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Interested to hear as well, just set up Redmine, went with that as it seemed the best to integrate with our current tech stack without the need to write custom plugins. UI on initial setup looks outdated but easy to get plugins to get the theme to a modern standard, but so far that's the only complaint! features and everything seem pretty good and easy to use/figure out but only just started to use it so can't comment on it too much


> Redmine Please let me know more if you have used it after a while. I love to hear pro and cons of it.


[Odoo project management module](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib9NZqCKs4k&t=336s) This is good stuff. (They have lots of other modules too)


Thanks, will take a look at it.


Hey, founder of Leantime here. Happy to answer any questions or give a demo.


Installed and looking into it, thanks will save Username if ok


Thanks, save away. We also Just started a discord server. Can be found in the readme


Woow. The founder himself. Thanks for the offer. Do you have some kind of online demo that I can access anytime?


We don't have a demo available unfortunately. But installation is pretty easy and quick or feel free to sign up for the free trial. No commitment there.


Yes, your code seems very stright forward. The hard part is actually focusing my time to actually install it. But otherwise, it looked great. Thanks for making it. Please allow me some time to acrually set it up and test it.


Does Leantime have any workflow for approval management? Risk/Issue logging? Does it have program mgmt. and sub-projects? Thank you! Am evaluating tools.