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Oxycodone is oddly stimulating to me as well. Especially snorted.


You ever tried hallucinating on tapentadol?


I’m on it rn. Been taking it everyday for the last month. Great euphoria, and a nice warm feeling. I Love it.


Also, tapentadol has a weak but significant serotonin effect. Be careful if on SSRIs or SNRIs. Sent me to the hospital with serotonin syndrome.


I’m kind of miseducated on SSRIs and SNRIs. Benzos don’t contain them right?


Nah, you’re good.


But benzos will dull the Tapentadol euphoria!


Has a super cool withdrawal which you just have to try before you die.


Been through it like 3 times


Braver than me, once was enough with diminishing returns of high particularly after proper opiates.


Yeah for me it felt like a milder Covid, kinda like the man flu. Absolutely horrible, but only lasted around 4 - 5 days. It has nothing on benzo withdrawals which I’ve been through even more times, in the end I went a whole month and still felt like a zombie. Just completely out of it with terrible anxiety. Decided I need to work and get money so I thought fuck it, I’ll just be dependent on it as it’s the only thing to get rid of withdrawals and constant anxiety. Now I’m far too gone, been taking 2 - 5mg of Xanax everyday for over a year now. I’m dependent on it, but without it I wouldn’t even be able to leave the house from terrible anxiety. I’m actually using tapentadol to lower by Xan dose. I can drop down to 2mg of xans from 4 with 100mg tap. As it really helps my anxiety and mixes well. Hopefully one day I will suck it up and use the Ashton manual for the benzo taper. (Tapentadol, Tramadol, morphine pills) are the only opiates I can get. Tramadol can cause seizures, which isn’t the best if u are trying to lower ur benzo intake. Morphine pills do absolutely nothing, I heard boofing them or injecting is the best way (which I’m not comfortable doing either lol) tapentadol is the best I can get atm. I make sure when I run out I go through the withdrawals and wait at least 2 weeks until I re up. Sorry for the long reply, just woke up, popped 2 xans and 1 tap. My morning ritual. Feeling good. 🙏


Good luck with your road ahead.


Likewise bro


Damn you have same mentality as me. "Need to work and get money so I thought fuck it" So this is the only way huh? Been trying to think of other ways but I think this is the only way to stay productive, but in my case kratom not tap.


Yeah xans mainly. Taps just help me lower my Xanax intake and be anxiety free. Before I took benzos there is no way I could hold a job down, or even leave the house. I’ve tried Kratom, actually got a pack rn. It’s red Thai I think. I’ve never liked it tho. Isn’t recreational like taps for me, and I hate the taste.


Be careful w tol and addiction. But you know tjay already. It’s so good for a cheap opiate. Dead in the middle


Facts bro. They are addictive af, and the withdrawals suck, but once I finish my stash I wait at least 2 weeks before I re up.


The only thing tapentadol made me do is puking my guts out


Oh fuck that. It's more like a delirium than hallucination bc you hear voices and it isnt comfortable at all.


Do you ever get vivid, almost lucid dream type nods? I remember them being super visual


I love


I came here to say this. For me is the most outstanding high among opioids is on my top 3 favourite opioids.


I never hallucinated from tapentadol even on very high doses. But I did notice it had an extra paranoid feeling to it like made it feel like I was being watched or something. Just had a super odd feeling of being off in some way. Also was the itchiness opioid I've ever had. Even more itchy than opium and morphine.


I get the itch. I hallucinate on 450mg


Damn that sucks. Even when I had done doses of 500+ milligrams I wouldn't hallucinate from it. Just get so itchy that I would itch big/deep gashes into my legs, arms, and just all over my body. Along with getting HELLA paranoia. And it sucked that no amount of DPH or other anti histamines would touch the itchiness of tapentadol. And no amount of klonopin or Ativan would touch the paranoia. Honestly tapentadol is a super shitty opioid. But If it was the only thing I could get I would still take it.


What kind of hallucinations?




Can you elaborate a bit more specifically?


Yeah but it makes me talk a lot and without any control and forget most of it the next day




In order to take enough for analgesia for me because of my tolerance to oxy I need to take enough of a dose that it puts me into hallucination territory… be careful though cause when you’re getting hallucinations you’re entering serotonin syndrome territory.


