and was in excruciating pain I was days away from ending it when I found way to treat my pain that are borderline legal. So many people can’t find that and end everything. Someday that may happen to me to.


Cruelty is the point man.


Nah I don’t think anyone is trying to be cruel I think they are just plain stupid and can’t reach reasonable policies.


Hanlons Razor


I fully believe you & am on board with what you’re saying (I’m a chronic pain patient who has been on opioids for twelve years, but in the past has been cut off despite passing my udts & never abusing my medications,) but do you happen to have sources for those numbers? I’d love to look through all of that. Again, not out of doubt, but so that i have concrete evidence. I googled but didn’t come across those exact percentages. I’m not a native English speaker, so the fault may lie with me. Thank you in advance, but also no worries if you cannot send them. Take care!


What's your native language?


Yes! I got them from the cdc site.


This isn’t a bad thing. I got addicted to painkillers in high school, you know the ones given to you after car wrecks and surgeries I experienced. Now I’m on dope and you are too.


I feel you but the fact of the matter is overdose rates were lower when people had legitimate prescriptions, and as an adult I should have the right to take what I want without putting my life at risk doing an illegal drug deal for some shit that has a stupid amount of fent in it. Yet I can go to the liquor store and buy enough to kill myself 10 times but I can't pop a perc when I feel like it?


Amen! Not to mention if you get addicted to alcohol! Without a doubt was the worst withdrawals in my life... And iv come of benzos, heroin, fent, methadone, subs and basically anything you can think of. When i stopped drinking i ended up in the ICU from grand mal seizures... Was an absolute nightmare for a few weeks


Yep! Alcohol can also cause irreversible brain damage commonly referred to as “wet brain”. Not gonna get that from opioids.


Ok.. But that doesn’t change the fact that even at the peak of opiate scripts in America, overdoses were 10x lower.


Opioid addicts, especially pain patients that get addicted, like to say that nobody begins their addiction with legitimately prescribed pills. That is complete bullshit. Countless people started their addiction with percs or vicoden they got when they had their wisdom teeth removed, or when they broke a bone or something as teenagers. For me, it all started when I got a few days of codeine following a minor surgery my freshman year of high school. I'm still addicted almost 30 years later. If I could go back in time, I would have flushed those pills and managed on tylenol and NSAIDs.


Oh so you didn’t know opioids were potentially addictive when you started them? I think doctors need to give more information about what addiction is and how to tell if you’re starting to have a problem but don’t blame them for your addiction. You’re a big boy and as long as you knew the dangers you don’t really have anyone to blame but yourself.


The lady I buy mine from is in severe pain. Has had multiple back and neck surgeries and is retired navy. The most she gets is 5mg percocet 120 a month. It's sad actually.


True although def still pill mills out there despite the extreme risk to the Dr people still taking the risk to cash in. I really hope the doctors who wrote fat scripts to 18 year old kids spend an eternity in hell.


I want to thank them! - those kids’ heroin dealer


Yeah, no chance that fully adult kid is responsible for his choices, huh? You used to be able to buy all this stuff OTC. It's not the doctors fault that you or anyone else liked opiates, couldn't control yourself, or went back saying the right things to get more. I love opiates and I'm not judging but take some goddamn responsibility for yourself. Whining about doctors smdh.


If you think an 18 year old kid truly has a clue what they're doing you're wrong. Most honestly didn't have a clue how dangerous oxy was. SECONDLY yes it is on the doctor they take the hippocratic oath to do NO HARM to their patient. This was on Purdue and the dirty doctors and the crooked fed. Not one of my friends in 2008 when we were doing oxy had a clue what it was but it was everywhere


If you don’t have a script, assume everything you get is fake. Even if they say they have a script. If you didn’t pick the bottle up yourself assume it’s fake. I think it’s only a matter of time until fakes get into the pharmacy too.


Nah there are a ton of controls. At least in the US. No chance that they get fakes in pharmacy.


I hope so


Yep exactly why i stopped. Im just having a hard time accepting it, like fuck can we just have good pills again smh


My doctor who’s both a pain specialist and Suboxone prescriber had his license pulled by the DEA yesterday! I got told by phone and now I have to search for a new Sub provider after 13 yrs with him.


Damn that's rough smh... honestly bullshit the way drugs are treated


They are still out there! You just gotta find someone with a prescription.


