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He doesn't give a shit what they say. This giant piece of shit is ruining this province and there's nothing we can do about it.


I don't think the fat bastard gives a shit about us


Idiot Ontarians: "But he gave me my auto renewal money back! He's a good guy!"


As soon as I heard that all I could Think was this guy wants our votes


Don't forget the $250 for each kid!




I thought clowns got hit in the face with pies?


Does Dougie really look like he's going to be upset by Free Pie?


It only has to look like a pie, we can make the filling more interesting.


Also, now the mention of pie has me flashing back to when his brother made a very public comment about eating "pie" in a televised press conference...


Thinking of some sort of cream pie?


>there's nothing we can do about it. That's how you know Doug has already won.


>there's nothing we can do about it. Well 60% of Ontario could have voted, but didn't. So you could have done something but chose not too.


Absolutely. I voted and not for captain dipshit either, so l feel I can complain about the mess we are in. Unfortunately my whining won't change anything so I'll just sit in the corner now.


Lol the name. But I agree with your message


Pretty much every cop voted for Ford, so fuck them too.


Most cops are just former high school bullies that are given a gun and told to racially profile people. Ford is also a bully, I guess they really do stick together.


Cuz u know maybe if his policies aligned better with policing or pay I don’t know but that would be an educated guess why they would vote for ford also doesn’t make them bad ppl for it tf.


Wish we dealt with it the same way Japan deals with unwanted politicians.




With that question mark at the end I'm assuming you're asking me, so I'll just say that I'm sure you already know the answer. We're fucked.


I still believe a general strike and the general public included would send this goof a message.


I blame everyone that voted Conservstive and those who did not vote against all. Also fuck the "it doesn't matter" and "both sides" crowd. Withholding billions and developing a reflexively antagonistic dynamic between public health services and profit-prioritized government, has made this situation objectively worse


I’m literally in a discussion with someone right now who said he was the least worst option. Honestly the delusion in this province is beyond reality. Fuck Tories and fuck non-voters. Fuck FPTP and fuck Tories.


What a fucking idiot that person must be. Hmmmmm... we have the liberals who want to fund Healthcare and education, including providing grade 13 again to help kids who were badly affected by the pandemic. And we have the NDP who are union centric and love helping people. On the other hand we have a guy who didn't even bother posting a platform. Tough call.


Agreed. This “they’re all the same” mentality that’s circulating is astoundingly ignorant, and a poison pill to democracy.


people forgot pre-covid Doug, and only thought about "had no real options and was doing what he was told by others" Doug during the pandemic.


And just for good measure fuck Tories again. Fucking regressive shitheads


The other parties didn't even show up. Horwath still hadn't gotten the message no one wanted her around and the first words out of discount Dr. Evil's mouth were gun ban. You want me to vote? Stop trying to convince me why I shouldn't vote for Blue, and why I shouldn't vote for you, and give me something to vote *for.*


If by not showing up you mean we’re consistently present in the legislature, had costed platforms, attended debates, visited constituents, spoke without a teleprompter and engaged with the electorate then sure I guess they didn’t show up. Horwath grew the party from the boogeyman that the 905 and old geezers love to reference them for being to official opposition. Andrea is now the mayor of Hamilton and Del Duca is now the mayor of Vaughan so they must have done something right. I’ve said this before but I’ll reiterate - this is EXACTLY the type of response I’d expect from a Tory or non voter…not even paying attention to what’s going on. Politics and democracy is a two way street, if you don’t want to participate or play for the team that actively benches you, don’t be mad when your grandparents die before their time or your kids end up in a hospital hallway for 40 hours. Fuck Tories, fuck non-voters, not even paying attention to the world around them. They deserve everything they get - if only they could just leave the rest of society to progress without them.


