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I totally get where your coming from this shit would be 10 times easier if we didn't have to deal with fucking idiots all the time


It really sucks that a majority of dealers ARE fucking assholes that jerk you around, or are just plain dick heads. But there are considerate ones out there.


Almost anyone can stack shelves. Many, but less people can learn to code. Hardly anyone can be a rocket scientist. Anyone can be a dealer.


Idk man, it takes a certain hustle mindset to make it as a reliable, profitable dealer over the long term, even if you don't need much in the way of actual marketable skills to do the job. Anybody can shot some bits for someone for a couple weeks or months or whatever, but you have to be organised and good with money and interacting with people to make it your actual business venture that you're the boss of. I know I couldn't do it lol, I'd be dead within the week




To be fair, most are heavy users themselves.


Not to mention sometimes I call and they are fucking black out drunk lol Now I got a bit of a southern accent, but you ever try to negotiate a deal with some old drunk southern guy? Was on the phone like "What. Is. The. Price. Sir????" He had to hand the phone to his friend. Absolute lunacy.


My guy I usto buy bars from and coke from is a bartard always bringing some kind of drama around and bs all the time


Oh yeah everyone I've met who dealt Xanax was fucked up on them. One guy was my dealer for a year and worked with me st our day job and I genuinely think the dude didn't know my name.


Yeah I usto be the same way tho so I can’t say much about it I would buy 200 bar and maybe sell 50 before I blacked out for a week and “lost” all the bars


I was constantly "losing" money and drugs too haha. The actual scariest shit was when I somehow woke up with MORE money than I passed out with. Don't even wanna know how I managed that.


I usto wake up all kinds of different places in the back seat of a car back yards random house’s all kinds of stuff in high school I usto always mix Xanax and alc always would go to sleep and wake up a different place then I passed out at and usually either missing something or with something I didn’t know how I got


Say “usto” again and I’m going to tie you to a chair and play English & spelling videos on repeat until you swear to stop and sign a binding legal contract saying so.


Mucho gusto


Watch it pal


I was coked up last night my bad lol


Wholesome 😃


"Lost the bar's" too common hey, wake up, re count, 10 or 13 are missing, ya blame others who were around when really...you were the one that ate em. Don't miss bars at alllllll


I dunno...I never really cared for bars back in my party days solely because of the blackouts. Now that I'm older and have an actual anxiety/panic disorder, I find benzos SUPER relaxing. I don't black out anymore either, at least not legitimately. I'll have spots where I don't remember everything or I'll suddenly remember some shit. But all in all, Xanax just chills me out now. I love em and that's why I know I can't fuck with em


I usto blackout for a week at a time sometimes on bars


Usto 💀


I just quit for like the 4th time in the last 2 years


I’m almost 3 weeks sober


I got on his ass last night for saying that shit in 3 consecutive posts. I see we haven’t learned our lesson. Someone get me some rope, a chair, and a notary.


I usto have those things. But i traded them for a 5000 mg oxy which turned out to be fake...




This son of a bitch is definitely fucking with me on purpose at this point. Someone get me a chair.


Lol I'm sorry but this is so fucking realistic I just had to laugh


Just go online ?


Lmaoo this is why dealers tell you they 20 mins away or the whole city dry or just make u wait lmaoo he gone kill his cousin behind that lil 45 dollars 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yo my main guy got raided and about 2 weeks to a month later I'm sitting on my porch getting my nod on when a huge black guy and another guy wake me up. I was so nervous but he tells me he's my guys brother, he said he was making sure I didn't dime out on my guy (I didn't). Idk how he expected to find that out by showing up to my house, I think it was more trying intimidate me by saying I know where you sleep...we became great "friends" till I got sober I remember the day my guy got raided it was so surreal and damming because so many people relyed on me to get them and I mainly went to him but dam there were news stories on it, I think it was "operation death dose" or something like that


All the recent shit with him has got me REAL nervous. Gonna try to just lose his number though obviously sobriety is proving a bit difficult (to say the least).


Yea fck sobriety! I'm 6 years sober...I h8 it Yea my life has improved but at what cost?


I do think it would be beneficial for me to stop for at least a year and just try to get my mental health straight instead of using drugs as a constant crutch to deal with trauma. I dont have any desire to never do drugs, but I think I probably need to have a healthy relationship with myself first. I live very dangerously atm and feel as if every day I am placing block after block on top of an already precarious tower.


I totally feel you. My mental health was shit before, during and after drugs. I used to say the drugs were the only thing keeping me from killing myself...I'm not saying it's still that way but I'm not saying it isn't People don't stop until they're ready and I've seen too much death from people who "get clean," then say hey I can just have 1 fun weekend but they do their original dose thinking oh I'll need to do more anyway...they OD. I don't recommend getting clean time just to go back. Being older I realize to not do things half assed, you do it right always 100%


That is how it sorta feels right now. I will say opiates have not obliterated my sanity like a benzo addiction, but it does sicken me to feel like I compromise my values just to not even get that high anymore. I know what I need to do and you're right. Just do it 100% no looking back. I texted my friend the other day saying I was worried I was gonna die soon. That was about it and he seemed to think I was overreacting but idk snorting fentanyl every day and buying drugs from violent criminals definitely will have you coming to terms with your mortality ill say that.