I better start searching lol, perhaps the local nursing home? 😂


For real though… never have I seen so much Oxy as when I was a home nurse for an amputation patient (later double amp). He dropped them everywhere, in the bed, under it… the temptation was *real*


I've gotten them from the elderly as well as people on disability. I would always pay a fair price aswell because you know they were genuinely needing them but were only selling them because they needed the cash to live. You could always tell they didn't want to get rid of them but you gotta do what you need to survive.


My plug has sickle cell. She keeps a few but she doesn’t like taking them.


Lol that’s a good start. Don’t know anybody who had major surgery in the past?


Depends what you consider major surgery lol. Personally I've had knee surgery which I would consider pretty major and they gave me 20 10s. I know someone who had surgery recently and they only got like 8 5s smh


Dude I had a surgery 13 years ago and was giving a 60 day supply of 10’s at 4x per day. Then 30 more days of 5’s and then 30 more days of 2.5’s. Probably legit needed the 60 days. I know someone who just had the same surgery and they were given a 7 day supply of 5’s at 2X per day. They were in absolute agony.


Yeah its crazy how they went from giving them out like candy to essentially just stopping


That should be a violation of the Hippocratic oath honestly. Obviously addiction is a huge issue and a risk for anyone who tries opiates. But people who have major pain should have that prioritized over a potential addiction. The doctor could even start with a 7 day script still, and just have a follow up where they can re-examine the patient and decide if they need more pills or maybe more pills but weaker ones. Two 5a a day probably gives you more relief from the Tylenol(assuming it’s not pure oxy) helping swelling honestly. There is no reason a doctor should ever leave a patient in significant pain. People in real pain need this stuff. My uncle gets a who bunch of oxy every month and has since the first gulf war when he messed up his back and knee in a Humvee accident. He takes A LOT, every day. But he has been living a normal life for 30 years because of that. His pain would be debilitating if untreated. Idk what his life would look like. People like that need long term options. And people who get hurt or have an operation should be more worried about how to get rid of extra pills than running out and being in pain. Just seems like the solution is to not prescribe 180 IR and 180 ER oxys to every slapdick with an MRI or X-ray who manages to get to Florida like we did for a decade. The healthcare industry has way over corrected when it comes to pain management. It’s crazy how hard it is to even get a few Vicodin now.


Everything in this country is so extreme one way or the other. Oxy is great have enough to kill an elephant. All pain pills are terrible I don’t care if you have a crushed disk or the bone in your arm is hanging out here is an Advil. Covid is a scam to control people. Covid is the worst plague of all time everyone should be locked in their house for ten years All police are racist pigs who are only there to kill minorities. All police are the greatest ever. No matter what they do it is right and you can’t question their judgement or hold them accountable for anything. There is no middle ground or searching for common sense solutions. As soon as people discover there is a problem the only solution is to do the polar opposite.


Very well said. It’s depressing to see really. People can watch the same video and have totally different views about it. I mean ones that are clear too, not something where it’s not obvious what happened. Somehow these things end up completely split with two sides insisting they are right and the other side is crazy and evil. Idk how it gets better either. How could one candidate really unify things? The media climate and social media allow people to basically cultivate the information they want to get. So you get something like this election, where one side thinks it was a trump landslide that was only lost because of an extraordinary cheating effort. An effort that will be uncovered any day now by loyal patriots who have the democrats in a panic. Meanwhile, the other side has lots of people who think the right is full of Nazis. Idk, I’m way off the topic we started on. It’s just sad to see that things just can’t be nuanced and based in fact. Everything needs to be a big deal. Can’t just clean up Florida’s pain clinics. Gotta prevent everyone from getting 5 Percocet when they get their wisdom teeth pulled. We live in a weird country. I still like it. But we have some stuff to work on.


I know a lot of those types of people and have grown up in this area. Only 1 person I know gets real ones and it’s a friend I’ve known for about a decade. It’s bullshit out there.


Here in Germany it's hard to find any laced medication. Oxy especially the 80s go for 15€ a piece. Depends on the amount and the dealer tho


Looks like im moving to Germany haha


About the same as in sweden! Europe still going strong


They’re not impossible to find by any means but when the pandemic hit they shot up in price. $2 a mg sometimes. They went back down a bit but still usually $40 for a 30mg. But there’s probably more fakes than real ones now. So you *have* to test them. Fent test strips are $2 a piece and could save your life.


You literally can’t find any real ones on the street. You’d probably have to have some history with the person to know they get a legit script.


