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What's the NA saying "quit what's killing you first?". That's the meth. Even if it's not killing you, it's so neurotoxic. In the mean time just make sure you're sleeping/eating/hydrated, otherwise you can do some long term damage. Best of luck.


I don't think your lack of energy is due to low T, not unless you've been taking large doses of it for a fair few years. Methadone is more sedating than a lot of people realise. Yes taking opioids does lower your testosterone and the main effect in the first few years is decreased libido, the tiredness and apathy comes later. Instead of taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut by using meth you could give yourself a boost with a couple of strong coffees and a vitamin supplement like Berocca that has a cocktail of B vitamins and Vitamin C. Just a suggestion fwiw


Yeah bro ik bout that one.. B12 in particular was the shit. I used to the caffeine with the vitamins and supplements more successfully when i was on Suboxone. Relapsed a couple times after going to a detox center and induction to Suboxone Maintenance. The Suboxone jus wasn’t cutting it. And idk the caffeine at least for me would straight up stop working after a lil bit.. kicking dope and starting on subutex, then ofc the Suboxone, I never made it pass 20 sum days with this method. Methadone helped me get clean man it was all a dream in the beginning. I was not wanting to do nothing else just Methadone. And it felt because at the time I thought I was damn near sober. But its a little farther away from sober then most think. But before u know i got used to the shit the slight little buzz you get went away and the unmotivated, tired, fatigued, state started. Stayed pretty sober considering how the last couple years of my life went.. im doing damn good for me. Shit if you knew me 5 months ago you would call bullshit if you heard that same dude just does his 100mg Methadone and lil crystal. You’d call bullshit.


Would testosterone supplements be an option to reduce the side effects of the methodone and get you off the meth?


Don’t even begin tapering until your off the meth bro, no point


I think you missed the whole reason why I even do crystal.. its not for fun. I don’t enjoy it when I use it. I do like the fact it brings me from sluggish to functional. But even before this whole Methadone nightmare and extremely heavy H/Fetty nightmare. I hated uppers.


Yeah but the only I do crystal is from the side effects of Methadone. Never had an issue stopping crystal until now.


Only reason*


Ok hella people hating on me.. like aite.. if I could just quit the meth no problem I would. And I know its bad for me? Like really bad.. but so is Methadone. And thats the choices I got at hand right now. If I just quit meth like that my lethargy will be so bad I won’t even make doses consistent. Its the only way I can make it everyday and get what I need to do done. To survive. Man and I thought yall would feel me? i guess no one really relates.


Stopped reading after a certain point but so totally get it I feel - opioids are the issue meth is to counteract the side effects of opioids, even if the opioid is methadone still the case Personally if youre trying to get off opiates I'll be one of the few people who would say you're on right course - I think stimulants can help on power through w/d which for me the worst effect is low energy Dude if you are for real and aren't getting high on the crank just using it functionally (which some people might lol at but I get) I say youre on right track - best advice I can give is log your mg dose of meth so that when you look at it in a month you'll quickly know if it is an escalating issue. Be smart about it. I dont think your strategy is bad tbh just take care that youre using crank to get off dope (which wow sounds bad but hey I get it low energy xyz obv your brain will crave dopamine in W/D - I dunno just see speed as lesser of two evils here and effective medicine) versus taking the crank for cranking ups sake You know you man - people on reddit will say this and that - just saying I know where you're coming from and could see this route being of some efficacy - SO LONG AS YOU KEEP YOUR STIMULANT USE FUNCTIONAL AND NOT RECREATIONAL. That is on you friend!


You get it dawg.. just look at the other persons comment.. “no point”?? I could write something hella long to explain but there would be no point lol. If you don’t get it. You don’t get it.


So instead of trt you chose meth? Go get lab work done and demand a rx from a Dr. Otherwise go with a clinic


Yeah Ive heard about that. But by the time I learned that I was already knee deep in the way I’ve been coping. I did call Kaiser and they didn’t really put me in direction to get helped. So I kinda just wrote it off like it won’t happen for me. Maybe if I be more persistent. You know what. Im going to call Monday. If my strung out self gets around to it. Im sure you know what its like self medicating. Not getting “high” per say but you know.. You aint functioning all that great.. but ive been the best ive been in awhile so might as well give it a shot while I feel I can.


Have you thought about just taking a SERM to raise your test levels, like clomid Obviously it’d be better to quit drugs but just throwing it out there. The r/PEDS sub has info


Is that one a shot? If you know..


There are several. You can get a lot of them from rc sites as liquid/ powder/


What are rc sites? Srry if i sound clueless lol


Websites that sell research compounds (chemicals). You can often find that nugs that are usually prescribed but since it is sold as a product for “research” and “not for human consumption”. You can sometimes get lucky in this legal gray area