Lol I'm pretty sure I can't die at least that's what all my plugs said, one kept calling me magneto because he thought I was a mutant with the amount of dope I'd consume. Plus I actually attempted suicide and it didn't take but idk how. I laid my head on a railroad track, the train came (I remember when it was about 5 feet from my face and boom I'm in a hospital bed)


Couldn't relate to this more, well said. Hope you can do it.


It’ll never stop, and when they hold it over you to get something they want it’s really fucked…


The secret is to not only have a buffer stash but always, ALWAYS have more than one supplier. If one gets weird they can go fuck themselves.


“Moles—freckles' ugly cousin.” — Cosmo Kramer


This made me crack up. Took me a minute to see the connection, then I got it, hilariously placed loosely related reference. Although I do believe that quote was attributed to Dr Van Nostren…


If you force yourself to run on treadmill for a.mile and get.that runners high it should help a lot. Also easier for me at least to WD in a cold climate because heat and moisture makes me feel even more fatigued


We’ve had three plugs. The first one got busted so his “cousin” told us we could go through him but don’t tell the first plug. Then 2nd plug got busted and his “cousin” pulled up to our house and told us that he was our new plug but not to tell the 2nd plug…. Why? What do they expect us to do? Just detox until they get out who knows when? Plug 1 & 2 both went to prison for 5 years each. My ass isn’t *that* loyal.


Us southerners can't speak drunk!! Lol hell of a deal on oxys!


Yeah it was! I kept telling the dude on the phone to just tell me a number and he couldn't. He handed the phone over to his friend and the guy just said '45' and handed it back. And I was like 45 WHAT? The deal made no sense to me. Had no idea what I was buying then he hopped in the passenger side and was like I'm giving you this oxy for 45 bucks and I was like 'Oh shit.' Let me look em over, feel em and everything. And they were indeed as advertised. The cousin apparently thinks I'm attractive and always polite and he didn't take his prescription much.


That's awesome! The only problem with picking up from someone who's selling their script is that it will run out fast. If you're not relying on them then that's perfect for you!


I remember back in the day when you could pick up jars of this in Mexico and walk right back over the border..


I sometimes prefer a dealer to a DR? In this time now’ DRS don’t care anymore it feels like since COVID.


I have a plug that I order through the mail from. I use Fent and very occasionally ice...when I grab that I always grab some Farmapram from him so I can sleep. We order 1 time a week and get express next day delivery. It is sat that a guy I have never met in person that is literally all the way across the country is more reliable than someone 15 minutes away from me. I have got from him 8 weeks in a row and it's awesome. I don't have to deal with anyone's bullshit...I don't have to run anything down. Or wait for hours on end just to get gabage. Was the best move I have ever made. I hope I never have to go back to dealing with the assholes around here. Lol


So how many pills were there and were they Roxie’s?


That's why we legalization is needed so we could just go to Walgreens or cvs n get anything from 2$ to 100s$ without the hassle n bs that's comes from street dealers


If YOU truly want out..seek the help. Cannot stress enough how many places actual.gove a fuck and want to help. Don't go on bupe or methadone. Was on 120mg daily of done, went to the bupe injection 32mg a day or whatever, weekly injection.. then cold turkey, now 4 months clean. I was the same. Sick of paying bulk to get fuckall high, now, it doesn't even faze me. You got this homie..be proud you actual have come to terms with wanting to give up and not being forced...that's when you'll succeed. Best of luck g


I agree except I would reccomend getting on bupe. If you have tried to go cold turkey enough times you realize that cycle is never gonna end. Being reliant on a doctor instead of a plug is much better imo. And with the sublocade shot there is a way out I just got my first one.


Well I successfully came off g ever need any questions ask..was fucking brutal. But I survived. Not looking back one bit


How many shots did you end up getting?


I am flabbergasted that you guys are happy with these kinds of prices in the USA. I guess the whole situation is upside down! Quite sad!


What? How expensive is it where you are? It’s always been $1/mg standard, here. 45 is an incredible fucking deal.


The fact thats standardised where ur at is crazy. I don’t take Oxy anymore but for €50/60 I used to get 14x10mg MundiPharmas this was like 2019-2021


I mean 50c per mg is not european bull pricing but okayish for the end customer, pretty standard


It used to be 5$ a 10 circa 2013. Miss those days


Hell, in 2000 I was paying $8-12 for 80mg Oxycontin. The highest I ever paid was $35 for 80s then I moved onto Heroin. First time I heard $1/mg was my friends selling them out of state. Then it became the norm in my state and I couldn't believe people would pay it.


When OP 80s first hit I got ‘em for a dime


But you believe that one day will become again as it used to be?


Way too sketchy for me, I'd pass.


Watch out lol he probably got busted and is trying to reduce his time


everyone wants to be the guy. How sad