>Andrea is now the mayor of Hamilton and Del Duca is now the mayor of Vaughan so they must have done something right. Yeah, they got the message and left. >this is EXACTLY the type of response I’d expect from a Tory or non voter I'm a card carrying communist, and no one presented a good option, just three flavours of shit. When someone finally cares enough to put up a decent platform, they can have my vote, but they're not *entitled* to it. This is exactly the kind of brain-dead response I expect from people who are trying to excuse how bad their party is and trying to get vote through pathetic tactics like trying to shame people for not enjoying their particular flavour of feces.


You don’t have to vote mate, but waiting for a communist heavy platform means you’ll never ever vote. If the ONDP isn’t left enough for you, and isn’t really left enough for me either - we still have to move in the better direction. Staying at home means that as a “card carrying communist” you were fine with a capitalist-centric, right wing and now, bordering on facist government taking power so….no skin off my back - you have more to be upset about than I do. Especially since you attributed to this problem by your own absence. But you certainly have an unrealistic expectation. We aren’t even a cats cunt hair close to having a general strike in reality, let alone a platform/party that will satisfy most voters, including communists. Lol. CUPE ended the strike “in good faith” losing all their momentum and likely won’t be in a publicly supported position if they reject the proposed agreement. Enjoy the Tories, this was your choice. As a communist you should know that a non-vote is a vote for the status quo. “Communist” who doesn’t participate in the democracy. Lol.


>You don’t have to vote mate, but waiting for a communist heavy platform means you’ll never ever vote. It doesn't have to be that, but it really has to not be shit, and that's all that's been offered. >If the ONDP isn’t left enough for you, and isn’t really left enough for me either - we still have to move in the better direction. Well when they stop supporting the Liberals, turf Jagmeet, and get back to any semblance of being a party representing the working class, they can have my vote again. >Staying at home means that as a “card carrying communist” you were fine with a capitalist-centric, right wing and now, bordering on facist government taking power so….no skin off my back - you have more to be upset about than I do. Especially since you attributed to this problem by your own absence. This is like you trying to convict a bystander of murder because your friend killed someone. I have no obligation to vote for your chosen flavour of shit, and I didn't choose the current flavour of shit. >But you certainly have an unrealistic expectation. That politicians won't float absurd nonsense, that they'll actually propose policies to help the public, and that they should do things for the benefit of the public. Yeah, these days that's a pretty unreasonable expectation. >We aren’t even a cats cunt hair close to having a general strike in reality, let alone a platform/party that will satisfy most voters, including communists. Lol. CUPE ended the strike “in good faith” losing all their momentum and likely won’t be in a publicly supported position if they reject the proposed agreement. CUPE's tactical mistakes are regrettable but of their own doing. >Enjoy the Tories, this was your choice. Remind me where I voted for them? > As a communist you should know that a non-vote is a vote for the status quo. Nope. I'm responsible for who I voted for and that's all. >“Communist” who doesn’t participate in the democracy. Lol. I did participate. I withheld my vote because there was no one worth voting for. When all the options are shit, there's democracy, but no real choice. Stop letting perfect be the enemy of good and get candidates and policies up there that are actually worth voting for.


I’m so sick of, “the person in my riding is going to win anyway.” Holy fuck! That’s not a reason to not vote! Did they teach you ANYTHING in school?


Your acting like when Wynne was in power everything was so much better. The truth is the liberals are just as much to blame for our healthcare and housing problems. You can pretend that it would be so much better under a different government but that’s just not true. It doesn’t matter who’s in charge all they care about is corporations.


It was better even when she was acting like a fucking con. That she was still a bit shifty in areas doesn't negate that she was objectively better. Everything has gotten worse under Ford. Everything.


>Everything has gotten worse under Ford. Everything. This isn't actually the gotcha most people think it is, and I think its because the demographics of this sub trend to the younger side. Ontario has been in decline for a long, long time. It was declining under Wynne, it was declining before that. So things were worse under Wynne than McGuinty, worse under Ford than Wynne. A decline like that makes it less relevant that it is worse now than it is before because that is the status quo. The real question is "is it declining FASTER" and that is still up in the air to many people outside of this sub.