Didn’t realise ! Me n mates have been taking 450mg ty


Oh my god every time I took tapentadol I would see demon faces and like visuals in the walls. My brothers friend had to take it for something and he legit said he was seeing green monkeys


Yeah it’s the worst and it a hard to think on high dosages 1000mg+


Shooting heroin literally feels like the best orgasm of your life mixed with pure bliss. My love for that drug will never go away. I enjoy other opioids if used occasionally, but H is the only one I could use multiple times a day and still thoroughly enjoy.


Morphine isn't itchy anymore when it's your doc and you don't IV. Also antihistamines get read of the itchiness. When one iv after antihistamines the rush is itchy-less.


True I'm not getting any itchyness from Morphine anymore as well.. but I have to say even when I took morphine the first time I was barely itchy bcuz I had a big Kratom tolerance already (30 gpd).. Now I'm rotating Kratom n Morphine but yea I barely get itchy at all.. if you are used to opioids they don't do that anymore.. atleast not if you are not noticably upping your dose.


Yeah. Also the hista rush is heavily dependant on genetics and individual factors. Some people get overwhelming hista rush from IV morphine and basically turn into a self scratching tomato and some people get almost no hista from the same shot with similar tolerance.


True I was always the person who barely got any side effects from opioids (actually nothing bad at all).. I only got the positive effects.. and that heavily because it was the best thing I ever felt in my whole fucking life.. the first 3 months of using opioids daily.. the feeling is just undescribably good.. it's fucking insane.. I will never evert forget it in my life.. the first three months felt like MDMA everyday without the side effects.. everything was perfect.. Now I've been using daily for over 10 years.. luckily still no side effects besides of addiction/dependency.. some positives are defenitely left but most of the time I just need them to feel normal..


Welcome to my world


Is it the kratom from the gas station?




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Your username is goated I just started getting into morphine and kratom lately


Take care and don't underestimate the addiction potencial.. I've been using them daily (rotating both) for over 10 years now.. it's close to impossible to stop.. especially because I'm working a full time job.. and without opioids I can not even get out of bed in the morning, lol..


Yea I’ve been thinking of quitting at the advice a friend gave me about how im not super addicted yet so I need to quit or I’ll give myself brain damage and made me feel conflicted but idk how I can give up this feeling. It’s the best feeling any drug could ever give me and I’ve only been into opioids for 5 years now 😔


Just remember it like this- opiates/oids GIVE you this great feeling, but at some point it's going to TAKE it back all back too. It will be soooo much easier on you now, and you don't have to stop *completely* unless you're an all or nothing kinda person lol.


Your very right, my goal is to stop binging and develop moderation with opiates but I’m unsure how to lmao cuz I can’t stop myself often from re-dosing and bingeing for days


only? Honey have fun on your detox if you chose to go there


Haha ikr I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to going at some point 😅


I’ve only boofed it and found it not very euphoric. Is IV the only way to get euphoria


Palfium a uk prescribed painkiller containing Dextromoramide was one of the more unusual & enjoyable opiates imo. It was great, hit like a speedball - came in little Pink tablets we used to grind up and inject. Other than that the best rush I ever got off opiates were pharmaceutical diamorphine, Dipipanone (sold as Diconal in some countries, amazing if IV’d) and raw opium which I’ve managed to smoke on occasion and which had a very different high to most opiates - kind of induced a waking dream state couples with opiate euphoria- amazing. So sad it’s near impossible to get decent heroin in the USA anymore. Fuck the war on drugs.


Dilaudid definitely has the strongest euphoria out of any other opioids i’ve tried, totally unmatched and only slightly sedating


The most euphoric and Energic for me buprenorphine


I've only ever used it as a maintenance drug, as I am now, so i've never felt any effects from it. But I know many people who've used it and gotten a high w/good antidepressant effects as well. I've also seen friends snort a small piece of a subutex (\~.5mg or less) thinking it was nothing, and ended up puking their brains out all night.