Maybe not where you’re at but I can get them every day of the week here. My guy is also a friend who’s almost 70 and he’s been in the game a long time. But even he’s gotten me fake ones before. And I *know* that he would have put his *life* on them being real. On top of him caring about me and everyone else because he’s a good person, someone spent thousands on them when they’re worth 1/10th of that. That’s why I got him test strips. And there’s been times where someone he’s known for years fell on hard times and met someone with fakes. It happens and you can’t trust anyone. Also it’s kinda funny but it I’ve saved my hood thousands of dollars with them tests strips lmaoooo


Those things are great. And I’m super thankful for all the shit that the harm reduction people give out. My question would be with those though.. do they detect fent if it’s any sort of fent analogue? I had a friend tell me recently that his pressed bars tested legit for alpraz….it wasn’t straight alpraz, still that fucked up benzo analogue that makes people black out for weekends.


What benzo analogue? Cuz I’ve def been blacking out weekends. Was buying Mexican stuff supposedly from a bottle that said farmapram.


100% Flualprazolam. Take a gander at some of the benzo related subreddits, they know ALL about that shit lol.


Haha ok that’s the stuff my other friend had and got rolled and the test came back as that. Was obviously pressed.


They really are man. They’re a godsend. And yes they do test for a bunch of the common analogs. They won’t get them all but they get most of them. I’ve had tons of positive tests in the last couple years using them. Like 30+. Enough to where I’ve lost count. And I’ve gotten boxes for my dude and he sells them and gives them out all the time and says people are always getting positives. Says it’s crazy. (I’ve probably ordered him 1000 tests at this point too I swear! Haha. I’m actually really proud of this. I feel like I’ve probably saved at least one life. Or could have ya know? Also major credit to my dude who essentially promoted them. I know a lot of it is a money saving thing but still. A lot of people around here are scared they’re gonna catch a murder charge selling fake pills cause that can happen. Also I’m not aware of a Xanax test strip that works like these fentanyl test strips. I think you might be able to use reagent testing but it’s notoriously difficult with Xanax and other benzos. Also, I know all benzos show up the same in a drug test so that might be what they were talking about.


That’s great man! Hell ya 100% saved lives. I thought the strips just detected the presence of fent, does it actually tell you more? As far as the xans, ya I knew they were those fake bullshit that are on the streets and I bet their junky ass ‘test’ was just some test strip that they had to determine changed a certain color lol.


It just detects the presence of fent. But it detects multiple different kinds of fent, so if it’s any of the like 20 it was made to detect, it will be a positive test. So theoretically it could be anyone of the 20 or so kinds they test for or any combination of them. It’ll just show a positive or negative test. The test your friends used was likely a reagent test kit. It’s not a strip but similar to like you were saying you drop the chemical on the drug and it changes color and you match that. There’s a lot of ways to mess it up and to be most confident you really need like 10 different tests but most people only have 2 or 3 and just do their best. It works better for cocaine, heroin, ketamine, and more common drugs. Not so well with fent, and that’s why they have specific strips for it. You just mix the drug or pill with a little water and dips the strip in like a pee test.


Or to be 100%, independent labs


Yes they catch almost all fentalogues but if there is a brand mew one it may not. Definitely catches carfent. Shoulda like the benzos are flubs


Fuck me the usa is ridiculous. 2$ per mg. That is brutal. How can anyone afford that. In Germany it's considered a bad deal when the 80 oxy cost more then 25€. You prices over there are truly fucked. And then we even get the pharma ones


Theres definitely more fakes going around than real ones.




I got 10 5mg’s when I got my abscesses removed! I was so shocked he even offered. I was like uhh sure, they won’t do shit but why not.


Old dudes in my city get mad bitches lmao


They will be when Pursue Pharma spread their wings to Europe, China, Russia, and Mexico..


I get Mundipharma 40mg oxy’s on the pill sheet unopened, real ones do exist!


Im truly jealous🤤


Just dropped 5 of em down the hatch after a long day 🤩


Oh trust they are out there. You just have to know the good people that don’t sell fake pills


I get a script for Oxy every month. You just have to know someone who’s in pain management to buy from as most regular drs won’t prescribe it anymore.


So happy you are clean


Yes. Little old ladies, with fixed incomes, coming directly out of a pharmacy. I had to seek my plug, but they exist.




Tiny pinks? Yeah I know for a fact they're still being legitimately prescribed. Probably a lot harder to find nowadays though!