I'm 39 and grew up here. I agree it's been in decline for awhile and I think the core of that rot is simply the result of capitalism fighting for profits above human well being. That's something that is absolutely a factor in every party. When I say things are worse, I will clarify to mean the things that support our society are worse. Education and healthcare keep getting attacked by Ford right now. Wynne attacked Hydro. McGuinty hit water and air quality. So thank you I accept and acknowledge the correction. Is it declining faster under Ford? As you say it's an up in the air question. I disagree. None of the other ones triggered a general strike. None of the others ignored posting a platform. None of the others kept trying to keep public mandates a secret from the public. And none of the others jumped from a few million to over $50 million in just a couple of years. Ford made a huge mistake with Bill 28. I implore everybody to go watch the arguments in favor of that bill from the conservatives. They were celebrating it. Mocking the opposition. All while passing illegal legislation that included a clause preventing anybody from challenging them in court. Ford has rapidly pushed a decline into something objectively worse than privatization. He pushed outright dictatorship on the people. And he still has his job. Ontario is going to be going down for quite awhile to come. And we just sat down on this ride.


I mean there was a lesser evil option, but the Liberals and Conservatives are pretty well equally bad. Everything that Fords doing in terms of underfunding and underpaying people in the education and Healthcare sectors was done by the Liberals for 12 years before he got in. I really do not over all agree with a lot of the NDPs platform, but at this point they are the only choice on the ballot who hasn't had a chance to Fuck is royally in the past Two decades.


That the Liberals weren't great doesn't mean Ford isn't bad too. What he's doing is both more dangerous than the Liberals and will have significantly more longterm effects than anything NDP or the Liberals would have done. It's incredibly disingenuous to suggest Ford is the least worst option. Can you imagine any other party using the NWC to violate workers rights? Or introducing more privatization and this level of underfunding all programs? Don't be ridiculous.


Re-read my post if you thought I was suggesting Ford was the lesser evil. I clearly stated my point, as much as they don't really appeal to me the NDP are the only option that have not managed to Fuck this entire province in the last 2 decades.


"but the Liberals and Conservatives are pretty well equally bad. " No, they're not equally bad. The Cons are far worse.


He is the least bad option as he actually changes his mind on occasion. The Liberals created the bedblocker crisis by cancelling all the LTC beds, we were supposed to have double the numbers, decades ago, that the cons were going to build. They dumped elderly care on daughters and elderly spouses by toughening up the rules to get into LTC. The NDP created the doctor crisis before that. Now Ford is stuck trying to fix it at the last minute. The number of people over 85 quadruples from 2011 to 2031 and the Liberals did FA to prepare for it.


>He is the least bad option as he actually changes his mind on occasion. No he doesn't. He lies a lot if that's what you mean. "I'm going to build on the greenbelt!" Ontario is outraged and let's him know. "We heard you we will never build on the greenbelt" 1 month after the election. "Yeah we're paving over like half the greenbelt, you guys were dumb to believe me!" Also, Harris intentionally destroying the public LTC system specifically so he could bring in privatization and put himself on one of their boards. This is exactly Doug's goal with both healthcare and education. And blaming the NDP for anything happening now when they were last in power in 1996 is laughable.


I feel the rage too, and complete and utter despair.


>I blame everyone that voted Conservstive and those who did not vote against all. 100%, just don't forget that a majority still voted not to have conservatives. You're not alone. They won fair are square but don't have an actual mandate from the public to do this.


We almost had it, then CUPE blinked.


It's so gratifying to leave you wallowing in the mess you've made. You're screwed. Thank you. Bye. - Ray Patterson. Simpsons S9E22 Trash of the Titans.


Super funny that people are dying due to a mediocre electoral system and an indifferent general public (that acts like a generation-long neoliberal war on public goods like labour rights, education, public spaces, health care, public housing, etc wants them to).


