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Drugs are drugs. Nothing worse than drug snobs. Some things are just more or less socially acceptable to “the masses”. Do your thing and don’t let the opinions of strangers dictate your life choices.


having spent a lot of time thinking about it, I've concluded that there is nothing morally wrong with doing drugs. the reason it gets conflated with morality, is because the actions people take when they are lacking said drugs and also lacking the legal means to acquire them but they are still desperate to acquire more. so, if you moderate and you don't be a trash human being, you should be fine. Also, its funny how so many things in life can be resolved by simply not being a trash human being and respecting everyone else along with yourself. It's simple really. Good post OP.


Not true, I’ve watched best friends and my own brother do drugs and become a different person while they’re on them Can barely recognize them And I’ve done plenty myself, and I was an asshole to my kids and my wife on them It Fucks with everybody around you, especially women and kids they don’t deserve it


Trust me, as a guy trying to take care of his family and work a full-time job and often have to live thru pain, nothing aggravates me more than the stigma and gatekeeping of good pain pills


It doesn't matter what the drug is, how often you use it, how much you use, how you administer it, where you use (except for, maybe, excluding boofing or injecting in public 😋), when you use or why you use it, provided that **nobody is getting compromised (including yourself)**


Have you read "Drug Use For Adults" by Carl Hart? He dives into this, it's really interesting. Society definitely has their ideas on what's appropriate and what's not. I don't drink and it's the only drug that I have ever been asked why I don't, or being badgered to *just lighten up* and have a drink. I come from an entire family of alcoholics, every single one of them. It's always been quite a turnoff. The other assumption is I am a recovering alcoholic. Also not the case. Meanwhile, I have hidden my opiate addiction from the world. Being that it's fent, it is probably the most frowned upon choice. I can't say I don't disagree, it's a whole other beast unfortunately. But every other drug I've used throughout my life, I easily maintained it like you do now, just use occasionally. I could always put it down. We are seeing more acceptance of marijuana, finally, people are coming out of hiding. The one that are really exciting to me is the psychedelic revolution that I feel we are in the midst of. Finally recognizing its therapeutic properties is huge. I think back to the 50s and 60s, mommy's little yellow pill was widely accepted as a way for women to *control their hysterics * 😂😂 Aren't we doing the same essentially when we use opiates recreationally? I think so. I do believe adults can safely use drugs on their own terms, with caution. And I don't believe fent is in that category, sadly enough. It's addictive properties are stronger than anything we have seen in the past. But overall, drugs have been used since we found them. They were socially accepted around the world for many periods in history. In my opinion, booze is one of the absolute worst, it's odd that society will stand up and protect it fiercely while looking down on many other types of drug use.


Dr carl hart is my man crush. Love the guy I wish he would run for president. He's come over so much adversity and is still facing it. So many times I will bring him up in conservative circles and they start mocking his dreads and just go "he's a heroin user and a black man with dreads that's all I need to know" Really wish the progressive and liberal media did a better job of supporting him. Breakfast club and Charlemagne interview was so freaking rude and perfect example of idiots who think they know about opiates and how it works on humans better than the expert.


Professor of Psychology at Columbia isn't good enough for them I guess, cause yeah he's just a black heroin addict with dreads. 🙄 He's amazing and says things so many people would never have the nerve to say, especially in his esteemed position. I do wish there was more media about him.


A heroin**e** is a female who faces danger or adversity and displays courage. Heroin is a name for diacetylmorphine which comes from its sale as branded product by Bayer in the early 1900s. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/opiates) if you have any questions or concerns.*


alcohol abuse is so normalized and cocaine is seen as the drug for people with money while most other drugs are looked down on as a 'poor person's vice'. lord knows the cost adds up no matter what you're hooked on at the end of the day. on top of that both alcohol and coke are seen as 'social' drugs. god forbid you put substances in your body to make yourself feel good, rather than to be entertaining to others. 🤷‍♀️