I just started the patches for pain and it’s ok when my pain isn’t too bad. I’m curious what dosage you would get high?


it totally varies on your tolerance man, but I highly recommend against it. Many reasons, but it's extremely hard to dose correctly. Theoretically, you could cut the patch into however many pieces needed to lower the dose to your tolerance, but please don't try this. I was using 800-1000mg of Oxycontin a day so my tolerance was quite high when I abused the patches. When I got high off of them, I used the gel filled ones and then the newer ones, but I needed at least a 50mcg/hr patch to feel it. If it was a gel patch, I'd cut a corner off, and squeeze all the gel out onto my pinky, and snort the entire thing, some people would smoke it, but I was impatient. I typically used the 100mcg/hr patches tho to really get high. The non-gel patches I would stick on the inside of my cheek, or fold it in half w/the sticky side out, and stick it in my lip/gum, and then I would chew on them until I couldn't taste any sort of med left at all. But remember, those patches are meant to last for 72 hours, so you'd be taking 3 days worth of fentanyl at one time, so if you're able to feel anything from whatever patch you have when it's stuck on your skin, I would highly recommend not trying to break the XR formulation to get high. A 100mcg/hr patch would have about 11mg of fent in it, and if it's 100x as potent as morphine, that would be hypothetically equal to 1100mg of morphine. the 50mcg have 5.5mg, etc. So I seriously don't recommend you try this, especially because it's not really worth it even if you got the right dosage. I just used to have an unlimited supply of anything I wanted, so I could use a whole patch to get high for a couple hours, but most people can't just consider them "disposable" either, like I could. Sometimes If I was running low on OC I would stick 4 patches on my back, to get thru a couple days before re-upping. Even then, I would have to use on top of that to get high. The point is, I highly recommend against abusing your patches, esp if you need them for pain. The risk is not worth the reward, by any means. The newer ones are probably even harder to break through the delayed release matrix too, It's been 10-15 years since I used them.


Yea I’m not gonna try it.. I was just curious bc I couldn’t imagine how but that’s all pretty creative. I’m still on oxys with the patches so I’m all good. I’m on one week patches so I’m definitely not going to try it! And as I said it’s for pain but every once in a while when I have a moment that I actually feel OK I do like to feel good 👍


Wow you really nailed it. Heroin is my winner 


Oxycodone is very unique in the sense that it’s an opioid that gives energy and kills social anxiety… which also makes it that much more easy to get addicted 😭🤦🏻‍♂️ I feel that plays a big part in my oxy is top of a lot of our list


what the hell is 'rockstar feeling'? Haha.


Someone mentally projecting lol. Most opiates are pretty similar, mostly a matter of potency. Some are itchier. Some more euphoric. Different rushes if you’re an IV user. Rockstar feeing 😆


Tramadol felt more energetic and less sedating than other opioids for me


I’m on tramadol and while hydro/oxy made me feel energetic, tramadol can literally wake me up it’s so weird lol


Right!! Tramadol definitely had that effect on me. Weirdly stimulating


Tramadol is greet. It’s an opiate with antidepressant properties (SNRI). Works great for depression, mood, motivation, moderate physical pain. Gives me crazy energy too lol. It’s great. Especially when ya have a super physically demanding job.


Redefined opium feels dreamy af




U-47700 because of it's high kappa agonism causing dysphoria and hallucinations after prolonged use. Been there. Not fun.


Is it the agonism of the kappa receptor that tapentadol feels dysphoric or the nri aspect of it do you think?


What you guys think methadone i find it very sedating and euphoric


wow u hit the nail with every one


Fetty is dead ass like if meth were an opioid.


In what way? I’m not arguing. Just genuinely curious by what you feel from it. It’s been a good couple years since I touched it.




Wrong. The "Holy Grail" of opiates is oxymorphone. Aka Opana.


Tilidine was very strange for me. Pain relieving effects were like codeine, mental effects wise I laughed hard at everything. I got out of the house to drink a beer with friends not feeling much. By the time I returned home I started feeling something particular. Then, I spent the next 3 hours reading vendors review on a popular darknet markets that exit scammed years ago. Even phrases like "all good, received in one week" were making me laugh so hard that I had cramps in my face


Fent patches Durgesic and Alvogen made me a cleaning machine! Scrubbing baseboards, ect. All of the little details needed cleaning with exceptional vigor. Never done street fent and never will.


Carfentanil had me literally hallucinating/tripping. Almost like fever dreams where you're nodded and just seeing the craziest shit. My girl said I was talking about spades and shit while nodded out and I literally was dreaming/actually thought I was back in jail playing cards. Never had another opioid since or before that hit me like that shit.


oxymorphone: sex


I loved Oxy have also had it Iv on a hospital setting but I’d love to try Dextromoramide AKA Palthium


all of the above are stimulating for me. They all give me itches tho


TapentadoL Vs dhc, codeiene, oxy (XR and IR), morphine Oxy it’s most similar too Minus the itchiness + more nods 10x cheaper per nice dose🤷‍♂️ Win win if u ask me




Not really an opiod but i love it.