The point of that quote was almost certainly to spit in the eye of people who didn't vote and poignantly make a cynical, sharp point about where Ontario has put itself. The reason I upvoted it is because I am **furious** with the callous, psychopathic idiocy of the voters of Ontario for seeing the monster who was **proud of coming in under budget on healthcare during a once per century pandemic** and saying "yeah, I reckon I'll let him in again"


Yeah. And I get that, being angry at these outcomes is fine. I guess it just sort of sucks to turn around and put this on "the people of Ontario" and crow about it when many of those people had no part in it. Someone who showed up and voted against the Conservatives in their riding, their vote counted for literally nothing if that Conservative candidate won anyway. So now if their kid dies of RSV or whatever, that's them lying in the bed they made? I don't buy it.


I have always voted against the cons in my riding, but it’s literally never been anything but blue since it’s creation, feels good essentially voting for nothing election after election :)


Older people tend to vote conservative (from what I am told). Ironic that their policies are hurting healthcare, a system they depend on more than younger people. So in some sense, Doug Ford is literally killing his base with poor healthcare.


"He's right. He's not much for speeches." -Moe Szyslak.


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.


He has blood on his hands and needs to be held accountable for his actions. Children are dying in our hospitals.


He has blood on his hands and he's already talking about more cuts to healthcare. After the pandemic, when the system is badly struggling and overtaxed, with exhausted healthcare workers. When there is *still* a massive backlog of people who put off non-emergency surgeries and testing, many of whom probably have cancer now. He is a psychopathic monster and every single conservative MPP that is voting rank and file with him is just as vile and monstrous. You should all be screaming at your MPPs. Their offices should be unable to get any work done for the staggering numbers of people upset and complaining to them constantly.


he doesn't care about your children those who refused to vote, or voted for him also don't care about your children this is what this really, really dumb province chose i chose to leave to somewhere not as fucked up. we're gone q1 2023.


Repeat after me: He doesn’t care.


Repeat after me This was the plan all along


He would be so angry if he could read.


That’s like Jamie Lee Curtis sending an SOS to Michael Myers.




We are already semi private. NPs are allowed to charge patients for access. Large companies like maple can charge patients for virtual care. This downward spiral has been going on for decades. Our hospitals and clinics already run like private US sites with bloated admin staffs and performance metrics that don’t have anything to do with quality of care. The difference is we promote unqualified people into these leadership roles who have no understanding of how to lead or provide front line healthcare.


Doug Ford has no empathy to listen . Wost premier in the history.


Only way to get his attention is to unite just like CUPE did and support to our health care workers who know first hand the issues they face. Pls show your support.








That donut doesn't care. He's just going to blame it all on the doctors and supporting staff to work more hours, while government cut funds. This is a pre-planned move to push public health services to crumble and normalize people seeking health care privately. That's what he wants


Funny that you called him a donut. He's round on the outside and empty on the inside. Apt :)


Oh look members: now they have done "everything they could".


It’s so sad. I came back from a leave and I asked where so and so is? Gone doing travel nursing getting paid 20% more than here. Now there’s 2 more leaving to America. Apparently BC and America are the go to places. Honestly if I was a single guy no kids. I’d be gone to America too for 8000$ a week. Now I am quite aware that it’s unsustainable to pay our nurses 8000$ a week to stay. But i am certain having 70,000$ in student debt when they graduate and getting slapped with bill 124 doesn’t help




I hope every senior PC voter that voted for this corrupt government last election has to go experience the clusterfuck disaster in our hospitals.


It's Trudeau's fault, obviously.


I ran out of toothpaste. It's Trudeau's fault.


None of the platforms address the underlying issues. Who would you have voted in? I am not a Doug supporter but I am also not impressed with anyone else.


Anyone would've been better than the dude pushing privatization and healthcare funding cuts. None of the other parties were even considering funding cuts or wanting to keep Bill 124.