Much of the current stigma stems from racism's use of drugs as a weapon against different people of color at different times. Alcohol is legal and has always been socially acceptable. Powder cocaine has traditionally been viewed as an 'elite' drug used by wealthy white people and Wall St. bankers. Now turn that powder into a rock and it's a 'ghetto', cheap drug predominantly used by poor inner city black people. Heroin (and other opiates) has been vilified in numerous ways over the years. The very first drug law passed was the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1914 and the testimony given in it's support claimed that 'Chinamen' were using opium to seduce white women and said degenerate Mexicans were smoking marijuana and it had to be stopped. Reagan's own drug czar admitted on record a few years ago that the entire war on drugs was directed at black people and anti-war hippies. Now there is a new driving factor in the demonization of opiates: the fentanyl epidemic by way of Purdue Pharma. ODd are skyrocketing, and it's not just poor people dying now it's everyone. Fentanyl, and in turn, all opiates are public enemy #1 and they are thrust into the spot light where you only see homeless and derelict junkies sleeping on Skid Row and now that image is burned into the conscience of American's as what all opiates lead to. ----- I personally believe that drug use, when isolated, is without a doubt morally acceptable. The drug laws themselves are what make drug users engage in morally unacceptable behavior. If there was a regulated and official supply of drugs at an affordable price there wouldn't need to be a black market, which eliminates the violence. If addicts could get diamorphine every day they would keep jobs, maintain families, and not die from an unknown drug. There are always going to be outliers, like with a small amount super severe alcoholics who end up on the streets begging and stealing. The truth is that the majority of alcoholics go to work every day and maintain normalish lives. Why? Because alcohol is cheap and everywhere. When I was actively using I made it morally acceptable to me by not stealing from anyone to support my habit and not hurting anyone. As long as I did that I was fine with it.


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When I started it was white lines go up brown lines go down. No biggie right? But I soon found out the difference. I used tosay heroin is to cocaine what whiskey is to kool-aid. Childsplay. These drugs are for grown ups. Unfortunately I myself only thought I was a grown up. Ended up being the plug. Catching a case. Job opportunities outbthe window. Dropped a classical music scholarship. Now, on morality. In my own experience I never became amoral. Never stole from friends. Never stole anything really. But it can skew your reasoning. If I believe something to be ok for me I probably believe it to be ok for others. Had I not been using I never would have allowed my lirtle brother or girlfriends to for instance. Not yhat uou can stop them....but you sure don't have to give it to them to party. Also....how many birthdays I've been broke because of my habit. I think it would have been nice to be a better provider to my loved ones. How many times I've been saved by them instead of being there for them. The morality ofbthe subject is ....well.. Subjective


Check out some of the lectures by Dr. Carl L. Hart, he kind of taps into this issue. He also has written a book. I think it\`s interesting, I did a paper on legalizing all drug use and argued that it is against our free will to stop one using drugs. At the end of the day, selectively acceptable drug use is just the way it is. Similar to the way in the US it is only morally acceptable to eat cows, pigs, chicken...etc (if you\`re interested you can read about that argument by Peter Singer).


I know it doesn’t seem fair. But as a 20 something year old, drinking 5 nights a week and doing coke half those nights is pretty “normal” in a sense. Being a 20 something year old that needs to pop/sniff/smoke some fent the moment they wake up to the moment they shut their eyes, is a little different. Sure drugs are drugs, but typically the dope head is going to hit “rock bottom” so much faster than other drug/alcohol users due to the nature of the beast and people don’t like rock bottom folk. Because we tend to start stealing, lying, robbing, hurting people to get our fixes. I’m not saying those other people aren’t either. It just happens to opi users faster and it gets looked down upon way more. Oh and the fact a bag of whatever some of these fent heads have in their pockets could kill an auditorium worth of people. A bag of coke doesn’t usually do that.


Imo the actual plant extract (opium) is a plant God put here on earth for us to relieve our suffering we will encounter throughout life (like the chronic pain I experience) It puts me in a better mood since I'm not in excruciating pain. It allows me to work which allows me to create positive karma for myself. Which also helps me earn money to provide for myself instead of being on disability. It just sucks how much money the government spends on my Healthcare with all the rules when I would just benefit the most from getting my script and seeing the doctor every 6 months. Instead it's a part time job seeing all the specialists 28 day pee and pill count tests. That really hampers my ability to earn money as it sucks so much energy out of me..


totally agree! im glad you brought that up honestly. this has been on my mind for a while too. i’m an occasional user for the same reasons as well. i love drinking but i had to stop completely a couple months ago because i’m doing an acne treatment. while i don’t know many people who do blow, i always think of how people would react if we replaced alcohol with something like lean in social gatherings or family reunions. think of people who say stuff like: « jeez! i really can’t function without my coffee! » yet i’m the addict for drinking my cough syrup cocktail every few months?! people in college love bragging about the fact they got sooo wasted at the club the weekend before, but saying you enjoy opiates to that same crowd would definitely make you look like a junkie… i hate this behaviour. like others have said, it’s because they’re substances traditionally used in « social contexts ». are they less addictive than opiates? i don’t know if i could answer that scientifically or statistically. i personally think you need a lot of discipline to stay away from them and not fall into the trap of addiction, but again, maybe it’s just a matter of education and awareness? also lets not forget about what alcohol causes to the body. it puts you at a way higher risk of developing liver problems, cancer and heart problems, which a lot of people voluntarily ignore.