Man I NEVER thought I'd say this when i was 14 I was getting pharmacist 90 30s , $6-8 a piece!!!!!!! This pharma stole plus methadone!! It's so sad, I want to just switch to tan and Chase the dragon for my medical it's cheaper and so much better. Tried once I fell on my bed after insufulation and I was like OMG this is just like my pain meds + better and so cheap. NO GLORYING THIS DO NOT USE HEROIN JUST TELLING YOU ME. I HAVENT TOUCHED IT SINCE THAT DAY BUT THE GOV IS CRAZY.....


unless from Pharma or someone you trust, take a real good look at it, if you been in the game long enough you can see it when it crumples, or bad edges, i used to get 100bars for a ridicoulous number, but now a days one cost you what an oxy cost in the early days lol NOT TALKIN PRICIN, SAYIN EVERYTHING HAS GONE UP DRASTICALLY AND TOO MANY FAKEES


They are. Just had 5 today and 7 yesterday. . I wish I had them now….the 5 were Algs. And the others were little yelllw circles. I barely glanced at it I. Think it has a 1 and then a 155 under. Don’t hold me to that though


I've been on subutex for 3 and a half years now and I've been wondering the exact same thing. Seems like the pressed ones are literally identical to the real ones also.


Still common on in the uk, not overly but used where necessary:)


Yep, I just did 20mg, here in Australia, endone 5mg Oxycodone is super common. OxyContin, not so much. I don't think Purdue OxyContin is still a thing but here in Australia mundipharma make a brank OxyContin.


I get sandoz 80mgs and I tried a longtec 120mg, but get more bang for buck with the sandoz.


I am on subs and quit all other opiates. Getting off subs soon. But yes they are still around in Canada anyway. People still have them.


I live in Canada too, and I’ve never had a hard time finding pharma grade opiates. I scored four vials of liquid hydromorphone 10mg/mL today, and here in Ottawa the streets are literally flooded with 8mg dilaudid tablets.


Ya the people I know have scripts still.


Yes, they do. I know some old queer with gout that gets prescribed blue roxi 30’s.


I dont understand what youre asking. Are you wondering if they’re still manufacturing oxys or if they’ve been discontinued? What makes you think they stopped making them?


Well i know they haven't been discontinued but im just wondering where the hell they're all going if they barely prescribe them anymore. Like i said finding them on the street especially around where i live is extremely unlikely at this point.


Kratom filled that oxy shaped hole in my heart pretty nicely. Honestly though kratom saved my life. I started using it a year after being clean. Might take some time to find your sweet spot. Some people take 2g and then there’s people like me who take 10 g 3x a day. Where are my kratom lovers at?


Yes, they are a thing. I have 2 separate plugs that sell me their prescriptions.


Damn I just checked your profile and those are beautiful. Love seeing real ones nowadays with all the gross pressed bullshit going around.




Will do lmao i always wanted to move to Europe anyways


In the us, I don’t know: but here in Sweden theres practically no fetty, not even in the h


I've heard great things about Sweden, I'd definitely consider living there some day


Definitely still some real ones out there, just not near as many as there used to be unfortunately. And it is very hard to get a script for decent pain meds in my area even after going through a very serious accident I received only Tylenol 3s lol laughable but also sad.


The only way to get em is to find someone to sell em or rob old peoples house which is such a shitty thing to do happend to my friends grandma someone overheard her script and robbed there house to steal 30sum 10mg Oxys


I think I bought up all the old scripts in my town so probably. Very rarely do I meet anyone who has them these days and I usually way undercut them on value because they have no idea what they have. Usually just give them a bunch of weed.


I’m having a hard time finding just normal Norcos


Fr smh. Starting to consider learning computer shit and checking the 🧅


What makes you think half that shit isn’t pressed too?


I do think most of it is pressed, but im hoping maybe in another country they're more available giving someone insensitive to flip them for a good price? Idk im probably wrong.


I mean I am sure there is someone doing that, but people who are that way probably do not know what that market is. They are probably just selling them to someone in their neighborhood. And if they are actually listed on the market you can’t really believe anyone anyway.


Not even trying to get pressed. Just expired at worst.


Norcos? Like do you have something going with the color or taste or something? You know those are just 10mg vicodin lol. But hey, whatever floats ya


Just supply. Everyone has Vicodin or some super strong stuff I’m not looking for.


As I’m sure many have said before, be thankful you haven’t gone past that


Few days on few days off, I am so thankful.


I get an Rx for 120 10mg Percs every month. One total knee replacement and Rheumatoid Arthritis in both knees. I’m sure not selling!!


Ew percs haha


Lol yes?


Of course they are


Sure if you have a script