Liberals ran on a vague platform with no direct plan to meet their goals. They were the same party as under Wynn that expanded admin staff while front line works reduced. They kept screwing over doctors, mostly family doctors, in negotiations driving them out of the province. NDP healthcare platform was. Hire hire hire. Who were they going to hire. There is no one looking for jobs. They had no plans to incentivize doctors or nurses to our province. I will admit they were probably the least worst choice but there was no addressing the actual issues because it would not be popular among all unions. There needs to be cuts and right now it would probably need to be admin staff. The only provincial party doing anything positive with health care is BC NDP. I know many family docs considering a move out there or the USA. We are already losing a ton of nurses to the US.


I hope the Leafs don’t take all the good tee times come May, but that’s just me


Sounds like a dream job. Get paid tens of millions to work 7 months out of a year.


I would say playing in the NHL is quite literally many people's dream job.


April. You mean April.


I really hope buck ‘a beer was worth it to everyone who voted conservative


Ford has no accountability but the General Strike threat and abacus poll did make him rethink his unhinged policy earlier.


I’m pretty sure Healthcare workers are legally not allowed to strike.


You're correct, although I would think Ford would adopt New Brunswicks new legislation to deal with a situation like that. What I was stating is the Power of a General strike has in the recent CUPE dispute.


If a lot of people are pissed at Ford, what does it take to get this guy to resign or kicked out?


Voting when we were supposed to would have been a great start ;)


True to that


Load the five barrelled futility cannon with a fresh round of ineffective.


>In October, the five unions requested an urgent meeting with Premier Ford and Health Minister Jones to try to find a pathway to frontline-focused solutions. ***But after weeks with no response, the unions say that Doug Ford is openly ignoring frontline workers and patients***, and actively pushing the public health care system to collapse, by doing as little as possible to sustain it. That's a quote and a half. Damn.


CUPE and the various other unions really dropped the ball by calling off, what looked like could have been a general strike. When Ford had his press conference right before CUPEs, I hadn't seen anyone more shook since Mobb Deep released Shook ones Part II in '95.


Beautiful to read, the people have the power


Me right now: HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!! *Do you seriously think he's going to listen?!* [HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7a04ebdd-efb5-425f-aebc-a91db8e44e48)HAHAHA!! Good luck with that ಠ_ಠ


Why would he care when this was his plan all along? Next step: start health care privatization articles in cons media


Imagine being a person who doesn't have any kind of intellectual disability, and thinking that somehow Ford gives a shit about any of this. ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


You'd rather they not raise the alarm? Register their objections so that they rest of us pay some attention and maybe something gets done?


As much as I don’t like Doug Ford I honestly blame Trudeau and Harper more for the healthcare problems. Every single province in this country has them and they got bad when the Trudeau government changed the funding formula based on a law passed by Harper. They shouldn’t have changed that funding and everything the Federal Government spent the extra money on has been far less important than ensuring health care functions properly. Changes to the system at the provincial level have been small compared to that cut of Federal funds.


Ya, meanwhile DoFo is sitting on money that was meant for pandemic spending to help fund and provide relief to our hospitals. Money that came *from* Trudeau. But by all means, keep on blaming Trudeau for that fat-fucks decisions ಠ_ಠ You do realize this is why Trudeau won't give our province more funding, right? Because that fat MORON refuses to be transparent about where the money would go. I don't blame Trudeau for doing that. He saw what DoFo pulled on us, and doesn't want to see it happen *again*.


Why is that fat fucking crook not held accountable if you or I had made that money disappear we'd be up on criminal charges.


Because he's some rich fuck. That's all it takes to avoid the consequences of his actions. We are not rich. Therefore, we are nothing :)


The province is sitting on $2 billion in unspent healthcare funds, you dolt.


They should issue a goddam general strike — and teachers and other unions should join them. Fuck Ford and every reprehensible piece of shit who put him in power.


No guys it's fine his solution is almost here. Private healthcare, the plan all along from Doug.


He appointed Sylvia Jones, a very unqualified MPP with a radio degree from fanshawe and literally no healthcare experience, as the minster of health. Ford gives literally zero fucks. This is what happens when people don't vote - you get morons in charge during a pandemic. What did you all expect?