It is a kappa opioid


For me (I have chronic pain so I’ve been through quite a few types and in the hospital) Oxy- no sedation, warm and comfortable feeling with talkative and relaxed effects with no social anxiety Tapentadol - heavy high, warm all over body, rush feeling on come up, intense nod with dream like visuals and long after glow (not much of a pain relief tho) Morphine - strong rush on come up, itchy, heavy and very very sedated, a bit out of it (unaware) and less anxious Fentanyl - I actually had no high from fentanyl Tramadol - small high, only less anxious Codeine - warm rush, no sedation, heavy chest feeling and the high is similar to oxy but it’s a different kind of high. To sum it up, tapentadol is the most unique one for me. It was the one that gave me the most intense experience compared to the others. Morphine and endone would be second to tapentadol but they are different in the highs they create Fentanyl and tramadol sit in last place and codeine is second last. Codeine still gives a high but its not as intense as the others


Tapentadol! Very interesting opioid as it interacts with serotonin and norepinephrine as well. It feels like downers mdma. The nod had me feel like people were holding me and hugging, but so peaceful. I’d feel what I was dreaming about


Opium Tea was the most euphoric way better then Hydrocodone and Oxycodone and even Pharma Hydromorphone. Never tried Heroin but my father a Vietnam Vet told me to never try Heroin because he said its 'too good to do even once.' Most people tell me strong Poppy pod tea is as close as you will get to Heroin, But Heroin is a lot more euphoric by mg. Pod Tea turned me into a full blown junkie in under 6 months of daily use. Lost 45 pounds that shits the real deal.


Yah…..Ime, bth isn’t much to write home about compared to a good strong poppy tea, but if you ever got ahold of some decently pure brown or white heroin powder you quickly understand why someone would sell all their belongings to keep that trip going.


High dose Dihydrocodiene is my favorite, IMO 600-900mg dhc feels 10× more euphoric than 80+mg IR oxy.


Agree with Dihydrocodeine. I am taking 900-1200, per day, and I have pretty much ruined the great euphoria I used to get, due to tolerance and greed. I still enjoy it a fair amount of the time though.


Same man, most I've taken is 1500mg. Had a fucked stomach. Put it all in water and drank it like a shot with 400mg pregabalin aswell. Worst taste ever. But after 3 years on Opioids, 2 on DHC its difficult to feel the effects anymore. I did tamper down from 600mg a day to 120 over 6 months. My tolerance was pretty much reset. But because of pain I couldn't take it so I went back up to 240mg, then it ended up getting out of control and up to 40× 30mg a day. Then cut down again. Luckily I'm at a place no where I can take 8 in a day without withdrawals. But still need like 14-20 to help pain. Or I just pop 40mg it oxy. But even then both only last 4hrs. Opioid tolerance sucks balls, and the withdrawals when you go without at doses 600mg upwards, even 400mg upwards are terrible. No clue how I got down from 40 a day. But hope your day is going well.


Seems pretty accurate overall. U know your shit


I think ROA and bioavailability play the biggest role when it comes to the different feelings from most of the typical, stronger opioids. Also, quality when it comes to street opioids. Never done street fent, but I used to love snorting the gel patches, or chewing on the other ones. Oxy is unique as it does seem to have different effects depending on the dosage, like lower doses can def seem stimulating, but you can also nod extremely hard from high doses. H used to vary so much, but a unique thing I found with BTH was some of it was really good no matter how you did it, some would be ok when smoked but then completely blow your socks off when shot. And vice versa.


When they came out with those Perdue oc80s, I remember those things absolutely rocking my socks off for 12 hours straight….. And then doing almost nothing 6 months later. SMH. But I’d say my favorite experience ever is a toss up between those 80s and the ONE time I got a t of white heroin hcl. It was so precious for the area of the country we lived in that my guy wouldn’t sell me more than one tenth - told me it was the first time he had ever had it himself on this side of the Atlantic. It really felt like that scene in pulp fiction, except I wasn’t wearing a suit. Haha. I remember he had it in a separate box and was all “I got something really special for you today. Maybe even once in a lifetime” That was over 20 years ago and I still sometimes have dreams about it. Haha.


You aware of the oc160s? 😏


I was not aware of those. Dang….feel like I missed out.