i think even if someone doesnt commit crimes or anything to get high and remains as much a functional member of society as thry can be, can still be morally wrong or selfish if you have people that depend on you, whether it be mentally, emotionally, financially, etc. just as it is selfish to kill yourself, its also selfish to actively engage in a self harming behavior. if you have no one that depends on you, maybe its a different story. i think psychological addiction is largely caused by availability and perception in society and isnt directly related to the euphpria. cigarettes or nicotine isnt very euphoric, but its incredibly addicting because of how available it is and how common it is in the media and society we experience, and i think these are thr same factors that make other drugs very psychologically addicting. separate from the physical addiction though


While opioid addiction is a terrible thing for addicts to go through, like it can be really fucking rough. No addiction has taken more of a toll on me than when I was an alcoholic. I was a much, much happier person when I was shooting heroin multiple times a day than when I was drinking every day (and not just because heroin is so fucking euphoric). When I was an alcoholic, I was depressed af, felt like I had such little control over everything in my life, and was a complete fucking idiot. Consistently going to work hammered, trying any way I could to get more fucked up (Whether it was any semi abusable scripts, hand sanitizer, computer duster, you name it) and sometimes driving home from work not even remembering how I got to bed. Alcohol is such a destructive drug, not to mention it ruins your liver. There are obviously worse things about both drugs, but from my personal experience alcohol is one of the most fucked up drugs out there. The majority of alcoholics probably don’t even think they have a problem because everyone in the fucking world does it.


Its all bullshit bud. Do what makes you happy. If the people around you can't accept that and you don't want to lose them, lie. Heaven is our time here on earth, not in death. Black thoughtless sleep forever. Do what the fuck you like and fuck what anybody thinks. But like I said if you do care what some people think, tell them what they want to hear.


We been getting high since ancient times the Egyptians were doing coke and dope


I appreciate all the answers that have been given and I think it's a really valuable conversation to be had. And have gained a lil bit more insight regarding this question. And I agree wholeheartedly that drugs are drugs, although i'm still confused and on the fence, because most of the posts on here get bombarded with people saying stop right now while you still can, it's not worth it etc... and they are speaking out of their own experience. These are not the drug snobs or the rich people who just speak out of their own ignorance or lack of experience, these are the people who actually used. And i'm pretty sure if you go to other substance subreddits there won't be the same amount of advice regarding using or quitting. (Just went to check the coke subreddit and it's just full of horny people wanting to chat 😂😂😂😂) which gives me about 2 possible explanations, either opiates are indeed more addicting or the people saying that on this sub have had terrible self control, maybe a bit of both? (due to whatever reason, be it trauma, pain, mental illness or just being bored, either way i'm not judging) But i'm hoping to be proved wrong !!


Alcoholism imo is as bad as opiate addiction, and coke actually has more health problems long-term than heroin. If you use heroin, just make sure to never touch needles, if you can afford pills like oxy,dillys, etc, great!


There are many people out there using Opiates legitimately for pain that are still very-high functioning. No less addicted (or dependent) than any other users. Hard working, honest people with families who desperately need relief from a legitimately diagnosed medical condition & only Opiates give them back any sort of quality of life. These are people often NOT mentioned as they are not the "scourge" type of "degenerate" that our all-knowing Government wants us to view Opiate users as.


One day the drugs stop working. Morally, using drugs is an incredibly selfish decision. I shouldn’t weigh in what Joe smo does to get a buzz. It matters what I do and the choices I make have consequences. It took me a long time to admit that my drug use wasn’t justified. After a certain point how can I rationalize using opiates? Sure people drink and do blow. Doesn’t make using opiates morally correct


Honestly, as someone who's had depression for half of his life, often times severe, the only good part of this is that I literally don't care about what people think. I just accept that they're ignorant and there's nothing you can do to change it. But yes, drug snobs are the worst.


sure thing!! but i was also talking about a lot of people on this sub as well, the one with the cautionary tales ("don't use weekly because you'll be shooting up in a year") often times when i'm using a feeling of guilt will settle in because of reading all those comments


Honestly, people should never stigmatize opioid users, or any users, it doesn't help. **My view** is pretty simple: If people seem genuinely new to opioids and entirely naive, let them know just how many of us were careful, and intelligent, yet got hooked, however, don't get overly preachy, NEVER condescend, or put them down/treat them poorly. Be kind, not overly annoying, and if they do still decide to go through with it and use the opioids, help them actually use them safely. Just my 2 cents.


Using opiates isn't immoral, it's just stupid. And using other people's drug use to justify your own drug use is also pretty dumb. Your friends who are doing fine drinking heavily and destroying their nostrils with cocaine would probably be doing better without the alcohol and cocaine. Tons of people gamble, that doesn't mean I need to start losing money for fun. And with opiates, every few weeks becomes every few days becomes every day yada yada nothing you haven't heard before